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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. ((you can feel free to direct their actions, and they are pretty much wearing little scraps of armour, so yes they are nowhere near as armoured as the Death Knight, who is wearing Full Plate. By the way, the Death Knight does radiate an aura of Fear, that is why I described his eyes as being very unnerving. It is a magical effect, so it will effect your combat ability slightly. Hopefully I can re-purpose this space asap, but it may not happen.))
  2. Yea, it is a pain in the neck, every religion having to argue with each other. (Also I am not much of one for the mumbo jumbo of it all. Though not going to say people are wrong for believing it lol.) Some of the stories are very intriguing though. Then again I am a big Mythology buff, so it makes sense I would find that stuff as so. (since it pretty is mythology, though saying that to someone who is religious is kinda of insulting.))
  3. Didn't even think of the Four Horsemen lol. But Yea I guess that would work since Death is in every version of it. (Pestilence is replaced by Famine sometimes etc....I forget what version of the Horsemen belongs to which culture/religion though.). Oh and that totally isn't what the Gentleman is based on for those of you in Graterras that see this, so don't freak out.
  4. So, Ace member now.......now time to horde Rupees just cause I can because I have absolutly nothing I need to spend them on lol.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkhi


      I'd say otherwise, but I can't deny that.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, well if you say so Tempest, been to much worse places if you ask me though lol.

    4. Notus


      congratz Hukuna!

  5. Oh yea that part I get. (and now that you mention it, I wonder if their would be a Rider type character who would have a lance that would do that lol. Sorry just getting curious now.)
  6. Yea yea. (Though don't use the Gentleman's powers as an exact 1 for 1 to Nadia's if I go with this. SInce there is no way I am including the Destroys the very souls of the people it slays thing like The Gentleman's Umbral Spear did to poor Magni. THat part would be much to o.p. lol.)
  7. Not sure if you have been keeping up with Graterras at all, but what I am thinking of is using what the Gentleman uses for his magic. He manipulates Darkness and Dark-Matter into either magic, or into objects made from Dark-matter. (it isn't actual Dark Matter by the way, it is just using Darkness as an object.) I don't know if you would be fine with that though, so up to you man.
  8. Yea, Magic is in Fate is so foreign to me lol, like It just doesn't click with me for whatever reason.
  9. Well with raw Earth yea. (Gems are technically Earth, though I am taking that from Graterras's rules lol.), Was trying to think of a way to Darkness related Powers (due to the last name of the character.) But Earth manipulation could work lol.
  10. B and C- Frontliners "Eh, never said I wouldn't watch your battle, but somebody got to keep a realistic outlook around here, otherwise you guys would never know exactly how impossible the stuff you are trying to do is." Chauff said, sarcasm abound in his tone. "Aye, but some encouragement is appreciated as well you know Chauff. Either way, we are rooting for ya, no matter how much of a downer Chauff seems to be." Bjorn said, a hearty chuckle accompanying it.
  11. I think I get my servant well enough, it is just I trying to find a good way to use her magic. (a.k.a, the use anything thing was more of a ploy to buy me time to plan out how I actually wanted to do it, but I realize now I can't wait and have to have a plan for it. I will think of something that isn't the domain of any of the main families. But it is a bit weird for me lol.)
  12. B and C- Frontliners "I am a bit too old, my sword arm not what it used to be." Bjorn said a tinge of disappointment on his face. "If I were younger I would fight alongside you all in a heartbeat. I'll just get in the way now though." Chauff snickered "Yea when get old your bones are all creaky and and you don't move fast. Besides, we wouldn't really increase your chances much anyway, I mean you are only fighting impossible odds." Chauff said his "realist" attitude roaring it's ugly head once more. Scout Team. The Skeletons moved pretty quickly for piles of bone. The four attacking Nero all stood silently waiting to make a move. Steele kept madly slashing, and dodging attacks. He moved rather gracefully, as bone chips flew through the air. Swords weren't typically good at cutting bone, however Steele's sword seemed to do just fine. The Death Knight watched silently, his eyes 2 pinpoints of reddish-Orange light in his Blackened Charred Skull. Those eyes trained themselves on the two men locked in combat, and it felt like they burrowed into your very soul.
  13. Yea thanks lol, sorry you had to change it for seemingly only my sake lol.
  14. Well I typically don't have problems, but I have 1-Farsighted Eye, and One Near Sighted one. It is more just that it really strains my eyes, more than that I can't read it. (I actually could read that first post, just the Strain it put on my eyes gave me a nasty headache lol.)
  15. Bjorn and Chauff- Frontliners "I am Bjorn, a retired Sailor from Aurora." He said a smile beaming on his face. His look drastically changed to one of slight sarcasm as he looked over towards the other man. "And this is Chauff." he said. "And don't you forget it." Chauff piped up. Bjorn shoke his hand. "A Bio-tech arm, eh? That new fangled stuff out of the Shifting Sands? You must be a real Warrior if you need one of those." Chauff quickly added "That or a stupid one." "Eck, Shut ye mouth Chauff no need to be rude to the man." "Not rude, just pointing out the possibility." "Whatever you say Chauff." ((The muscles in around Akuma's mouth would probably still move, so it could be like when we say a dog is smiling. As in it looks enough like it to pass off as one.))
  16. It helps, can read it a bit better now lol. Don't know what the hell was with that first purple, guess it was just the shade against the Grey Background or whatever.
  17. Most of us have seen and reacted already, but still thanks for the heads up man lol. (lot of people in this RP, so you are going to have your work cut out for you.)
  18. Scout Team A small group surrounded each of the men, 4 around Nero, and 7 surrounded Steele. Steele instantly struck back cleaving one of the skeletons in two, he dodged out of the way of a second, as it's own Mace landed against another's face, shattering it. Bjorn-Frontliners "I can take you there after I know my town is safe. He is a Wizard I have known for many years, he lives in Nevermore. He works closely with the Scholar Knights of Seeker's order, and is a Diviner himself. I met him on my travels in my younger days. He always let me shack up in his tower as many were not kind to us northerners in Nevermore. Relations have gotten better so don't worry about that too much." Bjorn said, his typical Jolliness returning. Chauff sidled up next to him, looking a bit more relaxed as well.
  19. "I think it is best I have a job unlike my old one, for my own sake." Viktor said, placing a cigar in his mouth. "If this Olympus will have me, so be it. I had the impression from Hades that was what I was being recruited for anyway."
  20. Trying to Polish off my Handlock Deck in Hearthstone, problem is the last cards I need or Legendaries........Need Alexstraza and Leeroy. Might actually try to hit Legend Rank with it, really enjoying the playstyle.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Currently have a Arcane Golem sitting in Leeroy's place, and a Boulderfist Ogre in Alex's (couldn't really think of anything else to put there really lol, but do need the Health reset from Alex really bad, so he will be replaced at some point.)

    2. Jelly


      at least it isnt zoo >>

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I refuse to use Zoo, so boring lol. (also like everyone and their brother uses it.)

  21. By the way, I am getting to posting, just thinking of stuff to do. (trying to not have like a 3 line post lol.)
  22. Byron moved quickly next to the girl having seen her fall. "I suggest you get out of here Rat, I don't think the others will be very happy with you hanging around." "Indeed, welp, adieu me fellows." said the Rat as he slipped away.
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