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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Which... is the reason you don't instantly die and they have turns to get you back on your feet to counteract wayward crits just ending it all. ((and really any scenario that you brought up as well.)) Sorry, but fudging imo... really isn't cool and it ruins the integrity of the game in my opinion. There's mechanics in place to safeguard from RNG being the end all be all in this situation. I really don't agree with anything stated here since well it's very off base. Players will notice if you switch somethings stats that's already attacked, or if they know enough to figure out the numbers they'll see that you did it. Unless you're just going to assume player's will pay zero attention to that This while an rp, is also heavily inspired within a tactics game where having information is vital. Cause it's easier to play around something if you know what it and you are capable of. What does it matter lowering somethings stats due to an attack if the player had the necessary information to have never made it in the first place? Like you realize if you give them the information... they... can't be wrong right? They see the stats and then weight the options ((or I dunno... don't initiate an attack that does more damage then they thought because they have the tools to know EXACTLY what will happen.)) I really don't follow the logic of fudging because if they have the information, those situations are cut down on much more without having to intentionally go out of your way to baby the players. Even if something is a bit overly powerful knowing where it's strengths and weaknesses lie... imo make it possible to play around an enemy being a little stronger than thought. You can then start trying to kite it, or using your range units to good effect etc... etc. Giving players more information is never a bad thing and I will never understand a single person who says otherwise. I still personally think fudging is literally the worst thing you can do as a host because it's not owning up to little mishaps and instead erasing them because you can't admit you goofed. Rarely is it going to lead to a tpk. ((like you'd have to fuck up big time to have a single unit etc... wipe a party.)) and there is things in place that take off some of this burden. There's a reason you have three turns to pick up allies, it's so you have the time to access whether picking them up right away is better or to kill off all the enemies that are threatening at the current time. There's cases on both sides for sure but for me it will always air more towards giving the players more information than purposefully obfuscating it from them, because 9 times out of ten the issue is the unnecessary obfuscation. People need to stop being so piss scared of character death. It happens. And it can be fun and very moving in a narrative. It can have a lot of impact and create amazing scenes. I'm very tired of the attitude of fudging to protect players. You are just robbing them of the actual experience by diluting and ruining the integrity of the game and further removing any error of their mistakes. Yes, people make mistakes. They also learn from them, but they do not learn if you smooth over every mistake you make for them. They do not learn as players at all and will keep making that misatke so long as you keep covering for them. So guess what! DON'T.
  2. "Wait, I'm supposed to impressed that you killed a half dead man that was honestly better off fighting unarmed than with that... thing for a weapon?" Meredith said accompanied by a deep guffaw. "Little Rose, you're going to have to do a lot more than this to convince me a thorn can slay a giant.~ I could've spit in his direction and he'd have keeled over dear." She planted the butt of her Javelin into the ground and stared straight forward at the group of foes in front of her. "That move there, it was flashy, but... unnecessary. Unnecessary doesn't impress me. That wasn't something only you could do, anyone that knew their way around a sword could've done the same, even if it took a few more blows. Cause it was nary a single blow to begin with. Maybe one day Little Rose, you'll change my mind, but, that day isn't today." "You're definitely better than those guys though." she said pointing at the men carrying the rather large blades in the distance. They'd probably not be much of anything to someone like Meredith.Just a footnote in an otherwise tame battle. "So, how about I go greet our new friends?" Move to V4
  3. Guys... if you copy paste from somewhere else highlight your text and click the button in the upper area of the editor that looks like an eraser please... otherwise it's unreadable.
  4. I was thinking about doing that but I had Rayne's sheet finished already so... ((and I've got the Adapt cheese in hers so lel.))
  5. I think Rayne is pretty normal for a Peg Knight as well other than her strength being a little bit better than usual ((and her res being a tad lower.))
  6. Well and it also gives some what if's in there instead of all the units feeling samey or exactly like the standard for their class. It's more fun seeing that honestly cuase it makes some weird things possible and it's cool~
  7. You do know no one is being serious like at all right? It's just friendly silliness. I mean it should be extremely obvious seeing as I'm playing a Peg Knight that are well known for being frail. ((not to mention they are my fav class lel.))
  8. I mean you set your growths in this so if you set your speed to be abysmally low, either it's your fault or your luck sucks. ~~Not to mention the cleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean Pavise trigger that makes you take 0 damage.~~ ((also that why If I ever run one I'm changing how NPCs work and making them act in the same turn since I don't rather like them actin' in the ally phase))
  9. That was more at the dodge people who won't have very much defense so if they do get hit they flat out die.
  10. Well I'm going to be playing a General at some pont in the other one so I didn't exactly want to play one again. ((since Great Knights is basically jsut a General on a Horse LOL.))
  11. We are going to get absolutely destroyed by Beast effective weapons my lord... and archers... and wind magic... and just range in general. ((Murdoc I'm starting to want to go Nullify like you man.))
  12. I have a feeling Rayne will be pretty absurdly glass cannon... so having healers be nice ye.
  13. Annnnnnnnnnnd, sheet. Name: Rayne Class: Pegasus Rider > Whatever the Heck gets Triangle Attack ((but really Falc Knight.)) Character Skill: Adapt (Cost) Month of birth: Vembra Personal Flaw: Air-Headed: When at full HP, -15 Evade. Personal Skill: Giga-RayneBeau Overdrive: If the enemy is above 50% HP, + 15 to hit. Personal Skill: Sapphire Sunset Preservation Tactics: When lower than 50% HP, + 2 Def Promotion Personal Skill: Giga-RayneBeau Overdrive: Linebreaker Edition: When not in 3 spaces of 3 allies, + 2 damage Preferred Stats: Speed. Skill Weapon Proficiency: Spear [C] Lance [D] Level: 1 Total Level: 1 Progression Spent: 305/305 HP: 18 (40%) STR: 4 (50%) +2 MAG: 0 (0%) SKL: 5 (60%) LCK: 3 (40%) DEF: 3 (30%) RES: 5 (30%) SPD: 6 (55%) +2 MOV: 5 (+2 when mounted) CON: 6 AID: 5 (+12 when mounted 17)
  14. "Aaaaaaaaaah, just the thing I was lookin' for." Meredith said as she stretched out her body after Luka's dance. She breathed in a deep breathe before exhaling. "Thanks Dancin' Queen. Now, if you don't mind... I have a date with a wretched little thing down the way. I can't be late! That'd just be rude of me." Meredith then made a face that could only be made by some sort of demon. A wicked grin. It was the subtlety of it that made it so unsettling. On the surface nothing but a playful smile, but right beneath the surface, bubblin' rage peaked it's ugly head. She turned on her heel quickly and abruptly after her stretches first walking away, then jogging, then dead pan sprinting directly at the Troubadour in the woods, spear in her hand. "Didn't I ASK POLITELY ENOUGH THE FIRST TIME?!?" she shouted at the troubadour hiding in the woods. "It really hurts being ignored like this you know... I'm not asking again. Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!" She didn't stop running and clashed her spear in hand into the woods until she could see the target of her ire. "Hello... and goodbye." Move to S5, get revenge for all the headaches this troubadour has caused. Attack troubadour 1 with a spike of pure hatred. ((sometimes referred to as an Iron Lance.))
  15. Well, wasn't really much ta screencap from the newest episode since, it was about the other characters moreso, so I'mma just use one of the others screengrabs I have from a past week and just use that~ ((it's teeechincally still in the most recent episode since it's in the little section that happens before the OP.)) But weeeeeeeeeeee!!! More Nozomi~

  16. DO you suddenly have artillery growing out of your head? Should probably get that checked out. It's not exactly natural. ((canon as in canonical, not cannon as it "ARRR ME HEARTIES, ARM THE CANNONS OR YE BE SLEEPIN' IN THE BRINY DEEPS")) On topic, kinda? I always play Argonians personally, cause I prefer to play weird stuff when I'm allowed the option. ((cause the other races are pretty standard fantasy faire so... it's just BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING. Why not go for the unique options?)) Though, I did play an Orc Mage once, The glorious epic of Sparkles McLightinghands, Orc Mage extraordinaire. as to whoever pointed out the one in FO4... I can't really speak to how it goes in FO4 since I couldn't even get past like 6 hours of that game it was just not what I was lookin' for at all ((FO4 is basically a Shooter that's masquerading as an rpg and pretending to have the depth of an ocean when in reality it's just a kiddie pool.)) Honestly, I think Fallout New Vegas did it a lot better ((and hell it was still flawed but everything is.)). New Vegas only really makes you make solid choices like when it won't really bust the game for ya. And... personally I think it's a lot easier to pull off that whole faction think in post apoc worlds than it is high fantasy like Skyrim. Post Apoc you kinda expect everyone to be a shithead cause society has for the most part broken down. People don't really have any way to maintain law, and those that do can easily be fanatical and rule very unjustly. It's just easier to pull off shades of grey in a world where Civilization has died. In Skyrim it feels more forced, like they are trying to fabricate that grey to make there be a lot of undesirable traits in both sides but they only really exist for the sake of existing. ((like my earlier mention of the opening sequence.)) etc... basically itjust feels very... counter to the idea of the choice like these things jsut exist to make that choice seem "harder" or have an emotional impact... or do something but it just falls flat on it's face cause it does it in a very hamfisted and unclever way. Really it's a choice that's meant to have impact for me personally at least, it has... 0 impact cause there's no reason my character would really care. They don't even come from Skyrim, so what do they care how it ends up being governed? There's just no stakes there... which makes the impact the choice is supposed to feel like it has feel very moot and non-existent to me. Like, the other sideline quests work because they focus more on a personal level. They align with goals or things you want as a character. They have personal stake, raising through the ranks of the society you've joined etc... there's a sense of progression but one of the progression of your character. There's kinda some in the I vs. S thing as well as you capture more cities etc... but only really like small details change about the world and they are pretty static and minuscule. Unlike the progression that directly effects you in the more flesh-out side quests. You get the minor world building and world changing effects but alongside getting shit like the nightingale armour... or half the cool magic doodads you find from the Mage Guild quests etc... and not only do these quests do that they lead you to find cool shit in the world you might not be otherwise lookin' for. Like you run into all sorts of shit at large in the Mage guild quest. HELL YOU FIGHT ONE OF THE DRAGON PRIESTS DURING IT. ANd one with a decently mage related mask too if I recall. You also find one of those three brothers that drop one of the three pieces of that amulet that gives +30 hp, mana and stamina. The guild quests are jsut so muh better tied to the world because they aren't tied to locations that you can basically fast travel to right at the beginning of the game ((provided you just go to the nearest carriage and pay to go there for the first time.)) Because a lot of the quests are taking over small forts etc... or very scrpited locations... most of the quests for the army quests make interesting in the moment set peices but once you move on your way you entirely forget about them cause they are jsut.... insubstantial. Anyway, I've gone on long enough lol. I jsut think honestly, that the Imperial/Stormcloak questlines are probably amoungst the worst quests in Skyrim. They are just poorly thought out and rather throw away distractions. ((in an open world game where there's plenty of those, this questline is somehow less memorable than like... the random fetch quests. I remember those, but I couldn't tell you what half the missions for the Stormcloak/Imperial ql were. The only one I can remember is Whiterun, probably about the only truly interesting moment in the questline... which is honestly a lot lamer from the protect Bulgruuf side of things if I do recall..))
  17. Huh so, have played 40 hours of Fates in 4 days. Been awhile since I just got this into a game and couldn't put it down XD.

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