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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. ^ this. Remember how Meredith got set to one health lol? It's cuase Ecquis crit the target I was going to atack but changed my action ((cause it was dead.)) so basically I got rekt cause Ecquis crit my planned target
  2. tfw researching if there's any good plot orinented SoL type stuff since sorta interested in writing one that has slight supernatural elements to it. However I'm not a fan of those SoL things that sorta jsut go nowhere and don't really know where on earth I'd start lookin'. ((since I sorta need a way to research such so that way I have an idea of how to do that.))

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      This is pretty new idea by the way so I don't really have many specifics. I jsut want it to be something pretty different from my typical high fantasy stuffs lol. I knida wann try soemthing out of my stricter comfort zone, I'll probably end up hating it but lol, I sorta want to play with it at the least.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'll think about it for sure... have to collect my thoughts into something coherent for human comprehension.

    4. Shamitako


      Alright, just lemme know if you need anything. My repertoire of SoL is fairly large and expanding by the minute (literally I'm watching another one right now)

  3. "Heart Swap" Book Trade "So you aren't here to browse my warrrrres. Shame~ Maybe some other time." The cat said playfully feigning offense. He placed hi paw to his chest and everything. Ricardo really did have to make everything a show. "Walk with me I'll take you to the office. I'd prefer you not get lost in our little labyrinth. It's cozy in here, so I guess it'd not be too bad getting trapped forever though. But, Busines comes first!!! Unless you like to mix it with a spot of pleasure. I don't judge." He turned with a bit of flair in his movmeents and then with a flick of his tail he began walking to the back of the store. He wasn't really paying close attention if the Alakazam was following him since he figured he would... if he was really here for the business he stated he was. "You don't look like one of the usual riff raff Draidon sends on his errands. I find that peculiar. Certainly not one of the scribes... this an errand to important for them, or you get on the big fella's bad side? They say he has quite the knack for grudges. Least, so I've heard. How true that is I don't know."
  4. Didn't the earlier mages do like... 0 damage with their spells doe against you? I swore they couldn't even damage ya before XD. ((besides we can defs pick you up before it's an issue so don't worry too much.))
  5. tfw you restarted SoulSilver jsut to play until you unlock the Battle Frontier to spam play Battle Factory. ((thanks to Wolfie's series on it reminded you of the hours upon hours of that mode you played becuase it was greeeeeeeeeat! Wonder if I have my old notebook that was full of what sets stuff had still lying around somewhere.))

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    1. Azeria


      Battle Factory is fun

      Until your opponent gets a fucking Milotic.

      Whoever decided Aqua Ring/Toxic/Recover/Double Team was a good set needs a slap....

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      LOL, there is some super janky shit in there for sure. Kinda what I think is fun though sicne there's some quite quirky things XD.

  6. tfw they are actually investigating No Man's Sky in regards to the ethics of it's advertising. Like, officially officially. I can't say I'm too surprised but... I certainly think this might end up being... soemthing signifcant in the way games etc... are covered before they are launched even if no foul play is found. It's sets a precedent that it can be done if companies don't properly deliver. I wonder if this will have a good impact on the industry... or a negative o...

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    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yeeeeeea, the thing is there's a lot more here than within that sorta sphere. They promised and said on multiple occasions in offical interviews that certian features would be in the game. They are not. Some of these features are still listed on the steam page apparently... this is on top of screenshots and trailers that portrayed assets not in the final game.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      So, it's not just that there are screenshots of assets not in the game, That's pretty normal at this point. It's the combination of this and on record promises of features that were never included within the game. Now... this might be in part from the rabid fanbase reaching during the development period... There's jsut a lot of not so great things they did here.

    4. CURIE


      Just go watch Angry Joe's review. There's a part where I feel he does a great job of showing just how much bullshit was in the advertising.

  7. Just had to taunt the RNG gods? Hopefully they are in a good mood and will appreciate a joke today lol.
  8. My soul never sits still. It is the tumultuous storm. Thunder breaks the air, lighting electrifies it. The rain rhythmically beats on the surface, ripples fill my being. It is in constant motion, it lives as I do. I'd not have it any other way.

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  9. Frogs... probably should've moved so you could intercept both the Knight and the Solider. ((cause Rosa doesn't really have a shot to get to the fighter otherwise if we even want a shot to try and save Radburn.)) Like onto the road or something, since we can easily take care of them after ((as you shouldn't go down your defense is like stupid.. XD.)) and that way neither of the Lance weiders even think about attacking Rosa.
  10. Meredith saw in the distance a peculiar sight. One of the beasts seemed to have a body slung over it's shoulder and was carrying him away. She got an awful feeling about the meaning of this, but also, it might've meant there was still some hope for the poor sod. She had to assess the field, and she had to quickly. Fortunately Klaren's curse would pay off once more if he could find himself some source of healing. His curse would allow Rosa mostly clear passage if it worked once more. Except for one loose end. "Rosa, I'm going to clear the path for you. You save that man. Only you can. No pressure.~" Meredith said, smiling at the young woman. She hated to throw this at her, but she was the only one who would've reached that beast carrying him in reasonable time. It was now or never, do or die. If they were going to save this one they had to pull the trigger now and not twiddle their thumbs idly. Meredith cracked her neck. It was time for action. She rushed forward towards the mage and pivoted roughly towards the shambling mess of a demon. She struck out with her lance hoping to land true and end it's unholy afterlife. "How's it hanging ugly?" Move to L11, Attack Mage 2
  11. "Seems like everyone else is slacking. Just gotta put more PASSION into that work ethic~ Like me!"
  12. Meredith was a bit angered that she missed, however the creature and her found an end to their little staring contest as it went to attack the monk. He really was cursed. There was no way it was possible otherwise. The beast lept past both her and Rosa to go from him. It was an insane move, one that could easily result in death. Though, perhaps it was due to whatever these things were not fearing death. After all, they already were dead once, what did they have to fear the inky black abyss? It was no longer unknown to them. The only reason anyone feared death, is they didn't know what came after. "Rosa, we need to move. Come with me to the North. I'm sure our allies will catch up in due time. or now we need to keep the line moving! Also, take care of yourself and patch up some of those wounds." She immediately pivoted and shouted as loudly as humanly possible to make sure those to the south could hear her. "SAFFRON! I'LL BE IN NEED OF YOUR ASSISTANCE!!! GET WHOEVER YOU CAN OVER HERE I'LL PROVIDE SUPPORT ON YOUR ARRIVAL!" Moves to J12.
  13. "Heart Swap" Book Trade It took a slight moment before anything in the storefront shuffled. Clarice's back office was quite removed so she didn't always hear the service bell, especially not while she was conversing with Barnes. So, the Alakazam had to wait a few moments before one of the two goons running the floor noticed. The one that had was Ricardo. What he was up to prior wasn't really discernible, but he came slinking up to the awaiting customer as far as he knew. "Ay, welcome to The Heart Swap! You're always one trade away from the heart of another. How can I be of service today? Here for a trade?" he rattled off in his thick accent. He had a grin that beamed ear to ear, to the point it almost felt a bit insincere.
  14. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22419#entry561769 and the second piece I'm going to be adding to my anthology piece "The Bard of Flowers.". This piece doesn't ever actually explicitly names the flower I decided to use for it's inspiration, wonder if people could figure it out. ((though I don't think it's that hard to get lol.)) Anyway, feel free to live your feedback in the thread! Or, heaven forbid come talk to me about it! I really...
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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      don't mind it and love talking about my pieces XD. Anyway, do enjoy~

    2. Ironbound
  15. A single drop of blood. A memory. A promise. It's stains the heart of a lonely bud, the centerpiece of a crown of flowers. A catalyst primed for duty. The white airy buds cling to their center, their red stained leader. The knights pull into their most familiar position, the bird's nest. They arrange themselves in order to face the wild storms That their duty so calls for. Their queen is long gone. But, their promise never forgotten. The promise of sanctuary for the weary. To protect the downtrodden, those that were weary of the weight of the world. Whether it be the weight of war, or the heavy burdens that were too often carried within the heart. She never wanted anyone to suffer. It was still the concerns on her dying breathe. Those of others. Perhaps, she was one who always cared too much for others. That it was her downfall, that she never looked after herself. But, her heart, her soul weren't a vile thing. They were too good for this world. Selfless to the extreme. So naive in a world so cold. We could've learned a lot from her. We could've, but alas... it was too late. Her kindness still lived on in this world. The people she heard out, those she advised, the ones she taught how to battle their inner demons.,, they were still in this world. While it wasn't a sure thing, they could always pay her memory forward. That kindness she spent a moment on, but a few wavering seconds... would last an entire lifetime for another. Her momentary kindness rippled infinitely. There were now people in this world who had the tools to find themselves. Because she offered them a special kind of sanctuary. The place that they could be true to themselves. The place they could bleed and not be judged. Nothing was expected of them while they recovered in her care. In her hands all were blessed. Her gentle hands guided them when they needed to, but they also were there to hold onto as well. She lent her shoulder to cry on for anyone, her ear to listen to any problems. To her, mended the soul of a person was the best thing you could do in this world. She'd pick up the pieces of of long discarded glass and fit them into place. Some no longer matched, some were miscoloured. But, the shards came together to something even more beautiful then their original form. Glass stained with the hardships of the world. They glittered with a radiance unlike any other. Tempered within the flames of adversity. Coloured by the sea of human emotion, reds, blues, greens, yellows. Broken was only a temporary state of being. Perhaps she endeavored too much to fix and mend. She never knew how to spare any of her wonderful gift for herself. There's was too many broken souls, damaged hearts in this world. While she stitched their hearts back together, hers openly bled. It was far to late by the time anyone had realized, far to long that the more she fixed and mended, the faster she crumbled into ruin. And even yet, on that last fragile breathe, the finally shard of glass that resided in the window of her soul... she still was sorrowful that she hardly scratched the surface. That even with all the good she did, that many more suffered. She asked her knight, the Man in Red... no... her friend, one last request with her dying breathe. "For anyone, that suffers from the weight of the world... offer them the world. Give them sanctuary, give them protection, guidance and love. I think, just the idea of some small place of safety, some place they can be true to the person they are... is all someone truly needs to find out how to be whole again. Promise me, that if you can ever give someone that, you will never turn them away." Sealed with the final shattering of a soul. A memory. A promise.
  16. Nothing like 2 hours of a terrible headache and finally getting asleep to get rid of it, then waking up to the worst gut pain you've had in... years and then trying to sleep through that but it totally failing. Least it's not as bad as it was and it's jsut a dull echo of what it was at first but uuuuugh. Today has been fucking awful... ;-;

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    1. Ironbound
    2. Sutoratosu
    3. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      sounds like a horrible migraine. Hope you feel better.

  17. Finding good avvies of Crusch is suffering... I'll go with this one for now doe~

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  18. tfw you figure out how something works that should've been like "No shit Sherlock" and simultaneously are happy as hell cause it makes your life easier but feel REAL dumb.

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  19. So, I learned how to human properly...and found out I could share Folders not just files from Drive! So, this means that once I finish the Chapter Files I can place them into the folder for you along with the Main File so you can have it all at once but also be able to skim by chapter! Convenience!!! Sorry it took me so long to add something like this, it was rather daft of me but it should help with readability as you can choose to leave off at a chapter and not have to scroll for 8 million years to get back to where you left off. PROGRESS!!! I was thinking about possibly leaving draft chapters in here however, I've opted to remove them so that they can be properly completed before being viewed. Just better the raws stay hidden until I ((and Rose.)) get a chance to run through them for grammar, deadlines etc... SO I'm going to continue doing it that way. The preview be novel but not a novelty I think that is worth it, or is really a good thing. Sorry I've been silent on this project so long as well. it's been rough writing it lol. Astor is a strange character for me to write. Maybe it's sounds odd but I always have trouble connecting to him when I'm in a good mood. Is this an excuse? Yup. Is it a good one? Probably not. But that's what I'm apologizing for. However, I'm not apologizing for taking my time. I'd rather this work be quality and not quantity. so... I'm going to not rush it. Hope y'all understand.~ With Love, Hukuna~
  20. I think the point of the question is what is the point of having the item forced to be equipped when you are forced to use the linkstone anyway otherwise they can't evolve. Like it's not how, but why it's a needed step. And honestly one could program it to just not require the held Item I suppose since you require a linkstone. The only real advantage to having it work this way is it further limits the evos since you need two items rather than just the linkstone for trade evos. Otherwise it's probably just easier to keepit as they need the trade item since the Linkstone probably just checks the "this Pokemon is being traded" box and thereofre it doesn't inculde those mons unless they are holding their normal item that's required, so rather than make code to bypass that for all of the mons with special trade conditions... it's jsut easier to keep their old ones checking for the item than removing that and making it solely work with the linkstone. Just conjecture on my part though.
  21. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22396 A thing I finished much earlier today, but finally got a writing thing done. I think I'm going to think about doing a sorta anthology of a bunch of freestyle poetry, to ge with the piece I did called the Bard of Flowers. I'm plannin' on using flowers to sorta be the themeing of particular themes etc... so it's taken a lot of research to get to this point and to understand the symbolism etc... anyway, if you give it a...
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    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ...read leave some feedback, thoughts, etc in the commetns below! I'd love construtive critism, but even just saying ya liked it and how the piece felt to you is cool too~ Anyway, have a wonderful day. I'm in a good mood since I finally finished something I've meant to work on for awhile now.

  22. A sea of unwavering purple sorrow. The gentle wind of despair blew through the world, cutting through my body with relative ease. There was no resistance as it lazily pushed through whatever defense I could've mustered. Was it even worth it to have tried? I thought, and thought. The race of a mind while I sat in the field of curses, omens. Purple hexes that weighed me down. Coloured my thoughts purple, and I couldn't think of anything but the worst. What would I do? How would I live on? She was gone... darkness the only thing to replace the hole in my heart and soul. I found myself in this field of purple curses and I didn't even know how I got here. It'd had all happened so fast. Was this my penance? The realization set in and time crawled. And yet, I couldn't remember the eternity before I was here. The years that had gone by in a few days. I struggled to remember them through the purple haze. I couldn't remember those days. I think they were too painful to keep on my mind. The haze had stopped me from looking back onto them. It forced me to stop holding onto the past. It wasn't worth breaking through it to only fixate on the things that could no longer change. But, when i first entered this field. The Anemone were white. What changed? It was the wind. The wind that now blew was the catalyst. For the little hexes and curses were the children of the wind. Daughters each. The wind that cut through me stained their petals purple. They were coloured with the sorrow that dwelled within me. Their white pale demeanor changed; The colour of death to that of purple magic. They had gone from the heralds of death, to pale purple soldiers, protecting me from myself. The wind served to cut from me the sorrow I had been suffering. It saw it fit to cut away the pain before I myself had. The sub-consensus wind. It always blew ahead of the course of my mind. It's soldiers had finished the job, they had heralded the soul of a loved one to the beyond, but they couldn't rest. No. They had but yet another task to fulfill. They must stand and hold the sorrow of another. The wind lifted forth the sorrows of the past so that I may look forward to the path ahead. The haze the anemone fashioned, blocked the path to memories forgotten. It was so that I'd not be tempted to look and wallow within sorrow while it was yet to be removed. The hexes kept my eyes looking forward and my mind from the loss I had suffered. And once I made my decision to live on, the hexes lifted. They knew I'd no longer look to see my past, or at least that I'd never be swallowed whole by it. That I'd no longer drown in myself. So, the now soldiers, took my sorrows and drowned in them for me. They warded away the evils that were stagnation. The true curse that threatened to steal away my mind, and by that right... my body from me. They took upon the burden of sorrow, they did it for me so that I may live on. I never saw the anemones as white because they had been protecting me from the start. I hadn't realized it. I thought them ill omens, curses for a future I'd never have. A mockery my mind had set for me. And, yet all that time they were drowning for me... why? Why did I deserve this? I don't think I'll ever know. But, that's fine. I'll walk forward with new meaning. I don't fear the unknown past this point anymore. I'm not afraid to live my life anymore. I walk in anticipation for the future, as I step from the Field of Anemone. No longer a sea of sorrow, but the sea that had once saved me, and taught me how I may still hold my head high no matter how dark the world becomes. Light always finds those who keep walking, those that keep pursuing. Those that endeavor to never settle with the sorrow in their hearts.
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