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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I imagine that the 22nd is the date that it comes out for their premium users and it will come out a few days after for everyone else like always. Thing is... all last season Roosterteeth's site got destroyed by the amount of people trying to watch it. ((to the point that how I checked if it was soon time from them to release it elsewhere. I tend to watch it on Crunchyroll cause I can't bloody stand their site layout cause it's awful for trying to watch multiple episodes in a row.)) I should note that they've been doing it with RWBY Chibi that little spin off series, so I imagine they will continue with the main series as well.
  2. *changes avvie again.* You know... the worst part is I had to screengrab all of these myself.

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    1. Ironbound


      *claps halfheartedly*

  3. I still have this weird feeling something is wrong with the animation on this and I dunno why the hell I can't shake the feeling. It was larger the first time I viewed the video so I think it's in part to how jarring the change is, but also in parts that something is weird about how momentum transfers. There's just a lot of places that feel like they are very slow and there's a lot of weird touchy moments. Like, Ruby's semblance as far as we know is speed, but the short here does a very bad job at least to me, keeping the momentum of the speed. It feels very slow and choppy and it loses a lot of fluidity I feel. I think a few moments hang to long etc... But I can't really put my finger on why it has this.. feeling to it to me. Also, the faces look... very stiff. Think that's jsut not being used to the new models yet though. THe visual stuff I'll probably get over once the season starts we'll see. Something I'll note though... can I jsut say the Grimm look like 9 million times better? Like... they actually look threatening rather than like be weird... squishy clay things they were previous. Like the Beowulf especially since they honestly looked too cute due to jsut how smooth their fur was and stuff etc... but now? HOOO! They look great.~ and for me personally... Blake > Ruby > Wiess > Pretty much literally every character in the series > Yang. Joking a bit, but Yang is really just not a character I really care for that much. However none of the girls are my fav characters either. Qrow and Oobleck I think are my favourites by far LOL. Sadly I doubt we'll see much of either this Chapter. I have a feeling though my opinions may change quite a bit once we actually get into the meat of this chapter since I'm going to assume we'll see quite the character growth for our mian 4 across it's length and I'm super looking forward to that. I tend to have my opinions change on characters in this series frequently. ((Like Weiss all of season 1, dispised her lol, but Season 2 made me like her a lot more. I should also note that my particalur rankings there are like... obscenely close on Ruby,Blake and Weiss cause I like all three of them a lot as characters, I only really choose cause I have to. Look... I jsut can't wait until we get there cause I needed more RWBY like... yesterday.))
  4. I'd join y'all but, Nozomi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bad bandwagon memes. ((Spoiler: I'd not have regardless.))

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  5. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not a big proprietor in doing this unless it's an obvious case of god-modding or something of that measure otherwise I absolutely detest telling people how to play their character etc. ((which it's probably clear seeing as I jsut got all snappy about it. But, in that regard me doing it to others would be extremely fucking shitty of me therefore I do not do it.)), but tis cool. and I totally get it from where you were coming from if that had just been something you dealt with especially if it was more or less recently. Hopefully though you get that if there's anyone who's going to do that, I'm the least likely candidate. Since it a huge pet peeve of mine. ((hopefully that smooths out for ya a bit as well.)) In other news, I'm probably going to wiat to move until more of y'all do. I should've probably been doing this a lot more in earlier turns as well seeing as my damage gets gimped if I'm not in range of y'all. If I see somewhere to go/do I'll let ya know though folks. As to which direction we go... well that's up to y'all seeing as I need to follow regardless LOL>
  6. Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooour just lucky I can't get the C with Fire bae at current.Otherwise I get that B suuuuuper fast lel. ((note by the way: I am yea usually super uncomfortable with anything resembling romantic etc contexts of things with my characters and rather don't like RPing that stuff. However, Acquie kinda brought the idea of Serene and Meredith being a thing when I was on the server and we talked about it for quite awhile. I kinda concluded if anything gets to that sorta level with my character it'd be there. Since, while it's out of my comfort zone, Acquie's a good friend of mine so I trust her enough and feel comfortable enough stepping out of my bounds in that situation.)) and last thing I'll say on the subject. I never ever ever ever want someone to change the way a character is on my account. Besides the fact I actually love Klaren as a character and think he's great. I'm definitely glad that he got picked in the beginning cause he is a very different character and one of that type that is actually being played well. Like, I really enjoyed that last scene and watching it unfold in the IC. It was really great. So, never was it my intent to say "don't play this way." it jsut that certain thing makes me me very uncomfortable and I'd rather you be aware of it, than not aware of it. That's sorta and usually a no-go area for me cause it's just not something I'm comfortable portraying myself. ((like other than that specific thing Klaren is a character I'm definitely a fan of and like seeing what he'll do etc... in situations. I like watching that unfold. I'd not say this game be boring without him, but it'd certainly be lacking something as interesting, strange, and well played as Klaren if that monk wasn't part of our party. I'd not have that any other way. Trust me on that Frogs. You play some of the best oddballs out there XD, and Ilove watchin' them. SO, don't think I ever want you to change that. I jsut want you to understand there are places and things I'm... not very comfortable with in an RP setting and I'd rather you be aware of it instead of expecting you to get it without me saying anything. Cause frankly... I kinda do that way to much where I expect other people to know why I'm mad etc... when I've never even told them. Which is unfair of me to do and why I'm trying to make an effort to do this stuff a lot less.)) Also, shouldn't I have 28 health? I swear I was at 27 last level and my HP went up on level 7. EDIT: Nevermind the reason i was confused was that my HP was listed as lower than it was in the cheet sheet during the last chapter so I forgot it went it up, it being corrected this time made me think there was still one missing, so na, right number LOL. I just derped.
  7. See if Acquie wasn't the one to recommend me it, I'd have never watched it in the first place. However, if there's anyone I trust when it comes to anime and that type stuff recommendations it's her LOL.((since she actually knows what will get me to try shows and actually attempts to sell me on stuff that I might not otherwise give a try. I've never really been disappointed by something she's told me to watch once so...)) It's ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so good. I love it personally.~ Look, It's made me like a Protagonist thus far. I fucking hate protagonists in anime. LOL. So, instantly left an impression on me LOL>
  8. Let's just note I like it. I DO. So it kinda... actually has to be pretty quality lel. ((not really but if it was entirely tastless affair, I'd have skipped out on it, it's not. Let's just say I've watched the first episode like... 7 times already? Look the next one needs to come out a week is too fucking long.)) I mean... my current avvie is probably an indication I like it as well... so, there's that. lol.~
  9. Anyway, I'mma clarify this now cause I can't really sleep since it's swimming around in my head and I'm worried about possibly blowing up again down the line. So, here goes. The sorta... thing between Klaren and Meredith legitimately makes me uncomfortable. It kinda has from the outset, but I didn't figure it'd be an issue really until now. But Seriously, I tried to not have direct interactions between the two characters because they make me feel extremely uncomfortable to the point they trigger my anxiety to some extent. Like, I feel physically ill anytime I have to make Meredith interact with Klaren IC. It's why I've intentionally been avoiding it, and in-character having her tell him off. because I really REALLY REALLY do not want to engage with your character in that context. It seriously is not something I'm interested in pursuing and never will be because it's just not something I want any part of. It seriously makes me feel ill even thinking about it because that area of things makes me that uncomfortable. I've not really said anything up until this point cause I don't want to be telling you how to play your character and kinda fear a little that people will think I'm trying to abuse my position to get my way or something but I dunno... that or people will think I'm just whining etc. I'm not however, and It seriously has made me so uncomfortable that I've considered leaving the RP at a few points. ((and even have alluded to it in a sorta hidden way in character. There was a part where Meredith was talking about indirectly)) ((quote broke for some reason, pretend this is in a quote box.)) "However, I cannot safely say that they've not caused us grief in the past and nearly enough to considering me letting them go on more than one occasion." While this line was in character ((and what she's truly thinking in regards to the monk)) it was also a sorta hidden way that I was saying that. I should probably stop doin' that shit cause it's bad hat but eh... writing is one of the easiet ways to express myself so sometimes I infuse my feelings into it when I shouldn't. Anyway, I seriously just do not want to engage with something of this... connotation. It's just much too far past my comfort zone and not something I am comfortable with. The joking here set me off because the one thing I have in the situation is my ability to not interact there... and it's kinda joking about taking that away from me, and seieng as how uncomfortable that whole situation actually makes me... It's seriously not funny to me and really truly upsets me. I apologize if I'm not the best about going about things, and that I tend to keep things bottled up until I just can't bear it anymore but... yea, There's reasons that in-character I've had her tell him to leave her alone, Because I really actually want you to. Because I do not feel comfortable engaging in that and I'd like that to be respected. P.S. No, I don't want you to change how you're playing your character and this is why I've taken this long to say anything. I don't want you to feel like you have to change to accommodate me. I just want you to understand what I'm feeling though so you understand what I got upset for rather than just leaving that with zero context.
  10. I'm not sure that'd be the most comforting thing in the world, though the heat might get this awful crick outta my neck so... eh lol.
  11. Can we like not...? I seriosuly really don't find this shit funny anymore... and it's beginning to quite frankly piss me off.
  12. I'd say once my opens up, which is next level so it should happen next map. Probably be enough to tip it into C territory. If not, I shall diligently work on it until I have it~ ((for obvious reasons.))
  13. Sain... why couldn't you just... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE??!!?!

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
    3. Commander


      Btw Huk old fire emblem rules are basically if they aren't on a castle/throne, they probably are a mobile boss.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Uuuuh, that hardly applies considering there's been like at least 1 I can recall that wasn't that way in this one and it was also a fog of war map. ((and he was a bloody Nomad Ranger so pretty sure the dude have moved if he could.))

  14. Yea, I'mma just... uh... *Just goes back to rewatching Keijo for the 8 millionth time waiting for the next episode.*
  15. I mean there's plenty more in the first two chapters if you "need more" I did say that after all, not my fualt y'all can't reeeeeead. ((also, not even going to go near that one Frogs, I'll pass.))
  16. I dunno that alone sorta should make it pretty obvious lol. ^ That's not the only one it's just pretty indicative LOL.
  17. *looks at most of the interactions where she told Klaren to leave her alone, and even most of the times uses his full name rather then shortening it.* Na, never shown it once.~
  18. You sure he wants to be like... dead dead? I'm not sure you know just how much Meredith doesn't like him my dude.
  19. lol, you'd not want that Bfrogs trust me. And meh, Wyverns are shit and so are Snipers.
  20. #NozomiTake2. Not that I didn't like the other one I had, I jsut figured I'd go with something a little different I suppose... Look, I've watched the first episode so much that I found sorta a better thing to screengrab and I used it lel. ((I can't believe I like a protagionist in an anime what the actual hell is happening?))

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