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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Quiet type, huh?" Viktor said "Lucky you, I ain't one for talking. However need to ask you one thing. Why are you here? A young one like you shouldn't be fighting." Viktor said, keeping an eye on where he was pointing that gun. That also made Viktor wonder what weaponry these people had access to. It would do to upgrade his arsenal a bit, seeing as it was comprised of antiques currently. He would ask One of the higher ups about it once they got back.
  2. I assume he has done something somewhere along the way, but totally up to Flux as it is his character. (Basically old Sensai Hukuna is running his mouth cause he can't help it.)
  3. I want Quincy to start laying into you guys so badly lol. The Rat wants to hunt...But him and Byron, totally going to have a fight, even though, they can't really defeat each other. ( Quincy would have a slight edge, but it would be a stalemate for the most part.)
  4. ah, okay lol, sorry still new to this stuff. Will think about joining up for sure though lol.
  5. What does that clause mean if you don't mind me asking? (Wifi clause by the way lol.)
  6. Hmm, wonder if I should actually try to start Reborn huh? I still actually haven't started even playing it.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Notus


      "sing hakuna my tatas[...]"-Terra

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol don't think that is a reference to me .

    4. Notus


      Kkk I know, just joking around XD

  7. Orpheaus-Frontliners "Paladins are essentially templars, yes. Though I am not a paladin of Bartimis's order. I am of the Order of the Platinum Dragon, otherwise known as Bahamut." he said. "It is an order entirely comprised of Victonari, as they are the only ones who are accepted by Bahamut as champions of his faith. I have been traveling almost a century now after completing my training there, I am sure Brass told you I have been here for 8 years. Why, I can't really say, I just have felt like I am compelled to stay here, protecting these people. However, I have to leave one day, I must find Sunglimmer's Sister sword, Dawnshimmer. "
  8. Bjorn and Chauff - Frontliners "Well, lad I used to be a sailor, had some fighting experience due to the amount of pirates." Bjorn said, as he started his tale. "I sailed everywhere around these 9 islands, carrying all manner of spices and goods from place to place. However, when you get old, you have that urge to settle down, and rest those tired bones of yours. I traveled for awhile looking for such a place." He smiled, his pearly whites showing. "And that was when I met Orpheaus and the people of Passtrough. It was a pretty bleak day, 6 years ago. It was raining horribly, so I was looking for shelter. I came across this town, It however, was under attack, by a single man. A horrible Figure, 7 or 8 feet tall, with strange armour. the right half, an Angel, the left a Demon. Our shiny Golden Victonari was fighting him alone out in the field. Terrified, the town stood still as they watched the battle between the 2, even me. They matched each others blows, 1 for 1, neither having an upperhand at anytime. But it quickly started to change. Orpheaus started to tire, after almost an hour of straight fighting, the Mysterious Figure, somehow, with inhuman energy was still fighting like a madman. It was looking so bleak, that was when I jumped into action. Pulling my dual swords, I rushed to his aid, getting there just in time to catch the felling blow. The town following my example, all rushed towards him as well. The Man knew he was outnumbered, and retreated." Bjorn took a deep breathe, he had been talking pretty fast, tiring himself out a bit. "Ever since then, I stayed around here. Now I am too old to fight, but I would stand next to Orpheaus on that battlefield again if I could. I know he probably seems odd to you, I know he certainly was for me at first. But I came to find he was a warrior just like me. His spirit is strong, much like yours Sigurd. I can tell just by standing near ya, you will be a powerful warrior." Bjorn placed a big hand on Sigurd's shoulder. "If he doesn't die first." Chauff added.
  9. also, Murdoc it is fine, 80 years isn't too ridiculous. (if you said anymore than 100, it would start to get hard to believe he would be at this power lever, since he would be very behind. Keep in mind, you guys are still growing, and elves in their formative years take longer to grow than say humans, so 80 years is a good time frame. )
  10. Na, he isn't fighting, so he is fine.....FOR NOW!!!!!! (Well I am actually planning on sending Chauff and Bjorn with you guys, wanted to add some non-combatants to the traveling group for some variety and stuff lol.) Basically, Chauff and Bjorn are some old dudes, while they are able to help put up the walls, they won't be fighting in full-out combat.
  11. yep, that is one of the many Hukuna naming methods. People think I am crazy since a lot of my methods seem very random. (and it also is why it is hard to teach sometimes, my methods can't be replicated by everyone, I have a lot of practice of just pulling stuff out of my ass. It is a very hard skill to master that is for sure.)
  12. Heyo and welcome to Reborn. I am Hukuna, the RP Sensai, feel free to drop by if you are interested in RPing at all.
  13. Here's hoping patch 4.10 doesn't royally screw Shyvana so hard that she falls out of meta. (I am really scared of it happening with the Randuin's changes.)

  14. Just a heads up, Zephyr you can start the training posts if you want. (feel free to just rp the other people being trained, Jupiter will probably be training other people, but I may make a few posts with her as well.) Also Chim, You are hanging on something right now. (encounter with the kid lol.) I know you might still be having internet troubles, so get to it when you can man. (Bjorn and Chauff aren't getting any younger, pretty sure Chauff would say that to you, then Bjorn would yell at him to stop rushing Sigurd.). Also how weird of a name is Chauff to you guys? I literally couldn't think of a name for the dude so I kept typing in random letters until I got something I liked, thinks it fits him well, sounds like an old geezer to me.
  15. Dat banner change doe..........

  16. Okay, everyone need to talk to y'all about something. As I am sure you know I divided everyone into the 3 groups. Wallteam and the Frontline guys has been going fine. However, the players in Recon Team are either to busy or aren't very much interested in the RP anymore. (I won't name names by the way.), one of them asked me to NPC their character for now, but the other didn't really get back to me. If they drop or ask to NPC their character, that would be an entire group of NPC (at least temporarily.) characters, and I don't think it would be very fun for you guys to have to read through, "Hukuna talks to himself, as 4 different characters all at the same time". So, I am thinking about just cutting their mission, finishing up what our Frontliners/Wall Team are doing, and then just get into the thick of the battle. So basically, the Recon Mission will still be happening, I am just not going to write it out in the thread. Is everybody cool with that?
  17. Well, I need to know really soon, you are a part of a group entirely comprised of Npc charecters at the moment. ( Acquie is busy, asked me to NPC her character). So that s something I got to know.like right away. ( also if you need to dicuss this further, just pop over to my OOC, don't want clutter up yours with anymore Graterras related stuff.)
  18. You can always tell me that part via PM, since I can make a npc to interect with that story background. (That and I personally like to know.) But yea, definitely a bar or something he could work at in Nevermore, most likely would ba a pretty seedy place though.
  19. Sometimes observing gets boring, sometimes gathering intel, much more invigorating. Viktor got up from his seat, and walked over towards the new arrival. He took a seat, while also taking out a cigar. He pulled out a match and lit it. He took a big gulp, and blew the smoke out. "Didn't expect another recruit." he said, sounding aloof. He didn't want this man to get a bead on himself, before he got one on him. He picked another cigar out of his jacket, and held it between two fingers out to the man. "Want a smoke? Or you one of those types that doesn't?"
  20. Bjorn and Chauff-Frontliners (Kid isn't significant to name the post after him.) "I am Timothy, and don't worry Mister Sigurd, I will be hiding." he said, a smile on his face."I don't want to though. I want to help you guys fight. Mister Orpheaus is strong, but he looks very sad sometimes, I hope he and You protect us. Are your swords as pretty as his?" he said, eyeing the blades. "They are very Pretty, you should show the lad Sigurd." Said a very Jolly Bjorn. "Yea, but don't let him hold it, might put out an eye." added the pessimist Chauff. (as as he says, Realist.)
  21. Yea, going to have them get into a fight, see who shows up, they are pretty evenly matched, so it would be hard for one to get the upper hand.
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