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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone "Yes, this is where he was previously. I can sense residue from his illusions here. I'm still not sure how it's not a waste of magic when it's something this powerful for something that has seemingly no effect but the amount fo power in it makes the signature not get washed away in all the ambient residue." Anemone said inspecting the area. Her true vision was having trouble due to all the random magic residue just littering this place but she could still make out the leftover traces of Fear... hibbityhoo's illusions. However, the realization dawned on her. "Merlin, knowing Feardocha's capabilities to some extent... his only powerful spells seemed to be illusory spells. It'd be impossible for him to break out of that kind of containment on his own." Anemone was looked pained for a moment, like she was choking on the words she was about to say. Almost as if they were the most vile thing in the universe and she didn't want them to pass her lips. "If our enemy has him captured... we'll need to spring him free. As much as I don't like him, he doesn't deserve such a fate." Anemone couldn't shake a feeling however.One that just sat in her gut wrenching in protest. It was swimming in her head but she felt compelled to let it out. "Why set a trap not to kill but to ensnare? It doesn't make sense at all.We came into a lair one that could've been prepared if killing was the goal it'd be set up to do so... no? Maybe it's not possible with runes I don't know the magic well, hell I can't even detect it... but... something more dangerous then a simple cage surely would be the plan right?" her finger came to her chin as she pieced through the information presented to her. One part of being a good observer you became very strong at parsing data. "Anyone with some kind of decent magic could break out. Killing couldn't be the goal. Merlin...what does Ansuz want from you? This... has to be some kind of ploy to get at you. It just... makes too much sense. This trap... gives away it's layer's intent. It wasn't to kill, maim or harm. Merlin I'm sure you don't need really any assistance from us, but we're here already so we're with you. We aren't exactly about to abandon you either, but whatever you're not tellin' us... it's too dangerous for us to not know anymore. We need to understand our enemy. You understand them the best. I apologize but my magic is at it's strongest when I understand exactly what I'm dealing with. Perhaps a flaw in my style however, Preparation is half the battle. I simply must know. I'm sorry if whatever event that is happening is troubling for you... I'm sorry for upsetting you if I am... and I'm sorry that this must be this way whatever this is comes out. But we need to know so that we can assist you. It's what friends are for. We're going to fight with you regardless, even if we don't know. Even if it's unsafe. Or, at the very least I will." she place a reassuring hand on Merlin's shoulder. Not really expecting it to do much to comfort the woman. But the gesture was still important she felt.
  2. Ah, that's why I never know what people are talking about for those ones. ((and yes... it's great consdiering Ike won the Choose Your Heros poll, still not in the game.))
  3. Look, at least I fought the good fight before I succumbed to the Lucina scourge. ((as in I went for Sharena.)) I was actually pretty high rank too so I get me some pretty feathers even if I didn't get the win bonus. as for the gauntlet probably sooner rather than later. and look @Sheep it ain't much consolation when I don't even know what game Tellius is lol. I just need me Tana a.k.a my unit that broke the shit out of Sacred Stones when I palyed it. I need Gilliam too for this reason though it wasn't me that palyed that run it was my little bro ((who had a Gilliam that maxed his resistance. HIS RESISTANCE))
  4. To be fair technically Spring!Camilla is at least a different unit entirely. So it's not... really the third one. ((even if it's the same character.)) so the regular Cmailla has only seen two no more than Eirika who was in the banner right before the princesses one and then was in that guantlet banner as well lel. And ye it'd be interesting if the characters were actually paired against things they might have some reasonable chance of winning but I think they want to assure the final is Peg vs Wyvern, rather than in that situation where it could be Wyvern versus Wyvern or Peg versus Peg. ((even though it should be Peg V Peg, we know Pegs are better :P)) I'm rather bleh on this though... since like while I do prefer Peg Knights like I don't really care about annoy of them on the banner since most are in games I haven't played or I vehemently dislike. *ahem*, Mister Perfect. A.k.a Mandelia, a.k.a The Free unit cause no one would take him otherwise, a.k.a the one and only Quick Riposte Fodder man, a.k.a I've run out of bad jokes.)) But... ew Wyverns. it is much dilemma. ((could've made this easy but maybe Vanessa/Tana existing but NOOOOO. Sacred Stones characters apparently have to wait 7000 millennia unless they are Eirika/Lord Disgusting.))
  5. Yes you pick new. Also... won't the pegs face off against the other pegs first? The last guantlet the same side fought each other ((the Princesses all went against each other first as did the princes.)) Effie is on another one? wasn't she on Fighting Ursula or... one of the others? I swear she was. Whatever more chances to roll 5* Effies never hurts cause Effie is... stupid. Julia and Kagero are also stupid strong units to roll. Caeda is... meh though.
  6. Ripper roo didn't know that. However she was the only character I would think would be popular enough ((I mean Caeldori exists after all...a.k.a Cordelia Alter)) it jsut depends whether the Peg Knight power is stronger than the Wyvern power. ((I'll probably be chipping in to Cordelia's side just cause I own her as a unit and well... I want to beat the menace that is Camilla. I don't do waifus though so...)) Further on Palla.... Palla is actually decently important for Flappy Emblem. Like she's the better of the two Red Fliers ((Caeda has... rubbish attack that's not really salvageable and Palla starts with a mostly good set. Like she has Moonbow + Ruby Sword which is good for her.)) like with something like Cordelia, Spring!Camilla, Palla, Filler Flier, it'd probably make a decently solid team. Just got to make sure to pack Hone Fliers, and Goad Fliers. ((and somehow get Spring!Camilla Gronnblade+)) also #WyvernsSuck, #PegKnightsRule
  7. I'll note... Camilla was number 4 in the Choose Your Heros event from before the game launched. None of the other characters were even in top 20 if I recall. Also Camilla has always been gratuitously over-sexualized not sure what you mean by lately. But, here's a reason to not go for her. People will probably pile on here suuuuper hard making it harder to earn the rank feathers. So, it's probably better to go for one you think you can be impactful in, but will still win their round. Ruby Sword and Triangle Adept don't stack so... you kinda nuked a Roy to actually give her a skill that doesn't do anything. It does allow you to switch her weapon to something more powerful or with a different effect though like a Silver Sword or a Wo Dao ((if you really really jsut don't like Karel or have extras lel.))
  8. "That's... a lot of pressure. Aaaaah... why'd you do that?" really though, it was quite a lot of pressure to fight for another concept. Justice? Ye that was easy. Love? How the heck did you fight for love? Wasn't fighting like the opposite or something...? It wasn't the time for this but Rayne couldn't help but think of how strange the statement Emilee said was. "So do I have to fight for all love ever? Guess I better leave a good impression then." she rushed forward Beau carrying her over the river. Move to M17 and throw some Iron Javelins in the name of love? at Mage 1. Then skedaddle to N18.
  9. "Hmmm, Dancing Queen is right you know... if not being a touch over-dramatic." the familiar voice of this unit's commander came from the distance. How she managed to get there without anyone noticing... her secret. She placed the butt of the javelin she was carrying to the ground, kicking up a bit of dust. "You're not much use ta her if you're dead. So, don't be reckless and don't be willin' to lay your life on the line. Even as a last resort. These things happen, but let's not be willin' ta rush off to find 'em alright? I respect your resolve, believe me, I do. I'd say much the same in your shoes I imagine. However, I'm not in your shoes right now. I'm in mine. And from where I'm standin', we need all of us. The things we are doin' aren't going ta be easy, and this is where it begins. Besides this is my unit, so you'll follow my lead." clearly the last part was a joke by her teasing tone. She looked about at the folks that were here at the moment. Saffron, Keagan, Dancing Queen, Thunder Blunder, and little hero. "As for the business with Roswell... I'll be honest, I'm not fond of stayin' here, but I suppose information is a powerful tool. We're going to have to lay low though. You two aren't exactly... able to be out and about as you'll probably be recognized. Me to a lesser degree... "The Undying" isn't extremely well known amongst the military at this point maybe but I'm sure some would still know who I am. Either way I'm stickin' with you two. Hopefully, you don't mind the extra company~"
  10. People... aren't doing that at all though. They put Fury on them to up their lower than usual BST and typically give Olivia a Ruby Sword. That way she can delete green units ((sorta like Azura can delete Reds)) which is actually important with Hector being a powerful unit and greens becoming ever more popular due to the meta's shift to blue units. The reason they shift Olivia this way is so that she can support while also being your Hector counter so you don't have to run Double red units. So they aren't running her offensively they are running her in a way to have her be able to remove certain units. Also you want your Dancers to be at 5 so they have higher BST and because it puts their speed higher up making it harder form they to just get doubled and deleted ((since in arena you want all your units to survive to get the highest score.)) also COmbat... is that the free Olivia or is it one you rolled? IVs... kinda matter in the 5* feather game. If it was the one you got from the free amps all of her IVs are neutral and that's probably okay. But otherwise well ye... XD.
  11. "Hmmm, I dunno could use a splash of color or... something. Oh!" Rayne went tearing through her pouches again looking for something. She wasn't sure where the heck it actually was since it had been awhile since she had picked it up. She however found it in time. Rayne produced a small ribbon, cobalt blue in color. "Here, put this in your hair." Rayne gives Cadence The Dancer Ribbon.
  12. That's why they'll run Brave Axes... and kill you before you ever even get to counter. Basically most slow things with stupid high attack will run Brave Weaponry as they don't take a hit to their offensive capabilities as their attack is already high, and their speed already doesn't matter. On top of this... Life and Death/Fury are going to be very common runs on stuff. ((Fury for BST and Life and Death cause well... +5 speed and effectively +10 attack if you double.)). Right now you can probably get away with it before Inheritance really winds up and starts super duper effecting the meta but eventually... that +3 speed probably won't save you. I take it that you're baiting with this unit... hence why that ^. If I'm incorrect neither here nor there.
  13. tfw taking out the trash... it started to rain. So... after finishing putting it out I sat out there an extra hour cause weeeee, rain!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wolfox


      I dislike rain myself, but good for you :D

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean most aren't me... I accept that. ((considering I'll stay out until I'm soaked to the absolute bone.))

    4. Tartar


      *Looks at location, sees "waterfall"* Seems legit. 

  14. "Oh it looks just magnificent~ I told you I'd make you beautiful. When a Marigold makes a promise we keep it." the seamstress said triumphantly. She looked Cadence up and down admiring her handiwork. It fit her so much better than it had before. It really brought our well Cadence. The jacket while still a rather bulky thing definitely followed her form much better. It wasn't baggy and it didn't have any wasted space trying to hide what she really was. For a practical piece it was as close to fashionable as it could get without sacrificing the function. Most importantly, the handiwork seemlessly blended into the masterwork of the smith. Rayne more or less copied his stitch signature as it got more towards his work to better mix their two distinct styles. To make them harmonize. It had worked much better than she expected in all honestly. Rayne eyes darted around inspecting every piece of the garment and Cade's frame from head to toe. "Hmmm, something's missing though." Rayne tapped her finger to her chin perplexed.
  15. This... is a weird feeling not going to lie. *sniffles*. HEY!!! WHO PUT THESE ONIONS IN HERE?!?! and Mde nor was I... however it is 100% a thing that is jsut too Wendel. I know that it's definitely 100% something that happened. inb4 this was the reason Bibs summoned me to the server one day to smite people((we're tight he can call in favors liek that)). But I highly doubt it since I think it was something else BIbs was gettin' bullied over. Wendel probably involved though... seeing as where one can find a Bibs one mustn't look hard to find the majestic Wendel lurking somewhere nearby
  16. Good point, I only said it like... 500 times in the thing itself. and started off saying this is given the situation you have basically as many of every unti you could ever want for Skill Inheriting. It's clearly a hypothetical situation. ((also I'll note with Skill Inheritance... quite a few Bow Users are actually better than Takumi as their bases are much better. Takumi just has a really good base set which makes him really good with no unit investment.)) Perhaps I'd have to retest Pain since it's been awhile but I figure it works that way as the wording just says after combat and I recall Seal Skills working even if you die lol. ((for Example Savage Blow in the text of the ability specifies that it only triggers on initiated attacks as does Poison Strike therefore due to Pain's wording being different... well... ye. I'll do more testing later as my Lucius has it.)) on top of this... You have to actually be able to attack to use pain so unless you've tested it on a Close Counter Azama ((which would take quite the shanigians to figure out.)) it's impossible to actually know if it was a melee unit that bopped his bum.
  17. Ripper roo, actually Wary Fighter isn't... actually able to be put on non-Armours. I'll have to change that section. ((and therefore it's not possible on Cherche either sooooorry about that.))
  18. Figure I'mma do this mostly jsut for funsies ((maybe if it goes well I'll overall expand it into something more sensible((and maybe useful once I learn the meta better)). This first one is just for the lols though so bear with me.)) so with out further ado, Silly Skillsets with Hukuna-Sensei. Now, for the main bulk this little series will assume one has access to all the Skill Inheritance units they could ever want. ((though I'll try to list a few ideas to replace stuff if it's rare or just needed.)) and will also assume the unit is at 5*. With that out of the way let's get this starting. Our Unit for today~ Azama, The Carefree Monk. ***** Build 1: "It's definitely hurts you more than it hurts me." Role: Out-Of-Combat damage tank. Ideal IVs: [+HP, -Atk or Spd], [+Def, -Atk or Spd], [+Res, -Atk or Spd] ((note Atk is more ideal if 100% minmax'ing since there are situations where -spd can fuck you over. It's just Azama's speed is pretty low regardless so -atk and spd might as well be the same 9 times out of ten.)) Base Neutral Stats((doesn't count weapons or stats)): 43 HP, 21 Atk, 26 Spd, 32 Def, 25 Res. Final Stats For Build: 46 HP, 21 Atk((18 natural, 21 with Pain Equipped)), 26 Spd, 32 Def, 25 Res. Skills: : Pain : Martyr : Miracle : Close Counter : / Renewal or Live to Serve : Threaten Attack ***** Insights: Azama is a weirdly tanky cleric to begin with having a pretty solid 32 natural defense and while somewhat lacklastre 25 base Res, it's patched up a little by a solid 43 HP. He also naturally has access to the Pain Staff and Threaten Attack which really tell you just want this man wants to do. Be the most annoying brick of health in existence. Just attacking him causes the enemy to drop a bunch of HP as you laugh manically taking probably a heck of a lot less on the physical side of things in return. Threaten Attack once it goes live effectively makes Azama's defenses go up 5 points each.((effectively 37 def and 30 Res.)) making the dude even more of a pain in the bum to take down. IVs: Hp is the most general defense stat and as Azama's defense is no slouch and the Res isn't too awful... we can get away with running HP to make him more generally tanky ((and make it harder to knock him out of Wary Fighter's range of effect.)) The other defensive stats can be chosen to specialize his defense more. Weapon: Pain is 100% always the staff of choice. Azama's attack stat is too low to actually inflict damage pretty much ever normally, so one wants to utilize Pain for it's out of combat hit chip damage ((note this damage is non-lethal it can only drop them to 1 hp.)). This allows Azama to damage anything regardless of it's defensive stats, and slowly whittle away at them while not taking much in return. Support Skill: Azama's heal of choice would be Martyr, as the more damage Azama has taken, the more he can heal his allies! It also comes with the pretty swell benefit of healing you for quite a bit of the damage accumulated. It does increase the special gauge by one however slowing down access to Miracle but it's nothing to crazy to worry about to be honest. One could stick with Reconcile for this reason but the amount he could reliably heal would go waaaay down so it's really not worth doing. Special: While normally 5 ((or 6 in this case)) special gauge is a bit outlandish it's okay in this instance. As Azama is going to basically be tanking he'll be taking a lot of hits so by the time he's whittled down enough to be knocked out he should have enough for Miracle to be up. Miracle makes it even harder to down the guy for physical units as if it comes up they have to be able to knock him to 1 HP and then strike again. Martyr hopefully keeps him healthy enough that this gets rather... challenging to do. Skill A: Close Counter is easily the best skill to use in tandem with Azama as it allows him to Counterattack units that hit him in melee range ((the things he is trying to tank the most.)) This allows an extra proc of Pain on enemy phase and his free one on his own turn from 2 range effectively allowing him to deal 20 damage to a unit possibly weakening it enough for an ally to take down ((or turn off valuable skills of low health units.)) However, this skill might be hard to obtain as you have to get it off a Takumi and well sacrificing a Takumi is a tall order to begin with. However this is the only real A skill Azama really wants. If one is unwilling to sacrifice the Tacomeat and is need of a budget option HP+5 is a smart choice though. It makes Azama more generally tanky. Defense + and Resistance + also work if wanting to specialize his defense more. Skill B: Sadly, Poison Strike isn't allowed with Staves otherwise it'd be the option for sure. Instead something more defensive is needed. There is two good options here Renewal: Increases Azama's survivability by gaining passive healing every few turns. Nothing fancy gets the job done. You don't have to actively babysit it like the next option however. Live to Serve: not quite sure how this one acts with Martyr but I imagine it just causes the healing to be equal to that which the recipient is receiving, this does similar things to Renewal but requires one to use their action healing. Overall it will help more with how much extra damage Azama will be taking in general as eh'll be doubled more often without Wary Fighter. Seal Speed: Works well with how Pain works ((and even functions in melee range without Close Counter so long as Azama doesn't die.)) and makes enemies a lot less good at beating up Azama. Speed is the best option as it helps to ruin the enemy's offense potential and may allow allies a door to smacking them in the face twice. This actually technically is more effective damage than Seal Defense or Resistance as allowing an ally to attack twice tends to cause more damage then lowering the enemies defensive stats. ((if you have Threaten Attack... Seal Attack is redundant, please don't use it)) Skill C: Instead we go with Threaten Attack. This is a natural ability of Azama's making it a good choice as it dampens the enemy's ability to hurt Azama. It also provides this for allies. Another Option is Threaten Speed to dampen the enemies speed stats. Another option is Savage Blow for more AoE damages. ((can be a bit hard to grab as it's only on Camilla or Narcian, the first of which is 4 or 5* star only and the latter being a limited unit.)) ***** Anyways... figured I do this for fun see what people think. ((also this set is a bit of a joke set since you ahve to burn a lot of good units on a pretty bleh unit but there's a reason I said I was assuming you had basically access to anything needed for Inheritance purposes.)) ~~This was once a relevant statement... it's not cause anymore Wary Fighter is Armour only and I'm a stupid.~~
  19. tfw just sitting over here reading through all these people's strategies etc for the Michalis ((or how ever that is spelled)) map when you cheesed it first time with a bow unit since you saw the map ahead of time so knew how to set it up to do that.
  20. I mean most don't take that kindly to being called Ancient I don't feel lol. I only would in this insatance cause despite being here 3-3.5ish years now I'm still not really that old of someone from Reborn. There's much older blood than I 'round here. On topic that... was something. Can't say I'm that surprised by any of it seeing as this is the enigma known as Wendel we're talkin' about. Stay cool I guess lol? ((and no nominations from me, I'm not really about that kind of thing personally.))
  21. Rayne wondered what had happened that Cadence would never return to her home. But... it seemed a rather sore subject. One that she shouldn't pry on. It just wasn't the time. She figured the young woman had opened up a lot more than she'd normally have already. Rayne wondered why. Did she really trust her? If so, it was a nice thought. She really wondered what bring that on however. They didn't exactly have the best start of things. Though, Rayne supposed not every friendship had to start off well. She went to thinking about her question though, though it didn't take long. "Hmmm, yes. While the stitch-work in the shoulders and what not is rather rough, I don't need to touch any of it where the plating is. Smitty's work is quite remarkable in that regard. So, I'm not doing work from scratch. It's faster that way. I'm also not as rusty as I thought.~" Rayne went back into her work for the moment, speeding up the process. She was close to being finished and she wanted to see Cadence wear it. She swayed back and forth seemingly following some tune that Cadence couldn't hear. A faint smile could be seen on her face as she diligently worked on the coat in front of her. "Okay, that should do it! Let's try her on shall we? Oooooh you're going to look so cute I know it.~" Rayne could barely contain her excitement.
  22. Hmmm, Welp. Here's hoping Tuesday is here sooner than later.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well, it's cause I waiting for Mass Effect to drop so... don't think that'll work my guy lelelel.

    3. Sheep


      Mmm I want to play it but at the same time I know it'll be massive so if I want to do it justice I'm gonna have to wait for like 8 months or something. Why does it have to drop at the start of my school year? I'mma have tons of fun trying not to be spoiled for that long.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ripper roo. Ye seriously good luck my dude. Just hope the talk of all the 8 million other games dropping in March drowns it out ((it won't.)) that or people keep complaining about the graphics (9that don't matter that fucking much)) that they forget to talk about story stuff.

  23. "He sounds like a wonderful man." Rayne said, she wondered just what h was like. He sounded, like quite the individual. She wished she could meet him. To see the man that probably made Cadence what she was. "I'd not say never, well... unless you know the ending is permanent. Life has a funny way of finding the least expected things to come to pass. You could see him again one day. I know, one day I'll see my own family again. Two souls tethered through a bond will always find one another once more. The winds will always blow them towards each, the flowers dancing to show them the way. So my Mother says. I'm inclined to believe. I've never known her to be wrong." Rayne laughed. As much as it was a joke she could barely remember a time her mother was in fact wrong, at least completely. It was like some magic power she had. 36 years now, but she had the wisdom of someone at least twice her years. Triple the work ethic of someone of her age... and quite the myriad of other desirable traits to her name. Rayne looked up to her immensely. She... hoped she'd be proud of her daughter, despite what she had done. Knowing her though... the only thing she'd be angry about was that she wasn't given prior notice. "Just be who you want to be~" Her mother's words rang out in her head. " Anyway... if this coat really is that... well I'll match it's look to it's function. I'll put my own soul into it. I'll make this man's handiwork the most beautiful thing in this world. I'll make his caring, his desire to protect his friend as beautiful as it should be. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. This will be my masterpiece, well so far. I have many more to create in my life. But, this will be the start. I'll make his heart... visible. " Rayne continued to stitching. She was getting close. After all, most of the work had been done prior, she was just shaping it to better fit Cadence's body, to compliment her form, not to hide it. One might say this work was the hardest type, changing something that was already there, but... Rayne found it easy. She found it easy to shape something to what someone truly was. After all... she always had a knack for knowing people, knowing who they truly were.
  24. "Hmmm, perhaps. I don't really know what goes on in the mind of that horse sometimes. But he's my friend. He's only come with me cause he wants to. Even if I wanted... I don't think I could get rid of him. He'd follow me to the ends of the world." Beau was more than just a horse to her, he was very much a friend. Maybe it'd be silly to others but Rayne didn't really care. Beau did more for her than any human had. He was like... some kind of guardian angel almost. Always watching over her. He'd come at a moment's notice if she was in danger. She felt herself when she was around him. She was comfortable in his presence. She knew nothing would go wrong so long as she was. "So, your friend... the one who sewed this originally... who is he? The stitch work around the metal plates it rivals even my mother's. He can't just be any old person if he can work this well with metal." Rayne was seriously impressed at this handiwork. It was some of the best she'd ever seen. Perhaps it was the man's brilliance with metal that allowed him to understand a skill he otherwise lacked. He used his knowledge of the other to fill in the gaps of what he lacked. A skill in and of itself.
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