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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Tear was changed a lot in the Mid-Year Mage Update. It refunds some mana on ability cast as well as the changes to how manamune works without being a toggle definitely makes it a lot better of a pick up then it was for awhile. It's a lot more sustainable of an item. I figure this would probs make it usable but I'm not a huuuuuge Varus player. ALso Jhin and Varus work... pretty different. I'd not take how the item works on him to be any indication of how it works on Varus imo. Ghost Blade is the much better pen option imo, since it jsut gives it flat and you don't have to build it up. It jsut works better with the patterns I've noticed Varus having. Once again... imo. Also Last Whisper was never entirely garbage even then. Which I'm pretty sure I've told you a bunch at this point to be honest. ((though I'm used to nobody ever listening to me.)) in that before it was good for tanks, but that was literally it and it impacted your damage elsewhere. However, now with the small kickback to damage makes it a bit less dead weight against the squishies if you need it fro shredding.
  2. I think it's going to rain soon. If it does... I'm definteily going to sit outside until I'm just soaked.

  3. I meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean, his previous ult was the most boring shit in the universe though. It was like... Draven's W... but your ultimate. ((both give a speed boost and were like "There's a FIGHT!!!" button and that's it.)) Honestly it was like basically not really having an utl since the only real cast conditon was "Break Glass In Case of Teamfight/Duel" because the CD was low enough that it wasn't really even down. He at least has an ult that has decision making in it now. It's also pretty short range from the looks, can carry minions along etc... it's got a lot more DIFFERENT ((keyword.)) use cases than Tahm's Ult and it's on a more offensively inclined character than Tahm. That makes it a lot more interesting in that it is used in different situations than Tahm's. But, that's my opinion ((which is probably shitty.)) but eh... I honestly don't find steroid abilities fun, ESPICALLY when they take away my ultimate ability slot for anything slightly more compelling. ALso, thank god they are removing the spell stacking system. It always made Ryze feel worse to me. Because it became so backwards espically with how it was based on Overload's CD how much your other spells got reduced by, therefore it made leveling up Q a trap that there was not much indication of. The ability that looked like the ability you maxed first on any other champs was a noob trap... that felt so stupid to me. TO the point i actually kinda stopped playing the champion I was that upset by the decision. I like his new patterns and his new ability to have more straight forward combos that are easier and not as strangely arcane ((not a pun I swear.)). The way the rune charging works is interesting as well as how using your spells in different orders has different effects. It makes them feel a lot cooler and like they are overloading each other and it makes the magic feel super volitile and strange. You know... which feels really cool and thematic for Ryze as well. I'll probably picking him back up again afte rthis change for my magepool since I used to like Ryze a lot and he was a staple of mine. People might also stop doing the whole "Oh Ryze players just smash their face on the keyboard." thing now that it's really clear that his spells combo together. Though, I'd honestly not mind being told I'm playing a champ for dumb people as I steamroll them into the ground. THe salt only makes their loss to me in lane taste oh so much better.
  4. Surprised none of the ridiculous amounts of running jokes that are a thing with me have been suggested yet LOL. ((then again most of them are sorta super old at this point, probably the only one still being the ol' Newspaper thing LOL.))
  5. Thnaks for the heads up there buddy. Get Kazoo'd on. WIth Love, Hukuna Sensei~
  6. So, where can I even find what's out there? LOL. Oh nevermind missed that post. ((I thought was linking to the old version of these threads for... some reason. I'm probably jsut stupid.)) I'll probably make a post later if there's anything that looks interesting to me. Thing is, I'm not really the best at picking things to watch myself. I tend to go off recomendation of others to me lol.
  7. I should... probably be remembering to pin the new ones of these.... well let's make up for that now.
  8. Tell me when you get 8 Mde. Oh wiat shit... I broke your streak... Oops? Get Kazoo'd on Folks!!! With Love, Hukuna Sensei.~
  9. Hatred is may things where it comes from etc... is different for many folks as well. However, I've personally never been one that could ever hold onto it. It always felt heavy to me, at the least the kind towards other people. Because it is a consuming force and not in a good way. It clouds and creates falsehoods within one's being. Much like many other emotions that linger and make us feel things that aren't there. Holding it in, is what makes it fester, wound more deeply. For, if it stays within one's heart and rots, it only causes more pain. Hatred only begets more hatred. It's a force that feeds itself by creating more of itself. Though that is hatred left unchecked it's extreme. Most hatred that is removed only is temporarily as well, imo. It's only backburnered. Eventually it bubble up and out, coming to an explosive head. Hence why I don't believe in holding that stuff in. We've got too many emotions that when bottled within ourselves violently erupt. We has humans have so many things within us that jsut have the potential to get to a point they boil over. Hatred can easily become this in it's extreme. It can easily boild over and become something much uglier. It can create so many falsehoods in the mind of another and force them more or less into a position where this Hatred just feeds and grows and as it does, consumes more of them. THough in some sense, it is healthy as well. Not in the consuming variety of course. One could say disliking something is a form of it, a mild one, but one nonetheless. In some regards it's a force that drives. It makes us do things, it's doing the right things that matter with it. Disliking how something oppresses another thing etc... the want to do something about that. Think of it as the good form of anger. anger if we see injustice in the world around us, anger compels us to act. ((in different ways for different people.)) It's more or less using your emotions as a tool, a platform to help understand the world around you, and not letting any single one consume all of your being. It's really just, give and take. Ebb and flow. We need these emotions these feeling because of we have them fro a reason. They teach us and help us grow. Some drive us to do. Others drive us to not act ((such as fear.)) for maybe good reasons. But, we must learn their ebb and their flow as well. There is a time for emotion, and there's a time for that to pass. And, it's learning this that is the key I suppose. It's definitely no easy task but... one that's important to learn I feel. It's different for every single person as well. For some of us, we need to feel some emotions longer, in our own alloted times. Others want to get them over with as soon as they can, etc... We as people jsut need to leanr how, why, and everything else about our emotions so that we can better understand ourselves. Hatred, is one of thsoe things. It's jsut understanding it's importance and the times it does matter, and when it should be let go of. Most hatred should fall to the wayside, and be done away with. But, it sometimes holds valuable lessons, as every aspect of life does if you look in the right places.
  10. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21087 just a little heads up that I added a bit to thi piece. I tecinically completed it a few hours ago but, was busy and didn't remember to slap this in the status bar so... boom! now it is here. Anywho, feel free to leave me a comment on it, or feedback! I hope you enjoy the piece and thank you for your time~
  11. I don't remember being a super derpy Undyne man. So... *shrugs* I've got nothing for ya mate.
  12. Sorry for not answering sooner Zephy lol, but na, these are the Nine Dragon Aspects, or the pieces of Heartbeat. They aren't the gods that were present in the RP as those are the human gods, or the Nine Divines. However, part of the story of the Dragons Aspects is them creating the Nine Divine to rule over the world their father wanted to create. I will probably get to them though after I tell more of the story of the Nine Dragons. Also as a Note, Updated! I put in the parts about the aspects splitting and moreso, what "The Dispersal" was. Hope you all enjoy~
  13. my list. Cause I'm a crazy person. 1. Farfetch'd, Y'all should know this one by now. I lvoe this guy. He's the beeeest. Honestly though I lvoe the concept behind his design the saying or proverb it comes from. It's a really interesting pokemon to me as a result. ((#GetFarfetch'dNumber1)) 2. Houndoom, Cause Hell Hound. 3. Manetric, Cause Lightning Doggy. 4. Cobalion, I honestly jsut love how regal he looks. Out of the Trio ((techincally 4 of them, but kinda like the thing they are based on, The Musketeers, the 4th isn't a part of them until later.)) Coba is jsut the one's design that I personally think works best. Not to mention I love using pivot Coba it's a really fun set. 5. Arcanine, More Fire Doge. ((that and he's based loosely on the guardian lion statues, which I think is a rather cool design inspartion as well.)) 6. Liepard, Personally, I just love battling with this thing. Try the Nasty Plot/Encore/Dark Pulse/Copycat set sometime. Trust me, it's fun as hell in lower tiers. 7. Toxicroak, the crux of my old gen 5 Anti-Rain Rain team. He's the frog that's got it going on. 8. Clawziter, Becuase uh... a shrimp with a cannon for an arm is freaking cool... okay? 9. Honchkrow, Best dark birdy. ((I'm honestly surprised there's not anymore Bird mons on here to be honest.)) 10. Haxorus, My personal fav dragon. I kinda prefer his stats as a wallbreaker to other dragons and I love his design personally. ((that and he gets Poison Jab which lets him break down some fat pink blobs that other dragons have more issue with lol.))
  14. 3~ Alright... we got it this time!!! Forward, to viiiiictory!!! Least, you're safe from me this run. However, to escape all the other mods... well,
  15. Dang it Mde, I wanted to Kazoo them. Oh well, 1~
  16. Nothing like not having internet all day. Wooooooooooooo! Spoiler Alert: I'm not really happy about that.

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