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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Can i just say Dark with anything it hasn't been put with already? I mean the more Dark types the merrier for me......did I mention I love dark types?
  2. ^ not safe to assume that, though it would make sense lol, we have no concrete evidence to place that onlol. I am just saying there is nothing to suggest it.....so don't get your hopes up.
  3. Hmmmm not sure what spinner to use....I run Rain and Sandstorm tams myself........so I am only really familiar with the spinners they run (and I rarely run a spinner on my sandstorm team, since the one thing weak to stealth rock, is immune to it, Sigilglyph by the way). I am also self-taught so remember i am not the most skilled player. i like the Victini set though......really have seen much of the little dude. Also, he sorta has a hazard setter in Espeon......it just depends how good at predicting he is. (like if they go for an obvious Stealth Rock/spikes)
  4. Okay so Team Svaug......(How i will say Swag, since i can't stand it lol) we gonna be using any type of voice program? like Ventrilo, Skype, or Raidcall? i would like to if possible (Skype not the best for me since it uses a lot of memory and slows my computer down)
  5. Okay, so now LoL has Harley Quinn essentially........interesting lol...
  6. Wondering if he evolves again....hope so or yet another Pokemon based on an inanimate object will let me down lol.
  7. Oh he will never get less hate...poor guy lol
  8. Me as well lol. The people here seem pretty great so i am not worried~ lol
  9. Well, tis looks cool lol. But i literally don't know anything about it lol. so good luck lol.
  10. This hug is (dare I say it).....The Cutting edge.......
  11. Means I am Zilean from League of Legends...........why did I have to go troll top Zil lol?
  12. Interesting, very Interesting lol. I don't mind being on Streams though.....was once on a Stream with Miles from the Yordles so about all their fans know i am horrible.
  13. ^ I won't be able to help, as i am learning Pokemon movesets etc... myself right now. I wish you luck on finding a Tutor, but somebody who knows all that stuff maybe a bit hard to find lol. There are like 5 tiers that is a lot of info in itself lol.
  14. I am down with that lol. So long as the name doesn't have Swag in it please..........also i will handle the AD lane so make sure we got somebody who can ap, and somebody who can Jungle(not nessaery though.....can just run a double lane, but i prefer a Jungle usually lol.)
  15. lol Ikr? I am literally game to go with any of you guys.....don't be so shy lol
  16. Ummm good luck with the list lol.....seems like some fun....I am pretty new here so good luck figuring me out lol.
  17. My favorite are tied between Farfetch'd and Houndoom.... I love the concept and why Farfetch'd is a pokemon lol and Houndoom has always been my favorite, because he looks cool, and like he cares not if he got to singe a few people. Honorable Mentions are Arcanine, Jolteon, anything Dark Type, and anything Bug type.
  18. Pretty sure it ends after the TM a little ways......least that is how the playthrough I saw made it look. (I have yet to get there myself).
  19. Sadly, i don't know NU....however it is very similar to other tiers in that you need to learn who the heavy hitters are.....and what their most common movesets are. Or at least have a good idea lol, As with any Tier to be frank. If you got your basics down (as I assume you do) I won't be much help, as i mostly stick with Singles OU. But anybody learning OU or just battling in general I would love to help lol.
  20. Wow that is a pretty good trick lol. May have to use that in my Playthrough lol. actually 'nother question......is the Link Stone obtainable before you get to Aya? i want to use Alakazam as my Psychic Poke....and while Kadabra is good and all, I would love the extra damage.
  21. First ever was a Shiny Gastrodon in Diamond........boy was I disappointed........he looked barely different lol.
  22. Coolio, I am not interested since i have yet to get into youtube myself or even start playing Reborn lol. Though i wish you luck, and if i find anyone i will be sure to send them your way lol.
  23. Woot lol! Watch out for the blades though.......Guess you are also made of blades........this is one awkwardly sharp hug,,,,,,,,
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