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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. yea true, didn't mean to jump to conclusions lol. i can't help myself sometimes lol.
  2. Aw....that makes me sad.......i don't like pirating lol and won't do it myself.....but there is nothing I can do to stop people.....
  3. What about a Snapdragon for the Grass/Dragon lol? Ice/Fighting Bear could be another evo for Beartic, otherwise it would be too samey... a Garbodor evo.....could be partly fused with a Trashcan.....might be too drastic to totally change it.... not trying to be mean, just expanding upon what you are saying lol
  4. Yea me too.......I am just wonder what she will be.....how her kit is........I like to mess with new Champs lol even when they are of roles i am bad with lol.
  5. Interesting...........wonder if X is her nemesis........can't help but think it could be possible.......Considering we know she doesn't like Vi, could be more than just bad blood lol.
  6. go ice fang, gives you a chance versus Ground and Grass types lol.......(Fire only if you got nothing else to hit Steels)
  7. Rolling in Shinies lol, your team possibilities are pretty huge with this line-up lol. Also Relaxed is actually okay on Aggron as he doesn't really hav ehtat much speed to begin with from what i remember (shame he doesn't get access to Gyro ball, otherwise that Nature would be super good lol.) For Shinx......he isn't tha best of Special Attackers........a Attack boosting or Speed boosting Nature would be Ideal for him. Luxray is a really odd Electric type since his phyical attack is really good whereas his special is rather meh.
  8. Well......I am bit scared now lol, but i like a challenge!Now if only I could get 2 like minded individuals to back me up lol.
  9. Cool.....I am constantly building new teams, so expect weirdness to happen sometimes lol.
  10. I know, but nobody jumping on my offer, I mean they don't Believe in Hakuna Matata?
  11. Would love to help you out, but i am broke at the moment lol. Good luck on getting it......might check out your channel though lol.
  12. Nice hit me up sometime though, Hukuna on Pokemon Showdown as well. (i usually stick with Hukuna mispelling and all because it is cool) glad I could help you out and get your team in working order good luck with your matches lol.
  13. You like Grass, where as i am a dark type kind of guy......in fact....i want to see another Grass Dark as well.......I am not really a fan of Shiftry, so a new one would be really cool (and nobody say Chespin.....at this point I doubt he is going to be Grass Dark if his second evo is anything to go on lol.)
  14. Banned for using puns.....how dare you.....
  15. That feel where you can't get along with any Duo partner, because they decide to just bash on their teammates instead of improving themselves (and thinking I am a golden god of top lane when i am Bronze 2 and don't play much, so i clearly am not really that good)
  16. Don't worry about Swift Swim to much.....it is banned with use of Drizzle on the same team (only be concerned if they run Rain Dance, since then it is allowed), if you every want to test out a team you can hit me up on Pokemon showdown or Pokemon Online I would be glad to play against you (You can contact me through whatever is best for you) Skype is Zbigdog294, but I am rarely on there...whatever is best for you to get a hold of me lol.
  17. These guy i don't know so well.......as i haven't fought against them much, and i don't use them........however it would be very good to get Stealth rocks onto your team as entry hazards are very good to have (Rapid Spinners are as well.....however unless you have Pokemon that need Spin Support, they aren't necessary, but a nice thing to still have around, don't forgot that a lot of the Meta game right now is very Weather Focused.........a lot of Rains are running rampant. Remember to be prepared for them. I will let some other people have the reins here now though, I don't want to dilate this with only my Ideas.....and suggestions. it is good to have diversity in opinions since we all play a bit differently (I like to play highly offensive, typically taking a lot of entry hazard support, I usually run 3 offensive Pokemon along side 3 Defensive ones so i have an Offensive and Defensive core to work with and have pivots for changes etc.....also run a lot of VoltTurn, to keep momentum in my favour lol). If you don't know some of those terms i would be glad to help you out lol.
  18. Breeding can be a pain why I try to avoid it in game lol, it is tedious and kind of annoying lol. Also I don't know why you can only have 1 eeveeloution lol. Why not have too Vaporeon is a boss and pretty damn good bulky water, why not keep it?
  19. Well will you join up with me? If you don't mind a bit of noobiness, i would be happy we would still need a third though lol. (I am not actually too bad lol) So what do you say? (this goes for anybody without a team as well, I would gladly join up with any of you guys so long as you don't mind a bit of noobiness and and we are playing for fun (and too win as well))
  20. Many options for bulk other than Hippopowdon........he just doesn't work with this set-up, depending on what you want to do though, Scizor is pretty good on a Sandstorm team (I use him on mine, though I use a slightly different variant than this since I use choice band Garchomp and i don't like having a lot of choice item users). I am trying to think of stuff, but it takes me awhile to plan out teams myself lol. so I may need to get back to you, hopefully somebody else can get back to you as well.
  21. Think I just jumped the gun a little.....I usually air on the side of caution.....which is why I answered the way I did lol.
  22. if any of you guys that are looking for a team want to join up with me I am game lol. Stated what i am most comfortable on before and a form of communcation (Skype, Raidcall, etc....) would be cool, but isn't necessary lol.
  23. Sure thing lol. Thinking about doing the League challenge....however not sure where to start lol, may post up a team i am planning on using etc......my experience of Pokemon outside of Singles OU is a little weak...and team building not exactly my strong point lol. But i will get to that in time mostly just going to hang out for a bit lol.
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