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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone "Ooooh, that's nice. Seems like we have a common goal." Anemone said, tilting her head at the conversation. What... was up with these two? Were they enemies or friends? It was... really hard to tell. She was still coming out of her cleared state, she felt her emotions and other processes funneling back to her. That'd probably make processing things easier... maybe? This was still such an odd occurrence. Her ponytail kept wagging, but more just absentmindedly, without a purpose. "Perhaps, we should join the rest of our forces? Or something. Standing here chatting is fun and all..." and trust me... if I had the time to cast my "see through clothes vision"... I should get a better name for that. I'll think of something. Later though, mind... stop getting sidetracked. "But, we've here for a reason, no?"
  2. Dobbs, no two people will ever get along 100% of the time XD. So no worries there. I'm a pretty easy person to rub the wrong way, and I tend to get ahead of myself in those situations a lot. ((like assume people should know I take something as offensive or that I find something disrespectful.)) We've had those times, doesn't mean I think less of ya. Least not permanently. lol. Even if I get pissed off, I'll come back around eventually. No opinion is ever set in stone for me, I do not like permanence. People can, and often do change, and a few bad exchanges doesn't have to colour the entirety of what you know of a person. Further, I'm not really bothered being lumped in with someone else. Our contributions are larger similar, it's just much easier to do XD. I'd say I'm surprised I'm worth a mention at all, but I don't want to consistently be that guy. As much as I am hard on myself ((even though it's much more of me joking and it's just my style of humour.)) I can't always be bashin' on myself. I know i'm capable of having an impact. I often have. It's rather clear the places and to a lot of people just what I've done. ANd I'm glad RP taught you so much. After all, I do find it the best place to really learn critical writing skills. Flexibility, sponotunity, creativity. I find the interactions between elements you can't control really helps stress how important these things are, and they put you in a position to think and explore that might not be as easy to come by in your average writing situations. It stresses, and gives many opportunties to access your peers and have them provide you feedback as well. It's quite intersting in learning how to deal with all the moving bits and pieces, and to work together with others to end up creating a story. Because sometimes you gotta work with the tools you're given, sometimes you gotta look at what you ahve and use that mind of yours to figure out howto best use the pieces you do have. I think RPing teaches this better than anything else when it comes to writing. You to work with your fellow players, the GM... etc etc... you can't jsut step around them or change how their character is. You gotta work in the negative space around them, figure out how to come at problems differently. It gives one a new and different perspective on writing. One I find is invaluable. I'm glad it's helped you so much in that regard XD. To be frank, I'm glad I've had this kind of impact on anyone's life. Makes me feel... a special kind of wonderful. Keep on keeping on my dude.~
  3. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone. "On it boss." Anemone had rather good balance so the ice barely managed to slow her down. After all, she was of anything the most aware of her own body and it's weight. She had all the time in the world to observe herself and make judgement, so knowing the ice was there it wasn't possible for her to slip without outside interference. She pulled out something from the pouch pocket on her hoodie and then gave a flick of her wrist. It was a small extendable staff, yellow in colour. It was Anemone's foci, of the thing she used to help her cast and focus her energy through. She honestly wasn't sure she really needed it, but every mage needed a staff, right? She tapped the handle on the ground three times, and then focused on a mental image. Merlin's cans. What??!!? It was relevant to the situation. She used that image to then blank out, and enter her more powerful casting state. He Ponytail rhythmically swung back and forth, like a metronome. Light purple energy flashed as she erected a barrier, flat and marked with a symbol that looked like an anemone flower in it's center. She made sure to keep focusing on it for a time to pour as much energy into it as she possibly could, making sure it wasn't just a minor speedbump, but hopefully a roadblock. She wanted this to drag as much speed out of that mech user as possible, hopefully stopping them dead in their tracks, but... much too optimistic. She'd at least do a number on her speed. She finished it with a simple word. "Wallflower~" Anemone wasn't much of one for incantations, she preferred to let her concentration do the work, so most of hers ended up being lazy or short if she did them at all. She walked back into the other room, still in the most blissful of states. Her face was naught but the picture of serenity, her ponytail rhythmically swaying to and fro. Even her steps were in tune with some internal rhythm she seemed to be following. She took a deep breathe, and then exhaled. "Is there anything else I can do?" her tone, seemingly flat, though she could still feel her emotions, they just remained internal. Such was the way of her hyper focus. She internalized a lot o processes to gain maximum output. If she was to do anything before their quarrel arrived once more she should start pouring her magic into it now.
  4. Is it weird to like a character a LOT from a game you've never even played?

  5. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone. "No, I don't think so Merlin..." You and your wonderful cans you. "I'd have noticed them or the spell emanating from them or a source in the hall I'd imagine. This magic source however burst from the floor. So, unless they were lying on the ground I don't imagine it was a person that cast it. It was probably somehow remotely triggered. I didn't even know that was possible." Anemone stop looking at paradise in human form for a moment to ponder the possibilities, her ponytail drooped and went back to it's normal non-expressive state. After all, looking at her was driving her crazy it was hard to think when her mind was occupied with... other types of thoughts, and the "heat". So, she tried to focus. It was rather easy for her to do so. She focused her mind more inward, using it to actively process her thoughts. She ran her mind over it, to think if she had ever seen something like this before or read of it in her studies. She couldn't come up with anything. Magic that could trigger like a trap. Interesting. Perhaps if there wasn't so much ambient magic in this place she'd have seen it prior to it activating. But, there was no real way to tell at this juncture. It wasn't really worth putting any thought into. She looked at Ice... thought this time she had her mind under control and didn't lose her cool as much. Her ponytail did start to wag ever so slightly though, more akin to a puppy than anything else. "Damn... she's short, really short... shorter than me. That's awkward. Makes it harder to stare at her rolling hills. Damn... I bet they are alive with the sound of music too.~" though, that didn't stop her from indulging a little. "But yes, I agree with the one with the ahoge that could pierce the heavens over there. We should moving soon. Either springing our... "friend", or cutting our losses." and he doesn't even have boobs so I'd be fine with that, not worth much. After all Illusions seem pointless, like... they've never fooled me even once. she added in the back of her mind
  6. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone "He's not stuck on something... It's in I believe. I can't really see though through the wall, I can just see magic surrounding the magic source I know is he." she said taking her eyes away to look at the one speaking to her. It was a bit of a mistake. Just looking at her... she was somewhat close to Anemone's type. Thin, with hints of an athletic build. It was rather hard to tell with her loose fitting clothes, but the mystery was making it... hotter. Geez... was... it a sauna in here? Nope... just "hormones". Her ponytail perked up just looking at her, standing up extra stiff. She put her index finger to her chin absent-mindedly while observing her rather closely. Her bazoongas... they weren't huge, but they weren't mosquito bites either. Hnnnng... the perfect type.
  7. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone. Anemone snorted suddenly out of nowhere. She then tried to refrain from laughter. Was difficult though. "It seems that our companion has gotten stuck up ahead. Worse, I have no idea how. I only saw an influx of magic suddenly appear. So, we need to be careful... it might be some sort of dormant magic. I've... never heard of such a thing. But I don't detect anything that could be a source of it than just... Fe...atherhead over there, and I doubt he did this to himself. Whatever it is, it's there now." She emphasized this last part heavily by pausing between the words. "Seems like our front doesn't know how to keep his eyes open. My eyes are always open. After all, they must be to observe. Unfortunate for him he doesn't have nice cans too make up for this blunder. Meeeeh... so worthless." she thought to herself as she started to move a bit forward.
  8. Do I... even wanna know? ((that's happened to you buddy...))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm sorry, if you willing messed with that which you could not understand... I cannot help you. You're... too far gone friend.

    3. Azeria



      what am i even looking at tbh

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      @Azery: It's from Yu-Gi-Oh

  9. Mega Star Cannon, Anemone. "Oh? Ah, yes... don't worry should be a cinch. Powerful magic sticks out much more than ambient leftover residue. After all if it's still active it's easier to detect." Anemone said confidently. She smiled, giving a thumbs up. Her true sight was rather good at picking up the differences. Magical residue from long cast spells was easily dismissable as it didn't register as any type of magic other than that it was magical in origin. So, it was easy enough to determine what was an illusion or... what was worth mentioning to the group. "If only my vision wasn't what let me detect magic... could be using this time to get a peek at some of those nice peaks... heheh. I kill me." Anemone thought to herself. She kept panning her head around to see if she could catch a glimpse of any powerful magics. She kept her eyes following the lump she knew was their team member, Fear... something or another. She didn't really care what his name was. He wasn't cute... nor had anything of value to observe, so his value was little to her. And worst of all.. male... ew. "Merlin's are pretty great... but there's new ones for me to observe. Ahhh... it's so exciting~. New bazoongas, always a delight. Wonder which I should start with? Hmmm..." Anemone pondered the most important of queries while she passively observed the scene. If one looked at the girl her ponytail swung back and forth, as she had a light grin on her face. Seemingly just blissful, and innocent. Anemone obverses with her special eyes, looking out for any particularly large sources of magic. Basically... her job.
  10. pretty sure you ahve to be in the top... 10,000 or 100,000 for score that week? That what it seems like to me.
  11. Na, you jsut said to remove the other part that was there ((mostly for lols)). I will though.
  12. Rayne was still a bit caught off-guard by the wound. Blood still was soaking her hands. It took her awhile to snap out of it, only realizing now that Emilee had gone off to tend to others on the battlefield. She figured she should get back to the fray. She tapped her heels against Beau's side again to signal she was okay. Move to P14, The Myrm won't even see what hit 'em. ((It was definitely an Iron Jav though.))
  13. You know... every time I listen to a song from the Castlevania series... I swear I have the same feeling of "how have I never played a single one of these games in my entire lifetime?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I highly suggest you give that game a try if you haven't, a masterpiece in and of itself

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I defintiely would if it were something I could get a hold of. I really should try and do so with a lot of the rest of the series as well tbh.

    4. Wolfox


      I've only played 2 castlevania games myself, order of ecclesia and dawn of sorrow. I just wanted to try it out once and now the genre is my personal favorite

  14. Yea, Sending Heros Home (( for ones you don't want or dups, though you can combine dups to power up your units.)). As for Orbs, no idea. They probably will have continued story maps, or other types of events etc at some point from which you can earn orbs. Orbs are also log-in rewards at the moment as well ((since I recall getting them)). Howeve,r the game jsut launched so, I don't things are going to be super clear for a bit here lol.
  15. Me Code: 191 622 3662 Main Team: Lyn, 5*, Lvl.23 Fredrick, 4*, lvl.19 Nino, 4*, lvl.21 Serra, 3*, lvl.17 B Team: MRobin, 4*, Lvl.19 Setsuna, 3*, lvl.20 Shanna, 3*, lvl.19 ((and borrowing Nino.)) C Team: Fir, 3*, lvl 13. Saizo, 3*, lvl 11. Sakura, 4*, lvl.9 FCorrin, 3*, Lvl.9 Other Units: Merric, 4*, Lvl.9
  16. Best part of FE:Heros? New Lyn art tbh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The only one I've seen that stright up had me like "wot?" thus far is Arthur's. The artstyle is jsut completely different from everything else in the game

    3. Combat


      I kind of liked it. It was very comic book like.


    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's growing on me a bit, his static one I still don't like, but his battle splashes I do.

  17. Snow, The Lady Ashford. Snow had arrived still balancing herself on the pommel of her blade. Except, now the frost covered blade found itself embedded in the stone rather than a wooden floor. No matter, she could recall the blade to it's sheathe anyway. She sighed under her breathe but, kept her "eyes" closed to the world for the time being. Being disturbed from her meditation yet again wasn't exactly... something she was hoping for. She could probably continue, if the mortals didn't insist on being as loud as possible and having stupid quarrels that they should be beyond by now. "Man, this fucking song and dance is getting massively old." thought to herself. She otherwise continued her silence in the back, still balancing atop her sword on a single foot.
  18. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "Perhaps another time then. Your speed is an incredible aspect. But know that speed isn't the only thing to value in swordsmanship. We can continue at anytime you would like. I shall rest my mind then, this exercise, proved... interesting." Snow threw her sword into the floor boards rather abruptly. She jumped onto it centering her gravity on the middle of it. She folded her other leg over herself and began to meditate. She didn't really feel like moving about more, so, she'd just have to make do.
  19. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "Ah, that's her game." Snow didn't pursue, instead she stayed put and took a different stance. This one less rigid than like her original one. It looked more akin to that of a samurai than a western knight "Nice plan, you aim to not let me follow up. Sadly, that doesn't work against me." The sword she was holding suddenly burst into frost vanishing in thin air. Before it could really be processed Snow was already going for another technique. A quick draw, a quick attack. In an instant, Snow had drawn her longsword slashing as if to attack. Of course, Mitsu was nowhere within range of the actual blade, however, Snow combined this with the sword's innate magic. Iaijutsu. Something she'd learned from a traveling swordsman from the Crystal Isles, combined with her magic. It sent a blade of ice towards the woman, allowing Snow to continue her attack from afar. She aimed towards Mitsu's sword arm yet again, pushing on that point once more.
  20. Snow could see the move, one meant to prod her guard find information. A smart move. She deflected it, though just barely. Her longsword easily caught the blow and glanced it aside. Frost chipped from it's surface, a fine diamond dust lifting from it's surface. The slight mar to it's surface quickly returned to perfection as the magic within the blade refroze the patch of uncovered metal. If Mitsurugi looked, she could see thin wispy fingers of frost lazily drifting on her blade. Hmmm, she's fast. Faster than I am. Not by much but enough that there's a difference. My speed, my strongest aspect I have other the others. Shame... Seems like I'm not the fastest swordswoman today. Though, I can use that to my advantage. The benefit of knowing more than one style. Snow's loose form grew more rigid as her body tensed. Not of nerves, but because she suddenly switched her stance. She quickly transitioned from her deflection to placing the Fang parallel to the ground. She gave a thrust of her own, aiming towards Mitsurugi's sword arm. It was more for her reaction, the attack was rather unorthodox but would probably take any swordsman not worth their salt down quickly. She didn't rather expect it to work, but figured it'd say something about her style of fighting. A statement she wished to make.
  21. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "Alright. There should be enough room. Aye." Snow wasn't really entirely sure what to make of the situation still, but it was intriguing. She'd not felt this kind of excitement in awhile. Perhaps it was simply because she was a lot more than she seemed. This woman definitely gave off some powerful aura. It'd probably make for quite the interesting spar. She lead the way, and they arrived rather quickly. It was pretty easy to find an empty room in this hall. One that wasn't damaged to some degree was a bit harder but, nonetheless still not that difficult. She drew her blade, a sole Fang of Winter. A rather simple longsword in it's design. It seemed almost... unremarkable. Like any old soldier's sword. It didn't even particuraly air on the side of nobility. It was simple, practical. The only thing that gave it any bit of strange presence was the frosted look on the blade. Despite how warm the room was there seemed to be frost that clung to it. Just like her armour. The metal was even the same. It wasn't quite steel. It had a more bluish tone to it. A hue that only helped with it's wintery visage. She held it in her left hand. Steadying, she took a few practice swings, two handed. It'd been awhile since she fought with but a single blade. But, she'd figured she not use her personal style yet. "We start when you're ready. Feel free to make the first move." she said holding her sword just right in front of her. A Neutral stance, ready to take on anything that came at her in an instance. Yet, she didn't seem poised to strike. She was relaxed, calm. Almost unnerving how much her form breathed. There wasn't any rigidity to it.
  22. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "An odd request, but I'll oblige. A spar is it's own form of meditation after all." It was certainly a change of pace, an interesting one. From meditation to a spar. Who knew it'd end up this way. It'd been an awful long while since she sparred against anyone who wasn't one of the Divine Knights. It'd be interesting to have a new opponent. One she could possibly lose to.
  23. Snow, The Lady Ashford. Snow had given a snarky answer, her typical modus operadi... however, she noticed the careful raising and falling of the woman's chest. She was making an effort to control her breathing. Typically... characteristic of one trying to hold something in, something from bursting out. It was odd how often she ended up dealing with individuals here that had something just underneath. Though, it perhaps wasn't as strange as she had thought. It was always something Snow had been good at. Recognizing the feelings of others. Her empathy, was always lauded as her strongest quality, despite the other things said about her as a ruler. Her ruthlessness, her only the strong survive attitude, the things she showed on the surface, not but masks used to make any challengers to the throne think she was weak. They were truly parts of her, but anyone that truly knew her, knew they weren't the only parts that exiting within the Lady Ashford. "Hmmm, no apology needed. Speak your piece."
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