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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie
"By the goddess this is getting rough. But, We'll prevail. Our path continues from here I know of this." She didn't like how split their group was getting. Spreading thin like this could be awful. However, the other group had gone to save some of the survivors so it wasn't for naught. She just hoped this would work out. Whatever these things were... she hoped to remove them from this world. Meredith cracked her neck. "I've got work to do." She ran forward as fast she could to catch up the insane monk. This idiot was going to get himself killed. This is why Meredith was never happy that he was put into her unit. He just caused so many issues. She felt those awful thoughts that it'd be easier to just leave him for dead, but she couldn't exactly do that. She also had to back up Maya. "Maya. Focus! You're our lifeline here. We need your healing more than ever. So, stay on those toes." she yelled at the sister to try and snap her out of whatever lecture she fell into. Now really wasn't the time, despite how much he'd have deserved it. "Now... Die!!! GO BACK TO REST!!!" she shouted at the shambling corpse of a solider. Moves to G14, Attacks Solider 1 with Iron Lance
We take a break from your regularly scheduled Undyne avatar to bring you a Crusch one instead. Enjoy me being original for like... probably only a few days.
You know. 3 years ago I came to this forum. And three years ago I never thought in a million years I'd ever have found a place that is very much part of my internet home. Reborn has become familiar ground for me. A place I feel comfortable in. It's like when I am home. It is no longer a strange place to me. It is a part of my, and my soul so to speak. Now, a few things. I'm not doing an appreciation thread here. I feel, these are too overdone. And while they are a great why to show ones feeling about members in the community etc... I know there's no way I could include literally ever person out there I'd want to. I know I'd forget some that have really changed my outlook on this journey. If you've talked to me earnestly at some point though... you can safely know that I appreciate you though and that's there is some lesson I have learned from you as a person. You have impacted me for the better trust me on that. Even if we didn't get along, trust me, that experience in the end was truly positive. Because, we don't learn about ourselves if every road is easy. We don't learn without stumblin' and scraping our knees once and awhile. We have to bleed so we can heal and grow. So, There's many of you out there while it might have bene seemingly small, have taught me many things. I can't thank you enough for the lessons you've even inadvertently shared with me, how you've helped me to be a better person. So, after three years I'm still here. A Mod. I can never say I ever thought I'd be where I'm standing right now. I can't say I thought I'd ever leave on an everlasting mark on a place. I was used to being a wanderer. Before Reborn I was just a drifter. I never thought I'd ever belong somewhere. I never thought some place would ever want me around or would ever notice my absence once I was gone. It was one fateful step into the RP forum that forever changed that though. A Little RP... titled Aftermath. A wonderful person who ran it by the name of Acquiescence. Really, she's the reason I even ended up staying, that RP. If it wasn't for her, I don't know where I'd be or, who'd I'd be today. It was that RP that not only taught me about Forum RPing, but reignited my passion in RPing in general. It's really thanks to that wonderful woman... I'm ever here. That I am where I am, and that I've grown as I have. That I've met the people I have, those who have taught me how to grow, been with me throughout most of my journey. She's a close friend, and a person I'm glad to have met in any capacity. Further, I've done so much in so little time here. I've been a mod nearly all three years. As a result, I've seen faces go, some return... and many new faces. From not only the staff, but the community itself... Some hit me harder than others, though I can say anytime I saw someone leave, I felt that pang of sorrow. We'd lose someone irreplaceable. We'd lose a unique soul, but it wasn't all bad. We'd always find more faces coming in. We got new individuals. While there was the sting of losing some, there was the joy of gaining others. I felt this the most in the RP forums. My own home. Everytime we lost a regular... a vet, old blood... I felt like we lost something we'd never find again. We'd lose a unique entity. But, with every new face... we gained a new perspective. People would come to us in all different states of skill. But I always feel that whether by my hand, or by the community that I've helped to foster, they've always left not only a better RPer, but a better writer, and maybe being overly optimistic here... a better person. I foguht for the RP forum to be what it is today. And I have since I got here. I felt my passion for RPing reignite and I wanted to sahre that with people. I wanted to teach them, and give them soemthing they could love and enjoy jsut as much as I did, or at least to begin to. It kindled my passion in Writing even more. I was a pretty shitty writer back in the day. I only did it to fight through my dpression once. It was jsut stress relief. But, now it's something much more. MUCH MUCH more. It's my passion as well. It's second nature. And, in that theme I fought for the Creative Writng forum to exist. I saw the demand within the RP section for it. People started CW works there, as I allowed them the space. I saw more and more crop up, to the point I felt they deserved the proper place to thrive. That was one of my hardest battles to this day. No offense to the mods who shut me down and made me fight tooth and nail for it, cause it taught me something. It taught me how to fight for what I believe for. It helped me learnt to communicate clearly. How to get across my thoughts and feeling and why i believed something with all of my heart. They taught me how to fight for the things I beleive in. So, thanks for that. ANd Here I am today. I've created a community in the RP Sub. I'm the direct reason the Creative Writing and now Creative Works Sub-forum exists. I've left an everlasting mark on this place. I can't say I ever thoughI would. I am humbled, and honoured that y'all put up with me all this time.~. With Love, Hukuna.
- 6 replies
- Soon Ill be a granddad
- Mildly Old Fart
- (and 6 more)
I touched lol. I really do like when apparently the things I've done leave an impression on people For once I'm not going to act surprised, because now... I realize that I am a person that people do care about etc. In the Past, I'd actually believe that something like this was just some affront. Because for a long time I believed no person could actually genuinely give a shit about me. Fortunately, I'm not that person anymore. You're a cool dude Az and your a person who's journey at Reborn in a way... sorta hits close to me. I saw ya at your absolute worst. But, I also saw you right at the time you turned yourself around as well. You joined up in the RP forums. Due to your post preview, I had to approve those messages, and as a result I saw you grow bit by bit. It might sound... really silly in all honesty but... due to that and working with you on Se7en... I feel like I've seen a lot of your journey. I've seen what you were, and now... what you are. I remember people being wary about you joining Ymora due to that Post preview and what it might do. All I remember thinking was... "I wonder what will happen." and the more and more posts of yours I read, the happier I was that Chim gave you a chance then. You're a good dude my man. Also, you got to see me in a very rare environment, one where I could be a lot more comfortable. Working on Se7en was workin' with a lot of folks I got along with. So, you got to see me mostly cut back and breathe. Of course I still had my boundaries etc... but you got to see me in a lot more unrestricted fashion than most people in Reborn have, or ever will. I don't know if that truly means much, but know you've seen parts of my being and character that few others will ever get to. The server itself is jsut a very uncomoftable place for me. I prefer to keep my company small and to very lose friends. So, being on there in lobby is scary as hell to me. So, a lot never see me in a place where I'm just comfortable being myself becuase a lot of folks never actually take the time to reach out and take the time to remember, I'm just human too lol. Anywho... before I get too mushy and sappy and silly... I'mma get outta here. Hukuna Sensei, out~
[IC] Lightgivers - Volume 1: A Feeling
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Johann "Uuuuuuh..." Well... this was bad timing apparently. He wasn't really sure what was up with the girl, but clearly she wasn't in a great state of mind at the moment which he'd only just noticed. Definitely should've invested in perception. Deeeefinitely. "OH MY GOD!!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I'll just leave and stop making things worse. Yea! Good plan!" Smooooooooooooth. Though he didn't really see a better option at the moment. Trying more probably just make things even worse. So, FULLY TACTICAL AND NOT AT ALL DUE TO BEING A CHICKEN SOCIAL RETREAT!!! He did feel bad though, he should've paid more attention. Probably ruined that whole thing already. Though, she was only currently overwhelmed maybe she wouldn't remember him? Yea! Hopefully that worked! It probably wouldn't. But hopefully! But really... there was a snowballs chance in hell of that. -
[IC] Lightgivers - Volume 1: A Feeling
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Johann. Geez, the nerves of some people. The hand that shushed the big fella nearly made him mad but he just decided to let it slide for the time being. More important things where on the table at the moment. Fight... or wait? Quite the question. On one hand... it'd get the crick out of his neck. On the other, he had no idea what any of these people were capable of. But... on the other hand it'd make his back feel better. Buuuuuuuuuut... on the other hand, He really didn't like facing the unknown. He'd have to at some point though and get over it. And it'd probably make parts of him feel better at the least. However, he figured wait at least a round. Besides he had business. He decided to not let the hand thing slide. He walked over to the smaller girl with the hands. It was rather obvious the owner as they were easy enough to see. "Didn't your mother ever tell ya to keep you're hands to yourself?" he said a stupid grin on his face. Proud of that one probably. "Anyway what was that for? Sheesh... I'd prefer not to get scolded already." -
[IC] Lightgivers - Volume 1: A Feeling
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Johann "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!!!" Johann suddenly yelled loudly at the top of of his lungs as the lady spoke up. She had his attention alright, and his playful Ire. It was clear his wasn't mad just being... overly dramatic. He cracked his neck before beginning to open his mouth again. "Look, lady, I ain't got any idea why I'm here and just took a few hours worth of flight cramps getting here. So, thiiiiiiiis better be worth it or I'mma get back on that plane and kick my severely old man's ass." with that he downed the rest of the cola in his hand in nearly a single gulp and then throw the empty bottle over his shoulder. One thought it might shatter against the pavement but, it had gone just the right trajectory that while it was spinning end over end... it landed perfectly in the small opening in his bag. Quite the showmanship for disposing temporarily of trash. -
[IC] Lightgivers - Volume 1: A Feeling
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Johann "Maaaaan, I hate planes." said the gargantuan young man that was the one of if not the first to remove himself from the plane. He massaged his neck rather gingerly. Due to his height he sat with his head pressing into the ceiling. He had a wiiiiiiicked cramp as a result and it wasn't lettin' up. Just his luck. The worse was it made his back and everything just massively stiff. It was probably since he just couldn't sit still on the damn thing as it was impossible to be comfortable in such small quarters for Johann. Worse though, He had no idea what he was here for. Grandpap Joe just called him about something big and important. Really, Johann just tuned out the old timer. He talked WAY too much bro... All he really managed to catch was that he had a plane to catch and catch it he did. (after having to run at sonic speed through the city due to oversleeping until 2 in the afternoon.) He was just waiting for this to be all over with. He pulled a glass bottle of cola from his backpack and flung it in the air catching it. He popped open the top and there came a satisfying fizz. The best sound in the world. Music to his ears... a chorus of wonder and splendor. He took a quick sip before walking off the plane right behind a rather regal lookin' dude. Looked to be the high and mighty type, though... the cane was a bit strange a choice. Huh... weird. Whatever. Hopefully he didn't really have to deal with the guy. Johann had enough of people of affluence from when he was younger. He certainly didn't want a damn thing to do with them anymore. He was free from that life now. There were bout sixteen others here as well. Johann wondered what on Vaelia they were all doing here. What was this mess his severely old man had gotten him into? He certainly didn't want even more problems in his life... Eh, he could at least have fun for a little while. -
"All of you keep on your move. We need to keep advancing if we're to make sure any survivors are okay." Meredith said charging into to engage the last Myrmidon currently around them. They required the crawl to keep going if they were going to help any of the survivors. Meredith being towards the back it was best if she took out the remaining straggler than the others hang back. "Enjoy your rest once more. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!" Move to F17, Attack Myrm3 with Iron Lance.
Meredith wasn't really in the position to do much of anything at the moment. So, she'd move to a better location. She choose to move closer to another spear user... it was the best place for her to be since she couldmore easily postion around her movements. It was relatively close to Ecquis as well. "Saffron, I'm going to try and stay with you as much as possible, you and Ecquis. I'll lend support to whoever I can at the moment. You two are much faster then me so I'll jsut try and keep pace." She also turned to the new... "ally" they might acquire. "And you hot stuff... if you do decide to help us... It's my duty to keep you safe. I hope you enjoy burning our foes as much as yourself. The Knights in particular. They are much easier to boil in their armour then pierce through it." Moves to G21
Oh great... another loon. Hopefully this one is at least partially stable... Why do we keep finding these people that enjoy pain so much, by the goddess. Meredith simply sighed at the occurrence. "Meredith "the Undying"... absolutely charmed." Sarcasm that could cut steel. "Look, you can subject yourself to the flames all ya want, that's your choice. However if other people are in danger that takes priority for me. The Misguided Children are supposed to be protecting the people of Dragao... or anyone that can't defend themselves. And once I do that... you better so hope it wasn't you who set these fires." The Solider charged off trying to see if there was any survivors. She didn't really want for any of her group. After all, she wasn't really concerned for her well being. She was concerned for the safety of those that could die.
[Interest Check] Lightgivers
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
I does almost feel like a living spirit in a way or that at least... in some iterations or people they will see it that way. So I imagine that some folks would see Lumen as a sentient being and others may see it as just a tool. And this may effect the manifestation of such. Sorta like the ol' Sorcerer's/Wizard divide. Where some would think due to their magi being natural it's a talent and art form. A means of self-expression, emotinal release etc... while for others it'd be more of a tool. It'd be more like science... something you apply to an issue to make said problem go away. ((thought the other way could use it for that it would be more solely task orientated for those that think of it in this way.)) It feels like that might be a good idea for conflict within the world whether Lumen is "sentiment" or not. I feel like it could be rather intersting to see that play out ((though I probably only like it becuase I made my magic like... literally alive in the world I was writing lol. It was made of living beings.)) I think it certainly adds to even the ethics of using it since it's it's jsut a tool there's definitely not issue but, if one views them as living... it might encroach on the "is this enslavement?" kinda of deal. Dunno, Lumen feels like a really interesting combination of a lot of things. like the Semblances in RWBY it's unique to the person and no ones works quite the same ((other than the hereditary ones.)) It feels unique and certainly organic... because it kinda takes something like that and fleshes it out to the natural conclusion and makes it more robust by adding the possibility for more to it. -
"So, he's still with you. Who was he?" The only question that was really on the woman's mind. She wanted to better understand. to better get the picture. obviously he was close to her the way she spoke about him. Tight... the kind of bonds that could strangle the heart in grief. Meredith had no idea what had happened. She wasn't sure it was right to ask. So, she kept it focused on the subject. If Maya anted to divulge she would. The words at the end though, struck to close to home however. She had failed to save people once. She had failed to be the hero she wished to be. however... the blood wasn't on the hands of another. The blood was on her own hands. She killed them herself to survive. The people she swore to protect.They had attacked her first of course however... she wished that instead of fight she just let them kill her at times. She couldn't really hold the emotion very well anymore. Her eyes got misty, with the dew of sorrow. She managed to hold it, but... just on the brink.
"Well, you tell me then, what did I bring you out here for?" She tried to remain as relaxed as possible. It was getting rather difficult to maintain composure for sure. But, she had to. For Maya's sake she needed to remain calm and collected. If she was to help her at all, she couldn't afford cracking at the moment. She'd been under worse stress in much more life threatening scenarios. And yet... this was just as hard... if not harder. She dusted off a rather large rock nearby and sat down. She motioned for Maya to sit next to her once she caught up but singleing placing her palm on the rock next to her.
"Of course. Just follow my lead." Meredith set out, just hoping the sister was behind her. She didn't want to keep looking back as if she was checking on her constantly. Meredith really didn't want to give off the impression that she as babysitting her. Maya was fully capable she just was trying her best to accommodate. She had done it before for another solider once. She, never really asked why... or what it was that bothered the man. But, just being there helped him, someone taking what he was seeing seriously, rather than writing him off as a nutcase and nothing more. So, she'd once more extend that courtesy. Sometimes all one needed was someone to believe them and be with them. They were decently far from the group now, they could still see them, but they were surely out of earshot, probably even if they yelled a bit. However, Meredith just kept walking. She carried her lance behind her head, draping both arms around it as she walked. She had yet to say a word. And for now she would remain as such. If Maya wanted to talk, she would. Meredith wasn't about to force anything out of the girl. It was up to her to make that step, and to take it. It was within her hands. Meredith figured that... in this case the lack of control over what ever she was seeing... was part of the issue. So, she wanted Maya to feel as if she had full control over what she would do in this situation. Sadly... she was no expert on these things. She was only going with her best guess, and what her heart said to do. So, she waited for now.
"I... sorta feared something like this. Perhaps I should've been more proactive. No... there's no way I could've know this was how bad this was. But, suddenly the hesitance in our first battle makes much more sense. I just wish I had known this before now. Maybe... I could've done something. Well... better late than never." "Hey, Hoshiko... I'm going to get some fresh air. We can continue this discussion in due time." She said this, though it was an excuse hiding the real decision... the real course of action she was about to take. She started to hang back towards the sister she had previously talked to. It was only a small talk before but... the warning signs were there. Something had happened in her past. Meredith had seen it in soldiers during the war. She herself dealt with these things, though... probably not to this level. While she struggled with her past... it wasn't as personal. Meredith tried to be as discrete as possible when approaching. She didn't want to seem threatening, she didn't want to frighten Maya, especially if what she was experiencing was still happening. She tried as best she could to indicate to the others that'd she'd handle things, though, it was pretty difficult with just body language to work with, while also trying to not startle Maya. She spoke, level, calm, and direct. "Maya, I'm going to take a walk a little aways from the group for a bit clear my head. I tend to like company for these walks though. You want to tag along?" For those that knew her, it wasn't really out of Meredith's character to do so. The woman did at times go be on her own. She enjoyed a bit of time to herself to think, and decompress. How well this unit knew her... well... it was hard to say as they were mostly all new faces. They had worked together hopefully enough time that it was known though. She hoped that this would allow her to remove Maya from the group at large and get her away to a more manageable situation. She hoped the others would realize what she was trying to do and hopefully not interfere... or stare or... escalate the situation. She hoped that brief heart to heart she had with Maya previous would be enough that she trusted her now. She didn't let any of the concern show on her face. She didn't let any of it show. She had to hold that facade so that Maya didn't get the wrong impression. Offering an out to this awkward situation would hopefully help Maya to calm her nerves quicker and, in a healthy manner.
[Interest Check] Lightgivers
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Damn... you got this out quick... definitely didn't expect it already LOL. ((But I'm glad to.)) I'm currently winding down to go to bed and you've definitely got my first impressions already so I'll let the folks around here poke around and what not for awhile lol. I do hope something comes of this and I really do dig your ideas here as I've already mentioned. Good luck Shiri~ ((I may post tomorrow sometime if I remember though... we'll see.)) -
"Hmmm, I find the best teachers are always the ones that think they'd not be the best. Humility goes a long way." Gerson had been much the same at first. He always thought he'd be a terrible mentor for the young girl. It was only because she reminded him of his resolve that he even decided to. He was harder on her for that reason as well, but... Meredith would've thanked him for it. He didn't spare her anything. This world was rather cruel and those out there wouldn't show her mercy in battle. "Either way, following one's heart... it is the best practice one can have. It is being the truest form of yourself possible. I think more people could benefit from learning that."
I prefer a mix. For console it's more feasible to go physical. ((I'm still mad we do't really get manuals any more... new game ritual ruuuuuined.)) However PC... entirely digital. That's mostly since these days it's pretty much impossible to go physical without like collector's edition for PC at this point. ((and like... eh... I really don't need that extra shit.)) Personally, both formats have their pluses... So I'm not reall crazy about one or the other.