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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I should note that Phoenixes would be considered magical beasts and be a bit sketchy as part of a beastman already, but it's made further by the fact that Phoenixes in this universe are actually closer to Primal Spirits than they are actually beasts. They are manifestations of fire spirits that happen to take the form of a bird. ((some beleive as a symbol, bu sages argue over the exact reason.)) It's just know that Phoenix aren't truly "creatures" they are spirits, so they aren't actually an eligible species to use for a beastman ((also I'd hae to veto regardless since a revive power such as Back from Ashes is kinda... broken. Characters don't come back for free in Heartless. If you die coming back in any form will have a weighty cost.)) Not done leafing through the provided sheets however, I thought I should mention this as soon as possible to ya Baz. I'll get back to this pretty soon... probably after I make the newwest post ((which I plan on tomorrow.))
  2. Nope. Heartless is 100% about palyin' Monsters. It's kinda the point. The closest would be Werefolk as they have a human form or a Doppleganger who jsut really likes and prefers a human/demi-human form.
  3. So Big Announcement, I am reopening Heartless Souls for sign-ups!!! Now, I'm not at the point where the characters will be approved for play yet however, I am at the point where I will be allowing more in. The thing is, I want to be able to read through them all etc... while I'm worrying about getting the story to the stage that they can come in. Now, some changes. Characters can now be created from locations outside of Castle Dour. They can have origins relating to many many other things. The only thing I ask... is that giant multi-cultural monster towns be left out. The reason being is that Dour is an anomaly within monster culture, as well as the City that once resided around it, Underdark. No other meeting of monster species has really ever turned out as anything less than pretty hostile, and would never remotely have the chance of working. So, characters should if they are from groups come from tribes etc,,, of monsters that are of their same species or very close. ((I could see like a few different types of Beastman getting along in like clan alliances, but nothing too much more removed than that.)) Underdark is a legend because it's the ONLY city of monsters ((or was before it was razed to the ground.)) so other ones simply just don't exist quite like Castle Dour. So, please keep this in mind while writing up characters. ((note, characters such as dopplegnagers/ or werebeasts living amongst humanity and hiding within human, or other Free Races cities is TOTALLY coooooooool.)) Characters once Castle Dour is open no longer must have ties to Dour. HOWEVER!!! Keep in mind a lot outside of Dour is a lot less definied and known. You'll have to do more work with your character narratively as a result. It'd be a much harder workload. After I start up the second phase of the RP, or, once Castle Dour is open, I will be trying to keep players more active. Please try to be posting at least once a week, and make sure I have an idea of where you are or if you're taking a hiatus for some reason or another. If you don't say anything I will assume you've lost interest and remove your character from play. ((or bunny them long enough to move on the scene with any other players and then remove them.)) You've bene warned now and I will once Stage 2 starts reflect this within the OP. ANyway, I'll probably be working on an update for the existing palyers tomorrow in their interacitons with me. any existing players that aren't currently within interactions PLEASE POST something Immediately. I you don't post something between now, and when I have Castle Dour opened I'm going to assume you've lost interest and do as above. Remember, a lot of Heartless Souls is up to YOU to create and I can't really be starting interactions for all of you. Think of me as just another player. You've a lot more free reign in this RP and I'd like you guys to start exercising it. There's a reason I wanted each player to set the scene's for their character's introduction. BECAUSE you need to know how to set scenes and start your own action in this RP. You may ask other players through Ivna to pick up other characters ((hence why I added a character that handles OOC conversations to the game.)) or through pm'ing them to get things sorted. Anyway, For new players, I hope you will enjoy this RP, and playing along with the rest of us once I get things settled. If you have any questions about character creation please don't hesitate to ask me either here, or via pm. Anyway, Hukuna Sensei, out~
  4. Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell me a bout it. I was there for that and I'm still not sure how that all got turned aroud either LOL. I'll be lookin' forward to it for sure. Be like Old times I hope.
  5. Yea I don't think that's even remotely accurate. It might be my bias but I feel like Fate/Reborn ran much better than the original Fate Rp on here, as it actually did get into some actual battles. The only reason si we lost a lot of players, so I don't really agree with the logic of a servant/master pair for every player being more successful since it... really didn't end up as so I don't think I also personally kinda despise Masters... They just aren't interesting to me... I just have 0 desire to play them. Noooooone. I just don't find the prospect of it interesting personally. I nearly 100% prefer playing a servant. Rules wise, Up to y'all. I'm not really too picky on it myself. While I do like the ability to mess with it a bit, I can understand how it makes it a bit more complicated. ((I jsut like it cause you can really get some "what if thiiiiis?" moments and they are really fun.))
  6. Yea at the time of writing I wasn't sure how Skaarl worked. Also, he doesn't fit inot Top Lane FIghters that go mid theory. Most top lanes that can go mid have some sort of mobility. As, their short range dashes in mid are much more effective due to the space of the lane being shorter. and while Kled does have his E... well if they poke out Skaarl before you get to them, you're pretty screwed. Especially since you need the instant gap clsoing in mid and not have to run to them, because by the time you do, they'll get to tower. The Other issue is that most of Kled's damage comes from AA's and his Q actually managing to go off. So, you need some time to do damage. Mid I jsut don't think is long enough a lane for it to work properly into anything other than like Yasuo, or similar Skirmishers that go mid. I just think Kled will mostly be a Top laner as a result since he seems very skewed towards spliting and dueling already, just with some tools to allow him to matter in starting fights for his team. ((his Ult.)) All in all, I'll enjoy seeing jsut waht the guy is capable of, and if he's picked up in pro play at all. Cause I'm curious. ((I always am with new chamsp honestly.))
  7. Full Preview: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/champion-reveal-kled-cantankerous-cavalier Voiceover: Oh boyo, here we go. So, we've definitely got a more Top/Jungle Focused champ on our hands here. I think more so Top lane due to the ways his kit works etc... as it's Very high concentration on dueling power, and 1v1 chasing, but also, with a movement ult he can initiate fights when needed or use it to meet and enemy split pusher. There is also the fact that a lot of his abilties interact with Minions ((MOunted Q deals extra damage and the E can lock onto large minions)) A lot of his kit is aimed towards being powerful in a 1v1, his Mounted Q only hitting a single target, and pulling them in and slowing. The Unmounted Q, seems more... of jsut a filler ability to help you kite and stay alive while trying to get Skaarl back, due to the push back adn the fan pattern of the bullets. It probably doesn't do crazy damage and is more for peeling and repostioning. ((since if you wanted to continue to aggress... you could fire it backwards and dodge towards your opponent to get in more hits and keep close. Just like E, will talk on that later.)) His W is 4 fast auto attacks into a 4 empowered one ((basically Jhin's whole attack pattern consolidated into a smaller window.)) it being passive it and not being able to be toggled makes target selection key especially needing to worry about who you're hitting... ((especially since you can probably use it to quickly rebuild Skaarl's Confidence to bring him back in as soon as possible.)) It dealing #Helath damage is... Hooooo boyo... going to be nuts. It's stated in the body of text somewhere ((not in the abilities description for whatever reason.)) that it does have a Cooldown period. So, at least it's not like Vayne's SIlver Bolts. However, I iamgine it does MUCH more of a burst if that's the case. His E is very similar to Renekton's at first glance... until you realize it really can't be used to escape , at least, no where near as easily due to the fact that the second dash MUST target the large minion or champion you hit with it. SO it's no where near as freely usable as Renekton's E. It's more limited, but I imagine it actually does some decent damage as a result. It also gives him a Move spd boost. His Ult is a biiiiig fight starter whether 1 on 1's or full teamfights as it increases his move speed and his team's. It also builds a shield... greeeeat. And The first target Skaarl finds it deals Max Health damage to, so... it's going to hurt somebody relatively bad. The Passive, or Skaarl, giving Kled another Health bar is nuts ESPECIALLY as all Bonus health you buy ((the stuff from items.)) will at least somewhat transfer to Skaarl's HP pool. ((it's not specified if there's a ratio of conversion, so I'm inclined to think you get ALL of the bonus health. At least you don't get it from natural leveling health and only outside soruces.)) It's a good thing to note, that if you get Skaarl down though Kled becomes a LOT weaker as he loses access to msot of his damaging abilities and his Slows so it becomes harder for him to chase etc... He can't use his normal Q, his e or his ult in this state, making him only have access to Pocket Pistol and his W passive. Basically losing Skaarl makes him garbage, but HOOOO you better hope he can't get him back, renewing his HP by gaingin Skaarl's. If anything... I imagine due to natrual Yordleness he'll be pretty squishie natrually so it's jsut a matter of focusing him down. As he's mroe of a carry top/jung ((form what I can tell.)) this isn't really an issue either as he's probably a large source of damage for his team. So, League's got a craaaaaaazy Yordle who's basically a cranky old redneck... Didn't know we wanted that but... guess we did? I suppose it's nice to have a Yordle who doesn't fart rainbows and sunshine for once, or is OVERLY CUTESY
  8. As a note ofr the future. The Day Care places new moves starting at the top of the list. So, if you put Pokemon in there, and they hit a level where they learn a move it will be automatically learned and palced on the first slot. Therefore, if you don't want to lose valuable moves either check it a bunch and level them in battles to cancel the move learning yourself, OR, put moves you don't care about towards the top of the list.
  9. My sheet. Name: Meredith "The Undying" Class: Solider > General Character Skill: Daunt Month of birth: Last Snow Personal Flaw: In The Service of Others: -2 Base DMG when not within 3 spaces of 3 allies Personal Skill: : Uninjured Spirit: When over half health, +15 Evasion Personal Skill: "I will not Die!": When Under 50% HP + 2 RES Promotion Personal Skill: Heart of the Undying: When Attacking a target that attacked an Ally last round, + 15 to hit Preferred Stats: Skill, Defense Weapon Proficiency: Spear [C], Lance (D) Level: 1 Total Level: 1 Progression Spent: 335%/335% HP: 22 (85%) STR: 5 (40%) [+1] MAG: 0 (0%) SKL: 5 (30%) [+1] LCK: 1 (10%) DEF: 5 (70%) RES: 0 (60%) [+2] SPD: 4 (40%) MOV: 5 CON: 8 AID: 7 Inventory: Iron Lance (45/45) Vulnerary (3/3)
  10. Honestly I'm probably jsut going to watch at a distance just.... tooo much shit to learn and I don't really got the time. Sorry, and I'd lvoe to particpate but... as a result... there's jsut too much stuff it's overwhlming so I'll pass.
  11. Ah, it's beautiful Skits~ ((but uuuuugh choice items. lel. You're the one who always reems me for not using them so it's fitting as hell honestly LOL.))
  12. Yea Skits is... pretty crazy good at it. She used to be the person I always asked bout Ev spreads because... man I'm awful at them and they've always helped. Also I gotta request for ya, and it's more of a silly one. Since me and a freiend were discussing core stuff and I mentioned liking to run both a FWG core and a FDS ((Fairy/Dragon/Steel.)) so he made the joke of running them at the same time with Mega Zard X + Azu + Ferrothorn. I think it might not actually be an awful lot of mons but I'd definitively need something to get some special damage in there and probably soemthing to Fog the Rocks away. ((or Spin same diff LOL.)) Honestly probably not the most innovative thing but I've never atually seen the three on the same team... probably cuase I don't play a lot honestly... XD So, go ahead. You can feel free to change like... anything I'm running. Like I don't mind if you switch stuff from the current. Anywho, heeeere ya go. My more current sets are more balance orientated and more defensive in nature, feel free to give them more teeth if need be. Feel free to do whatever Skits lol. I'm pretty sure I'll love it regardless of what you do since you're teams are always great XD.
  13. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21612#entry537898 small piece, ntohign too crazy though and I'd say typical fair of mine. Either way, fi yo decide to check it out, enjoy.~ If not eeeeh, you're missing out though. ALso be sweet if you left some feeback or jsut what you liked about the piece as a post in the thread. Thank you ahead of time~
  14. I hate how fragile a life is. I hate how fragile beauty is. I hate how fragile the world is. It's as if everything were made of glass. One errant strike, one moment of carelessness, everything shatters. The pieces come clattering down, cascading into the ground shattering further. Swathes of glass become a sea of shards. Something once whole now... a scattering of what it once was. Fractured, broken, battered. Woe be to those that try and catch the pieces as they fall. At times, you can slink away unscathed, but others, the glass bites into the flesh. A punishment for trying. Another wound, a deeper one. Failure... It leads even deeper. A fresh crimson wound. This wound doesn't sparkle like starlight. There's no illusion that it's pretty. The red runs from it, it festers and it is ugly. It's so easy for damage control to just because more damage. Trying to save some of the pieces only leads to different kinds of wounds. It feels like, when life breaks that there's no good solution. The thought of losing no matter what you do, it weighs on the mind. It's a heavy thought that kills momentum. It tries to drag you down and tries to lure you into being sedentary. The thought that kills momentum, movement, life. Weight, Baggage, a few of the names for it. "What do I do?" No one answers, all the while rings the sounds of breaking glass. It smacks the ground in a fevered pitch, fast, hot, and never-ending. It crashes about you, the shrapnel threatens to rip you to ribbons, and yet, moving toward the falling glass isn't appealing either. Stand still, be ripped to shreds, move forward, met the same bloody fate. So it feels when everything comes crashing down. Once the glass breaks, cascades, The World of Glass falls apart... what can one do but find razor sharp pain? Those thoughts are... tantamount to death. Not at first, but if they are kept, believed. For it is thoughts such as these that when held onto, lead down a winding serpentine path. One that you don't come back from if you stray too far. Because, once you walk into the dark, the way back out is nearly impossible to find. In the darkness one bumbles about until they find the shining release. The False Answer. The end of this path. That shining light is a horrible lie. It doesn't offer salvation. It offers something much different. But, at this point, it becomes hard to care. You've forgot why you've even come here, you forgot why you are standing here. All you know is your tired. You just want to lay your head down... and sleep, forever. Your body becomes heavy, as do your eyelids. The weight of it all becomes so much greater in this moment. It sits on your shoulders, pushing you down, with the force of a mountain. When it's been so long in this dark, it's hard to remember what the light really looks like. And, once you've gotten this far... This lie looks close enough. It passes off as the thing you're looking for, the light you've know forgotten. And, you're too exhausted to care. Too weary from the loads you've cared, the hardships... the fragments of broken glass you carry within. While it's the same person you've been, for some reason... it's all the more cumbersome. Whether it is whole, or shards it should be the same weight. But, it's the new shape that is the issue. It's awkward to carry, it shifts about outside of your control, it slips from your so believed "iron grasp". The burden you carry in your heart has just, become this and it's all you can remember. The days from before, seem so distant. The ones where this load didn't weigh as much as the world. Happiness, anger, sadness. These emotions stopped coming. They were shattered too. The only feeling left was emptiness. The only emotion that wasn't made from glass. For, it was nothingness. It is the only one that wasn't fragile. Because it only existed because nothing else could within you. This... is what it feels like to stand opposite that Lie. The horrid monster... The one that whispered sweet nothings in the ears of the weary. It promised salvation. All you had to do in turn was break the final piece of glass. Your Life. "It'd be easy, just... SNAP! And you're done!" And it would be easy. The temptation would make it so hard to resist. Because a solution was right there. Right at the tips of your fingers. Within your grasp. Your control. Your control? Was it really? Was that... modicum of control, in reality control? Maybe. But, if it was used for that, it'd not be worth it. A permanent solution for something temporary. After all, Glass can be pieced back together. Stained glass, in crimsons, shades of indigo, and the other many colours of the world. Those fragments now had experience. They weren't clear like they had started. They had been dipped within the font of colour known as life. While they might not be the same as they once were... and that they may no longer fit together as they once had... that doesn't matter. What matters, is that they can be newly arranged. They can create art more beautiful than the starting product. For when the world breaks down around you... when the glass crashes down... it will hurt. But it's not the end of the world. Pain is only temporary. While it may linger, and it beat dully in one's heart and soul, the day comes. It will always evaporate. That day will always come. Where it no longer hurts. It will forever be with you, but it won't burn, it won't bleed anymore. Some pains cause the pieces to shatter more than others. It takes longer to repair the damage, but, all the more beautiful the reconstruction. I love how that despite how fragile a life is, it can be repaired. I love that despite how fragile beauty is, that it can be found in the places you never looked. I love that despite how fragile the world is, that it keeps moving forward.
  15. Since you asked nicely on the server, I guuuuuuuuuuuuess I'll ask you my favourite first question to ask anyone. I don't think i've asked you this yet so... here goes. What is the one thing you just love that you don't really have an explanation for? And, to make it not so simple, try and describe why means so much to you. ((For example, mine is rain. I just have this...weird irrational love of the rain and everything about it. I like... hell try to get stuck in it and go outside just to sit it in for awhile all the time. I'm not entirely sure why but it just sorta speaks to me in away. Something about it is so... beautiful.))
  16. Don't take me too seriously when I say that stuff lol. I mean a little bit... though. I just don't think I'm very good company or really all that interesting to talk to. I just more or less have a bad view of myself moreso than it probably being true. ((Since I'm told by quite a few that I'm a pretty great conversationalist.)) I think it's jsut due to the way I take things cause I'm... just dumb. People don't really ever strike up conversations with me often... and I gotta do it but bleeeeeeeeeh. I don't know how to start them... think I'm being a pest for doing so etc.. I've kinda strayed from the original question at this point so I'll hush for now lol.
  17. Alright, the avvie change there was fun but... back to this amazing one~

    1. Combat


      Get it, since the image is Undying! Eh, eh?

    2. Pearl


      based undyne

  18. uuuuuuuh, honestly not sure on the first. I've never really considered it. I'm sure I'd be something either odd, one of the doggo mons or probably soemthing big and scary. I would reckon I could also be something like Cubone or any other pokemon really know for being extremely lonely and forlorn. If I had to say one, I'd go with Arcanine though. Big ol' dog, quite majestic to the point people think it's a lion ((though due to it being based on the Chinese guardian lions partially... really not far off.)) and is The Legendary Pokemon. Cleeeeeeeearly, I'm a living legend so... it's a clear fit. for Lol Champ. Character alone, easy, Shyvana. I love her she's great lol. ((gimme SUper Galaxy skin plox.)) Just a character I really dig. Gameplay wise I suuuuuuuuuper duper vary. However, really any Champion with an AA reset is high on my list because I love how satisfying that mechanic feels. to pull off. Otherwise, gameplay wise, Aurelion Sol is my fav. He jsut insantly clicked with me. About the same velocity at which a Woodchuck chucks wood.
  19. Figured I'd get this question at some point honestly. However, there's not a shit load to it in honesty. She is just a character that really clicks with me on a personal level. I just see a lot of commonalities in her that are part of my personality etc... and just what I'm like. I feel that it might not be as noticeable to some due to how more or less subdued my personality is when I'm in uncomfortable situations though. But, if one gets to know me they probably easily see the parallels that I see. So, she's jsut a character that I personally connect with in a way that makes her a special character to me lol. She in and of herself isn't crazy special I don't imagine. Just the expereinces I ahd with playing the game and the way she was written etc... really struck a cord with me. lol. and I skipped ones that I didn't care to give an answer to. This one might take a bit to answer honestly... because the latter part I don't really remember like at all. The first time isn't a big standout moment to me for whatever reason. There's jsut been to many first times with different groups etc that it blurs together for me. I will say though WHen I came to Reborn that was the first time I ever forum RPed. For the latter half of the question hard to say. My interest in RP has always been strong though it wanes and waxes. At times I'm super into it, watching all sorts of shows on it etc... and other times my interest jsut dies out for awhile. I"m pretty fickle of a person honestly. Right now I'm cureently on a bit of a hiatus of it... it's not crazy important to me right now, but it's cause I've been busy etc... I do plan on trying to be more proactive in it. To truly answer your question though my most recent streak just so happened to be around when I joined Rebron once again. I also did a lot of it throughout High School with a few bubs of mine. It's been an off and on affair, but I'd say it's safe to say it's msotly been a part of my hobbies ever since I could understand the concept. It's always appealed to me. (( I mean, I am one of those that does it in games that I paly so...))
  20. Figured I just make one. Is it a silly trend? Yes. But it's a trend I feel has got at least a little heart in it. After all, you are asking folks to I would hope... get to know them better. I know around here I'm kinda a stranger to a lot of folks and I can be a little intimidating or seem like I'm really stand-offish but, I'm really pretty chill XD. Or so I'm told by the people that truly get to know me. I'm just not very comfortable in a server environment os that why not a lot of folks get to see me at anything other than my absolute worst, or when I'm just very on edge. I'm just not a people person. And the more folks there are around the moooore uncomfortable I am. Just like... I really don't do so hot in groups of people I'm not close to in anyway. I do a bit better in ones that I've really gotten to know the people involved. Anyway, enough about me... cause, eh, you'll be asking about me so... first a few ground rules because I'd rather people not cross boundaries and you can't if I don't lay them out. So, here we go. 1. Try not to go too crazy with the amount of questions you blow out at one time. It's not really fair to the other people that will come into the thread if you ask like 50 at a time as it dwindles out their options. I won't be policing this, ((cause I can't)), but if a post is unreasonable in it's amount imo... I might just choose to skip it so that other people actually have a shot of me answering their questions... instead of you know... them not getting any. 2. I have the right to not answer a question for any reason and I don't have to explain why I don't want to answer it. I'll just skip the question. 3. Please no question that are Rule 7 in nature((even if only borderline etc..,)). Those subjects make me uncomfortable and I'd prefer they not be asked. I will skip over any questions of this nature. 4. Remember, this is for fun. Yours and mine and so you can learn a bit about me in the process.~ Anyway, for anyone who decides to ask me some stuffs... do enjoy. Also, no I don't feel bad about this, and no, your joke question isn't funny.
  21. [Gen 7 Spoilers are contained within this status. If you are allergic, don't open it. Also... it was processed on the same equipment as most tree nuts.]

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. DW~


      inb4 Wimpod is secretly the psuedo for Alola. A Bug psuedo would be cool, and it would be different than the common dragon psuedo

    3. Sarun


      Technically, Mudsdale is based on the Clydesdale horse. Though, I'm pretty sure that Wimpod won't be too hard to catch, since it's likely a semi-common mon thus its catch rate won't be that low.

    4. Shamitako


      I am typing with my eyes shit buit ty for the warnung Huk

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