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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. yea, sorry about that, I usually don't read over my own posts, but I went back to read them, and holy crap I am sorry guys lol. Wish somebody told me earlier.....now i feel kinda bad lol.
  2. I will try not to from now on lol (you want to remove some of them or leave them alone for now? and I get I use a lot, I still have no clue why i do it lol) by the way kept doing it in this message even. I think I got a bit of an addiction to those lol. (I am changed already so don't worry, I promise i will try to stop doing that in the future... I think I just have a tendency to replace punctuation with ellipses for some reason. I really had no motive behind doing it.)
  3. "Hmmm, probably because I was a pretty shy child. I didn't leave the house much. At one point we even moved away. Why we moved I am not willing to talk about right now, since it is a bit complicated...." Said Lupus in a very stern voice. Luckily for Lupus he was still wearing his aviators. They hid the small twitch from what he had just said. He tried to hide the emotion in his voice, but he thought he sounded a bit pained, he decided to continue on. "I am sure if I met you, I would remember you Mister Kael, your not a person that would be easy to forget." Lobo lets out a low grumbling sound, enjoying Kael petting his head. He starts to pant a little feeling calm and relaxed around his trainer and these other 2, to Lobo they all feel as if they were cut from the same cloth......all wayward souls. Lupus continued a bit "Maybe you knew my older sister, Isabella. She was the outgoing one in the family. She always had her Manectric, Fulmine, with her at all times." " He was a bit of a clown, and really clumsy, but he would protect her no matter what...." Lupus added in after a bit of a pause." Lupus went to adjust his glasses a bit. Not noticing he exposed his scar for a split second, He did not completely expose his eyes, one of which was a Bright and brilliant Blue, the other....the one with the scar, was milked over. It was a dead white haze. Maybe the others would notice, but Lupus hadn't for now.....
  4. I prefer 3 punch Toxictoad.......but that is me (also not sure if he can obtain ice punch........in reborn anyway) Otherwise, another bulky would be godd, though I am blanking on the availble pokes right now.
  5. Lobo gives one of his big grins as he sees Aruma sit down, he bounds over and decides to sit next to her. He is in a friendly mood after making friends with Kaine. He feels more open-minded then before, maybe this Aruma isn't too bad. "Hmmm, we used to live in Lavender Town, not sure if you know it, it is out in the Kanto Region, it was more known for it's ghost types due to the Pokemon Tower......." mused Lupus to Aruma "Holy shit I talked to her!" he thought in his head. "My dad loved Dark types, he had a Terrifying Bisharp. and a quite stubborn Hounchkrow. He also had an Umbereon...." said Lupus, seeming to struggle on the last one. "My mother however, she preferred Ghost types. Fitting I guess. She had the most Beautiful Froslass, it was very quiet and shy. And she had this bully of a Gengar. He enjoyed picking on any Pokemon he knew was weaker than him, that was until my dad's Bisharp was around." "But enough about me." he said as he shifted back to take a seat in a nearby chair. " I feel I am going to be quiet for a little while, can't go spilling the beans on everything about myself, what else would we have to talk about?"
  6. Awful puns? There is no such thing as an awful pun....(okay there are but puns are awesome)
  7. Well, welcome to the forums. I am pretty new here and the competive scene to be honest, enjoy your stay lol!
  8. Oh, fun fact about Zeke, since I have been working on his backstory a bit more......he is actually blind in his left due to the scar on his face (which would have been hard to see due to the aviator frames he wears.........on purpose I might add he trys to hide it.) I would love to divulge more, but I more believe of putting out the background through the rp, instead of directly telling it or just posting it......so this guy is going to be rather interesting.......but somebody has to get close enough to him for him to reveal anything about his past.)
  9. " I see, my parents were also pretty fond of dark types. My Father once had a pretty horrifying Bisharp. That thing always frightened my sisters." said Lupus with a small chuckle. "However now is not the time for life stories, I am sure sooner or later we will come to now each other pretty well......" Lupus said with a small sigh. "I think I will wander a round a bit maybe say hello to a few of the others, if you need anything feel free to ask, I don't mind helping out a fellow team member." ((I thought I would just mine for some info while we wait for the last person, didn't know there was a post limit already lol))
  10. hmmm.....I am thinking of divulging a bit of Lupus's backstory soon, I still planning it out though lol. Other notes........really liking the characters so far......I actually really like that Color is a bit of an upstart (Lupus obviously doesn't), it makes the group dynamic interesting that we already have like 3 people at each other throats (Lupus may even get involved if Color annoys him enough). However Lupus is still in a bit of the figure out what is going on with these people stage......though he is going to start opening up to a few of them and Lobo is probably going to be the catalyst, since Lobo is really expressive and just friendly. Lobo has reasons for being the way he is, I am trying to fit them into the backstory now.....
  11. "Hmmm, this Bereft, he is an interesting fellow. There was quite a fire in his eyes when that fight almost started." Thought Lupus to himself. Lupus found himself looking for Lobo, he lost sight of him during the scuffle. Turns out Lobo started hanging around Kaine. Lobo, with his big confident smile, was daring Kaine to a little play fight, not one with moves involved only a small tustle. "Looks like Lobo has taking a liking to your Luxray, Kaine, I believe his name was?" said Lupus in a rather interested voice to Kael. Lupus had moved to stand next to Kael, wanting to talk to this mysterious Green haired man. "Not sure if you heard before, but the name is Lupus, it is nice to meet you Mister Kael." He said reaching out his hand waiting for a handshake in return for the greeting.
  12. I am liking this so far though.....looking forward to the next characters popping in so we get to know them... though the characters in the roleplay haven't gleaned much off Lupus yet.....I am sure you guys are at least getting a feel for him by seeing his thoughts lol. (I've noticed he is overly fond of the word interesting, he thinks it a lot lol)
  13. I am really enjoying her as well, I feel Lupus might be a tad boring at first lo since he is the thinker type he likes to observe before rushing ahead....why I thought it was important to get his thoughts in......since he will be quiet for a bit, trust me he will warm up sooner or later, but for now he is going to that quiet guy (who he complains about even though he is doing it....seems to be a bit of a hypocrite lol) oh I don't know if you noticed Lupus's thoughts on Aruma........but he probably won't voice those for a little while lol.
  14. Yep yep.......Lupus kinda mentioned it in his last thinking section that I posted (he didn't call them by name, since he didn't know their names, but he made a pass at it lol.)
  15. Lupus has sat back down a bit ago, and starting reading one of his books on computer Programming, he however was using this as a guise to observe some of the others. After he himself went, a quiet man named Dan went next. His partner was a lovely Gardiervor " Hmmmm, he seems to be quiet. I bet he is a sharp one. I feel the Gardievor is a good fit for him, they are similar....." Then up stood this really loud girl.."Hmmmm, she seems to be a brat..." Lupus thought to himself."Her Leafeon is just like her though." Lupus noticed Lobo starts to look at the Leafeon Hungrily. "No matter how much I want to to do that right now boy.......we can't" He Chuckles to himself. "even though that prissy Leafeon would be easy pickings for you." Then this pretty Dashing Man jumped up, Jory was his name "He seems to be the righteous type. Wonder if he can do what is necessary for this mission? His sense of honour might get in the way." Then the most interesting person so far introduced herself....Aruma. "Hmmmm, She might not have said much, but looking at her I can get the read I need. She is dark and pretty mysterious......I can tell the way she is eyeing up Lobo, she might like dark types" Lobo seems to not notice her looks, he doesn't accept the girl yet most likely, and decides to blow her off. "He will come around....." "But most of all those eyes, they are interesting. I feel most would be unnerved by this.....the unsettling darkness that sits in those eyes. However I find them Beautiful.This women, one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Shame I am terrible at talking to people" Then another man stood up, his name Kael "Another quiet type huh? Sure got a lot of them here. How are we ever going to work together if everyone is so quiet? However I sense there is something more to this one, I am going to watch him a bit closer. He has a a secret I can feel it.....I don't know why......but I can just sense it, maybe I am being paranoid. Or maybe just cautious?" He saw Rin release her pokemon, a Mighty Drapion."So there is a monster protecting this Little girl then? Interesting......" He realizes Lobo has bounded over to greet the Drapion, his fellow Dark type. "Oh you silly mutt... What will I ever do with you. Also make that 2 monsters, seems Lobo the Slobber Machine has taking a liking to Miss Rin. Don't think she has noticed though lol." He hears Color (he thinks her name was) still going at Jory's throat, and is rather disinterested. "There are 2 who still haven't piped up. I want to hear their stories, or lack there of most likily, since everyone around here seems to have nothing much to say........"
  16. Mobi shoes are scary on alot of champs.....they get so much extra chase, and make it easy to clean up. While not amazing all the time, they have their uses like most items do lol.
  17. Bad News: They are docking our pay again
  18. "Hmmm, this mission seems interesting." Zeke "Lupus" Valentine thought to himself in the back of the room, he sat there fiddling with a pen in his hand. "Now that Lucas has walked out wonder what will happen next, will one of these people pipe up? I wonder, because sure know I am not doing it, I am not the leader type. Don't want them to think they can depend on me that much, I think I will sit back and wait." A man in a hooded sweatshirt stands up and goes to the front of the room. "I think we found our leader, doesn't look to inspiring to me." Zeke thinks to himself accompanied with a small chuckle. Then a Girl stands up "Wonder who she is? She looks a bit thin, not well nourished..." "Hey everyone," she said "the name's Rin Etsuki, and as you could probably guess I am a bit hungry, would anyone happen to have any extra snacks?" "I do." Zeke says as he tosses her an apple he had. "I might as well get this over with, I am Zeke Valentine, though I much prefer you call me Lupus" he said in a rather stale, unexcited voice. Zeke goes for a pokeball on his belt. It has a blacktop with a blue wireframe design on it, similar to what computer chip circuitry looks like. " and this is my partner Lobo" Lupus releases the ball from his hand, and in the middle of the room pops out a Houndoom. Lobo immediately realizes people are watching him, and he gives a big over-confident grin as he spouts a small flame from his bright red maw. "Sorry, he is a bit of a showboat" Lupus chuckles a bit. "He however has a heart of gold, I swear........"
  19. wow......that was pretty smart lol. I get it now sorry if I came off abit mean earlier lol.
  20. ^ that name made my head hurt as well......i am glad there is a shorter version......i am all for weird names.......but i don't really like long ones unless it is a baron or somebody flaunting their status around (Like one of my kings ia a D and D campaign I have cooked up...has a really long name since he is an eccentric and wants to credit his entire family line lol.)
  21. Triity kinda needed a bit of a nerf so i am not overly sad about it.
  22. due to Teemo just being a horrible champ who is useless in teamfights lategame and throws everygame for you lol.
  23. I hate freaking Heimer free weeks..................so annoying....
  24. banned for not having a reason to ban...... can't just have lazy banning up in here
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