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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Welp, this is going to be a certainly interesting week in the land of Hukuna avatars.

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    2. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Episode 1 was fun. Hope the energy persists in the whole series!

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      She's not my fav that's Nozomi, BUT I'M STILL FUCKING MAD TOO MAN!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Like... if it was jsut stright a loss, I'd be fine, but it was that the show was like "it's a tie!!!" then at the last second not only first says "oh we won!" it then in the next breath turns into a loss and it's like "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...!?!?!!?"

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and as a note Cyanna, it only really gets more and more enrgy as it goes tbh. Like hmmm, it keeps tempo pretty much if not uppin' it quite a bit at times LOL.

  2. Rayne only remembered everything going black. She didn't really remember much of anything, just she never ended up hitting the water. Beau had managed to catch her midair. He not really done such a maneuver before but being the show off he was, and having the experience with flying with someone he needed to keep his eyes on at all times least she forget where she was... he was used to flying being a challenge. It was a long while until Rayne came too, but she did so in the saddle of her faithful steed who had landed on the island the storm was still going. The rain pelted down msahing into the ground discordant music it's creation. Storms, the wrath of nature. Rayne, only awoke at the chance meeting of one of the droplets that were a homophone for her name. Beau had taken her a bit into the forest, but it didn't stop all the rain from getting to them. One hit her squarely in the brow, and she jolted up in her saddle. Beau snorted in response. At last she was awake. "I'd say good mornin' sleeping beauty. But alas, I can nary speak a word. You worried me girlie. I wish I could tell ye that, but I'm sure ya know, in yer 'eart of 'earts." "AHH! COLD!!!" she awoke, the unpleasent chill of the rain stinging her forehead. "Where...am I?" "Beau, thank you. I'm sure you saved me from something. I don't really remember what though." she racked her mind trying to think of what it could be, then remembered the crack of thunder. The Slicing of the ship. It came in a flash, much like the lighting had. "Oh, I hope the others are okay... I wonder where they are. We need to look for them once this storm subsides." And so, the girl and her pegasus stood in the forest while the world battered everything around them. It was almost serene in a way. Rayne and Beau, weathered the storm together, like they had with every other challenge that met them. They faced it with the other, ever since they had that chance meeting. Fate, one might call it. ***** The winds caressed her face as they flew around now, rather than tore at it. The storm finally having subsided, it was time to search for their companions. It didn't take long. After all, a group that large stuck out from the air. It looked like most of them washed ashore in the same place, which made finding them all the much easier. She was quite relieved, to the point she entirely stopped worrying, figuring they'd be fine and their healer wouldn't taken care of any bad injuries by now. So, when she landed she entirely forgot to announce her presence. Beau nearly landed on that annoying spy, but refrained from flattening him entirely. He was a merciful Pegasus. ((just needed to remember to shit in his tent later.))
  3. "Fine then! To the depths with the likes of you anyway! Ne'erdowell! I Shall defeat you for what you've done! Come on Beau, GIGA RAYNEBEAU OVERDRIVE!!!" She couldn't tolerate what he did to one like Karik. She never would, it was unacceptable. No one should ever force one so young as him into this kind of life. She spun into a dive with Beau, and released her javelin, straight for the insane captain. Move to U26, and dispense Justice from on high.
  4. Snow, the Lady Ashford Snow was still concerned about this "Fourth God". It sounded an awful lot like Pyron... well maybe it's just cause he was at times referred to as the Fourth God. Fire was the last, the fourth element, to be lain into the body of a living being. Earth the first with it the body. Wind the second, with it the Mind. Water the third, with it knowledge the ability to retain memory. And finally, Fire, the one that sparked life. The ignition of the Soul. Perhaps this god had some similarities to Pyron. Perhaps... none at all. It couldn't be Pyron himself. Only Seeker had the power, the knowledge to Transcend. As far as Seeker let on anyway. "You put on a really cute tough act... but you're not fooling me. I don't know what you are behind that suit of armour but you're using it to hide something. I've had millennia to practice, so I know the tricks when I see them. Not that I really need to hide, it just comes in handy." Snow shifted too a much more confident stance. One you could almost imagine a smirk behind her visor. If there was anything behind it... there wasn't though. Even if there was though Snow's face had not have shown the coy smile. "Anyway, You're words might have meaning to another, but you should already know by now I'm not here to make friends. Thought I made that one clear." She sighed. It sounded... strange though, almost as if it was rattlin' in an old tin can. "To answer your question though. Yes... but also no. My physical merits and the entirety of my fighting style down to the magic is all me. However, I am not human. I've ascended." She paused for a moment. Not sure how far she'd be want to go, but she'd probably never see these people again, and just one of them knowing probably wouldn't matter... "My form is directly tied to my goddess. I am one with her in some ways. We can even commune within the same mind. We are separate beings, and yet at times one in the same. Being on a separate plane from her makes the connection... fuzzy. Distant. While I am weaker than when I am in Graterras... I'm still more powerful than most heroes of legend regardless of the fact. I was once a hero of legend myself. A long time ago... so long I doubt many here were alive then. However, unlike many of them... I ascended due to my feats and my power. I became the chosen warrior of Aelia. I am not tied to a mortal form." She lifted the visor of her helmet for but a split moment. The Hellfire Knight was probably the only one that could see inside from where she was standing. And, there was nothing save for a soft pale mist that floated in her armour. Otherwise the suit held... nothing. While it was open the frigid air escaped. It surged outward, a misty pallor, a surge like that of dry ice. She shut it, causing one last puff to emit from her helm. "So... in short, yes... but also no."
  5. Snow, The Lady Ashford "Hmmm, not sure you mean by lose. We're not enemies. None of us are. Or well... we're not supposed to be. Apparently the two idiots fighting didn't get the memo. Guess the carrier pigeon died on the way there. Or they killed it... and used the letter to bludgeon something. The book idiot probably did the latter." She shifted in her suit. The trembling wasn't her imagination. She wasn't sure yet if she was the source of it, but she certainly knew that what she saw was real. She wasn't very happy with this, but there wasn't much she could do. Hopefully, Magna could comfort her apparent friend. "Even still, be glad I'm not an enemy. I respect confidence. But not overconfidence. Know yourself. But do not overestimate yourself. Despite my power I do not know If I'm truly stronger than anyone here, even if I was at full capacity. I do not know the bounds of my comrades here. I may not even know the depths of their potential. The same goes for you. Remember that. I do not mean to say that your words couldn't be true, there's just no way of knowing. I admire the resolve though. Just aim it at those we fight together and not us. But, favor? As in the god you mentioned? Hmm... I suppose that'd make sense of wnaing, but... isn't it your god's power itself that dmishes over distance, not their favor in you. hmmm strange."
  6. On this episode of, A Day in the Life of a Haphazard Novelist... I wake up super freaking late despite going to bed early. Why? I don't know. Probably means I'm not getting any writing done though. That's for sure~

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I was like exhausted as hell, might be why then huh?

    3. Maelstrom


      Yep. You just needed it. =P

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm jsut hoping I can sleep at decent time tonight so that my sleep cycle isn't fucked yet again LOL. Oy vey lol.

  7. Rayne didn't really command Beau to keep moving forward, but he did carrying her further into battle. He knew she'd snap back to attention if needed. She always did. His point was proven right when he approached the swordsman as Rayne saw him she bolted up in the saddle and immediately threw a Javelin forward at him. Move to T23, thread the needle in Merc 6, then Canto to U24
  8. Snow, The Lady Ashford Well, if this was any confirmation of her thoughts she'd be correct. A name like the Crimson Knight was well known at least in Legend to the Crimson Knight. Really any of the Divine Knights legends, they were bedtime stories for young children at times. Ignacio's the only one a cautionary tale, the one not of a hero. So, if this was Graterras, this one before her would've known. It did make her more lax about the fact that now, they knew who she was. In name at least. "Yes. The Crimson Knight is another such as myself. He however serves Pyron, the God of Fire and of Spirit. He fights in a similar style to yourself, the resemblance in ways, uncanny. He's better... but he's the avatar of a god. I expect that. It does not mire your own skill any for it is not and never will be a fair comparison. Though in action on another plane such as this I do not know quite how powerful he'd be. I can feel the strains of being far away from Aelia myself. Her power isn't nearly as strong here. Though, I can still feel her it's much more dull a note then I'd like." She noticed the other of her apparent new allies trembling visibly. A strange sight. One she wasn't sure how to handle since she wasn't earlier when Magna had called to her. Was she the inditing incident? Pretty hard to ask that without making it much much worse. Luckily, not having facial features or really anything but body language she could easily control the fact she had noticed and hide it. One advantage of not having a human body was it was easier to control what you let onto in the terms of body language. Armour was only so expressive after all. Snow decided to continue speaking, rather than let on as to her noticing. "However, I'm the one that got pulled into whatever this task is before us. I'm the avatar of Aelia, the goddess of Wind and Mind. I find that I am weaker here then usual due to the connection to my goddess being thinner here. I'd say I'd be concerned about my performance, but... we have some... people here that inspire my confidence that my fighting skills will be enough to make up for the weakening of the magic I wield. I'm still not convinced on the merits I've seen thus far of your skills, but I have only just began to witness them. I would say thus far, they intrigue me. Your's..." She said facing the Hellfire Knight "Only seems less to me as I've seen such that is a greater magnitude as I have said before. As I said, it's not a fair comparison, but one i make all the same. Your skills might impress me otherwise." She faced Kagari for a moment though not quite as directly as she did for the Hellfire Knight. "Your skills seem promising, though I do not understand how such a strange fighting style can be that effective. I'm still unsure of it's merits, but I reserve my true judgement. It's better than the book idiot, that's for sure."
  9. Meanwhile, on this addition of A Day in the Life of a Haphazard Novelist, no work is done and to feel better after a shitty ass morning I keep calling myself cute a bunch. Not much was accomplished. But damn if I ain't cute.

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    1. Commander


      Now stop acting cute before I run out of upvotes.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      No! I'm the cutest in all the land. If you run out of upvotes, so be it~

  10. I do this but uh... I'm still changing my avvie every week a new Keijo episode comes out so I'd jsut end up switching and I'd rather not force ya to make me like... 3 or 4 of them so I'll jsut pass. Good luck though and have fun with the hattin'.
  11. "Now, that guy is out of the way... we can do some more helping." Rayne thought to herself. She only just wheeled around in time to see Karik take a massive hit. She winced at the blow. She wanted to yell out, but now wasn't the time. There wasn't really anything she could do she was too far away. They probably wouldn't have even heard her. It was... cruelly unfair that so young a boy had to go through these things. He was the age of one of her younger sisters, at least she figured. It was... too much a thought to bear, one of her sisters being bound up in this. Maybe it was just the older sister in her that cared so much. Either way, the one that she spoke with before, Cadence ran to the boys aid. Rayne's worry disappeared. However she got cuahgt up in it and forgot for but a moment where she was. That worry made her forget she was on a battlefield. Luckily... no archer was in reach of her, and no one could get to her over the water. Beau wouldn't have let her come to harm anyway, he'd have dodged out of the way. He'd definitely not be happy about having to do so though. She snapped back to reality and clicked her heels, more out of instinct. It was her way of returning to her senses. Beau didn't really like it but he did appreciate it for the fact that he knew it meant she got her head out of the clouds so he didn't protest at it. "Let's get to work shall we?" She flew around the ship seeing a Swordsman moving forward, probably to intercept her group, why not intercept him first? "Time to thread the needle~ GIGA RAYNEBEAU OVERDRIVE GO!" Move to Q21, then let the Merc have it.
  12. Snow, The Lady Ashford "Hmm, so these are the ones you've chosen. I see. The Warrior who fights with her rear, And the one who bares a title much like that of one I know." Snow wasn't sure what to make of the two. The butt warrior... was... something. She didn't really know how to place this individual. They were so many things seemingly in one. How could one ever process all of that? Second the Hellfire Knight. Something about this one never felt right. A Crimson Knight wannabe? She had a similar fighting style... lay waste with some sort of fire like artillery. Yet, she was hardly any bit a tactician. Was it even magic she used? It seemed like... an even more advanced version of the firearms that the Slingers used. Energy. But these didn't have the same feeling as their bolts did. Each Slinger's bolt was unique to their personality and soul. So... it didn't function that way. At least as far as Snow could tell. She figured it might be the same if anyone fired it. Then again, she wasn't the most famailiar with the Slinger's armaments. Maybe these did fucntion the same. Snow didn't say much else just putting her hand to her chin in contemplation.
  13. I don't usually do these buy figured I'd break my whole don't do post indirect bday wishes thing. ((mostly cuase you're never on Discord so I an't poke you at my leisure...)) but ye, happy birthday belated birthday Ama~ Hope it was a good one. ((and hope today is swell too.))
  14. Actually he's an Admin so he's a step up lol Even better lol~
  15. I'm not entirely sure... maybe things are jsut being screwy but... I dunno. It'd be not so great if that was the case. Might wanna shoot one of the other mods a PM see if they can't figure out wht's up. I'd hlp but... being just a local I don't really have the ability to really lol.
  16. You can apparently receive Rep for Statuses now. Enjoy said knowledge.

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felicity


      you can also revoke rep too THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      LOOOOOL. Incredible power that is.

    4. Ironbound


      Time to post coffee statuses and cute Sneasels, I know that'll ensure me a steady supply of pointless numbers from Vinny

  17. tfw you accidentally made your cover photo a gif.

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    1. Shing


      It's not bad thooooo. Looks fitting af.

  18. I've been able to edit them just fine since I've been relinking the topics in the CW and RP pins again and they all let me do so, but maybe it's cause staff?
  19. Oh gosh darn it I'mma have to fix all the pin topics and what not in CW and RPing... MRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGGR...

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    1. Chim


      Lol have fun with that

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Mostly jsut links... should hopefully be fine... heheheh... it won't be know I ahve to topic dive.

  20. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "I don't see why I'd refuse seeing as we are bound into helping each other already. There's not much point in refusing the offer, but it makes me wonder why offer something you know is certain." Snow said following the strange necromancer of sorts. She wasn't typically fond of their sort. Most of them tended to be rather... untrustworthy. But, she did knwo that those that weren't of that variety tended to make strong and good allies. After all if they were strong willed enough to resist the allure of the dark... well, surely their word was all the much stronger. Seeing as this Magna was here with them, she assumed she was some sort of force of good. But, what type she'd not yet ascertained. After all... the one with the books was sent here as well. "You are a strange one. Hopefully strange in a good way, and not... like some of our allies."
  21. Annnnnnnd, now I can change my avvie here too. Ahhh, finally.

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  22. So long old site. Heeeeello new one.~ Well... in a week or soemthing.

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  23. Snow, The Lady Ashford. Suddenly the woman exhaled, another small bit of frozen moisture escaping from her helm. "Hmm. So, that was your aim. I see." Snow shifted ever so slightly. It be normally an unnoticeable movement but her armour gave it away. The metal rang ever so slightly, giving off a soft and oddly pleasant sound. It was as if one had lightly tapped a bell. It was strangely harmonic for armour. She was relieved it was something of such a nature, but couldn't help but mull over a new thought. Why her? Up until now Snow had really not shown much other than the layer of ice that resided over the tip of her. Typically it accomplished just what she wanted it to... keeping people at a respectable and icy distance. So, what was different here? Perhaps it was her experience they were after, or something she didn't quite understand. But, this group was certainly full of strange and otherwise odd individuals. Perhaps she seemed the most level-headed of them. Probably couldn't be that. It was easier to just ask then mull it over and over. "Hmmm, I understand your motivations, At least in regards to the alliance. But, why ask me? Surely there is some reason you do so."
  24. Snow, The Lady Ashford. "Strange. You're wearing a glove, I'm wearing one as far as you know... something smells fishy here." Snow would've raised an eyebrow, if she still had one. "Sit at least. I'd rather you not hover over me. It's hard to meditate while you are." She said. It was strangely odd. But she shut off her eyes again falling into the darkness. She'd meditated before while others were present. Hard, but so long as they were respectful and not being idiotic it was still possible even while being able to talk and reply. She'd have preferred to be left on her own, but she supposed it was fine. "As for what I was doing... I'm not sure if you'd quite believe me. I was meditating, then. But my goddess said she had another mission for me. Aelia. She gave me no context. And, here I was. I do not believe it was by her power I arrived here. She doesn't have the ability to transcend. She cannot break the barriers of the Great Encompasser. The Universe's barriers between pocket universes. So I suspect something else was responsible. I do not know what." She breathed deeply. exhaling a thin frosty stream from her helmet. Like one's breathe on a frosty winter morning. Despite not having a normal human body, a lot of her mind worked like one. Aelia always said it was to ease Snow's use of her form. To tie functions to things that felt like her old human body. It always felt... off though. "As for our company. Most I do not have an opinion on. They have yet to show their true colours therefore I cannot judge them. There are others though.. that I find undesirable. Ones that are close to being irredeemable. Ones that are perhaps more of a hindrance and danger to those around them than they are a boon." Snow didn't name any names. She was sure she didn't have to. ((just a note if Magna is near Snow for an extended period of time she'll probably really start to feel the unnatural coldness. Or, maybe not, seeing as she is all bone lel.))
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