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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Ah......no foes left, wonderful. Hastar!!!!!" the Gentleman said. "Y...Y...Yes boss?" Hastar replied, scared of what The Gentleman wanted him for. "Lets get out of here, I have a purging to plan, I will destroy all of these vermin and rid the world of Humans and Demi-humans alike." Hastar already knew this, so all he added was "Of course Boss." Hunter awoke, but there was nothing around, only burned buildings and the ashes of the fallen. He ran around looking for the body of his master, poor Helzebeth. eventually he found her again on the rooftops. The big wolf even though an animal, seemed to cry. He licked her face, the only way he knew how to say goodbye. He lay down next to her crumpled form, it would be a time before he moved again. He had to say goodbye to one of the only friends he had ever had. She had done so much good for him. He wouldn't know how to live without her. Your eyes open upon a strange plane. You are surrounded by pure colour shifting and moving as if they were the sea all around you. It is a beautiful place, and you feel safe. You look around and see every one of your comrades that fought along side you there. You feel somewhat relived, but wonder where in the heck you were, this wasn't the afterlife, so what was it? All of a sudden as if they heard our thoughts, an answer came. A brilliant flash of Gold Light, and a Woman appeared before you. No ordinary Woman however, she was flawlessly beautiful, and seemed to glow with light. She wore a dress that barely hid her graceful form, letting little to the imagination. She had Long flowing Hair of golden blonde that poured down from her head like liquid gold. "Greetings, heros, I am Lumabella, Lady of the Light, do you know why you are here?" Even if you didn't have an answer to that question, one would be dumbstruck. You were talking to the Goddess of Light herself Lumabella....this must have been a special occasion if a Goddess was talking to you directly. Maybe the gods haven't forsaken the world yet.
  2. The only alignments that reall shouldn't be able to get along are Chaotic Evil and Lawful Good. But I don't put much stock in alignments, I feel they restrict characters too much, so I don't even really use them in D and D. (for PCs anyway.). But for sake of alignments Pyron himself is Lawful Neutral. (Xavier is fine being a Good lol, Pyron tends to let his emotions get the better of him so he isn't truly good. Comes with the territory of being a God of Passion. But Characters can be Passionate about different things, so his Templars tend to range the most in Alignment.) Other Templar gods just for your information. Aelia is Neutral Good, Neutral because she doesn't really care for the Law to Chaos scale, being more logical then some of the others gods, and not putting stock into either Idea. Seeker is Chaotic Neutral, and so are almost all of his Knights. (A lot are even Neutral Evil.) Seeker's only purpose is to acquire and harvest Knowledge, his knights do the same. They tend to hoard it as well, thinking a lot of it is much too dangerous for the hands of outsiders. Seeker has a real, you must prove yourself worthy attitude and is not a God you ever want to deal with. His Cold Calculating Nature, tends for him to default to his favourite course of action, Assimilation. (for anyone one who isn't one of his Knights.) Techniteus is True Neutral. He believes the ideas of Good vs Evil, and Law vs Chaos are trivial.His knights tend to be of a kind where they access their surroundings and then decide. ( Why Eternal Sentinels tend to be quiet People, they process, then make an action acting almost as if they were stone and had an Eternity to make a decision. Needless to say, they aren't always the best in a pinch.) The descriptions above apply mostly to NPC's of that faction, though A player Character could try to emulate it. I prefer you make your character the way you envision them however. (By the way, still working out the next encounter I guess I will call it. Trying to figure out how much I want you guys to interact with it, so that is why I am taking awhile.)
  3. I didn't do that, The Gentleman did that lol. If you need to blame somebody blame him. (or me, I am a terrible PC killer, but at least I got it out of the way at the beginning, so now I won't be as tempted you know?)
  4. Thanks you guys, need to finalize my write-up for the next part. and trust me, it will get a bit less brutal later lol.
  5. Alright have I killed everyone now? Not 100% sure, but I have to go at time of writing and can't look myself, so if anybody sees this a head count for me would be nice so I can get the story moving again once I get back to the forums lol.
  6. "Such a pity, I like hearing what people have to say before I kill them. Kinda like a party game, though a lot bloodier." He said as he dodged the blow. The small blade popped out of his glove once more, as he slit Xavier's Throat deftly. He left the man bleeding out on the ground. The same Gold light left Xavier as with all the others so far, and it quickly raced upwards.
  7. "Whoa there boy! You might put somebodies eye out with that." said the Gentleman as he stopped Xavier's blade between 2 fingers, Having dropped his own blade. He slammed Xavier with his massive Shield, knocking him to the ground. "There now we can talk can't we? You got any final words?" snarked the Gentleman.
  8. I figured you were close to Akuma (relatively.) and that he would be able to Move fast enough to get to you before you realized what happened. Think other things have happened so not sure If I can change it now lol. and to your small text, he doesn't consider you guys honourable foes, mostly because of his philosophies but I can't break those out of the bag now. You will learn about the Mysterious entity known as the Gentleman, just not now.
  9. The Gentleman killed Helzebeth quickly, silting her throat with his sword. He turned to throw the Wolf off of him. Hunter went tumbling off the roof, landing hard on the ground knocking him out. A gold light rose from Helzebeth's chest and traveled quickly into the sky. "My quarrel is not with you Beast." He said as he Jumped off the roof and landed gracefully on the ground. "Who's next? I have forgotten which of you wanted to die now."
  10. "Nice try." aid The Gentleman, as he stooped down, dodging the blow, moving inhumanly fast for the amount of armour he was wearing. he then lunged forward quickly, elbowing Helzebeth in the chest knocking her down. He Placed his sword on her throat. "So then, any last words?"
  11. Jory Dru is fine too, you will know what I mean once everybody else dies, cause you all dying at least once.
  12. Oh no, He's Knows he is there, just going to take care of him later. Remember he isn't really threatened by you guys so he is just having a grand old time and going where he pleases.
  13. oh shit no, I forgot about you. It did happen I am just an idiot and forgot it. You are fine, I am just not sure where to put the light escaping now.
  14. ^ That is Cthulhu Bowser Cho'Gath to you Ty lol. And Yea I saw Zephyr, I am going to get on that. though He isn't near Hunter anymore, he blinked behind Akuma, and killed him and Nero.
  15. The hand grabbed Jeneve, and embraced her soul in a warm Golden light. Jeneve felt as if she was pulled somewhere else. ((and that is where that will end for now until I kill everybody else's characters. ). The Gentleman looked at where he once stood. He saw a Wolf. "Hmmm, I wonder who's that is, a Wolf wouldn't just be here." He thought to himself. He looked towards the ground and saw the Arrows lying on the ground he traced their possible trajectories. "I see you up there, Archer!" he snapped his fingers again. Disappearing and reappearing behind Helzebeth. "I thought I would fight you head on, you know since firing arrows aren't going to do much to my Armour, might as well give a fair chance."
  16. Na, he is too busy enjoying himself Murdering the others. (Is it weird that I get giddy every-time I get to kill another one of your characters?).
  17. Alrighty, will only do it if I have too. Still got to wait for The Gentleman to finish up being extremely OP for you guys currently, but think that is going to come to an end soon lol.
  18. as you guys are now aware, lucky for you a mysterious Entity is here to fish you out, But what is it you may ask? All in Due time my little canaries, all in due time.
  19. The Gentleman snapped his fingers again. He disappeared in a Black Cloud. "Hello, Birdman!" He said as he appeared behind Akuma, thrusting his Blade up into his chest. He kicked Akuma off his blade, as his pathetic form crumpled to the ground. A Gold Light also escaped from Akuma's body, though the heros still didn't know what it was. The Gentleman then headed straight for Nero. Stabbing him in the Back as well, in an almost seamless motion. "Wish granted." he said as it Plunged into Nero. Another Golden Light erupted from Nero and traveled towards the Heavens. The Gentleman stopped, waiting for his next foe to come. Jeneve crossed the Border of the Barrier. Instantly searing pain racked her body. Her very Soul was torn from her physical body, for a second she could see her old body shrivel quickly into dust, while the pain still seemed to rack her mind. Her soul was being tormented by the very evil in the air, when all of a sudden a golden light washed over her. The pain disappeared, and she heard a Beautiful Women's voice. It echoed throughout her mind. "Come to me child, I will save you from this nightmare, your others friends will be waiting, you will understand once I save the others, but for now you must trust me." A Golden Hand Extended downwards to Jeneve. It waited for her to grab on.
  20. A gold light sprung from Dru's body and flew into the sky. The Gentleman headed for his next target. "Warriors, a Brave bunch, though I think it is more stupidity than real bravery." He went for a Heavy downward strike towards Sigurd.
  21. "Run huh? I am afraid nobody is running." He snapped his fingers again. This time a Dark Barrier Erected around the whole town and quite a bit of the area nearby. "I don't suggest stepping through that, it will separate your soul form your body, quite a nasty piece of work much worse then Death, especially once I get a hold of that Soul of yours." He walked forward. "Now meet your fate Orc" he said as he swung his Blade unhumanly quickly down at where he was standing.
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