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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. He's very Jhin yea, but making him not as you know... interested in murder is very interesting, since a more benevolent version of Jhin could be a very... calming character honestly. Very hopeful. It'll be intersting to see how you play him out. ((also, I'd not worry about rust. those who write, it rarely entirely leaves ya. You just have rough spots. Hell... if I let it get to me I'd never write since I think I'm always doing an awful job and yet... people refuse to let me think that XD. So, if I can keep continuing in my craft, well anyone can for sure.~))
  2. It's been abit since the last update to Reborn due to a lot of factors ((that I'd rather not jsut striaght up discuss since I only kinda am slightly privy too due to being staff and it ain't my place to talk about.)), but it's coming. Besides there is a LOT of backlog on Reborn so you'd have a lot of stuff to tread through in the intervening time regardless. Also, Rejuv is... more or less in places inspired by Reborn. In terms of theming and overall feel of the story/plot... they hit a lot of similar notes. Therefore I think if you enjoy Rejuv you will enjoy Reborn.
  3. Your answers are they are different games and, the do indeed ahve different development teams. Reborn is the game the community sorta being about ((though it was around much before the game itself.)) hence why the forums are for Reborn. It is made primarily by Ametyst and her deve team... which due to a bit of community outsourcing is too long a list. for me to divulge on and not forget soemone and feel like a butt. Rejuv is a game being made by Jan and his respective team ((if there is one I don't know much about REjuv honestyl lol.)) Ame allowed them to place the site here and to subsist here, hence why it has it's own space in a sub-forum. Both games share a few mechanics ((as both use what are called "Field Effects" and obviously they are both Pokemon games.)) but otherwise are different games entirely in terms of story. Reborn is currently on release Episode 15, wheras Rejuv is on release Episode 8. So both games are in development as of now and aren't feature compelete. Hopefully this info has been helpful~
  4. Because I can. Anywho... here ya go. Only a rough draft that I might change a bit of. Will let you know if I do. Probably won't though depends. If there's any issues. leeeeeeemme know.
  5. Reserving my spot. Will jsut post later. Also, thaaaaaaaaaaank you for locking the Interest CHeck so I didn't have to, saves me time my good man. ANyway, I can't write up a haracter right now because like... I'm way to fuckin tired and loopy to do it right now. LOL. I'll jsut post my sheet later on.
  6. You can feel free to give me 8 million themes if you want. I'm still theme researching to do like... a post myself but I'd probably not do them based on just whoever I want to give themes too personally etc... XD
  7. tfw being tired makes you strangely overly hyper and super flirty for some reason. I'm silly... too silly. Maximum silly...

    1. AuthorReborn


      That's basically me when I'm tired as well, except I also tend to start deep conversations and make extremely dorky hand motions and act out everything that I say.

  8. This avatar is probably an accurate repersentation of when Ark saw the new Treehouse update... ((same for me. ANd don't worry I'll be back to the reguraly scheduled Undyne soon enough.))

    1. Arkhi


      I mean, you don't *have* to go back to Undyne. Atok's work is gorgeous.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean it is, and Amanda is wonderful, but uuuuuh... my profile is pretty Undyne related at this point LOL. ((I haven't even done the name change I was gonna do yet LOL.))

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Look it's still within my theme of female characters doe so we goooooooood.

  9. tfw reading over an Old Rp and remembering you basically based a character off Jar Jar Binks to see if people would notice and you don't think anyone ever did LOL. The stupid shit I used to do to entretain myself ((and still do honestly LOL.))

  10. Man this is the most... unwell I've felt in... years. I feel compteletly terrible... physically, mentally... everythingly... XD I think I'm going to take a nice nap... becuase... hooooooooooo... I'm just so out of it right now. I hope this isn't anything serious. I it keeps up I defintiely will need to get myself checked out.

    1. krim


      Pm or skype if you think you need to talk about it. Hope it gets better soon either way.

    2. RudeStyle


      Hope you get well soon *-*

  11. Eh, I'm a pretty approachable person so, I'd not worry too much~ ((I'm mostly just not eh the greastest at starting up conversation, but I'm learning. Wel'll see, we'll see. And same. Look forward to seein' ya around as well.))
  12. lol, I got ya. I got ya. And I don't think people would be too disappointed. ((can't speak for them obviously but I have the hunch)) I'm sure they'd just be glad you're back at all. After all, even if getting to know someone comes a little later than expected well... it's still just as good. I know that for sure~ You seem to be a pretty awesome person yourself~ Feel free to talk to me if you want to XD ((I'm not really all that interesting though and I'm a forgetful pain in the bottom.)) don't be a stranger. I'm sure plenty would still be interested in the prospect. Anyway, I'mma get outta here, hope to see you around Pearl. and I really hope you get to enjoy yourself during whatever amount of time you're here. ((also, I kinda have never been an Intro thread person, that's why I don't know you. lol, I'm a bit shy so I don't really go into that section often LOL. SO it's not really a case of remembering then, moreso one of I'm jsut shy and never saw your intro to begin with.))
  13. I honestly can't say I remember ya from the first time ((nothing personal... I'm just kinda forgetful lol.)), but... Welcome back. It's good to see someone return. My condolences as well. I'm just glad you're alright.
  14. Man.... would it kill you guys to do soemthing oringinal for once? THis is the 3rd time... it's getting booooooooooooooooooring.~

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and that's 3rd that I know about. I'm sure it was done before I was even here. LOL

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User


  15. I more meant that this is something known to Pokemon already. When you discover you can use soemthing... and you use it the first time... yous till don't really know how to use it. Of course you'd have to learn. I wasn't strictly using the level system as a strigant thing, but that it's philsopy is that you discover and grow as you develope. In an RP, you can jsut choose what your mon decides to spend their time developing, so to speak.
  16. Thing is... the improvement of a move is... very unrealistic in Pokemon... tot he point it makes no sense. Also, I don't really think it's that out of the blue to get a move rnadomly or to learnit in a more spontanouis way. Pokemon do this... all, the time. ((get to new level in game, BOOM new move!, Move Tutor? BOOM new move.)) Honestly them discovering their hidden potinal can also be a very big important character moment that could be robbed of us if we jsut start with one. I suppose there could be smaller incremental ones along the way but... I like the ability to have a big meaningful swing... akin to evolution. ((further proof that if you are an unevolved mon you already are going to jsut rnadomly become more powerful. It's Pokemon in a nut shell really, jsut unlocking latent potinal.)) Personally, I think it's within the spirit of what Pokemon is ((as a series in all of it's forms.)) that a Signature move would be discovered later during paly and not grow in play. But that's imo. Jsut to me, Pokemon is very much about discovery learning. It feels like a missed oppertunity for a chance to discover soemthing about one's character being a bog standard thing we jsut have. That's... in all honesty very boring. ((once again imo.)) Personally I'd rather it be discovered later.
  17. Heeeeyo, Hukuna Sensei here, so... it's been awhile since I've done anything of this nature however, I think it's smart to break this out now just due to feelings I've been having one. One, I've noticed the pin section of this Sub-Forum is... well frankly it was getting huge. It was also, getting a bit intimidating looking. Like, for new folks trying to look for new RPs maybe to see if they are are interested are greeted with a giant wall of threads. While it's good to have info for those that want it, I also think it's important that they can find organic learning experiences as well. After all, we all learn different. Some learn from reading, others doing. I honestly am a doer. I need to get hands on experience. And, I think that'd I'd be turned off a bit by all the reading and threads for learning being all plopped at the top myself. So, I've decided to make this thread as a compromise. In a separate thread, it becomes more apparent that the materials here aren't required materials and are tools to help start, improve, or learn at one's own personal pace. It helps keep things much more neat and orderly as well. Rather than explain how this Thread will be laid out, I'll just get into the indexing here. I'm sure you'll catch on to how it's being organized. Player Resources: [PRIMER]Roleplaying 101: Writing builds character ((Basic Character Building)) http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5403-primerroleplaying-101-writing-builds-character/ Courtesy In A Roleplay: http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10285-courtesy-in-a-roleplay/ Host Resources: The Host's Handbook ((General Hosting Quide, Some World Building included!)): http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12490-the-hosts-handbook/ Project Reroll ((Low Impact One-Off RP system.)): http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11930-project-reroll-a-one-off-adventure-idea-low-impact-rp-system/ Title Syntax and You. How to Properly Title RP Threads((says it right on the tin.)): http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10470 *************** If you have any questions, or you would like to suggest something to be added to this guide, please PM me!!! I will be looking to making sure that this Thread can be a one stop place to easily find a load of thread with helpful resources to Players, Hosts and possibly even readers. For now, Hukuna Sensei, Out~
  18. *yawns*, Go. Meh, I'll just stay. More my style. ((that and I don't have a phone anyway.))

    1. Red_Chaos


      its ok i haven't found any mons yet outside the starter

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I also don't have a phone >->

  19. "I think, therefore, I am."

    1. Cyanna Cyril

      Cyanna Cyril

      Cogito ergo sum?

    2. Shamitako


      I think not!


    3. InnocentSerenity


      Please don't remove my mouth and make me unable to scream.

  20. If he can survive the nightmare that is me, he can survive anything lol.~
  21. Trust me Strat will be fine. After all he's gone through my bullshit a few times I'm pretty sure he can handle anyone at this rate LOL>
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