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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Graterras is a go! Thank you to everybody that signed up. and for those that aren't RPing in it, please stop by and read the work of me and my fellow rpers, I would greatly appreciate it. It is just starting so the beginning might be a bit slow.

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  2. "Here friend a mug for you." said Odin as he sat across from a cloaked figure he saw off in the corner of the room. It was a half-orc. Odin wanted to be sure to hand this man his drink in particular knowing his brother wasn't fond of orcs in the slightest. Odin didn't know if the concern could be seen in his face. His Molten Eyes aflame with the good spirits his decided to strike up a small conversation with the Half-Orc Man." He reached his hand across the table for a friendly handshake "The name's Odin Thunderbrew, and before you go getting all worried, I don't care what you are, tonight if you are in this bar, you are a kindred spirit and a friend of mine." he said a friendly smile on his face. "What brings you here to Brinestar? I mean no offense, but typically the villages and towns around here aren't to kind to your people."
  3. "It is fine, Akuma. Enjoy your time here in Brinestar then, and many fortunes to you on your journey." with that Odin stood up and went to pass out more drinks.
  4. "No need friend." said a rather gruff voice. "Drinks on on me today." The Dwarf Father sat down across from Akuma. His Raven black hair flowed gracefully as he sat down. Akuma could see the eyes of this Dwarf, they were a strange Orange color, and they glowed like fresh embers that had just hopped off the forge. He slammed a hearty mug of ale in front of the well concealed Birdman. "I don't think I have seen you 'round here before, the name is Odin Thunderbrew, my brother is the owner of this fine establishment. What brings someone like you to this hellhole of a Fishing Village?" he said making idle conversation. "That Hammer ain't the tool of some normal tradesmen or a humble Fisherman, I know that for sure.".
  5. Nope, this is how it will work, you will note you see him or something, but describe the bar scene in your own characters view. Then The dwarf will come up to you. I will be doing it in the order of when the people post their version of the bar scene from their eyes.
  6. What is the Abra line banned for by the way? Just curious lol.
  7. Also for now character Sign-ups are closed, it will be this way until Chapter 2 begins. Hopefully nobody will die in Chapter 1 but those would be the only people allowed to submit a character (though if I killed you this early on trust me, there would be an easy way back and it wouldn't be permanent. Well, most likely anyway.)
  8. Going to try to be there lol, and hopefully the posts for Graterras are slow trickling in day 1 that way I don't get caught up in replying and forget. lol
  9. It was a cold winter morning. In fact it was the very day before the Spring Solstice, yet an odd chill hung in the air. This had been the coldest and most miserable year the Shadowed Isle had ever had, which is saying a lot. In this Forsaken land people were giving up after losing the year's harvest food was scarce, spirits were low, and men turned to their drink. A lonely village by the Briny River was most fortunate however. Brinestar was it's name. It was one of few areas where the Iceskined Cod lived, the only Fish that would stick around for the Winter Season. Brinestar managed to thrive off it's Fishing Industry, attracting many Merchants, Traders, Travelers, and Adventurers. It of course also attracted folks of a more unsavory nature as well. Here our tale begins, in a small riverside Tavern, known as The Drunken Clam. The sound of clanking and celebrating was abound. The Fishermen had just made another enormous catch. The air smelled of Fish and Booze, and a slight smell of sweat. The Drunken Clam was by no means a seedy bar, but it wasn't a high class establishment either. Suddenly the door flew open, the bell above the door tinkling with delight. A young Dwarf had entered the establishment, wearing Silver armour-trimmed with gold embellishments. It was obvious he was a Paladin Initiate, though he was rather far from Arbouretium, it left one to wonder why he was in this god-forsaken land. The answer came quickly, in the form of a father running to embrace his son. A much older Dwarf, ran over to the boy and picked him up in his arms. The Older Dwarf was amongst the Fishermen from before. He had raven black hair, with tinges of Silver around his beard. He had a simple Ponytail pulled in the back, complemented by a simple braid in the Front. He walked to the front of the room and banged a glass to get everyone's attention, his Son standing next to him. He said something about finally meeting his son again after 6 years, and that he was an official Paladin now. It was hard to hear over all the cheering of the Fishermen. "I want to go around to every table to give each and every one of ya a fine beer, luckily since my brother runs this Inn You will all get the finest Thunderbrew Ale!" A resounding roar came from the crowd of Fisherman, it was almost deafening. ((OOC, this Dwarf fellow will come to everyone's table in the Inn to give them a drink, none of you know him yet. He will talk to you all a bit when he gives you your drink, this is your time to introduce yourself. This doesn't need to be in any particular order, first start by posting the bar scene from your character's view, in the order of those posts I will have the Dwarf come around to your characters then you can do an intro like thing to him, [He will ask you a few questions etc]. After this the Story will be under way.)
  10. Alrighty, your character is accepted Murdoc. And by the way, you 2 Cinder Knights don't necessarily know each other, there are a lot of recruits to the order (not all of them make it). It is up to you 2 if you guys know each other at all.
  11. Sorry, have already said no to hybrids and Dual Classing, I guess I forget to put it into the main thread, I should do that so people know.
  12. It definitely won't happen early on, and most likely would have to be commissioned by a Cinder Knight Blacksmith. The Templar's typically only forge Elemental Blades (and other Weapons) for the most powerful of their orders, but will forge them for heros and Heroines of note as well. so in short, yes, but it will take awhile.
  13. eh, I will leave it for a bit. And what do you mean Elemental? like infuse it with Fire or some other element?
  14. Cool, Cool and looking forward to seeing it, and gosh darn it, thought no one wold read the tags, now everybody is going to lol.
  15. You got time lol, it will take me a bit to get the thread up, (I have written it up for the most part, I am just finalizing it.)
  16. Notus, you Character while not a hero has adventuring experience, they would trust you to go alone somewhere, they probably will ask of the exploits of your journey when they next see you though. All templars after receiving their training are allowed to do what they see fit with it, and typically spread the teachings of their god. For every order other than the Scholar Knights anyway. All Scholar Knights are really interested in is collecting knowledge. But as Seeker won't be having a representative early on in the story, I don't feel a need to explain it too much.
  17. Alright Aquawind, Sora will be accepted. Now I will begin work on the First Chapter Thread. (I decided the to leave the NPC traveling with you guys a bit of a secret for now, works better with the set-up imo.). For now the story begins in the Shadowed Isles, a harsh land full of swamps, Marshes, and the undead. Why your characters ended up there, I do not know, that is for you to say. (This also means unless you guys choose, none of your characters have met before, so the beginning of this tale will be an interesting one.). A Dark Tale begins, steel yourselves, the dark tides of Graterras have been know to crush even the greatest Heros and Heroines.
  18. The Paladins need a concrete God, so yea it is lame but it has to wok that way. If Paladin's could choose their god, there would be no way for their order to set Guidelines and the Foundation of their Beliefs. Templars are my answer to Paladin's only being able to choose Bartimis. They become champions of the Elemental gods, whose spells instead of Healing represent their own god. SO there sort of is 5 kinds of Paladins in this world, they all just have different creeds and uphold the teachings of their respective gods( and Goddess in Aelia's case.). Hope you understand that lol. I would be weird if a Paladin could choose a different god since their order is based on the teachings of Bartimis himself.
  19. In response to your questions Ty, my profile pic is what a Kenku looks like, this is taken from the 2nd Edition handbook of D and D where I got the creatures from originally. But yes they have Beaks and are more Bird than Man, but they are Humanoids so they have a human-like shape. This is why they can't really fly, since their frames are much to heavy to carry them for more than a few seconds. The Berserker's Rage or Battle Trance is a very powerful thing, but is highly dangerous as well. While it makes them fight like madmen, they also become madmen, not feeling any pain. It is entirely possible for them to have limbs sheered off and not even notice. This trance isn't to be taken lightly, or used every battle. It is a useful, but dangerous tool. Zephyr and Acquie, your characters look good will be adding them to the RP (and Zephyr this world doesn't discriminate for the most part against women, but it would happen in Shattered Hills Surface Villages because they are under the Illusion they need working men to survive.) Ty, Akuma looks alright with the arm I will assume he Lived somewhere in Shifting Sands, as the only people with the skills to make Bionic arms would live there. Things I have a problem with are in bold. I am not sure what is up with the Ways of castings spells section, but that is just how one casts their spells. (Whether they use traditional methods in the compentents of a spell section , Singing/Dancing, or something else. It is just a Flavour of how they cast, and really has no bearing on the RP. Your Personality is going to be very damaging to the RP. A character should never be founded on the Idea of trolling others. They should also never been said to have a personality where they don't make a decision unless someone else does this for them. That means this character is totally dependent on others, and does't work on his own. Your Backstory is very Sue-ish, as you have set yourself up as a Hero already. Starting characters, while not fresh adventurers, are not known Heros, and aren't really known by name anywhere. Seeker doesn't care about Mortals who are not his Knights, and is know to frequently forsake his own priests. He would never Bless anyone that wasn't a Scholar Knight or a Priest of his. Guilds do not seek Wizard's, as Wizards MUST be a part of guild to even begin their training, and they can't just skip guilds to a different one if they feel like it. Especially the White Saints, as they don't even run themselves and are run by the bureaucrats of Arbouretium. A Wizard would never be able to fight with a Weapon. They don't have the time to learn that and magic, they can learn to use their Staff as a simple weapon, but could never pick-up the Art of any weapon more complicated as they simply don't have time with their magical studies. Sorcerers are different because they naturally know how to shape and control magic, and are not required to focus power to a Staff of Wand etc....to cast magic. Saying you have the power to slay a dragon is blatant Sueishness as well. Dragons are the most powerful Creatures known, most heros never even get powerful enough to even think about slaying one. And that is Heros that I said. You will need to make a lot of changes before I accept this, sorry but you are vetoed for now.
  20. Good, Good lol. Marcus is accepted then. I will be writing up the Backstory for the NPC who will be accompanying you guys early on at least, don't think he will be a permanent character, but we will see how the story progresses.
  21. Yea Flux it is fine, I trust you to roleplay it well. That and it isn't Dual-Classing in my books since it is an advantage Sorcerer has over a Wizard. Since hey don't need a focus, they can choose to learn to use a weapon. (Now keep in mind of he ever loses his Sword some how in battle, picking up another weapon doesn't exactly cut it. This is true with all characters other than Warrior types. [it is assumed that the weapon you start your character with he is trained in]). I typically don't like people starting off rich, but he sort of estranged from his family? It would seem like he won't be getting really any of the Money anyway, so I think I will allow it.
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