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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Tenshine, The best Kabutops ever (thank gorsh your type thing could be a real pokemon, because otherwise I would have nothing lol).
  2. How would this work I don't really understand lol? (Like I am not 100% sure what is going on lol.)
  3. Every been hungry to the point where you would pretty much anything lol? Think it might have been one of those situations lol.
  4. Might be lol, I just prefer to not be the only person posting so I hold off for a bit after posting, like to give other people a shot at running the story and moving things along....
  5. Well Welcome! Leave your sanity at the door though.......you won't need it here.
  6. THing is I want to try getting into competive battling since I haven't really done it much. They were a site where I could easily find info and use it to begin to understand what I am doing, I still am a nub lol, but they have at least helped me get my foot in the door. Thing is I am not 100% comfortable with making my own sets etc...yet since I don't know much. I am sure I would be critcal as hell about stuff if I knew better, but I don't yet lol.
  7. THat and many Pokemon have insane things mentioned about them in their dex entries. In real life these things would be terrifying.........cause it would be much to easy to use them for nefarious purposes, I don't even mean just Legendaries either. Like examples above, and quite a few more. Like Ryperior are basically living artillery if you read their dex entry, while they are only mentioned shooting rocks I am sure people would engineer something to make it capable to shoot much deadlier payloads. So I think if Pokemon were in our actual world it might actually make it worse lol. They are super-powerful beings, that could easily be used for wanton destruction. Glad Most of the Evil Teams in the games are pretty Mild for what they could be.
  8. Lupus was still wearing his newly-acquired detective outfit, the Fedora and the Black Trench coat. He adjusted his sunglasses as the rain pinged off his hat. He looked over at Kael. "We best go on ahead to the gym, I need somebody I can trust at my side." He said rather sternly. He flipped his Strange Pokeball off of his belt, and Lobo appeared. The Houndoom was clearly excited. Soon he would get to snack on some Grass types, at least if that was what Gardenia still used. Pitch black smoke and flame billowed from his mouth at the thought.
  9. Hey still got them in the end lol all that matters.
  10. My favourite is Alder, I just really like the dude, I have no freaking clue why, but I do lol. I really hate Wallace though....it was really weird adding even more water types for you to fight at the end of Emerald, like the last half of that game was pretty much just water types, and then they removed Steven for Wallace. This made the fight entirely too easy since you most definitely had something to take care him at that point, like if you didn't have a high-level Grass/Electric type by this point something was wrong lol.
  11. I would but not really sure how to start this section off which is why I was letting somebody else do it lol. I may have to though lol.
  12. Just started The Banner Saga, pretty awesome so far lol.

  13. yea I kinda agree, and since we are traveling it is pretty easy to feasibility have characters just vanish. (I mean once like the fifth bandit attack happens and they get split up from the group it might get a bit weird, but lets hope not too many people drop lol.) with Es is pretty easy to drop him from the party roster so it shouldn't be too much issue (I only don't post when I have nothing to really post about....like I can't divulge everything about Olrien right off the bat...........lol)
  14. Had a friend on who penta'd the the enemy team on Vayne like pretty early. As soon as they came out of their base again he penta'd them again. It was around 18 minutes in. Needless to say once 20 minutes came around they instantly surrendered.
  15. Of course you welcome here, I mean, they let me in the door! lol. Hope you enjoy your time hear.
  16. Still have only ever gotten one, and that was on Teemo since I randomed into him lol. and Yasuo.......good old Yasuo......if only I could actually play him lol.
  17. Don't really know you all that well, but good luck, hope you come upon better times .
  18. I think it because we are all on our own shedules, but I think it is moving along storywise so long as everyone who is a part of it sticks around and actually posts lol, I pretty much post whenever I can lol. Also the map is looking nice for the beginning stages, I like how it is coming along, keep working on it would love to see the finished product.
  19. "Thank you Gillem, I will be sure to play so Eleri can dance when she wants." Olrien looked over at her, it still felt like a dream to him. He thought he would never see her again, and never have a chance to tell her how he felt. He then realized he was still talking to Gillem. He wondered if the Man noticed him space out there. "Do remember though Gillem I am still a Warrior by trade. I picked up the Flute because of a tenet I follow. I needed something to channel myself into since I will not draw my blade unless necessary." Olrien had a rather stern looking face come over him. "A blade is not meant to be drawn unless you mean it. It is a tool that wroughts only destruction. However, it should never be wanton destruction or for pleasure. One should only draw their sword to defend against evil, or to protect those he cares about." this last line he looked directly at Eleri when he said it. He looked at Gillem straight in his eyes, Olrien's eyes glowed like freshly made steel. "I don't expect you to follow my tenets good Knight, however I want you to know I am serious and will do what it takes for this cause." Olrien's face relaxed a bit. " I look forward to this journey, and my sword will join yours so long as it deems you worthy. And so far it has."
  20. Lore is a bit hard to specify not really any of them have that much of interesting lore. Most people don't even know there is a lore section for them in the store/their champion tabs.
  21. Ao was never delayed, he was never supposed to come out in 2013 or 2014 ever lol. They just shared early concept art of him and everyone assumed he would be out soon. On topic though Zac is one of my favourites. The jump is really fun and the ult makes disrupting teamfights really fun. Cho'Gath is another champ I like to play the ult is just fun even though it is pretty simple. Design-Wise I can't stop buying Renekton skins for some reason..........like I just like pretty much all of them.......worst part is I am horrible at playing him lol. I really like alot of the Kassadin Splashes as well, even though like all his skins in game are pretty ugly. Yasuo is an honourable mention for me, I don't like playing him much (that might change when I figure him out). But his kit flows so well together, I like how it works together very well. He is one of the only champs I feel his kit works together with itself. A lot of other champs feel like they have that one skill you rarely use, or don't flow well into a combo.
  22. I was wondering that too lol. Guess we are waiting for the other people to show (I think it is only Subkoopa's character we are waiting for ((sorry I forget his name at the moment)), so whenever they post I assume we will be moving forward in the story a bit)
  23. That thing is pretty ugly design-wise.......some pokemon are like why is that a thing?
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