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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Firstly, he'd didn't randomly reject you. He reached a decision and decided not to include you. His reasoning for that is his own and if he doesn't wish to divulge it, he does not have to. Further he is allowed to change his mind and not tell you why as well. Secondly, whether you meant it or not, that is exactly what has occurred. Disrespecting someone is breaking the rules here... your intent doesn't factor in. I've been lenient thus far but I really didn't have to do so. You've broke the rules and I do have the grounds to warn. I have not in this instance but I will if it continues to be pursued. Lastly, if you want to forget it... let it go and walk away. Don't continue posting and bringing it up. If you want to move on do so. This isn't that. It continuing exactly what you have been and pressing for that information even still. If you read what I wrote you'd understand that this is completely fair. It's you who is being unfair. I've siad this multiple times in my post that you understand all of. Further, you don't know it's a personal reason. Further even if it was, he isn't obligated to tell you that it was. You don't have any grounds to press such an accusation and even if you did it is still within his rights to not tell you. Sparky is a person who is exercising his right to not speak on something. You are the one trying to undermine it on some hunch. You are trying to reach over his head and force the mods to make him tell you. You are the one in the wrong here. Regardless of any other factors you need to understand that. You are the one that is disrespecting another. Not the other way around. Whether it is your intent to do so doesn't matter. Itis what you are doing. You are trying to extort him for this info by your own words and your actions. If that isn't what you're doing... drop the matter. BOOM! It ceases to be that entirely. Because pursuin this only reinforces that is what is happening. Because that is the only reason at this point. I as a mod am not going to help you step around the rights of another member. Sparky has stated he doesn't want to speak about it, he doesn't have to. End of discussion. This is entirely irrelevant. What I would do is entirely anecdotal and further doesn't exonerate you of anything. If I'd do the same that doesn't make it the right thing to do at all. And if I did different it still wouldn't help. The point is my actions in that situation don't matter. It's not something that's happened and all this does is serve to distract from the matter at hand. I shouldn't really even address this, but it needs to be known that regardless it's not relevant to the matter at hand. Further... I do believe that there is much healthier ways to sort these things out then threatening these people without outside forces. I am a mod because I have a job to do. I am not a mod to sort out your relationships with other members of the community. It's just not my responsibility. This isn't a stance I can afford much longer. Anyway continued posting WILL be off topic. If you wish to drop this... drop it now. Like, right now right now. I said earlier I already have grounds for a warning. I have refrained. But, Murdoc and I can no longer sit on this is this situation continues. We will be forced to issue a warning and possible warnings. ((and if Murdoc warns you you can be certain I 100% support that decision. He's my co-mod for a reason. I trust him. The same goes for the rest of my auth team. I trust them and if they do the warning you can be sure it's cause I'm fine with it.)) Look, if it's not your intent to be doing this you need to stop now. Pushing only makes it look worse and worse. It only shows more and more that your intent IS to try and extort this out of Sparky. You have told me now it isn't your intention. Prove it to me by dropping this here and now. If you continue I cannot say that you will not be warned. Because I will no longer be able to sit back and do nothing. My hand will be forced and I will have to act. I haven't up until this point cause I'm probably a bit too forgiving. But I've got a limit... you're reaching it. So, show me it's not your intent by not replying to this message and dropping this. As a note since you asked me this: I've talked to him, and he has expressed that he doesn't wish to divulge it. He is within his rights to do so.
  2. I'm going to make a note here as one of the RP mods around here so that this is on record. Hosts do not have an obligation to explain why they do not choose a player to be within their RP. This information is theirs to do with as they will. Public or even in private. They don't have an obligation to tell you why they came to a decision. This is for their own protection. They have the right to decline telling you. If they say they do not want to respect this decision and move on. They have the right to keep their reasoning to themselves. You would have the same if you were a host. Irl, if you don't get hired for a position they don't have an obligation to tell you why such was the case. You can go in and ask, but they can just say no to releasing that information. It is in place to protect employers from individuals that feel entitled to a position and will try and pry that information to use as leverage etc... and force their ways in etc. It isn't okay to harass someone to get your way. Ever. Because that isn't of their free will it is coercion. At this point Sparky has refused to comment on it. He has this right. You can bring it up to the mods and we can talk to him on your behalf but if he still declines that is the end of the story. From there, it becomes harassment. Using us to try and pry this information from someone is akin to trying to force information out of someone at gunpoint etc... you are using an outside force to try and force what you want. ((the information)) However, this goes against the Hosts right to withhold said information. They are not obligated to share the reasons why and they never will be. That is 100% up to them. If they want to reveal this it's up to them and whatever comes on it is on them from the decision to reveal that. However, if they choose not to, that is to be respected. You aren't entitled to it just cause you don't understand why he reached that conclusion. This is not respected that decision. Yourself have told Sparky that if he doesn't comply you will go to the mods and force him to yourself. So, even if you do respect his decision to not include you in the RP, you DO NOT respect him in the manner that he has no obligation to tell you. You are holding him at ransom for this information. "if you don't talk to me, then I will do X." If you cannot see what is wrong with this line of thinking, I'm sorry, because it's something one needs to understand. You need to respect hosts and their right to not give that information publicly OR PRIVATELY. Because we as mods cannot force them to tell you and we would never do so. You say it's not fair for you. In reality, it's only unfair to the host. People will treat you as you treat them. Bullying them to give you what you want isn't the most endearing thing in the world. You must respect others before they respect you. It is at least clear to me that you don't respect the host's right to keep that information to themselves and as a person in this instance. You do not like their desicion and therefore are trying to reach over Sparky's head as a host to get someone else to see the reasons why so that they can reassess. This isn't fair to Sparky in the least and it is trying to take away his ability to control his own RP, or make decisions regarding it. If a host is being unreasonable... there is precedence where you can get me or Murdoc ((or any mod you are comfortable talking to)) to take a look. However... not only a host can be such. Players can and honestly more often than not are the offenders of this. You need to respect their decisions as they have a right to govern their RP as they see fit. Sparky has done nothing i would consider in the wrong. You however are infringing on his right to manage and control his RP as he sees fit. Now... I don't want to seem like I'm being overly harsh cause I'm not. You are disrespecting someone here a lot. You are disrespecting the host of this RP by demanding an answer that he has no obligation to give. You need to understand that. Because it's not fair to the host to extort them for information and threaten that you'll get the mods to force them to if they will not. That is what is happening here and you need to recognize it. I'm not going to warn for now. But you need to drop this and let it go. In all honesty, I probably should warn for the level of disrespect towards the host within this instance however, I'd rather reach a peaceful solution if possible that doesn't need to resort to that. So, I'm telling ya... You really need to drop this. Because the person within the wrong isn't Sparky. The guy has every right to say no to your request. You don't have the right to keep harassing him until he does.
  3. "Hmm, perhaps I gave the wrong impression. Though I suppose I was a bit overly critical initially... and more than a little harsh as well." she said scratching the back of her head. She kicked her feet a bit in the dirt... another break in her iron facade. Though, this one was much more endearing, rather than frightening this time around. "It was a bit unfair of me. Though... there's still no true way for me to know if it's true what you say and I'll never truly know unless the goddess herself tells me." It took a lot to admit that, but... perhaps she was just in a good mood after finally releasing what had been haunting her. It felt good to air out something that you'd been holding onto much to long. Refreshing... liberating. She had probably gotten off to quite the bad start with Hoshiko. Though, she hadn't really meant to at all. Perhaps it was time to at least repair some of the damage. "I don't think you're crazy. I've just dealt with many who believe to be something more in the eyes of the goddess over the years and I've not really the luxury to believe anyone who tells me such. However... you're much different than nearly all the others. It's not about using it to gain influence or powers over others... but a call to action to help those in need. If there's anyone I'd be willing to believe truly was.. it'd be you much sooner than any other I've come across. I hope you'll excuse me for my words earlier. They were harboured and meant for my countrymen... the soldiers I once fought alongside of, and the unreasonable zealots among them that believed that their belief in the goddess gave them due cause for their impious actions. I would prefer to understand, than to ostracize, Unlike a lot of others that walked a similar path as to mine. So, I would rather learn from you... than take the easy road. For the only road worth traveling is that which may be harder, and fraught with challenge... but I'll all the richer at the end for having traveled. Rewarded in the understandings of others, friendship, empathy... and many other priceless things that are truly worth fighting for."
  4. "Well, it's a plan. It's much better than nothing at all. I'm sure we'll work something out even if things head South. You have us to aid you Saffron at the least. I'm sure at least somewhat the word of some from the Misguided Children will help." Meredith was rather surprised to be hearing about this again. She remembered The Old Man going on about Brandon from time to time. However he didn't have much love for him even before... the incident. He'd always mouth off about the "weakspine lillyliver chicken that couldn't raise a weapon if he tried telling the army to not do it's job." However, Meredith didn't really agree with him in this regard. It was a tension point... the one... between the two of them the majority of her training. She always thought the tensions between the two nations was... just silly. She respected that about Brandon during his rule. That he tried to heal the rifts between their two people. Had the man not... done what he had it'd probably have worked. Though... Meredith was probably just naive for thinking so. She was rather hopeful the two nations could set aside their differences, and stop the senseless fighting. After all... neither ever got anywhere. Dragao could never advance in on Caelum as their troops weren't made for the desert... their heavy armor reliance just got them stuck in a bind. However, Caelum's troops once the sands were no longer a factor just didn't have the oomph to push through Dragao's forces. The two armies were just locked in eternal conflict that would just keep going until one side eventually just ran out of soldiers. It was no way to fight a war. No humane way for either side... not that there were many of those in honesty. But... anything be better than that. "Also... what good hero didn't need a little luck on their side time to time? It is one of the marks of a great hero. Shame I don't have any. Hopefully the rest of these folks have some to spare. I'm with in this either way until the end... as bitter as it may be, or as sweet a victory." She turned to Hoshiko rather abruptly. "Seems that neither of us gets our way this day. I'd have surely loved to met this one who had taught you. However, I suppose I'll just keep learning from you instead."
  5. "Hmmm, I do believe that Saffron. However, things may come up regardless. I'd prefer they not, but if they must there is no sense hiding it. If we come into a meeting with a potential ally hiding things... how are they to trust us?" Quite the valid point. If someone wasn't being straight with ya, hiding behind half-hearted words and deflecting your eyes from something they didn't want you to see... how were they trustworthy? Being forward with the citizens of Caelum was much better a plan than trying to hide who she was. They'd find out in time so if they asked or brought it forth she wasn't going to hide from it. "I'd rather not hold this to my chest, I think that'd be a further detriment. We need not make it widely known but... we need not hide it either."
  6. The woman didn't even flinch at the moving of the blade. She was ready for with option. She'd not be remiss with either. Not to mention she had plenty a blade swing her by over the years. It was old hat being at the end of one. She didn't say anything and only accepted the handshake that had been offered. A silent moment between the two warriors, one that words need not impede.
  7. Hmmm... seems like that was my goal along ((seeing as I forgot to do it earlier cause much sleeeeeeping.)) #UsingStoryToDoGAmeActionsOOOOOOOOP
  8. " "The Undying." " Meredith removed herself from Maya embrace as gently as possible before when went to Rosa. " I am The Undying. " She removed a sword from her own person and shoved the handle in Rosa's hand. Se placed the blade square on her chest, not even holding her lance in her hand. The tip of the blade rested right over her heart. She had placed it here, on purpose. She could feel it beating. Not panicked... not even a bit. She spoke calm and serene, as if the blade wasn't even there. "However, I was never Roswell's Soldier. I joined the army in the last few years we knew peace. Under the rule of Brandon. For the majority of my soldiering life there were no wars. What happened, The reason I am known as "The Undying"... is why I oppose Roswell's rule. While "The Undying" may be a name that the army created to tote my misdeeds as a triumph to their ranks, the example of a hero, a good soldier... I was never that "Undying". My heart is in the right place. Dragao's army... knew nothing about what happened that day. The things I truly saw... if they did... they'd know I was no true hero. Though.... in their sick twisted minds... they'd probably still call me one all the same. The thought disgusts me." She took a deep breath. "The Misguided Children are the cause I fight for. If you don't believe me... Kill me with the sword I gave you. I won't stop you. If you do believe me. Keep it."
  9. "I suppose you are right. I just don't want for the beliefs of others to taint what we are working towards here. There is a chance of that in Caelum. They are the ones who have been fighting Dragao for so long now. If there was anyone who would... it'd be them. But, I guess that'd be a boon as well in the right situation. If it comes to light rather than being discovered at first glance... it is perhaps a bargaining chip we could use." She had never really considered that it could also be a positive, or... not an issue at all. It was Maya that helped her to see that. However, she couldn't help but feel that they were all a bit too accepting of this. None of them knew just what "The Undying" meant... what terrible things she had done to earn that name. She feared i they knew the whole truth that they would despise her for it. She should've died then. Rather than live with this burden. It'd certainly be easier that way. But... maybe not better. "The sins stay with me. I can't die until I make up for my actions in the past. For the innocent lives lost due to my actions. Too many paid for me... a much lesser person to stand here." However, Meredith couldn't help but feel a dull note in Maya's words. Almost as if what Maya was saying... she wanted to tell herself. She felt the feeling before when she spoke to the woman before in their first battle. She felt like despite how guarded she was... Maya was a kindred spirit just like her. Something... damaged her as it had Meredith herself. She couldn't begin to guess what. But, she felt that it was true. She couldn't shake it no matter how she tried. She put her own hand on Maya's shoulder. "Thank you. The past is the past. I can only move forward. I will not forget it, but I will not let it weigh my steps. I hope you know this as well..." she said with a pause for a moment, looking at Maya's eyes. She quickly jerked her head up and continued after the slight pause. "Because, it's important all of you know this." she spoke to all of them now. "I'd still prefer Yukihana be our destination... but I will not object to Caelum."
  10. "If you must know... there's a slim chance that people within Caelum may recognize who I am. I'm a solider who once fought under Dragao. And further... not just any other solider. "The Undying" means something. It was a name that has followed me around ever since the Golden Dragon Rebellion. And, I fear that if they recognize me... that'd be enough to spark conflict. I fear they'd assume I am "The Undying" that Roswell's army idolizes... rather than who I really am.If they misconstrue our efforts even slightly... we'll be running from that capital, and not peacefully walking out. I'd rather we end up with something for our cause... then nothing at all simply due to me being part of our mission. I'll still go if that is our choice, but I do not have a good feeling about." Meredith simply ignored Klaren entirely. ((other than the smallest of eye twitches.)), She looked rather deflated at the moment. She wasn't standing nearly as tall as normal. It was clear that this was actually bothering her. She was wide open at the moment. It was a rare sight to see. She'd be all but impenetrable in how she presented herself. Like nothing could get to her. And now, suddenly vulnerability. It was always strange when those that seemed to be invulnerable... without warning, cracked... even if it was just a slight one.
  11. "Well, it seems like majority weighs towards Caelum thus far. It would seem we hedge our bets more towards the Desert Kingdom. Personally, I'm more with Hoshiko on going to Yukihana. Caelum is volatile at the moment and one small thing could sour relations with the entirety of their people. We're gambling either way, but at least if the gamble goes sour in Yukihana, we get some to our cause, rather than no one. I'm not really the gambling type but I don't think an all or nothing bet is something we can take at the moment. If the majority remains I'd still follow... I'm just not sure it's our best option. I'd rather not be fleeing from Caelum's forces in their home turf. There's a reason Dragao has never made headway against them. Our military was never outfitted to fight in such terrain. They tend to have too much heavy equipment and many of our outfit are set as such as well. It's riskier for a lot of reasons... Be sure that's it's the right course of action before we commit to it and those risks are well known to all." Meredith was speaking half the truth, bu the other half hiding what she knew might be a risk in Caelum. If even one person there recognized her... things could sore instantly. She didn't want to risk this operation just on the merit of being a part of it. She took a deep breath. Was she worrying to much? That was 5-6 years ago now... would anyone really remember? Would another Country remember? It was a long shot... but one that the fate of many rode on. If there was but even a small chance that a misunderstanding would happen... things could be over before they started. Or, she could be fretting over nothing.
  12. "It's... not as simple as that." She sighed... maybe this wasn't the time? It'd be rather strange to let this out now if none of them knew. How would she put this? She couldn't really find an answer to that question. She mulled it over in her head a bit but couldn't really come up with much. Maybe this was just too much of a long shot to be concerned about. "It's nothing like that... It's probably not really even a reasonable concern. Forget I mentioned it."
  13. Meredith didn't really have ties to either of the other lands. Nothing concrete that she'd pursue anyway. Nothing like the ties of blood, family awaited her in either place... only a few scattered battles. She was more familiar with Caelum of the two, but... as a result that made her all the more hesitant to want to go there. She wasn't good in any political situation and further she was worried for being recognized. However... she was pretty sure that was unfounded. After all none of Saffron's entourage knew who she was, or at least... they didn't let on that they did. So, it was probably a bit much to assume she'd be recognized. But, she couldn't help it. Since if she was she felt that going to Caelum could end extremely badly solely due to that. "I'm sure in either scenario, we're going to find some resistance. I think it's just what we think we can handle that should end in our decision. However... I worry about my presence in this band if we go to Caelum."
  14. I mean, cause god forbid we use strategy... and not take a character we don't really need. Keagan really isn't that useful for us. Most of our more defensive units out stat him in every area but his Def which is his one decently exceptional stat.... further Axes don't really add to much more to our army that we're really hurting for. Our crew can take on most Lance users just fine as our Lance wielding units can pretty much shrug off most of what they can do. Keagan isn't really anything but a big wall and we really have enough wally type folk. ((Ecquis, Meredith, and even Klaren to an extent, especially with his weird growths that keep giving him Def lol.)) So we don't really need another unit that offers defense > offense. Saffron has more innate synergy in that she adds another unit for Meredith's Spear Wall, She also has good anti-caster abilites and form the scouting we know there's magic users. Dash is important cause we get the abilities of a Thief ((which thus far we've been sorely lacking.)) and Feri adds another mage to our party. I guess one can say that our frontline is being a bit outnumbered by "mages" at this point however I personally don't count Klar as back line at this point due to Provoke. Really, nothing against Keagan, but the guy jsut isn't very useful compared to the other NPCs you offer use way more in skills we don't have at current. The others are just simply better for us. Not to mention his level ups totally screwed him in being useful in combat. His skill is like... a 2 or 3? It's something really low with an Axe. That man is never going to hit shit lol. He did do that in Chap 1... thing is... Saffron was really never in danger if you look at that situation since Keagan would've done it literally every time. He didn't really save us from anything. It was pretty clear she wasn't ever going to go down there.
  15. As a note I removed the first topic as it overlpas with the first's contents just so you are aware as this seems to be a more permanent home for your designs. Carry on.
  16. ((as a note, Caps denote emphasis, not yelling. When using this I'm not yelling at you I am drawing attention to this section of text so that you understand it's extremely important.)) Well, first... fix the formatting It's like... really hard to read. You can easily do that by highlighting the offending text ((every that is black...etc...)) and clicking the button in the text editor that has the appearance of an eraser. ((it's next to a lightswitch and a photograph like button in the top corner.)). THis will remove all formatting from the text and allow you to refresh the formatting and re do it without all the white backgrounds/miscoloured text. Secondly... I'm not really a fan of the "if you've played Final Fantasy you should know the classes" bit. AT ALL. A forum rp is much different from a video game. You have to account for this what are the limits of these classes within this new space? What abilities do they have? More importantly WHY ARE THEY INCLUDED? I just see a list of names here. Why are they there? What role do they fill? What purpose do they have? How do they fit in relation to ever other class? Do they overlap with one or more? DO they offer unique enough of a thematic difference to exist even if they do overlap with soemthing else? How do Players progress, if at all? You should be able to answer all of those questions in detail, and many maaaaany more. Further, people might not have played literally all the FF games that you are including things from so expecting them to have prior knowledge of like 12 FULL LENGTH JRPGs. That seems a bit much and it's a heavy burden of knowledge to force on your players. Who wants to be that well read up on something jsut to get in on the ground level? It makes your RP very inaccessible not to mention entirely excludes people that aren't very familiar with the series from even participating because they simply are just too out of their element and they will be put off by the sheer requirement of knowledge just to play. I'm going to be frank here... and I'm not saying this to be inflammatory, rude etc... this is the honest and blunt truth when it comes to what I see here. This OOC is putting it lightly... not well thought out. It's very muddled in it's purpose and it's goals. It doesn't give clear and well indicated infomortion to the potinal players. It's ramshackled together with formatting sins everywhere ((though I gave you the tool to help with that one up above.)) I honestly from the barebones of the plot I'm not sure what would be expected of me, the scope of the story... what type of RP this is meant to be, Sandbox style or more guided narrative style... I don't know how combat is resolved... or if there even is any at all. ((I'll take it there probably is.)) I'm jsut not sure what's going on here and I don't have enough information. I would've advised making an Interest Check thread first jsut to see if people were interested in the idea... as this is more what this OOC feels like than a OOC. It'd have given you more time to fix up stuff and get a more cohesive and unified picture before releasing this. However, it's kinda too late for that now so Just have to work on improving it now. There's a lot of work you'll need to do to even get this in running shape. I wish you luck, you've got a lot of work to do. I'm sure if you ask many folks around here would be happy to help you out and get this project looking spiffy in no time. You can even send me a PM ((jsut know I'm busy so I might not get to you right away. I also don't jsut do work for you... you don't learn anything if I do that so don't. Had folks try it before.)) I'm not doing this to discourage you. FAR from it. I want you to strive to have an RP that folks will be drawn to and can get a clear understanding of what it is, what's expected of them as players... and just better all around guidelines for them that have a lot more clarity to them. Anyway, Hukuna Sensei, out~
  17. Maybe... the reason I've never one remembered a dream while I was sleeping... is becuase all the dreams I have take place while I'm wide awake.

    1. Ironbound


      Why are you awake now it should be midnight for you go to bed

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's actually 4 a.m. Leet's jsut say I had soemthing I needed to do that wouldn't let me sleep. I've done it now so I'm going lol. But... when I get soemthing in my head it rattles around in there until I expel it lol.

  18. lol, the only thing I'm saying is that you at least know somewhat what I do. Predominately you have a plan butin this instant... nothing but instinct is the plan. Instinct is the thing I rely on moreso than a rigid plan struture. It's got it's weaknesses... but it's got it's strengths too lol. My only meanin' by it is maybe... juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust maybe my thought process isn't as mystical and foreign as ya think lol. I still think Pheonix on that one... though now... it's looks like it's wearing a mask almost...or moreso what I mean... is that it's face sort a reflects the sorta strong angles that masks tend to have ((especially masquerade style ones.)) It gives it a very spirit like feeling, rather than that of an ordinary animal. Otherworldy, ethereal. The Plumage on the head only furthers it, making it look like a headdress, almost Native American in style. Pretty. beautiful... and yet fierce. Strong. Primal in nature. Perhaps this is the reason for my impression.
  19. I know it's taken me awhile to get this... but... glad to see this place back again. I'd do a toast, but 1. Cliche, and 2. I don't drink. So, in spirits I suppose.~ also tfw Taking lessons from me now huh? Jokes aside... that is exactly how I write. I let a whim guide me. The thing that comes out on paper is the passion of the moment, the ideas my mind weaves in the moment before they hit paper. It might be a sloppy method aye... but... to me it's the most organic. It's human. Cause life rarely follows a plan. Now... plans ain't worthless, but they are rigid. They don't really allow a lot of wiggle room. And sometimes... life demands you switch gear, change course, on the drop of a dime. a hat... whatever metaphor one wishes to use. That's why I write the way I do, it feels the most human to me. It feels the most truthful, the most organic. The most real. Perhaps it makes me a silly man. Perhaps. There's a reason at times... I refuse to edit. The blemishes almost feel... like part of the honesty to me. The mistakes and typos... mistakes of emotion. Most wouldn't ever agree with me ((and for my big major pieces or ones I really care about I do edit.)), and I'm okay with that honestly. I'm a bit of an idealist, ya see. One who thinks ideals are beyond stupid... and yet... one nonetheless. I don't really know why I'm saying this, but I feel it's something I should say. Perhaps... because as a friend of mine you've told me a few things yourself. Think about why you draw... what you feel when you draw. And wonder once more... a few questions you've asked me. Maybe it'll work itself out, maybe it'll be muddled all the more. Guess that's life though ain't it? Anywho, this has been a long roundabout way to say hello again to this thread. But... it wouldn't be a proper Hukuna hello without my wall of text now would it lol? Anyway... I'm happy to see things here again. Maybe in my next post I'll comment on some things, rather than be a big dopey sap. ((or maybe I'll do both... who knows?))
  20. "Heh, that tired huh? Well, I'll watch over ya... well provided I don't lapse into sleep myself. What... a beautiful day." whispered to herself as she looked at the now snoring Princess. She definitely deserved the nap. Meredith was running on fumes herself. She, couldn't really fight the warm embrace of the wind very long. It's gentle caress lulled her to sleep as well. Her lids felt heavy... and as soon as she closed her eyes, she drifted away as well.
  21. "A little rest would be nice huh?. Might as well get it while things are still quiet, serene. We can think about the craziness that is down the road a lot more later on. After all, you chose to be stuck with me. We're in this together from now on. We've got plenty of time. For now though, rest, and gentle caress of nature, they'll be quite divine. We've both more than earned it after that battle." She lay back as well, placing her arms behind her head. She rested her head where her fingers knit together. She just looked up at the clear blue sky. It was beautiful. Just like always. She almost thought of it as the ocean that was always above her. They said the reason the sky was blue, was that it was the colour reflected off the waves. She didn't know how true that was but... it made her always feel, that out there somewhere, Arborbrook's little lake... was always with her. She just silently watched nature now... retreating back into her mind. It definitely reminded her of those days where her and Gerson just sat in silence and watched the world move around them. She was glad that today, she had company for it once more. Even if she had just met her. It just felt, like she was meant to be here. Was it fate? Meredith was never sure she believed in such a thing. But, this sense of belonging... it had to be something.
  22. "Heh... an apt question. No I didn't always want to be a fighter. I didn't always want to be a solider." She looked down at the water as she splashed her feet a little. It felt like home. She almost wanted to well up and just cry. It'd been so long since she'd been there. Seen the face of her family. She knew that they'd not be the most happy with her, but... that they'd be happy she was safe and still kicking. She wondered what Gerson would think of her now. Would he be proud of the silly little trout he caught in the lake of little Arborbrook. She hadn't seen the old coot in years. She missed him. "I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to save the world. Ever since I was a little girl. All those great men in those silly fairy tales... I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be a person that fought for those that couldn't defend themselves... to speak for those without the words to do so. I thought that being a solider was the best way to do that. And... I became a hero. But it wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't saving anyone. I was only saving myself... I was caught up in the middle of hell. The people I wanted to protect... cut to ribbons, by my own unit. Before they themselves were cut down. I then fought to just protect myself. I wasn't... strong enough. And yet, because I survived... they called me a hero. They lavished praise on me telling me I did some great deed. It was the only thing I never wanted. What happened that day... I was anything but a hero. You're right though. You should've told them that. Because that's the lesson I learned far too late. I just hope that after all this... I can live in peace. But, fighting is all I know anymore. I just hope the people of this nation... don't have to be forced down my path in life. They they know something other than war, suffering...strife. Pain. If I can win that for them... wrest that from the hands of tyranny... Maybe, I would be the hero I always wanted to be." she paused. a breath frozen in her throat. She didn't know where else to go with this. She wanted to say more but she couldn't find the words. Until she looked at Saffron. Her eyes had just, a youthful kindness to them. A kindness she couldn't help but wonder if over all the years... she herself had lost. She was starting to feel like she was the Old Man now. As if like him, she failed on her path. At the end, she was only just as bitter and jaded as he. But... she wasn't sure she was lost yet. However, only one thing came to mind for her to say. "or maybe you'll be that hero..."
  23. Meredith tossed off her boots as well. It had been a long while since she had felt water on her skin, it'd be nice. She always felt nostalgic when she did so. It took her right back to being a kid when she was sitting on the sure with her mentor. The Two of them bickered back and forth constantly, but... at the end of a long and arduous practice, the two would sit out on the banks of the lake their city gathered fish from. They'd jsut sit there, half the time not even saying a word. They'd enjoy the company of each other and the company of another soul that had a similar purpose in this world. Meredith felt the same now. Maybe it was just because this was the first time she had done it with another person sitting next to her in as long as she could remember, but... she definitely knew that wasn't the end of the feeling. She respected this woman highly. Regardless, she felt her cause personally. It was the same as her own. "I see. Well, that's good enough an answer for a silly solider like me. I don't dare to think I'm the best... though my training came from it. I... well maybe you would." She looked down, shy. Nervous. It was the first time in a long time she broke that facade of being unbreakable. "You know... I love the water. Streams, lakes... the ocean. They remind me of home. The feeling of water on my skin is nostalgic. It reminds me of the times in that little village when I was training to be... someone who could fight for those who could not. The Old Man... he told me I always knew what I wanted to be. The only reason he trained me is that he could see the purity in me. That I reminded him of himself once, who he had been at the beginning of his journey. We'd always talk about these things down at the lake. While my feet were in the water, and the fish nipped at my toes. Heh, I don't think there's any in this river, least not at these parts."
  24. "That was quite the rousing speech. I don't think I've ever seen anyone else get the Children that riled up other than Samwell." Meredith laughed as she sat next to the girl, and looked over the riverbank. She stared at the murky waters. She always loved the water. It was one of her favourite things. The way it moved, it's many varied colours... everything about it spoke to her in ways that, not many others would see. She preferred the sea, of course she did... she was born and raised in a fisher's village after all. Maybe in one life she was meant to be a sailor. Not this one though. Fighting... that was what was important. Fighting so that little village could be free. "Why choose us to accompany you? We're but strangers. You hardly know if my unit is even the best there is within the ranks of the Children. So why us?"
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