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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Of course Lady Nivia." said Theo, in his new gruffer voice. Theo saw all the injured, but there was nothing he could do. "I am going to escort Lady Nivia and Master Blaze to the mountain ahead of time, take care of the injured Little Togepi, I am sure you can do it. Then get out of here. Hopefully we will meet up with you guys again at the mountain." Theo was about to turn to leave, when he turned his head back. "Oh, I almost forgot Little One, What is your name? I am grateful for the healing you gave to me, and I want to be able to properly thank you."
  2. Previously on Graterras: Chapter 1: The Darkness Descends. It had been a day or 2 since we last saw our heros. Not much went on in the wilderness of the Shadowed Isles, much of the Island full of stench of death, and winter killing all of the trees. The Landscape felt barren, and full of despair. Nature itself seemed to struggle to live in this place, this ugly place. It probably came to the heros minds, how this was not the Land of Death, and if The Shadowed Isles were this bad, how bad was the Fabled Land of Death? Our Heros arrived at the Mouth of the Abyss, a gaping ravine in the landscape. Too mountain ranges spanned both sides, making it look as if a Mouth was coming out of the ground. This place stunk of Death, only fitting for it's origin. It was believed the God of Darkness himself ,Draven, was birthed here. It was said he escaped the depths of the Darkness in the world to spread Chaos and Darkness across the land. This place was very unsettling, not helping that feeling was how one crossed it. The only way across was an old rickety bridge. There was obvious rotting in the rope and the wood. It looked almost as decrepit and ancient as the ravine around it. "Welp, this is the Mouth of the Abyss." said Odin, an utter look of disgust on his face. "I hate this bleeding place. I can feel the Evil crawling under my skin." Odin sighed. "But sadly we must cross, to Nevermore we must go."
  3. I just assumed Es didn't follow us, there for writing him out without doing much. He wasn't in the battle with the Scaerth (Sorry I forgot how that was spelled lol.) so he disappeared somewhere between there and town. And I realize that is what is going on with Koz lol, I really like that aspect of their relationship in the group. Really interesting dynamic.
  4. "About as long as the rest of our shift." Olrien blurted out. He began sipping on his tea. First time I have brewed the Famous Galessong tea in a long time. He thought to himself. It was the perfect balance of Sweet and Minty. The Mint didn't overstay it's welcome, and the Sweetness wasn't too overpowering. And it smelled Fantastic. Olrien sat getting lost in his own little world.
  5. By the way I decided to do a time skip, so chapter one is now actually done, I want to skip a bit of the traveling the open space and open it back up at the Mouth of the Abyss. So tomorrow I will be releasing Chapter 2 For Graterras. See you all there!
  6. As the rain pinged off his various weapons, Byron strode towards the archway. Ah, storms, my favourite. Byron thought to himself. This treasure will belong to me whatever it is. He then saw the Warning above the door. A warning for the meek, and weak of heart. That means anybody I find down there will be a target, and not my friend. Good thing for me I have always been good at killing, one of my best skills. Killed my little brother cause he wouldn't stop crying when I was 8, how it started. Then the Mafia took me in as Muscle. Became a Hitman in no time. All these people are sitting ducks to me. "Bwahahahaha, BWAHAHAHAHAHA" He laughed manically as he entered the portal.
  7. "Alright, Little one." said Theo. "But as soon as I am healed we need to get moving, whatever is making that wind doesn't seem friendly to me." He turned his head right when the little Creature gasped, worrying about her friends, but Theo didn't hear it, or even know what it was about. He had turned for a similar purpose however. "Lady Nivia! Master Blaze! Are you two alright?"
  8. Theo whipped the Fur Cape on his back out in front of him to take the Shrapnel, guarding Nivia and Blaze, but taking a lot of damage in the process. He struggled to stand now. "We need to get out of here, everybody move, this is no time for squabbles."
  9. Lol I wouldn't worry about it too much, the map is like jumble as hell in my head, and the Shadowed Isle is the only place I have Cemented. Though, it would be cool if you did a pic of Odin and the Gentleman for me, been thinking about putting up Bios for them (One will definitely be around for Odin), and would be cool to have something too put in there, I described their looks, for the most part. (The Gentleman's armour is a bit elaborate though as I am sure you could tell from the way I described it.)
  10. I think it is fine, we at least diffused the situation for now. How long that lasts, up to others at this point lol.
  11. I like it, is kinda funny. Shows how caught up in their emotions they were. Though we should give it a bit of a rest, just so others can get a word into what just happened, I am sure they would like to react. A lot just happened.
  12. "Huh?" said Theo as realized the Dewott was no longer at his eye level. "I don't know, huh I seem to be bigger, but I don't know why." He looked closely at Kenny. "You too, you have also grown, though not as much as me." Theo noted. "Anyway all is forgiven if you let us go on our way, we are headed off towards the mountain we are investigating some of he recent goings on. Mostly the Dark Wind."
  13. Olrien remembered that wound, he had shown it in the Tavern back in town to convince the men that he had really been attacked, it was ugly as hell, and looked painful, any creature that could do that was worth the life it was given. Olrien didn't care if Winter's Gale Cried at it's lost he would feel good slaying something that did that. Olrien put on some tea to brew on the fire. A minty Smell came from the pot. "They say smells are good for the mind during the healing process, thought I would make myself of use." Olrien said as he continued brewing the Tea.
  14. it is fine lol, and by the way, the Circle throw isn't meant to hurt you, which is why I just had it work, otherwise I wouldn't. Theo really doesn't want to fight lol, but he will if he has too.
  15. Theo rushed forward taking the Aerial Ace head on, Grabbing the Dewott at the same time. He used Circle Throw to toss him, trying to hurt him as little as possible. "Any of your group more Level-Headed then this one, or you all going to just keep attacking us? We really do come in piece, and mean none of you harm, but this guy can't seem to grasp that concept. I am surprised he hasn't just been attacking you lot." Theo had no Idea he had evolved yet. And of how silly he looked, A Giant Pangoro with a Pocketwatch around his neck and a comically small Pith Helmet. The tiny Monocle he had been wearing already fell off, though he didn't notice. "My name is Theodore, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. Lady Nivia is afraid of People since she was stolen away from her home, so don't blame her for being cautious." he said inadvertently, putting a Twig in his mouth to chew on.
  16. No he will make it down there, he is pretty resourceful, that was my intent. as it is in a hill I thought there would be a lot of rock, and there is a certain Magnetic one I was thinking about when I made that power.
  17. At this point Theo was convinced this Oshawott would attack his friends. This made him even angrier, he couldn't hold it in anymore. All of a sudden he started to literally grow White .Where once stood a tiny Pancham now stood a Giant One. The Giant Beast growled "You threaten my friends, I will destroy you. You let us leave peacefully, or else I will be forced to fight you all, we don't want any of this, you forced your violence upon us, and I will not stand for it."
  18. We aren't going to attack. At least Theo won't unless provoked, we will try to solve it peacefully first as is his way. Others I can't really vouch for as they are their characters.
  19. "Oi, step away from her!" Theo shouted in his little voice, the others probably thought he looked ridiculous, having on a Small Pith Helmet, carrying a Walking Stick with a handkerchief tied to it, and wearing a small Monocle. He went towards the Little Oshawott. "I will be forced to Circle Throw you away if you don't back off!". he said obviously mad. "How dare you accuse of us of attacking you when you attacked us for first!"
  20. It is okay, I don't mind teaching ya things, just know that when you attack a Player's PC you declare the attack, but don't say it connects most of the time. We at least need a chance to dodge it. (We will also have to sometimes take blows, so don't worry about somebody just always dodging your attacks, we are good rpers so we won't do that to you.).
  21. KH no offense but in a fight with our PC's you can't just hit us, that is a form of bunnying our characters I would really ask you to change that last post in the IC thread.
  22. It will be a similar affair, just it won't be entirely hopeless like it was against the Gentleman. He was just way stronger than you guys at that point. He is the Big Bad of the Story so it will be awhile until you fight him again, but all will be made CLear once you reach Nevermore......(Also too Flux....Nevermore is named because of the Poe Peom, since The Shadowed Isle is shaped like a Raven. I am not the best with map skills, so I would love to draw up a map for you guys, but I have a feeling it would be impossible to read lol.)
  23. Think I might add a little something just to give my guy some spice. just in case lol. will probably edit the original post.
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