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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. That feel when dropped out of the Committee week 2 ((okay, that's sorta untrue... I publicly did... but remained working until at least... week 7 or so. It was whenever Jeri brought the challenges to be moreso approved by the Leaders of the Nations than the committee on it's own since a lot of the work I was doing was trying my best to figure out balance on them and if things were at least reasonably fair... given the nature of the challenges... damn was that shit hard.)) and still getting recognition by name. I appreciate it though, it's not necessary. All the thanks I need is that out of the whole thing, some positive experiences were had. New friendships forged... etc etc... it seems that this had happened. While I didn't stick through til the end, I'm glad I had some part in it. Even if it was small. All the thanks I need, is seeing that, this thread, the people in it. Makes me happy knowing that. In the end, some good came out of all the struggle. Wish I had sticked it out, but... well stuff was stressful at the time so... I had to step out like I did and take a backseat for my own sake. Anyway, enough about me cause meh... I'm not overall that important in the scheme of things. I just wanted to see something be great.All I really wanted.
  2. Also, run Intimidate if Banded. You don't get an attack boost with Guts, however you can't really rely on getting the boost without holding an Orb, and you really REALLY don't want to be statused anyway. Due to Luxray's reliance on Wild Charge as a Physical Electric STAB Luxray gets worn down FAAAAAAAAST. This is even moreso the case as it has nearly no protection from entry hazards, taking damage from Spikes and nuetral damage from Stealth Rocks really starting to rack up passive damage if you add status damage on top of that. However since you can't rely on this boost anymore, with Intimidate, you can force out physical attackers ((as long as they don't got SE moves.)) and regain momentum with Volt Switch, or take out some bigger threats with your coverage moves. Intimidate also allows it to be a more Physically inclined pivot, which gives Luxray somewhat smaller niche over other electric types in the tier since most momentum grabbers don't have really any bulk. Basically... Luxray is partially bulky and offensive. It splits the difference and this is sorta why it's got trouble standing out as it's not specialized in really any way or at least not as much as your Zebstrikas, your Raichus or your Amphys. Other than this note, Sheep has hit most of my main concerns so... Yep. Hopefully this has helped.
  3. You know... it's stuff like this that makes me regret ever joining this community. Not like anyone would give a shit... but I might just resign after today. WHo knows... but I really don't want to be part of a community where this is acceptable, normal... and most disgustingly of all applauded.

    1. Shamitako


      I wouldn't blame you if you left, but I would miss you :c

    2. Hexagoen


      Yeah. If you leave it would suck. Your one of the auth that are up there on my list for chill people huk!

  4. Before I write a big hullabaloo... I'll note that your team has a huge Knock Off weakness. 4 out of your 6 Pokemon aren't keen on taking it. Luxray pre-burn, and all three eviolite users. ((two of which are weak to dark.)) Like There's 0 risk for them clicking Knock Off against this team as even your resist is crippled by it. Zweilious will lose a significant chuck of bulk once it's Evio is gone regardless if the hit hurt or not. Like Pawniard is trouble. Mostly, it can set up SDs for free on quite a few mons here. Dusclops and Zwei it's faster than both and neither can retaliate. ((since you're optiing to run Shadow Ball instead of Will-o-Wisp on Dusclops.)) It also outspeeds Metang and therefore can set up on it too. Sucker Punch allows it to dent Luxray really hard and with SR up or any prior damage... Ohko. This leaves Simisage and Armaldo. Armaldo can't switch in and if Pawnard is set up, it loses. Simisage also cannot switch in. Really the easiest way to fix it is to give Dusclops Will-O-Wisp so you can cripple it. Ice Beam is good enough as a mono attack ((even i it's not STAB.)) and it fixes your severe weakness to Pawniard without really sacrificing much. It also allows you a better check to physical threats ((since you sorta have two more specially orientated sponges and nothing is geared towards Physical Defense..))
  5. "There's no need to worry. I'll block their path." Meredith moved into a position where she could prevent the enemies from advancing onto Adriaen's future position. Him being able to heal Rosa was of utmost importance right now, so Meredith had to make sure the position was at least... relatively safe. Move to J15
  6. Really need to stop writing at 1 in the morning... but I swear it's liek the time I'm the most effective at it LOL I actually get shit done.

    1. Stalkerkain


      Night time is best time. No distractions or noises from the livin' cuz dey b sleepin'.

  7. ((warning, the language in this post will be a bit heavy. If vulgarities aren't you thing will, I recommend skipping this post., or at least the section labelled "Solomon's Mind")) Solomon's Mind... ???, ??? ??? Panic's true form was more horrifying than Azegeor could've imagined. A horrid wretched wreck of a creature. Though,,, at it's core it was hardly different from the liches that now faced it in one way. A skeleton, though barely resembling anything human, was suspended in a flowing black ooze. It had a sickly lustre and swirled with pulses of hideously dark magic. It stank to high heaven of sweat, adrenaline... the smells of fear, mixed with that of a strong pitch smell. It was nearly intoxicating... sickly sweet it threatened to make one's stomach lurch and put them to sleep at the same time. Luckily for the liches, not having true noises made them much less effected by the invasive odor, but they could still perceive due to liches inherent false sense. {{The players feel a strange itch at the back of their mind. Ivna's voice pierces the silence in their mind. "I can explain more here if you so choose, otherwise feel feel to continue experiencing."}} The black ink writhed and slithered about the bestial framework like living skin. At times it enveloped the form, others white ivory poked out for underneath. Clearly one could see the skull of a hyena but the rest of the skeletal structure was twisted and... so grotesque it was unidentifiable. It didn't illicit fear in Azegeor however. It inspired...a feeling of pity. It was like looking upon the mangled remains of a child or, some other innocent that got caught in something much bigger than themselves. It was nearly saddening to look at. Azegeor couldn't help but wonder if this was an illusion that Panic took to misdirect opponents... or if it was truly how the creature viewed itself.. or if it was it's true soul. However, no matter what it was, he wasn't about to hesitate in destroying the being. Panic was dangerous and he knew it. He could pity him later. And it was fortunate he then resolved to do this. It was a subtle movement but Azegeor could see some of the black ooze tense and suddenly, become hardened like muscle. It formed a quivering black sinew that trembled with the growing force amassing. "Solomon, Move!!!" the lich, donned in the cloak of stars, yelled to his comrade. Solomon trusted on instinct, he knew his friend to be trustworthy so he'd not hesitate to heed his word. His body sprang backward on command. Dust rose from the inky abyss beneath somehow, as Solomon pushed hard on his heels. Just as he had, A hard and wet slam sounded on the floor and reverberated throughout the darkness. The attack was lightning fast, had Azegeor not seen it, Solomon would've taken a nasty blow that ended him long before this fight even began. The attack itself,,, the surging of black tentacles. The muscle that had been creating with the swirling form had launched forward a barrage of tentacles that formed within in instant. The mass of black ink stuck to the ground spearing into it. Due to them being the same colour, it looked as if it merged with it and became one but... that couldn't be the case. However, there wasn't much time to reflect on it. Panic... suddenly became a much different beast in matter of seconds. "FUCK YOU SOLOMON!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL YOU PIECE OF RUBBISH!!! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?!?! WITHER AND DIE!! STOP RESISTING!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP IT!!!!! WHY WON'T YOU JUST FUCKING LET ME KILL YOU?!?!?!!? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Now... he was throwing a temper tantrum. Much like a child. The dark liquid swirled with madness, extremely violent maelstroms appeared all over it's surface, knots of frustration, and immense anger. Unlike the muscle like creation before these weren't controlled with precision. They were created purely as a reaction. They tightened and looked about explode outward. Coils of hatred that could burst forth at any moment. Panic was barely holding himself together at this point. Azegeor even swore he had the sound of ribs snapping. It was confirmed when a fine white powder could be seen swirling within the black ooze. "Hmm, struck a nerve huh? Perhaps be better with your aim next time and you'll hit me." Solomon obviously baited. However, in the being's emotional state it gobbled it right up. "VERMIN THIS MIND BELONGS TO ME. SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH UNLESS IT'S TO GROVEL AT MY FEET AS I KILL YOU!!!!" "Ah, such a dirty mouth. You kiss your mother with it? Besides... you know this is my mind. It was never yours." "Shut up..." "Whaaaaaaaat's that? Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't hear you!!! You gotta speak up!!!" "SHUT UP!!!" "Ahhh, that's better. But, uh... no can do. You see this is my mind I can do whatever I want within it." "NO, IT'S MINE!!! IT'S MINE NOW!!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUUUUUUUUUUUUT UP!!! Or I'll shut if for you!!!" the creature actually started crying now... tears ((somehow)) ran down the dry hyena skull. Panic was having some kind of break down, perhaps realizing he wasn't as in control as he had thought. Azegeor wasn't sure whether to be shocked, confused, feel sorry for Panic what... to much strange information all at once. This was... more horrifying then when Panic actually had control of his emotional state. "VIIIIIISHA, RIP HIS FUCKING MOUTH OFF!!!" he shouted and suddenly the black ooze rocketed forward at blindingly fast speeds towards Solomon. It seemed that Panic even forgot that Azegeor was there. The ooze over his body mostly dropped off revealing the horrible mangled mess underneath in full. It hit the ground with a loud and wet clap. It wretched around almost... looking as if it was in agony as it rearranged it's shape and hardened parts of it's form to become something else. It soon formed a small inky black hyena. This must be Visha. The small beast kept firing off tentacle after tentacle in a barrage at Solomon. It was aiming directly at his head... or more accurately his lower jaw. It was listening to Panic's order almost entirely verbatim. a female voice choked out of it's throat. Pained and hoarse, as if it could barely speak the words,, as if it was choking on the very air it was using to say them. "Visha... kill... for Master. Viiii...sha... do as master says." and that it did. The assault was relentless. The tentacles never let up and the deluge just fired non-stop at Solomon threatening to engulf him. He kept dodging as wet flesh sloughed to the ground hitting it with a disgusting impact. It almost felt as if Visha was firing corpses at him. And Panic was laughing manically through it all. Clearly, his mind had broken down at this point as he uncontrollably laughed, tears rolling down his disturbed and broken form. The bones rattled with violently, especially the broken ribs, they clacked with a horrible dry ring as they clacked against the rest of his rib cage. Azegeor, figured this was the best opportunity he'd get. To remove Panic from this mind once and for all. He breathed in this time. and in his mind thought of his previous spell, [Reality Slash]. "[Thought Casting: Reality Slash]". He willed the power of the spell through his mind, bypassing the need to state a word or phrase of power to activate it. The less time Panic had to react to it... the better. A feeling of nothingness washed over him again, and once more the bubble enveloped his hand. He put his hand above his hand and swung downwards with GREAT FORCE!!! And the blade surged forward. However... unlike last time, a tentacle sprung up and grabbed it. It held it somehow not being ripped apart. It sucked away the energy of the spell until it collapsed, fully spent. Visha flinched in a pain, but not enough to stop her from attacking. Panic's head whipped around in a fraction of a second, it swiveled around and, unnaturally faced backwards at Azegeor. And, in the most emotionally dead voice Azegeor had ever heard, he spoke "I'm not playing anymore Theodore. Wait your turn to like a good boy. You've already had your first helping, it's only fair I give Solomon his first." Heart of the Castle [WIP] Regent and Hasslehoof [WIP] Argentum Deus and ... whatever the spirit's name is oops I forget right now sorry Strat lel. [WIP] ((I might just do these three in the next post depending on how many posts there are by then but like tired currently so I'll get to them The big main part of the overarching plotyness is out of the way so it should be easy to do this more small scale stuffs in a jiffy. ))
  8. See, there's a reason I don't really ever care about leaks. Until it's confirmed by Nintendo, it doesn't matter to me. ((speaking of the recent "complete" dex leak that jsut ahppened and is now clearly a load of garbage, which... I already though so..))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CURIE


      Well if you haven't heard, there's a leak of the starter evolutions that's about as confirmed as a leak can get. It contained concept art of a major character months before said character was known to even exist.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Not the one I referring to, that also only confimrs it was made by GF. COuld be canned concepts still lel.

    4. Red_Chaos


      I pray that litten's concept was trashed xD

  9. Well, i'm not going to, I posted already lel. If you psoted that before I moved though I'd not have. But, as I said above we can get Adrian ((or however his name is spelled)) to heal both of this turn so provided that his player wnats to. ((we probably should though as to not have to use Vulneary charges quite yet and becuase it makes the best use of Luka's dance since I don' think either me or you want to move right now.
  10. tfw you should've told me that sooner. Doesn't really matter though since we can have Adrian heal me ((since I'm in movement range)) and then have Luka Dance him so he can heal Rosa though. So should work out.
  11. "No need to thank me. It's only my job. It's what I'm here for." She said in reply to the mage. She wasn't meaning to be rude though certainly could come off that way. Meredith just figured that she was here to fight, so fight she shall. Of course, she'd assist. Anyway, it was time for her to move into position to intercept the enemies for next attack. It was clear these troops weren't very organized and made some pretty bold moves, much to their detriment. So, running into the fray wasn't worth it, they'd come to them most likely. Even then, it was best to wait until her unit was better collapsed. So, for now she'd take the opportunity to take cover. She moved into position in the few clumps of trees within the field. She could see Rosa nearby. "You should be careful. You've taken a lot of punishment out there. Let them come to us, they've shown they are inexperienced and I'm willing to bet they will come after us rather than wait." Move to L14
  12. Think of it this way. When you came at somebody with a blade.. they aren't exactly going to run up and hug ya. They'll fight themselves or they'll run. Shitty metaphor aside, the worst way to start a conversation is to start it with a militant agenda or, to assume the other side will do as such. Even if that's the only thing you've gotten from them that you've seen, DON'T continue it in kind. NEEEEVER continue the aggressive approach. Don't make it an Offensive against the other side. ((this is without going into the whole thing about how sides are a giant fallacy and we need to stop making things Us vs. Them regardless but this isn't the time.)) Don't come into things going "Well, they've been aggressive so should I!!!" It's not how things work. It leads to more misunderstandings, etc... and negotiations break down before they even begin. Someone's gotta make that step, the step to stop the aggressive approach, the overarching attacks etc... and come at it at a much more grounded level. A conversation that begins with yelling and ad hominem attacks... tends to stay that. A baseless yelling fest. One that loses all point in meaning. It's not until someone breathes, settles and begins discussing calmly, and from a well thought out position that things can get moving. ^ Firstly, don't assume this. DO NOT ASSUME IT. ((not yelling, trying to make sure that's clear.)). Because assuming that all we will give you is negative means that you will write in a manner that expects it. That you taint your argument before it even comes to the table. Having that preconceived notion that others will instantly shoot you down or not listen, is the first issue. Don't assume people are jsut out to do those things, or that they will only assume that you are an attack thread. No offense meant by this, but this is how folks start ending up writing attack threads. Because they feel that if the other side won't listen they must take extreme actions, up their game, and do things to be heard. Trust me, that's when one starts losing. When their arguments cease to be based in things other than personal opinion, bias and emotion. These things cannot afford to be laced with them. It poisons the argument from the beginning, it's dangerous. Now, I'm not saying this is your intent or that it's consciously being down, but your flirting with that line and really do need to be careful. I can tell this from lines later on. Mostly this line. And trust me, I get it I really do. As a very emotionally driven person and one who functions more highly on Intuition than logic. I geeeeeeeeeeeeeeet it. But, I've learned that in something that takes logic, this is 100% the WRONG time to start a discussion. If I cannot use logic, if I cannot calm myself, then I put it aside until I can be level-headed when I construct what I'm saying, until I can research to know what I'm saying isn't groundless. Because the more errors you have in your points the less and less credible you seem, the more and more it seems a rant, a rave... something that has no substance and either warrants no response or... responses in kind the minds of others. While personal experience, and using what one has seen is something one should do, one should clarify this is what they've seen, and that this is the picture they have and make this CLEAR and KNOWN. Here, you paint your points almost as if fact or that they are widely held amoungst a group without truly knowing that political faction or the points your making. ((since anyone that truly knows about Peta knows that NO ONE wants them to represent them period.)) Having good knowledge to work with, instead of pulling the trigger in the moment goes a long way. I'll note this, I'm neither really Conservative, or Liberal. Least from my perspective. I'm probably not a moderate either. I don't believe in defining my political outlook personally, cause I believe therein lies a problem with politics. It is too focused on "He's that, but I'm this!!!" and it dilutes what's really important. Actually making progress. These discussions to some degree at least how it started out are why. We spend more time being pissed at the other "side" when we should be focusing on the goal at hand. We all on the same exact side. Every single one of us, our priorities and ideologies might be different but we all want the same thing. We all wants what's best for us, our familes, and our nation. ((and those are different priorities for different folks.)) So... to some degree, I'm not sure a discussion on particular points of certain groups matter. As these groups are vastly diverse in their meaning, how they function etc... And it makes it hard to say as a whole they are a certain way. Because it might seem like it on the surface but groups such as these are hardly united. Just look at how fractured Conservatives are right now in the US for one. We're only a solid group so long as it serves our cause but as soon as things start to not go a way the individuals in the whole agree with they diverge and split. Because Individuals may seem small but in reality they aren't. I'm not really sure what I'm saying here, but... if you want people to listen to your message and you want them to truly discuss don't come at them with aggression. It's the fastest way to say yourself "I THINK THIS. WHAT YOU THINK IS IRRELEVANT" because you already belittle them or make them out to be your enemy. Regardless if that's your intended message, it comes implied, it's within the subtext, between the lines. It's seeped into the nooks and crannies and spoiled your argument, your stance. It didn't entirely backfire... this time. But remember, folks won't always be inclined to be respectful to someone who's treating them as an enemy right away. Because if you treat them as a threat a foe... why should they treat you different? Whether it's hard or not, one must bear an olive branch. One must come from a place of logic, cold and hard evidence. Speculation, generalization, and ad hominem attacks, have no place in a discussion. They only muddy the waters. They only serve to lump people together, make them easier to attack... take away their words, confuse or misdirect. Do not let them spoil what you have to say. Because, I know you have a lot to say. You can do a much cleaner job, one that is more impactful and respects the subjects you are speaking about. Show them respect and they will be more inclined to show you some as well. Don't accuse... ask. Don't assume... ASK. Ask them. Talk to them. Start a dialog. But, do this without the baggage that weighs you down. Don't be shackled to that stuff. Don't let it drag down your questions, your stance, your points. Don't let it drag them through the mud. Your words and arguments deserve better Hunter. Don't let them be filled with these things and be dismissed becasue of it. Let them be what they can be. Put in the thought, the care and the needed to bridge the gap, rather than take shortcuts and drive it further open in haste. Luckily, there are those here, that despite the widening, are willing to reach out anyway. Be glad for that. Not many people would be willing to do so. Anyway, I've probably overstayed my welcome and I'm not exactly a person that can easily discuss politics... I'm just not made for them. But, I hope you understand my words and why I choose to speak. It's because when I do speak, I reeeeeeeeally freaking care. I doubt it really makes my words hold anymore weight at all, but I hope you listen to me in those regards and understand why I decided to. Anyway, Hukuna out~
  13. I do enough damage to kill pretty sure since he took 12, and I should do 10. ((and this time my Flaw doesn't wreck my damage. Like that first time I'd have done 11, but was at a -2.)) So I'm... pretty sure I inflict 10. So, Meredith, if she hits should kill.
  14. "Thank you." Meredith quickly replied. She'd have said more but, this was the battlefield. It wasn't time for chitchat. She felt renewed after watching Luka's dance. So, this was the power of Dancers, huh? Meredith had never seen one in action before. So, it was a new first on the battlefield. Meredith thought she was past those days. Given her history, she'd not have expected another. But, one is always learning. Even within the profession they've held a long time. She heard a crack of Thunder smash into one of the enemies at present. Then she heard him curse at one of her teammates, mage, one fit that description. Wasn't sure of his name, but that wasn't what mattered right now. Making sure this Solider didn't get within in inch of him was. Taking the opportunity, Meredith stepped into range and thrust her spear forward again, hoping to hit something vital and end this one before he could properly get back to his feet. Move to O13 and Attack Solider 2. ((note, Meredith is in 3 space of 3 Allies given the current positions, she doesn't suffer the -2 to damage this attack. Just noting to make sure you don't forget to count Luka who just moved in range.))
  15. "On it." Meredith said, not taking any time to hesitate. She quickly lashed out at the Mercenary that had engaged with Rosalvya. Taking him down shouldn't be too much trouble since the lad hadn't taken a smart approach and waded right into both Rosa's blade and her spear. He'd go down so long as they could make solid hits. Attack Mercenary 1
  16. Meredith took stock of the situation. It seemed that most of her comrades where moving into positions to attack. However, her job was moreso to protect then go on the offensive. Least, so it was in her mind. For now she'd wait until she could move in to assist. Until then she'd stay with the support units and keep them from any immediate harm. She could see one enemy in the distance, but rather than engage she moved to better position herself between them and her allies. She turned to One of them, the one who was closest to her. She believed... his name was Luka, however the mission briefing wasn't exactly long and there wasn't much time for introductions. What she did know was he was a dancer, not one equipped for head on combat... or really any combat directly. "Stay with me and I'll make sure you're safe." Her voice was calm, and unwavering, much like steel. It almost sounded a bit cold, but, it was reassuring it it's own way. Or, so Meredith hoped. No wasn't really the time to worry about this though. Moves to O12
  17. Clarice, Clarice's Book Trade, Early Morning. A small bell jingled as the door that closed the Book Trade off from the bone chilling frost flew open. Safety had been reached for the Breloom. She was thankful no one tried to stop her to talk on the way to her store. She praised the weather one last time under her breath as she plodded into the shop. The light wind made the door a bit of a hassle to close, but she eventually got it with a mighty heave. She breathed out slowly as she began to pat snow off her clothes and shake it free from her skin where it was sticking. The white powder that managed to remain fluttered down, most dissolving in the heat of the building before even reaching the ground. Clarice heard the plodding of feet coming towards her and the starting of the company greeting for a customer "Hi!!! Welcome to Clarice's Book Trade! Home of every book... Oh... Boss. Hehehe... well, this is a bit awkward. U-ummm, you're in a bit later than usual. You're usually here before everyone else." "Sven... what did I tell you about about greeting customers before you're even in view?" Clarice began with a scolding right away. She glared daggers at the employee in front of her. It was the newest to the team. A small, and quite rotund Delibird.She was wondering why she even let him on the team to begin with again but then remembered that it was a favour to Ricardo. Sven was apparently a friend of his. How close she didn't know. However, Ricardo and the silly bird seemed to think he was cursed. Apparently he could never hold a job for more than a week or two. Sven would usually cause some crazy freak accident within the time he was there. Somehow, every time on in the first two weeks. So, Ricardo figured that maybe he should get a job at the book trade. Mostly because the whole town at this point knew the rumours and refused to hire him. So, Clarice decided to, out of the "kindness of her heart." Moreso it was to get out of a debt Ricardo thought she owed him but... details. It had been a month now. Ricardo and Sven weren't sure how. All Clarice had to say to them was "I don't believe in curses. Therefore, they don't work under my roof." It was either that, or the fact that she threatened Sven that if anything happened to her books he'd be a goner. That lifted the "curse" real quick. "That if they can't see the white of my smile, they just might never seen the white of the pages." he mumbled half-heartedly. He looked down at the floor utterly defeated, and a bit embarrassed. "Good, not so hard to remember. So, remember it next time. Be glad I wasn't so offended that I'd leave you here all on your own to deal with customers." "But, Claaarice, you do that regardless when you hole up in that dreadfully stuffy office of yours. Meeeeow." Speak... no even think of the devil and he arrives. Well, fashionable late as always. The lithe form of a rather large panther-like cat came into view. He was your rather average Persian, at least... in looks. His personality was a different story. He was a strange one for sure. Clarice knew he was a bit off when she first hired him and she never really shoo the feeling. She could never tell if he was just a tad eccentric, actually addled in the head, or just putting on a show for his amusement, but she could care less. He got results. Well, unless he was here shootin' his mouth off. "See how clever you are when I've got your tongue pal" Clarice thought to herself but stifled the comment. The snark still came though, just in a less... depending on one's outlook, burst. "Oh, right, Maybe that's cause as the owner of this place I've got important paperwork to be doing so that this place doesn't run into the ground. Poor baby Ricardo... can't even manage his floor job needs his boss to do it for him. Almost sad enough I could cry. Anyway, it's my store, what I say goes. And, if I wanna sit on my ass I will. However, you should full well know that I probably work harder than the lot of you combined." Clarice dusted off the last of the snow from the haversack as she said this. "Well, snark aside Boss Lady, what's in the sack?" Ricardo said pointing his nose towards the haversack. He flicked it with a strange grace. It was weird how much he could put into such a tiny movement. He was an expressive one. It was clear he had a good sense of his body, down to even his body language. Even tiny muscle movements. Clarice would almost care if she wasn't massively busy. "A knuckle sandwich if you don't get away of my way. Besides, you know what... You delivered it to me." Clarice sighed. She was hoping the slackers still wouldn't have been here so she could retreat to her office in piece but both of Blues Brothers here had to keep asking stupid questions or cracking bad jokes. It was nearly enough to give the Breloom a headache. "Oh, so it's that. I'll get out of your way then." Ricardo said quickly stepping out of her path. Sven didn't quite get it at first and stayed planted where he was. He didn't really notice Clarice staring at him with a look of utter contempt. SO much so the buffoon had the audacity to ask yet another question. "Wait, you delivered Boss something Ricky?" "Sven now isn't the time man she's going to punt you out the "Doggy Door" if..." before he could even finish the thought, suddenly the poor friend he was warning was hurtling through the air. His body flew a t break neck speeds. He nearly broke the sound barrier as a loud CRACK resounded around the room as the poor Delibird went sailing directly towards what seemed to be a boarded up hole in the lefthand wall. He smashed through sending bits of board everywhere and popping a giant hole in the wall. He landed out in the side alley, creating a little mound of snow as he slid fast first into a wall. "Fix that will you? Or get Barnes to do it when he's in. Do tell him it wasn't Noble this time though. That pooch has finally learned his lesson I think." Clarice said shaking off her fist. A faint blue aura lightly drifted away off her hand. It dissolved in the air. "I'll be in my office." With that, the Breloom marched off towards her room without another peep. ******************* The Office was a rather classy affair. Well, it had a sense of professionalism to it, but a more down to earth style. It was certainly more than most Pokemon could muster in a sense of decor. However, Clarice took pride in the spaces she occupied for long amounts of time. After all, one should have the best and treat the rooms they stayed in the most with the utmost care. Make very sure they were comfortable. She had a big high back chair, leather that sat behind her large oaken wood desk. It was a rather well carved affair, having a few geometric light reliefs cared into it from place to place. The most elaborate of these of course as the trimming all around the top and the edges of the piece. A lot of the rest of the room was full of shelves and shelves of books. Some lines were neat and tidy. Prim and proper. Others yet were overflowing with excitement and could barely contain themselves on the shelf. Others yet were sloppy and all over the place. Books of all shapes and size could be found. Some minuscule, others gigantic. The whole room smelled of that old book smell as a result. It was Clarice's favourite. The one of knowledge, and a good story. A book well used. She settled into her big comfy chair and leaned back for awhile just starting at the ceiling. Maybe she was a bit harsh on Sven there... Na. She quickly pushed it from her mind. Though, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for doing that too him. He probably honestly didn't even know. However, hitting the annoying bastard felt so good in the moment. But, that joy was fleeting. She'd probably not apologize for it, but she at least felt terrible for the action It was the most Sven would even get. Clarice then trying in an effort to refocus her mind else where, clicked open the haversack. She slammed the heavy tome on her desk. Pens and quills went flying everywhere as well as some... other things from the heap of mess on her desk. "I should... probably work on cleaning up a bit. Not now though. Later! I've got work to do." and with that she begin to pour over the tome. She had a lot of work to get done here.
  18. Well, there could be a possible lead for Gan COmmander, but I gotta talk some deats out with Strat first. I'll let you know then. ((and it's jsut solidfying my character's stance and stuff about them and if it's cool or not. If it goes a certain way I might be able to chuck an interaction at you... well kinda. I might have to lead you to Clarice somehow, but that's neither here nor there, I'll explain later if stuff works out lel.))
  19. Thanks for lettin' me. I'll keep it in mind for sure no worries. Just letting me know is good enough. ((there's still quite a bit of time until I finish up this chapter, so I'd not worry too much? THere's goign to be a few posts on my part pretty soon though.))
  20. As a note, normally I'd pm about title tags but, I can knock it out along with giving you a pointer or two sooo, I'll jsut kill two birds with one stone this time. Anyway you'll want to check out this here thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20812 THis leads to the Feedback tag thread but it has relevant info in means of how to set up ones thread. I'd also suggest reading the title tagging thread as well located here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20788 Tags are mandatory and need to be in the title at either the end or the beginning, but I'll let the thread explain that itself instead of rehashing myself. I will note I'd recommend at the very least a [CW] as that is required, however as to how you'd expand it from there, no idea. I don't really have a good idea of what the work will entail so... that'd be up to you. Anyway it's totally fine to have this thread link elsewhere to a separate site so long as it doesn't link to another forum. DA should be fine since it's for storing ones work etc... so it works a bit like Google docs or other things folks have used in the past here. Also, whatever you do update this topic for the story in some method that is mentioned in the feedback thread ((if you don't want a feedback thread just remove it from the equation there, but since you've asked to point out grammar stuff I think you're lookin' for it.)) you don't need a second thread ((unless it's purely for Feedback.)) so please don't make another. This one will work just fine. ((if you want this to be uninterrupted alter on I can delete extraneous posts if need be just shoot a pm.)) Anywho, just fix up your title tag and well I can't really help on the grammar front to much it's something I mess up all the time so...lel. Sorry on that. Anyway, Hukuna-Sensei, Oooooout~
  21. Uh... I should note making the Rock Poison type breaks the trio. Poison Resists fighting, making it do normal damage. Same goes with Steel/Flying breaking the Rock weakness. Kinda... well the point of the trio is that they are all weak to each other's primary types. So, it sorta breaks the purpose if ONLY the Fighting type is weak to it's counterpart. The trio are meant to teach that adn I think should retain that quality ALWAYS since it's the point of start trios. It's just not a true trio imo if it breaks that convention. Alo as a note I think you should remove a little from it's defs earlier on and up it's attacking stats a bit for the Flying types. It's going to struggle super hard early leveling it up with THAT low attacking stats. Just a slight bump. ((I'd honestly say to still take some out of that SpDef... it's like... insanely high. much to it's detriment imo.)) Also it jsut feels liek Special Skarmory with a busted sig move... so it's a pretty boring concept imo. But, that's me.
  22. How do you make a team in Sun and Moon when you want literally every Pokemon revealed so far on your team.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Azeria


      Legends ain't dumb.

      Well maybe the Gen 7 ones are.

      Except Tapu Koko.

      Tapu Koko is lit af.

    3. Swampellow


      This is the proper reaction to all of this, unlike ~most~ people's reactions to at least some of the stuff.

    4. Drymus


      Do what I'm gonna do. Nuzlocke it 3 times in a row (one for each starter), and see which one you like the most.

  23. "Snow? Juuuust had to be snowing today." an older Breloom grumbled as she opened the door of her home. She held her small two fingered hand out as the white flakes gently landed on her palm. They kissed it sweetly, a small cold marking their short presence, before they vanished on the heat of her skin. She wiped the touch of dampness from it as she went back inside and closed the door. Grumbling all the way. "It just had to snow today of all days when an important book arrived. WHY???!!? I hate my rotten luck." She waddled up to a rather hefty looking tome. It was worn, aged beyond belief. Her new prized possession. She had it retrieved for her by one of her boys down at the shop. In this particular incident it was the rather... eccentric Ricardo. A Persian with a rather odd flair. Either way, the job had been finished and without damage to the genuine article so, Clarice could care less. "Where is something I can cover this with so it won't get damaged?" she thought to herself as she frantically rummaged around her place. While her place was ice and orderly, it didn't really help her to ever remember where she put her belongings, especially in the event where she didn't really know what she was looking for. Eventually she found an old haversack in the back of her closet it. It would do nicely. It was nearly the perfect size for the book as well, so, a fortuitous find indeed. Now, she didn't have to worry about the snow damaging what could be the current last copy of this knowledge remaining in the world. She would make sure to change that though. She was going to have to carry the haversack however, as it's straps were broken. So, she just carried it under her arm, as she would've carried the book normally. "Alright, let's get this treasure to the Book Trade" ******* She stepped outside into the stark chill. It was chillier than she had thought the first time. She drew her scarf closer around her face trying to keep the frost from nipping at her nose and face. It was a gentle frost, but... the cold had a horrible way of creeping where it wasn't wanted. The snow was still gently falling as she made her way through the last bastion of the uncorrupted. The small town that existed around the Spear Pillar. She walked her typical route back to her Book Trade the one she walked nearly every day now for the past few years. It was very familiar to her. Luckily for her, the snow deterred many from being outside so, today there wouldn't be many greetings and she'd not have to be civil. She hated being stopped every 5 seconds by someone saying hello. She was a busy woman after all. So, while she was cursing the snow earlier, now she was glad that it was falling. It saved her the time, and the effort of having to put on a friendly face. For once, the streets on her way to her little shop weren't buzzing and bustlin'. They was still the dim hum of a city, but nothing like it normally was. Clarice smiled at this. No loud noises... nowhere near as many Pokemon to deal with. Ahhhh, it was a great day. She hoped to arrive at her destination soon, and it should've went quickly due to the fact that she didn't much in her way this morning.
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