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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "*Yawns*" And uh, he's literally critted no one else so... that's not that hard a thing to pull off.
  2. Dpends on your definition of terrible.~ ((that's also not the one I'll be using for sure I just needed one in the moment.))
  3. "Looook you... Wyvern pimp, you, whaaaaaat do you know about people things? Didn't you like wander around not talking to people for like a bajillion years Whaaaaaat do you know? *crosses her arms and storms off.*"
  4. "Yoooou're just lookin' into things to much heh... heh... Yoooooour just seeing things that aren't there. Yea, that. Definitely that.~"
  5. "Oooh, oooh lordy. Is it gettin' hot in here or is it just me? *fans self with her hands looking real embarrassed.*"
  6. "N-nooope! Definitely don't need one of those, It's best we just forget she said anything! Yep! Best idea!"
  7. "Step aaaaway, from the fire mage and no one gets hurt!!!" "also, not in public Firecracker... geez."
  8. Meredith too busy being an utter savage to facepalm. Ain't got time to facepalm when you're too busy giving them crap for utterly failing.
  9. tfw you guys forget that Mere has like 5 RES. She's weirdly durable against magic for a non-mage. ((and not bein' a Peg Knight.))
  10. Yea, I had that feeling, however, I have the feeling that in some regard Meredith sorta falls back into her ol' soldier days so she just structures her group in that way a bit. ((though very loosely lol.)) so she kinda is more selective in who's in her "unit" or somethin'. She's at least talked to them all at some point. ((similar to what she did for Radburn and Serene recently, probably not to the same level however.))
  11. Keep in mind even if she is the marked leader she doesn't really do the "order you obey" style thing. Meredith strictly hates rank and file... yadda yadda military mumbo jumbo. ANd she's definitely sees it along the lines of "we're all in this together." Like I'm sure there was a point where she hesitated to call herself that in the IC thread somewhere. ((think it was in the scene with Hoshiko.))
  12. I honestly don't really know what the working story is, I could talk about it to Pyon though it's not really the biggest deal. My kinda idea was that Meredith sorta just runs a unit that is basically, all the misfits of the Misguided Children or people that join up but the more "normal" units wouldn't take them in a million years for whatever reason. Meredith had this kind of experience first arriving there I feel, seeing as she was from Dragao and fought for Dragao and earlier on she'd have been easier to pin as "The Undying" since it was more recent when she joined up, so no one was really all that willing to accept her at the time, so she just ended up running her own unit of all the folks like her within the ranks of the Children lol. Of course, this is just my head canon and not really something that's set in stone. I just figured she was sorta the unit leader ((and people have already said she basically is lol.)) I just figure it explains it in an interesting way as to how all these misfits ended up in the same place. ((and I feel it gives and interesting characterization point to Meredith in that she gives other people second chances, or is quicker to give them the benefit of the doubt then others due to what's gone on in her life.)) Just my thoughts on it lol. Nothing is really set in stone though. I'm not really even sure how the Children are structured and if that even makes sense in the context of them XD.
  13. Clearly it's just an alternate timeline. Though I just mentally solved it that in between the time from when the prologue happened to when the first battle started they just switched healers for what ever reason. Chalked it up to that.
  14. tfw your latest character brings out your inner savage and you are just bodying fools left and right.

    Read more  
    1. Sutoratosu


      My inner savage has been out in full since day one of my time in that subforum

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh, I've always been one as well. I just hide it really well lol. ((I saw knowing full well some of the shit I did in Graterras back in the day... LOL.))

  15. *adjusts evil monocle and standard issue evil tophat.* Oops... my evil is showing. Better hide that.
  16. I'll figure it out when I get there lol. ((that line at the end there is literally a jab at myself since I tend to think of them off the top of my head and if I like it I stick with it LOL. Honestly went with Thunder Blunder so I can go #THunderBlunder every time he misses in OOC. Does that make me evil? Probably.)) And HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE signed up for Meredith's band of misfits. He wanted this, so he better get used to it! Meredith is the queen of playful teasin'. ((That secretly destroys your soul at the same time.))
  17. tfw at this point it's basically tradition after I make a post for Zeta to instantly pm me something along the lines of "rip Terrin." ((or whoever the subject is at the time... mostly Terrin doe.)) Look, I can't help that Meredith brings out my inner savage.
  18. Meredith patted Anna on the shoulder as she ran by. "You really drive a hard bargain hun~ He got what was coming to him." she whispered the part after so that the rest of the group couldn't really hear her. "And even if the rest of the group doesn't approve I do between you and me. Woman's gotta command respect.~ Gotta bash a few skulls in sometimes show 'em who's in charge." Either way, Meredith was moving into position to intercept more threats that would probably arrange themselves. She would take on the eastern front of foes. Surveying them it was best for her and Saffron to cover this flank while the others moved to defend the other. Luckily, they had already started doing so. She would have Dash, and Saffron support them. She smiled at the two mages performing well "Good job Firecracker! You're really blazin' ahead. Oh. You too Thunder Blunder!!! Spirits must feel bad for missing all this time!" She couldn't really think of anything more clever in the moment so she just went with the first thing she thought of. "Alright, Saffron, Dash! I'm going to move forward to defend our eastern flank. I would appreciate your support. Saffron stay with me as much as possible. We can use our lances together to gain an advantage. Dash, you're fast! Use that speed to aid us as best you can! If you gotta fight try and fight those big fellas with the axes! They're slow and dumb for picking the worst weapon! Certainly no where near as good at wielding them as our Hard Bargain over there.~ So give 'em a good wallopin' for me ya hear!?!?" Move to G3 ((translations on the NPC orders, I want Saffron to stay within support range of Meredith and Dash to stick close as well. This way giving me two of 3 units I need to not have my damage gimped with me most of the time hopefully.))
  19. Guess you had to make up for missing all those times we needed to hit but critting when it was unnecessary.~
  20. Sweetness. I already considered going through and doing it for you on occasion not going to lie but... kinda don't want to just be using my mod powers willy nilly. But, good to hear!
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