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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. guess I will go back to Undyne now that the season for Keijo is over lol. So, neeew avvie wee!

    1. Shing


      That's a delicious art style with good color and unlined ones.

      Good avatar pick.

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the heroine?

  2. tfw slept through the basically th entirety of my birthday. TBH... best birthday ever not going to lie.

    1. Skullkin


      happy birthday hukuna~

  3. Same goes to you. Using Rose is almost alien, if it weren't for the symbol and strong tie to the blue rose, something you yourself have mentioned that you identify with so far as I recall of course. Honestly, as a writer I jsut have a head for that stuff and you now better than anyone flower meanings especially, since I think you're still the only person I've ever told why flowers are my favourite symbols to use. ((Which, maybe one day I'll tell the rest of you. It's personal though, immensely so. So it's not something I feel can just be easily discussed. It's a matter close to my heart. One I think would have to be earned, and is not something I can give freely.)) And I know. Trust me, the things that I've learned from you, and how I've grown just cause I can call you a friend... well they have been invaluable experiences. I know that deep down. ((I may let my emotions get me all paranoid, etc etc... but deep down I know.)) You're a person that I could just sit next for hours on end, or in a skype call for hours without saying a single word and still say I enjoyed my time. Your presence is... a potent force. You're one that understands me and I nary must speak a word. So, ye... what you can say in a sentence, I'll take 2 paragraphs. I'm pretty terrible at being concise. (( having to deal with my rants more than many... I'm sure ya know. :P)) You're a wonderful friend to have. A person who has truly improved my life having had the fortune that you walked into it. I love you immensely XD, Cause you're one of the best friends I've ever had. We may not talk all that much these days, but the times we do get to... are precious to me. The past memories ((good times and rough times.)) are just as treasured. I'm sure you know as I've said it 1000 times. I'll say it 10 million more. But, with everything that I am... from the bottom of who I am, thank you. Also, I appreciate all of wishes so far. I'm supposed to be sleeping but saw Rose's post ((that was two lines)) and ended up writing this... cause I'm insane. ((and talk to much for my own good~ It's the writer in me, what can I say?)) I can't say I'm used to all this. I'm used to my birthday not really mattering. It's typically just another day to me. Kinda feels nice to be remembered lol. Honestly, that fact alone, that makes it great. Anywho, maybe I'll write me up some individual replies to the rest of y'all at som point but I'm tired. I need some rest. We'll see I suppose~ But, I hope y'all have a wonderful day as well.
  4. *insert somewhat poorly hidden cynical joke about birthdays here.*

    1. Ironbound


      *Insert Flash Cannon here*

      Happy birthday, you goof :]

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Aurorix


      Oh it's your birthday huk? Well Happy Birthday~ I hope everything goes well for you!

  5. Snow, The Lady Ashford. Status Healthy: 33/33 "You know if I wanted to fight giant bullshit... I'd have stayed on Graterras. Aelia's Tits." said the armoured woman somewhere in the back of the group She was done watching and evaluating for now. She was relatively satisfied with their performance thus far, even if it had just be the small scathing mindless beasts, but even that was worth something. After all, she remembered just how many of her best soldiers fell to the Scales of Hatred. The vast hordes were the advantage. if 10 untrained fighters fight a single one they could probably overwhelm them. It was simple. Luckily they had the numbers advantage for now. SNow snapped her fingers, a resonant and heavenly tone emanating through the room. Suddenly and quickly the air around their foe grew frigidly cold as most of the heat was drawn away. Ice exploded from several places on the machine. Use Ice Calamity, targeting Arm L and R, and Armor A
  6. One good thing did come of Rayne's ability? to zone out during battle. She could take a look at the larger picture all the while she was still fighting. A strange thing but one that made sense. Even if she wasn't paying attention to her immediate surroundings she was paying attention. It was easy to analyze one's surroundings when doing so. "Beau, we should go and thin out the enemies over there. We aren't going to exactly break through the center there. We need to flank them. I'm sure the others are thinking of this plan too! But, the more angles we flank them from the easier they should be to dislodge right? I think that's how it works. Let's go!" Move to B14, Attack Myrm2 with Iron Javelin.
  7. tfw you open your steam and get bombarded with gifts. Welp... guess Christmas came a bit early for me this year I suppose XD. ((Steam Sales mang...))

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ANd I got into the Gwent Beta LOOOOOOOOOOOL SWEETNESS>

    2. Wolfox


      well, merry Christmass non the less

  8. And back to Nozomi~ Ahhhhhhhhh. Feels great.

    1. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Thanks for the reminder that Keijo exists! Time to watch EP 12

  9. On this episode of "A Day in the life of a Haphazard Novelist", Hukuna Sensei finishes a piece for once. ((enjoy here http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/23784-the-lucid-night-cwfeedback)), however... only got to it cause he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and needed to occupy time somehow. Baby Steps. Baby Steps.


  10. Once more a sleepless night. I tossed and turned in darkness for what felt like an eternity, though it was truly merely the span of an hour or two. But, my mind refused to shut off. It refused to be unplugged from the thoughts that stirred from the day prior. The ones I had yet expressed. The ones I kept to myself for fear people wouldn't understand, or worse, not even care. The rattling of half-baked ideas clatter in my mind. Partially formulated plots, people, countries.. worlds. They swim within the murky deeps of my mind. The aquarium of brilliance, creativity. They beat against the tempered glass, waiting to greet the world, not knowing that they cannot yet breathe the air of the outside world. They seek to be realized before they are even finished. Their lungs not yet fully formed. Yet, they teem at the surface regardless. The sheer pressure threatens to burst out of my head, or spew forth from my mouth. But, without nary a soul to confide in... to converse with, what worth do they have? I do not know. Perhaps it is why I write them down. A way to exorcise the chittering incomplete demons. Their racket, gone for awhile until yet more pile in. To keep them tucked away for later, to give them form that I can then, mold. Clay in the hands of an artist. The many lucid dreams while I lie awake. And yet, dream I do not, least that I remember. I only know of the ideas that rattle about in my head unable to shut off the cacophony of damnable noise. Never once have I remembered a dream. I wonder if I do. I mean, of course I do. But do I? Perhaps, I dream too much while I'm awake. Maybe that is why I do not dream in the inky embrace of sleep. Perhaps, it why I sit up endless nights, as the dreams chatter in my head. Much too loud for me to sleep while I have them. Perhaps, it is because I'm always dreaming, that I never dream.
  11. Probably won't use this avvie long due to the small size kiiinda has readability issues lel. ((that and I'd go back to Nozomi after the next Keijo episode comes out anyway.))

  12. Beau began to follow the thief on his own accord. He knew that Rayne would do what was needed as soon as she saw the weakened foe. And that, she did. Move to D9, Deliver the package, then Canto to E10
  13. "What on earth are ya doing you goofball?" Meredith thought to herself. "I dunno. I just kinda... went with it." "Ahhhhhh! Mere, honey... you can't just princess carry every pretty girl ya meet, ya know? It implies things... ya know? Like... YA KNOW? Besides, it's hardly practical in a fight!" "Look, it just seemed the most convenient way at the time alright? It's not like that. I just don't want ta harm her leg any." "Mere, I'm you ya know? Ya, can't hide things from me. So, keep tellin' yourself that honey." "Okay... I'mma just... look I can handle myself alright? No need ta get all lecturey. Besides, Serene is definitely light enough that I can carry her in one arm if I need to fend off a foe or two. Holding her I can tell her armour isn't all that heavy, probably why it didn't deflect that blow all too well. So, I can definitely carry her one-handed long enough to fight someone off. I'm confident in that. I just hope I can keep her safe until medical care arrives." "You'll do fine honey~. No worryin' now ya hear? Worryin' doesn't suit ya." "Aye, no need Firecracker. As I said, it's my duty." Was that too practical... was it too dismissive? Maybe I should adda smile. She did, then resumed the thought. Waaait, why do I care so much? It's not like I'm trying to impress her or anything... am I? No. Nooo. Nonono. Definitely not. Don't care what mini me said, thiiiiiis isn't like that. She's just part of my unit. She tried to think of anything else at the moment to get her mind on things, so she sorta hoped that pegasus knight would charge her. Fighting was a really easy way to distract one from their mind wandering. She wasn't really sure why this all was phasing her so much. But, she didn't really know what posessed her to pick Serene up in this manner. It was a strange and not practical. she earlier expressed it was to try and not hurt Serene's leg anymore than it was, but in hindsight, she only really said it to look like she had a reason. Perhaps that's what her sub-conscience meant. Whatever, now wasn't the time for this. She could figure it out later. For now she had to see that Serene was safe.
  14. Dang... people making me get out of the house and have to be stuck in a caaar for 6 hours. Now my everything hurts... ;~;

  15. Serene took a nasty blow to her leg. One that Meredith could barely believe. She knew how potent a good spear throw could be but she didn't really expect their enemy to be of such quality. She was more surprised that after that, the woman was still standing on her leg. That the tendon wasn't torn or worse. That she was still capable of putting weight on it. However, it needed attention and asap. Worse, it was going to take awhile until medical support could get their as they'd have to apply field medicine. After all, Maya had been sent with the other group. Meredith bit her lip, she wasn't sure which was the best course of action. But, she knew she had to protect her comrade somehow, she was one of her unit now. She wasn't just going to let her twist in the wind. "Hey, Firecracker... you're not looking so hot there. We need to get you medical attention and asap. And after that wound to your leg, I don't trust ya putting weight on that leg. I'm goin' ta carry you. I'm not taking no for an answer." Meredith could see the riders in the distance, one of them could surely reach in time to take a attack against Serene. She wasn't going to let that happen. She would protect her. Be her shield. It was the least she could do after all, she couldn't die. "I'll protect you. It's my duty after all.~" the words were accompanied by a grin that went from ear to ear. Move to Y9, Rescue Serene
  16. So... now the entire forum lags like crazy for me. Hmmm... wonderful.~

    1. Odybld


      Yeah fuck that snow. Makes me 30% more pissed when reporting shit too. 

  17. @Ikaru ((wow... that's a cool and interesting feature. That I've defs using for a reason and that reason is to not quote your whole but also to see how it works. Ignore this part... and that if you want lol. THought the message in that spiler is defs more for you anyway lel)) And ye, it's defs one of those as it's doing a heck of a lot more worldbuilding. I mean, we just found out about Menagerie etc etc... and that whole area and we're learning a lot about the kingdoms now and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Honestly... I'm a nerd for worldbuilding so I'm loving every second of this volume tbh.
  18. No problem~ I thought I'd just chuck it out there and make it know ya know. I really love the series and seeing more folks get into it would defs be great. It one of the more solid things to come out in a loooong while imo. They put a hell of a lot of time and effort into this series and like, it really shows tbh lol. Glad it's warming up to ya even if only slightly~ Hope it pans out.
  19. "Ack... does this group ever not get into trouble? It's like, they be misfortune magnets. First sea dogs, next a bleedin' storm smacks their ship in twain' and now land rats. Bastards best be glad the girlie is here... and would be more than mighty cross with me if I abandoned ship." Beau might've said if he could tak, however he jsut snorted loudly in disgust. He was starting to fell like he was here to babysit more than the dreamer with her head in the clouds at this rate. He'd do it for her... He had no interest in doing it for these dolts. But,he knew she'd not let him leave them. He snorted again at the thought. "Yer too kind girlie... I nary think these folk be worth your time. But whaddya I know? I just be a winged 'orse of course." "Oh, I should probably help." Rayne said aloud after hearing Beau snort several times. It only just brought her back to reality. She headed for the first target that made sense. "Okay, Twin Needle go!" move to A8, Ruin Myrm1's Day with irony justice, then Canto to B7
  20. Give it until Season 2/3, I know I'm saying to watch a bunch of the show before deciding which normally is a bit... silly, but due to RWBY's episodes being a lot shorter it's much easier to get through the earleir parts to really get into the meat. A lot that were watching since season 1 sorta saw the potential moreso and that what kept us about and with each season it only really gets better in every way as people have said already lol. Season 3 is when it REALLY gets rolling and I think it's the best indication of if you like season 3, you'll dig it as a series. So, give until then. Mostly, the shortness of the episodes really does a lot to make it easy to get to that point and it's really when it picks up I feel. Tbh, RWBY in production value story etc gets a lot stronger as it goes on. The first two seasons build it up well as they build the world and introduce you to the main cast very well, and season 3 gets the story rolling and it gets rolling FAST. Season 4 slows down the pace a bit ((so far it's not fully out yet.)) but it's well worth it for all the worldbuilding we're getting. Really, RWBY feels like a very very light show them'ing wise in the first two season, but there's a stark contrast set in season 3 with immense tonal shift in thematic and overall with how the show is presented. it transitions into this well however and it's not jarring. ((well maybe emotionally it is lol.)) In short, I'll say give it a bit. Season 1 is pretty rough and sorta like the extended pilot of the show. Normally I'd not say "give the time to grow on ya." but I think due to RWBY's rather short episodes is well worth your time diving into it to at least the later half of season 2 and the early parts of season 3. If it's still not appealing to you at that point defs drop it. 4 Chapter 6 thoughts.
  21. "Tougher than nails." *flexs* "And my spears are more on point then ever." Spears rank to B
  22. It'd be nice having at least one day I wasn't just exhausted as hell. I dunno why my energy is so low of late... but it's really preventing me from getting writing done and it's annoying the hell out of me now. Cause like... already barely able to keep my eyes open and it's only like 6. Oy vey..

  23. I mean such is the way of cards games, things are strong some metas, weak others. Control as I said has never really been thus in Hearthstone other than in maybe beta, but combo decks were much more powerful. I respect that though cause I get ya in some regards, But I don't really agree with nuking a playstyle out of existence just cause it's not one you like to play against etc or dislike in how it's a thing. Control Decks of that type are always going to be a thing it's just the natural cycle of TCG, and taking that archetype out of the equation isn't good. Control decks fill a certain slot in a meta and are pretty important to overall meta health. A lot of styles should be present in any one given meta just just a few. I feel like there's a lot of interesting late game things that can happen etc and that control decks are very interesting even though I don't typically play them. ((however I used to run Freeze Mage a lot, which imo is more a combo deck not a control deck, it doesn't stall like control warrior does, it's not like Concede Mage)) While I agree a bit with you in the fact that maybe right now it's a bit too stally I feel that due to cards like Elise Starseeker moreso than any of the backbone cards in the base set. Even without the base set toolkit, Control Warrior would literally always be a thing. There's always going to be big stompy dudes that as a Warrior with that hero power you're going to try and stall out the game to get to playing. Warrior's Hero Power etc entirely endears it to palying as a control deck as it's hero power is extremely slow. Even Priest's isn't as slow cause it can be used for tempo plays by using Auchani with it or other similar things. It's why a lot of the other warrior decks will run Sir FInley, in an effort to change their hero power to something much more useful to them than Armor Up. It's just no matter what Warrior will always have a slant towards control. Will it always be it's more powerful style? Probably not, if Pirate Warrior is any indication. But, remember, a game needs to not only cater to other styles, other styles kinda... need to exist to keep a meta healthy. If every single deck period was mid-range... well... people would find THE deck and only play that deck period cause it was better than everything else. Having different style makes match-ups more dynamic and actually allows a lot more wiggle room and creativity. ((though it may seem at times like there's none to do just how... refined HS lists get. The amount of resoruces out there jsut make it really easy.)) Let's jsut say, Warrior is nowhere NEAR what pre-nerf Druid was... a.k.a it ran nearly all basic and classic set cards because it's base set was so strong that old Mid-range Druid basically never changed other than a card or two and it's flex tech spots from the beginning of Naxx until pretty much right before Whispers of the Old Gods. Let's jsut say this, if the fatigue mechanic is in the game... why not use it? It is clearly within the game as an intended mechanic. Therefore decks that want to use this strategy and take this approach to the game are within the game's design space. Just cause you dislike them or think it's not where HS's strengths lie doesn't mean those decks should be nerfed into oblivion. It's A. Shortsighted as hell and does a lot more damage to a meta then you think. and B. It's... kinda an extremely selfish mindset. ((which by the way is TOOOOOOOOOTALLY OKAY. Not judging ya on that merit so long as you're not going to stright up deny it's your opinion etc...)) just like don't pretend it's cuase of a meta concern when it's the case. I mean, I hate aggro decks. I defs want to see them nerfed into oblivion cause I ahte palying against them. But, in the cases where these decks aren't oppressive and stifling a meta... ((and it's toxic to said meta as a result.)), I realize that it's not going to happen and it SHOULDN'T happen. Because random nerfs to things that aren't doing that... hurt the game a lot more than they help. Like as a note, I still think that SHaman's nerfs before Mean Streets were much to weak with how oppressively strong Mid-range shaman was. And this is my favourite deck. lol. It's jsut like... so long as that's realized, cool beans~
  24. And not liking a deck cause it drags out games is fine, but... like you were calling for nerfs on a deck that you just admitted isn't oppressive or overpowered. Like if you're going to posit an opinion at least be consistent. You were just saying it was a top tier threat in every meta and calling for a nerf, but then say it's neither strong nor oppressive which is you know... the opposite of that. So, why nerf it then? Nerfing things unnecessarily is extremely bad for meta health. Especially after a deck did just got hit ((the Execute nerf.)). Even if it's a minor nerf it still is one as I pointed out earlier. But random nerfs to backbone decks is VERY VERY bad in a meta since it just makes the warp even bigger. Cause if Control Warrior, a consistent run of the mill performer is suddenly weaker that means the bar on control lowers making all other archetypes shift in power level. Not to mention if there's a high tier deck that is quelled by Control Warrior or at least held in check by it nerfing Control warrior instead of the problem makes the problem worse. Like I get not liking a deck. Trust me I do, but don't try and justify a personal dislike of a deck by saying it should be nerfed on a meta reason. Control Warrior hardly needs or deserves a nerf. Control Decks struggle enough as is in HS, and have never ever piloted the meta other than maybe Freeze Mage back in beta. ((but Freeze Mage isn't what I consider true control and is more stall combo deck tbh.)) Ye my turns tend to be fast on average unless it's a thinking turn or I need to be like "What's optimal here?" and those happen more the higher on ladder I am. But ye... there's times were DAMN do people take forever. I mostly hate turn one ropes... cause the hell you thinking about turn one my dude? On favourite class note, Shaman is still mine. ((nad I liked it prior to the Meta of Shamans, bout fuking time they weren't trash tier though.)) What can I say, I'm a simple man. I enjoy throwing fucking lighting at shit from on high while I punch them in the face. It's great.~ I tend to dig it's more mid-rangey centric style as Mid-range is my preferred deck style as it's a little defnesive, a little aggressive. It's not full out aggression like aggro and but it's not as passive as control styles, making me enjoy the mix. I tend more towards mid-rangey styles so I tend to run Druid and well I did run Hunter but Mid-range Hunter at least was totally ded by the Call of the Wild Nerf. Maybe it'll see resurgence in Mean Streets though due to the more mid-rangey valuey way that Grimy Goons cards work.
  25. It's also not been a top tier deck constantly in every meta either. It tends to be a decent contender but it rarely if ever has gone up to tier 1, a.k.a top tier. It's also been a more 2nd tier deck. It's good but it's hardly broken due to the fact that it's so slow that most mid-ranges can outpace it. When mid-range is strong Control Warrior is weak as hell. It's gotten a bit rougher as well with the nerf to Execute ((it's only 2 mana but that's actually... relevant since it makes combo'ing it cost more. COmbo'ing with Slam 3 mana, basically going to use your whole turn on turn 4 and 5 now for sure. With Ravaging Ghoul, it is 5 mana. It's heftier than it seems.)) It's more often a tournament deck than it is a ladder deck unless it counters a super popular deck a.k.a extreme aggro as the weapons allow Control Warrior to keep the board clear in the early unlike other control decks that struggle a bit with stabilizing in the early. It's usually just solid. It's never been the op op deck. It's never been THE deck to beat throughout all of HS. There's alwyas something higher up there defining the meta, something better. It's just a reliable game-plan and deck. It's Consistency is high and it often is why it lands in the area where it's always played. It's a backbone of a meta, not a meta definer. Also as a note Ragnar... it's not really easy to say that now of all times. We're only a few days in to Mean Streets, the meta has had NO TIME to settle yet so there's no way to say that Control Warrior has 0 place in it. It's impossible to say it's entirely outclassed right now just cause we don't know the full of the landscape yet. We've got inklings and ideas but decks are still refining and sharpening themselves and finding what works etc etc... SO it's hard to say. Like for example Zoo was stupid strong for awhile right at the onset of the last Expac. It quickly dropped off as the meta refined.
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