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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. and yea, it has the best intro ever made, I have seen that much of it, need to go find it somewhere and watch it (think they removed it from Crunchyroll as of late and that was the site I was using for anime currently.)
  2. Honestly, I have been avoiding watching the anime, have too many people yelling at me to watch, makes me not want to. I might go for it, but I need to watch a bit of it before I decide, and welcome back to the RP section lol. Good to have more people, our numbers have been a bit on the small side for awhile now, hopefully we get some new blood and keep people around.
  3. Have so much of a backlog with Graterras now, only good thing from the site being down a lot. Hopefully I can get her back on track.

  4. Will be sending you guys too your posts with your respective Leaders if nobody has anymore questions by tomorrow. Frontline guys, you are with Orpheaus, Helzebeth and Dru are with Brass, as he is running the walls. And the scouting Party are with Steele. I will try to keep the frontline guys and you guys on the wall involved in the story somehow, while the scouting party goes out and does their thing.
  5. Hmmm, Fire escape. Good Angle, and High Ground advantage. I got shape charges buried in the main entrance, and all over the back. However, there is too many of them for just me, even in this alleyway. It is not enough of a chokepoint. I can use the charges to cover my escape. With that Viktor fled back down the alleyways. He was super carful to not step on his own shape charges. He didn't get up very many of them due to his injured shoulder, but they hopefully would cover him long enough. He moved quietly trough the alleys, going further and further into the city. He was headed for the slums, specifically the sewers. He had been living down there, by himself for awhile now, and it was the perfect chokepoint against foes in hot pursuit. ((different sewer system by the way, Ty ninja'd me, wasn't planned lol.))
  6. "Just Beat Cops, huh?" VIktor whispered under his breath. "These are just normal guys, with normal families. I don't want to kill them if I can help it, but I don't know if my power will let me." Viktor grabbed an Iron Cross out from under his Trench Coat, he clutched, and hoped he didn't need to use it too much. He saw the a man round the corner, yelling to come with his hands up. Sorry, but that only leads to my death. The man collapsed. Viktor clotted an artery in his neck, closing his windpipe. It wouldn't out right kill him, but other cops would have to attend to him, so it eliminated more than one. Half of the cross Viktor was holding, instantly vanished. Much more used than I thought, guess I have to ration it out now. Viktor, now pulled out an M9 pistol, it was left over from his SWAT days. He placed the silencer on the end of it, and hoped he didn't need to use it. He was in a parking complex, so there was plenty of places to hide. The darkness was also on his side, making it harder to locate a single man. Viktor kept low to the ground, weaving and ducking between cars. Shoot anyone you see, no time to ask questions. The Muzzle Flash will be decreased by the silencer, nothing to worry about. He saw a Female officer, He took a shot in her kneecap, then one in between her eyes. He kept moving, Offciers swarming to his position. This time Two Officers found him. There was one either side. Viktor decided to shot the one between him and the exit. One Shot, Left Leg. Two Shots, Heart. One Shot, Between the eyes. With that Viktor's shots flew. All hitting their marks. VIktor than made a mad dash for the exit. THe other cop for a second was stunned by his partner going down, but he snapped out of it. He fired at Viktor quickly, trying to kill him. His shot didn't land true, but damaged Viktor's shoulder. The Bullet Wormed it's way into his left shoulder and stayed there. Viktor kept moving. Keep running, no time to stop now. He had been on the move for about 45 minutes. He managed to get out of sight for now. His shoulder was still bleeding something fierce. Viktor pulled a pair of pliers out of his gear, pulling out the bullet. (with a lot of biting his lip, to maintain his quiet.) Having removed it, the wound started bleeding. Viktor focused. the blood pouring out the wound quickly stopping, a nasty scab appearing. Viktor had managed to clot the wound, though it still hurt like hell. For now he managed to evade the cops, but he wondered how long he could do that on his own.
  7. "If they were the fleshy type maybe, but we are mostly dealing with Skeletons. They will mostly be more terrified by the light they put off." Brass said. "The only problem is their are the base grunts, we haven't seen to many of their more powerful troops. Though we have seen an Infernal Bone Golem, which I highly advise not using Fire on. The thing is it is hard to get a look at the other forces. Now that you few are here, we may be able to fight off the horde, but they may send the Elites. So we must be prepared for everything." Brass looked serious throughout his answer, a rare thing for the Victonari. "Any other Questions? Or Shall I send you guys to your posts? We have a bit of work to do at all of them before the battle."
  8. "It is fine, I am sure he needs a bit of time after that." Theo said. "Anyways, I think Umbra fell asleep, not sure though she is very quiet." Theo was still holding the Baby Deino, gently in his arms. "I am going to need to rig something up to carry her, I think I have something that will work in those supplies I carried here. Nivia, can you hang onto Umbra for me for a little?"
  9. The Giant sat down at the table. He sprawled the map out as much as possible so all of the heros could see. Brass pressed his pointer finger to the ground, and pulled it up, making a small Rock pointer. "Here is the front Gate. This will be where the brunt of the enemy force will pile on so most of the warriors in your group will be posted there. Drug'thok and Helzebeth." He said turning to face them. You two will be up on the walls with the archers. Dru' you will be stationed at the Northeast wall, Helzebeth, you are stationed at the Northwest." He pointed towards both locations as he spoke. Now he pointed towards the gate. "This is where the main fighting force will be welled up. You are being lead by Orpheaus. Xavier, Sigurd, Akuma, and Marcus, this is where you four will be stationed." Brass then looked straight at Sigurd. "I expect you to hold your composure, you are a Warrior and a Man, and I expect you to be an example to all of these Militia men. They have never fought in a real war, this is just fighting for their lives. We cannot afford any discord in the ranks." Brass then raised his head again. "Now this is the most dangerous part. We need a scouting party, we need to have eyes on their position. Luckily it is day time, so the undead won't be very active, but still be careful." Brass looked at Odin. "The members will be Odin, Nero and Jeneve. You lot have been chosen as you have the most necessary skills. Now, you will be led by this man." Brass pointed to a man nobody saw before, it was as if he appeared out of thin air. He had Steely Grey hair, and dark brown eyes. He was in Mostly Black dress, and and had wide-brimmed hat. "This is Steele ((just pronounced Steel)), he is local hunter, brings back a lot of food for the town, he knows these woods better than anyone." Brass cracked his knuckles loudly. "Alright any questions or complaints? All complaints come with a mandatory thrashing from me, just so you are fore-warned." He laughed, Brass for whatever reason, never stopped kidding around even in times like these. Perhaps it was his way of showing he was confident. ((if I forgot any characters somebody let me know.))
  10. Maybe you guys, but I was totally fine. (probably cause I knew it was coming, just had that feeling.) Then again I have killed off character pretty gruesomely before. Maybe we RP hosts are just a bit more numb to that stuff. (in writing form anyway.)
  11. Only thing I will say Stratos, and this is of my personal opinion, is that Visions etc, should be used sparingly. If a character knows and can be prepared for everything that will happen to him, he loses a lot of depth. We will alomst never see him in a situation, where he isn't prepared. This means he won't be compelled to improvise, or think on his toes as much. Suspense of not knowing what is coming next is a very important element to story-telling. If we know everything that will happen, it becomes predictable, and plain. Basically, I actually think the cost on the Hermit should be a bit higher, that way he can't just use it all the time, and also, because Information is an important power. Information, gives him a very important edge, therefore there should be a very real disadvantage to getting that info he would not normally have. Basically, my character has an info gathering ability. (I haven't used it yet, since they have yet to discover their lightning powers.) but They can see the sparks of muscle movement through walls and solid objects. The Recoil to that is he loses a sense (his actual vision for a time.) Basically to gain Information, he must lose information. Personally I believe that to truly balance something, you should lose some of what you gain. An Attack? You Yes you do damage, but you also take some (or use up energy, which is actually the same thing in a way.) this is a bit long winded I know, but yea lol, this is all in interest of sharing some experience with you guys.
  12. My posts maybe a bit light for a little while, I am going to a little busier than usual for the next few days. I will try to keep Graterras up to date if possible. (If I can get you guys to the battle I can mostly leave it for a little while, since it will be awhile of Grunt fighting before the more menacing guys show up.)
  13. < would probably play an AI, I have a weird thing for the Geth in Mass Effect, so I would love to run a character like that.
  14. Yea I know lol, it was more of a catch all kind of thing. We will see how it develops, though.
  15. "Oh, I LOVE CHAOS!!!" said a familiar squeaky voice "SO nice to see friendships dying right before your eyes, makes me want to cry it is so beautiful." Somehow another one of the shades got lose, most likely from the explosion of the Glass prison. The shade had the form of a very Familiar Rat-man. He laughed manically. "I almost don't want to kill you, seeing you suffer this much is so much more........invigorating." He said a wicked grin on his face.
  16. "It is not arrogance." he said as he planted his blade back into the ground. The Flower still blooming in the pommel. "Your resolve is strong Sigurd, the most powerful thing to have as a Warrior, never lose it." he opened his eyes. "And I do not shame you by fighting you with my eyes closed, if that is what you are concerned about. The fact that I had to close my eyes fighting you means you are a powerful warrior. I fight using the Golden Lotus Stance, it is a fighting style devised by my Mentor, to let go of the things that are unnecessary to fight at the utmost capacity. The Creatures of Darkness will not allow you their eyesight if at all possible, therefore whynot rid of it, and learn to fight without it?." He pressed his finger to the pommel of his blade and pushed the flower back down inside, the anti-magic shell dissipating. "Now, if anyone else would like to question me, please talk with Brass, I need to ready the defenses." With that we walked away, he had learned a lot about the people in this small group. He saw their relations to each other, and how they saw the world. Even without his eyes, Orpheaus knew Sigurd was a fine warrior, and a man that held onto his own resolve, and was ready to defend others. All his doubts about this few Brass had brought to him were now quelled. He would fight next to him. Not only did they all show their passion, they showed that they would not blindly follow as well. "What the hell was that about, eh?" said Odin, after having blanked out reminiscing about Brinestar. Brass, piped up quickly. "It was Orpheaus testing all of you guys. He has a thing about people. He doesn't like those that blindly follow a leader put up in front of them. The fact that you all questioned why he was leader, means he probably will let you help us out." Brass sighed. "I have been friends with him ever since he showed up here 15 years ago, and even I don't understand him sometimes." Brass grabbed out a map and walked over to a nearby building. He picked up a giant wooden table (probably from the Inn), and slammed it down in the middle of the square. "Gather round, all you lot, we got war to discuss!" ((Fing Wynaut emote........so yes that whynot up there is intentional...... without a space it becomes the emote....really annoying.))
  17. Orpheaus felt the man circling him. having been trained to fight with without his own vision, Orpheaus kept his eyes shut. He put his sword to his chest. "Let's see how you do without magic." Orpheaus held the sword up, the pommel of the blade higher than his head. "Bloccare Magia!" with that, all of a sudden the pommel opened up. before it had been in the shape of a flower bud. Now the bud opened, and a flower of pure golden light was at the end of it. This was the thrum of energy from the Blade. It was an anti-magic shell, though unlike the Shell of the Officer the heros fought before, it used a different energy. It felt Holy, and like it was protecting Orpheaus rather than the sinister aura the Officer's had. "Don't worry though Sigurd, my Magic is also not going to work, but I never planned on using it." Orpheaus said, a small grin on his face. He awaited the man's response. With his eyes still closed.
  18. Orpheaus closed his eyes. Might as well eliminate the least useful sense to him at the moment. He listened, it wasn't perfect, but he figured out where the man was roughly. He struck Downwards, in such a way that, either Sigurd would have to dodge, or risk taking a dangerous blow.
  19. What is the point of it though? SO that you can break away from the group you are already with? (since they won't recognize him.). THe only reason I don't like it is because it doesn't add to much to his character, other than making look non-human. Quincy is a manifestation of Byron's Evil and what would happen if he crossed the line of humanity and becoming a monster. (this is why Quincy looks like a Rat, rather than human, because he is so monstrous that it effects him physically.)
  20. "Good. Be ready." Orpheaus, Picked his sword from the ground, and then slammed his hand into the arm of Full plate. A small Piece of metal popped up. It quickly unfolded into a Circular pattern, making a small buckler of the small Golden metal on his Left arm. He moved blindingly fast, only made harder to see by the dazzling of his armour against the Sun. He swung Sunglimmer down towards Sigurd's right shoulder.
  21. "A dragon is One Creature, I cannot fight Legions on my own, nor could you." He placed the sword in the ground. "Even with Sunglimmer." He eyed Sigurd for awhile, he hadn't see him before. Strong Man, rather good looking. Judging by his 2 Swords, a Brutish Fighter, though a powerful one. "And don't worry about your companion here." he said, clearly talking about Jeneve. "She isn't as harmless as you think. She could have killed me by now if we weren't in the middle of a town." Orpheaus placed his hand back on the sword in the ground. "What's your name? You are one of few whoever had the resolve to call me out. I want to test that resolve, how about a duel? If you think I am compensating for something, or that my resolve isn't real perhaps I should show you. Parlor tricks are nothing compared to battle. And I have a small amount of time."
  22. Would totally be an awesome Idea, though I don't think I personally can pick it up and run it, but I would be up for RPing in it lol.
  23. "This Armour? It is the Suit of Rebirth, or at least I call it that." He said. "It is a long bloody tale though, and one I have not the time to tell." He placed his chin in his hand, thinking obviously. "Let's just say it is my birthright, This armour and 2 swords. Though I only have one of the Swords." as he said this he unsheathed a blade from his back. It was a Brilliant Long Sword. It also seemed as if it was made of gold. The Sun gleamed off of it, even more brilliant than his armour. A Small thrum of energy could be felt through the air, emanating from the Sword. "These come from my Homeland, and once belonged to my father. It was said he could forge Steel into Gold. I never met him." Orpheaus sighed. "There is much more I would need to tell for you to understand, but I have preparations to make. If we aren't careful the undead horde will overrun us." he then chuckled. "But no need to worry about my swordsmenship, I can assure you I have seen battle." as he said this his moved his sword quickly towards Jeneve, swinging it right by her head. Before anybody could react he had already placed away his sword, and was holding in his hand, a single strand of her hair. "Guess that only proves I have precision." Brass Laughed loudly, his voice sounding like granite grating across rough stone. "You best believe him, he has almost single-handily defended this town from a Dragon, though he would never admit it. You are too bloody humble Orpheaus. Also I don't know how the hell he keeps his armour that bloody clean though, it has looked that way for over 15 years." Odin had been taking in the sites of the People running to and fro, it reminded him of Fishing Season in Brinestar. He would miss that place. "A pleasure to meet ye as well, Mister Orpheaus, I am Odin Thunderbrew."
  24. I was planning on not using any magic anyway, I figured I just had to put something in that part of the character profile. Basically if I don't understand something, I try to not use it. So it doesn't really matter what I put there in all honesty. (I think I may be confusing myself on the magic thing in this, so it might be my own fault I don't understand it in like any capacity lol.)
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