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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Wow lol. that is really cool, good luck with the classes, it is what I am planning on going into so I wish you the sincerest of luck lol.
  2. ^ I agree with the above maybe once they finish work on the pc version though....it would be pretty cool to see it on my handheld, but that is opening a whole 'nother can of worms. I am not sure how different the coding architectures for them are......but even a minor difference would make it hard to port it lol.
  3. Stalling is already so hard lol, don't know if it will be even viable......I like the more fast pacing of an offensive team, but I don't want to see stalling disappear.........we will see how it pans out once they release and we see how the Meta-Game evolves once it has a while to get going ( I am thinking a lot of Mega-Evo's are going to be pushed to Ubers....since they seem ridiculously powerful). i am ready to see how it goes though....also really wondering how the sleep mechanics will work, along with how much the fact that grass types are now immune to spore etc....is going to be.
  4. Dark Steel for me lol, first try to lol.......totally who I am, Luckily Bisharp is my one of my favorite Gen 5 pokemon, even with his flaws. Now I just need somebody to baton pass me some speed, swords dance it up......and go to town lol.
  5. Yea, Soul Dew is banned outside of ubers........thing is I don't know how this team is supposed to mesh......I need more info lol. (like I really don't get the Hippopowdon with nothing to take advantage of the sandstorm, and to this team it is more of a hindrance and a self inflicted handicap....) Also will say for the Scizor the acrobatics is a bit odd of a choice......since you will always be holding that item it doesn't get the double damage, and the Technician boost isn't really giving it much more power about 20ish so around 75-80ish this is a bit weak.........Flying doesn't add any coverage that you don't already have with U-turn other than Fighting. I would advise taking maybe Superpower as it is much more power and gives you a way to smack around steel types which wall Scizor currently. (it is the setup i use for my own Scizor, and it works nicely against Ferrothorns and other really annoying Steels that don't happen to be named Metagross.)
  6. oh forgot to mention....I think Draft would be better just because it is a tournament setting (since we can ban out stuff etc.), however blind would be alright...guess that is what the poll is for, but I wanted to give my 2 cents lol.
  7. I am terrified of a Steel Fairy type, especially if it has Levitate. since it has got a good amount of resistances, and removes one of Fairies weaknesses by being immune to it lol. want to see a Dark/Electric, Dark/Bug, Fighting/Flying, and a Dragon/Fighting
  8. Would love to join up if anybody will have me lol. Summoner name is Hukuna as well if you want to hit me up before hand lol. I typically run the ad lane for TT, but I can run ap lane as well. If anybody will have me I am looking forward to it lol.
  9. Just wanted to say hi! I am new here so thought I would say hi or something lol. The game looks promising so I am going to try it out at some point, until then i guess I might hang around the forums or something lol.
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