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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. 33~ Well three is my fav number and seeing as I got the number that's two of them... weeeee!
  2. 28, I could've ended you there. But I'm merciful.~
  3. Thing is... if no one is trying to stop you it's no fun. heheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheh. Also sorry for the reset I just had to say something. With Love, Hukuna Sensei~
  4. lol, congrats Dobbs. You're a good dude, that i totally don't talk to enough. ((but I can't help it I'm a shy person so... I tend to think I'm jsut being a bother when I send people a message etc... [though I know I'm not which is why if I can get past that first one, I tend to not be able to shut up as I'm sure you're aware.)) You're a cool dude, and I'm glad that I had any impact on ya at all. I don't really consider myself that influential and yet, apparently I am. It's... strange. Very strange since I don't consider myself worthy of being looked up to... really at all. But yea. Seriously though, you're a good dude, a god damn riot, and I have loved the conversations we've had. And gosh darn it you're still ahead of me in posts daaaang it lol. Anyway, love ya Dobbs. Keep on Keeping on man. Hukuna Sensei, out~
  5. Now if only I could love myself. That'd be nice. #OopsBeingADowner

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm fiiiiiiiiine. I jsut spent like... the entire day in a Skype call with a good friend of mine. 9 hours to be exact. I'm not down at the moment jsut stating them truths lol.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I understand that feeling, kinda hard to know how it feels :|

    4. Ironbound


      No reason not to hug a dog regardless.

  6. 45, look that day I reset 8 times in a row was cause I had a bad day lol. Soooooooo... XD I was just blowing off steam cause I needed to.
  7. Just another short story I did, not being able to sleep. It's nothing too special... just needed to get it out of my head. Enjoy for those that decide to give it a read. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20931#entry516861

  8. A cold and brisk morning. It was one of those days... the days between seasons. A dying fall day. Long had the leaves fallen to the ground, to rest in their new earthy bed. A chilling wind passed through rattling the now empty branches. The dry rattling of a loose rib-cage, one that housed no heart any longer. It sounded throughout the clearing. But at one lonely tree sat a small bird all alone. A single hummingbird. It was late into the season, he should've migrated by now. But he solemnly looked out over the clearing. He'd lived here so long. Every spring he returned, and every summer he played in the flowers. However... now he just looked around the place he once knew. Ashes... everywhere. Nothing but a graveyard, where the husks of dead trees swayed eerily in the wind. Ghosts of his once proud home. They taunted him. It had been days, maybe weeks, time... slipped away. He sat here so long looking at the destruction. Most of the other birds, the other creatures he knew had moved on long ago. Yet, he sat here the entirety of spring, all of summer. And stared longingly at the remains, the charred and mangled corpse of his home. At first, other animals left him food and water. But, eventually they stopped coming. Eventually he had to find water and food on his own. It was nearly impossible in this wasteland. But he managed somehow. All through the year until now, the dawning of yet another winter. He'd have to fly South, it was going to grow much too cold here. But, he just couldn't tear himself away from this ugly visage. He couldn't stop looking at his home that was now gone. The first thing he felt, hunger, snapped him back to reality. He couldn't stay here anymore. It was too dangerous. But, it had to be too late. He couldn't possibly make it in time... could he? It was too far now. His breast rose and it fell with a quick breath. He had waited much too long. It was only a few days until Winter had come. Her icy talons would grab hold of this place before long. If he were a human, he might find the notion funny. Winter was said to kill anything in her grasp, but, this place was already dead. Other than the lone tree the hummingbird sat in, and the hummingbird himself. Nothing else lived here. Not anymore. He must go, he must try. Though he loved this place, he didn't wish it to be his grave as well. Too much died here before, he'd not add to the suffering that had happened here. He would at least try and fly South. He'd not die here. But... would he even make it? He had his doubts that he could outpace the icy grips of death. Not with how starved he was, how tired and weary he was. He heaved his tiny body, it weighed so much. He didn't know how... Perhaps, it was just the sorrow. He had to finally leave this hollow forever. He didn't want to ever leave it. He told himself he'd never leave forever. But, now he found that he had to. His heart felt a million times heavier in his chest. It's beat slow and steady. He took flight, despite the weight, his wings still worked. Over a dead world he flew. Blackened ash, the fields he once loved. the scarce corpses of trees rattling as he passed. They seemed to be chuckling... no... saying goodbye. They waved in the wind. Perhaps he just wished it so, but he felt the trees say their farewells to him. His wings fluttered. A small bit of happiness touched his heart, Stained it as he breathed in. A silly thought, but one he was happy to oblige. If he had been a man, a weary smile would've crossed his face. One that was truly happy, despite the weight of the world on his shoulders threatening to crush him. ****** Two days had passed, too frightful days. Filled with uncertainty, darkness, turmoil. He hadn't stopped either of them for very long. He'd finally reached what would normally be fervent fields of green. However, they were nearly abandoned now. All the green had begin to flush away. The Flowers hid their faces, the trees now stood naked in the breeze. At least these trees were still living, still breathing. The Hummingbird, he could feel just how weary he was. He'd not had anything to sustain himself in nearly a week. He was nearing the end of his rope. He could feel it. The pangs of hunger each time he flapped his wings. He lethargically floated about, trying to remain awake... trying to remain... anything. He couldn't recall how long it had been anymore. He was just... flying now trying to get to the South. Trying desperately to get as far as he could. He had to reach it. He had to. He couldn't die in the cold. But, his body could barely handle this anymore. He slammed to the ground. Hard. He couldn't keep flapping his wings. He laid face down in the dirt. Broken... alone. He had waited to long. And this was his reward. To die hungry in the dirt. If he were a human, he'd have cursed the gods and spit. But he wasn't. Instead he just wondered if he should accept his fate. He felt the cool grass on his body, the chill within it. He shivered. Death's icy touch. Was this what it felt like? He'd never been this close to the other side before. He could feel it press on him. He didn't want this. The hummingbird picked up his head, he barely had the ability, but he had to. He was met with a rather, peculiar new sight. In front of him, a giant tree. Was, this... here before? He didn't recognize it. Unlike the others, it still had it's leaves, but, they weren't any ordinary leaves. They were silver. It...how? He didn't fixate on this long however. He saw something much more intriguing. Not fair from him lie a beautifully red apple. A saving grace. If he could get to it, he could replenish his strength. He inched forward slowly, surely. He felt pain. It shot all over his small frame. He didn't care. It was in sight now. He only had to keep moving. It burned, it ached, and the stabbing pain nearly made the poor thing lose his mind. He felt a dampness on his chest, but ignored it. He found his way to the apple at last. It was, ripe. Strange. Wouldn't any apple be dead by by now? Rotted? He didn't have time to question this gift though. He only looked at the ruby skin, eyes full of wonder. But... how would he get to the juices inside? He violently stabbed at the fruit. A wild frenzy. He desperately tried to break the skin of the apple. *snap!!!* The sound of something wet crunched through the silence. But, it wasn't the skin of the apple. The Hummingbird found a new sensation... one of immense pain. He had broken his beak in his attempt to get at the juicy insides of that fruit. He'd have cried out in pain through his tangled maw, but... he didn't care about the pain anymore. His spirit died. He turned over and faced the sky. If he was human, he'd have thought to himself "I've come this far for nothing... only to have in my moment of weakness, the gods spit on my head once more before I pass from this cruel existence." However, he wasn't. He just sat there in silence as his life slowly dripped away. ***** A flash of silver came from behind the giant tree, the one that had suddenly appeared. A man stepped forward form that flash of light. He wore an otherworldly garb of mad fashion. The dress of an eccentric for sure. For example, on his head sat a miniature tree, a small bonsai made of pure silver. On the very tip dangled a silver apple. It bobbed wildly about as he took any step, or if he even moved slightly. He walked gently over the earth, sliding his feet as they touched the ground in an elegant manner. He moved, a soft babbling brook through a soft gentle countryside. He had a mastery over his body unlike any other. Despite his outlandish fashion sense, it didn't hamper his movements at all. He quickly hurried to the spot he'd seen something land from before. He looked down as he arrived at the crumpled form. It looked like a small paper crane that a child had smashed in dissatisfaction. A tear welled in his eye but he suppressed it. "How could a life be wasted like this? One that persevered so strongly... how is it fair?" he asked seemingly no one. He placed his hand over the crumpled form of the hummingbird. He couldn't bear to look on the injustice anymore. He sighed deeply. What was he doing? He saw this injustice. He knew this wasn't what should've happened. Life had played it's cruel trick on a poor unsuspecting victim once more. Not this time. He'd not let let his gift take itself away from an individual who didn't deserve death. This kind soul... it didn't deserve this. This soul who had lost everything it held dear, everything it loved, only to be taken by death's foul trickery. The man placed his palms together, a silver spark shot between both as his hands lit up with a swirling and powerful energy. "I'm sure my brother, Death, won't mind or miss the soul of one hummingbird." he said as he placed his two hands on the bird's wings. The silver power then began to fill the bird's tiny frame. The hummingbird's body began to glow with a silver light. it represented his true from, his body at it's peak. The crumpled and pathetic form he had become, suddenly surged and began to fill the silver outline. His body rearranged itself until it finally matched. And, once it had, the silver light sunk deep into his heart. With a sudden pulse, he breathed once more. The bird blinked his eyes, light entering them once more. He looked straight into the kind and warm face of a man. His beard, an ivy green, nearly touched his chest it was that long. His eyes, silver, as was his clothes. Who... what was he? "Hello little one. I saw your journey." he said, the smile on his face widening. The Hummingbird understood his voice. He... how? He could speak to him? The Hummingbird warbled something. "Who am I? I'm no one special. You however little one are very special." He replied. So, the man could understand him. "How am I special?" he warbled. "Hmmm, because you have a spirit I admire. It's why I saved you. Little One, do you have a name?" The Hummingbird thought for awhile. But, what was a name? He'd never really known the concept. Being a bird, all he knew was the ways of the wild. Where none had names, none but those that were legend; He was no legend. He stared at the man, perplexed. He couldn't even think of a good lie to tell him. So, he warbled to the man "I have none that I know." "Well, how about I name you then? You have a strong spirit, so... I think I shall name you... Perseverance. It is something I know you have. Even if you failed before, I know you still can fight to find success. Only did overwhelming odds tell you to give up before. Who'd not have given up in your shoes? Your spirit though, I admire it; I find it beautiful. I find it strong. So, I will name you Perseverance. Do you like that name?" The Hummingbird, he wondered if it was okay to take the name. Was he really special enough for this honor? He still wasn't entirely sure who this man was, but... he had saved him. He knew this. He could feel his body was new, he didn't hunger like he had been. His beak was fixed, his body no longer in pain from his crash landing. His old aches gone, as if they never existed. Perhaps, he was special. "Yes, I do like it." "Hoooo! Then it's settled!" the man said, his cheeks suddenly becoming rosy red. He smiled from ear to ear. He placed the little bird in the palm of his hand. He was careful with his fragile and tiny form as he brought the little bird to eye level. "so, one last question, Perseverance. Will you be my friend and travel with me?" This man had saved his life... the answer was simple. "Yes." **********************
  9. Probably biased but of all the Gragas skins that's definitely the best you could've gotten lol. ((though I imaigne you don't want anything other than Fnatic XD.))
  10. for Weenie's Definitely this and let's think. a Scenario for me. I know! It's been a long day and I just have had enough for the day and feel like listening to something to unwind and jsut kick back and have fun, what would I listen to? and my god if your post Spear of Justice or Battle Against a True Hero cause of my avvie... you'd not actually be wrong... you'd just not be original. : P
  11. And now... I can breathe again.

    1. pbood2


      I agree with what you did and what you said about reborn events getting corrupted over time and I find it sad that it happens. I know one of the reasons I do Nations to have fun and get to know some new people because I love doing that so hopefully the fighting/competition doesn't corrupt and destroy nations. Glad you can breathe and feel better though. :) If you want to chat sometime, I'm always available to listen :).

    2. pbood2


      I kind of wanted to ask you about NA DnD because I asked Pyon about it and they said you manage the NA DnD so I was wondering if some DnD might be happening in the future and I would love to try it and have some fun if possible. :) Sorry to bother you.

  12. Names aren't important and I know the times it has happened it wasn't meant to be such, so I'm not actually angry at anyone who has for soem degree. All that needs to be known is that it's just something that has contributed to at least for me... a somewhat hostile environment while I'm in a fragile state of mind. Nobody was trying to attack me, or that in truth. I'm jsut a person that doesn't take well to that being thought about him, even if it's a joke... or a passing comment that really isn't about him but is in honest just an observation. I at times have a very hard time putting aside anger towards an outward concept and having it not look like it's at the person that said it ((when I'm not mad at them at all.)) It's jsut events that make me sure that I can't handle this right now. In the state of mind I am, this is too much for me. But, don't think in those situations that people are trying to attack me etc... almost entirely in every case I can think of, it wasn't their intent and it was me who drew the conclusion or was instead angry that it was even possible I coudl be precieved in such a light. So, don't go trying to go on a witch hunt etc... getting too up in arms about things without thinking is a lot of what is creating this stress for me in the first place. Just know that the envirnoment in this event just isn't something I can can handle anymore and that... no one is to blame for it. No pointing fingers and I don't want to see anyone trying to pin my leaving on any one person etc... this isn't anyone's fault. Mostly since it's an in-general statement. It's not just me I mean the accusing of the Committee as a whole. That we're tying to make things inherently unbalanced etc... I've seen it enough time that it really jsut started to irk me.
  13. Today, I will be resigning from the committee ((and dropping out of Nations as a whole.)) I started on the committee really wanting to help with something that I knew some people really loved despite it's flaws back in the day. I said despite by the way. Most people knew that the first run of nations had it's issues... cause man it did. But, I really was intrigued by the idea of bringing it back to those who wanted it. To those who first found friends here, and came and stayed at Reborn because of the first Nations. Not going to name names, but I know quite a few that found a home here because of it. In part I wanted to help something that was that impactful to people back in the day once more thrive and breathe. To become something of it's own once more. We had some plans to fix the the gripes of the past and have tried our damnedest to do so. But, I feel like any effort of doing so has fallen on deaf ears. I'm tired of being accused of rigging challenges... being blamed for my teammates match-ups in the weeks((and as a result being the reason they lost.)), and for countless other things of this nature. Any of the desire I had to make this thing something great has just been whittled away bit by bit. With the rocky as hell start maybe this was to be expected for me but I jsut cannot handle the stress. I'm tried of walking around this giant powder keg of an event where literally anything and everything turns into a giant flame war and argument. I'm tired of walking around in a place where no matter what we do...we get our heads bitten off for it. Now, before we start to point fingers at people for "why Hukuna is leaving" don't start. Because it's no one thing in particular. I'm just tired of events that are supposed to be for fun, to bring the community together, instead doing the opposite. I'm tired of a casual event, being perverted into being only entirely about winning and competitiveness.. I understand winning is fun but at what cost? There is a reason we have things like the Redemption League, these are about testing ones skill trying to win. Nations... at least to me, should be about coming together with your nation mates, strengthening bonds and the enjoyment of it. But... maybe i'm just naive thinking that something like this could ever be a simple casual affair. Maybe I'm just an idiot for believing that maybe for once... we could make an event where players could just enjoy themselves. Instead, like always we find that everything must be drama, drama and more bad drama. Stress, stress and more stress. All this event has been for me has been a major point of stress. I constantly have to worry about every little thing I say anytime I post in a thread and half the time it blows up around me anyway. Every time we make any decision as the committee we get everyone immediately down our throats and have to go over it time and time again. And maybe it just sounds like I'm complaining etc... but I'm just at the end of my rope here. Before this I was in the biggest depressive spiral of my life since I actually was battling depression. I just can't handle this stress anymore. I cannot sit here and grin and bear the entirety of this weight and be okay at the end of it. I just can't have this stress in my life right now without seriously regressing... seriously going back to a place I don't want to be. This fight... isn't worth it for me. And I feel like a disgusting awful person for saying that. Because I feel like I'm letting everyone down by stepping down and not finishing this out. Yet again I step down from something I said I would do. I'm sorry for this. I apologize for giving up... However, I must, for the sake of my well being. I just cannot be a part of this any longer. The enjoyment for me... is outweighed by the the incredible amounts of stress... having to wake up everyday to another shitstorm, another 50 posts that need to be dealt with... yet another time something I've done is wrong... another message accusing me of having a bad character when I'm and trying my damn hardest to make this event as fair as possible...I just literally cannot take this anymore without it being seriously damaging to me in some way or another mentally. So, I'm have to drop. I'm sorry for not riding this out with you guys until the end. But... I just can't be a part of this anymore.
  14. Eh... nothing I would really want. I'm out of RP anyway so probably a good thing.
  15. In actuality I'd not delete things things are there for a reason and despite what people think someone out there likes them. (( Hi, I'm the one person who likes Farfetch'd.)) Honestly I hate the pseudo mascots more than I do Pikachu. Like the ones they just repeatedly try and shove down your throat. At least Pikachu was kinda always there and while I don't like it seeing it all the time doesn't really bug me. I jsut hate how hard they are trying to make everyone love Lucario by trying to put it in everything. Like i get Pikachu and Charizard being in Smash, Pikachu is the mascot and Charizard is very popular among the fanbase already. Lucario I even get in Brawl it was to promote the game. But... does he really still need to be in Sm4sh? I suppose some people really would love the character and be upset he's gone but... same can be said about any non-returning character. I dunno... it just feels like GF wants me to love Lucario by how often they shove it unto us ((even in Gen 6, we were forced to learn about Mega Evos by getting a Mega Lucario.)) It's just I find it really annoying when a company does soemthing like that outside of a mascot character. Pikachu I totally get, he's the face and to some extent has to be pushed. ((I'm still allowed to dislike it for this reason by the way, petty or not. I honestly don't hate it that much, but I don't like the thing and being told "you're not a fan of this series" constantly by people that know I don't like it is suuuper annoying. Sue me. LOL)) But do we really need more? I think my personally most disliked mons are the ones that people do say that I cna't be a fn of the series for disliking. As a result most of them are fan favourites that I jsut so happen to dislike but get crucified for for some reason. Apparently I'm not allwoed to just be non-plused by Charizard. Apparently according to a an old friend of mine I'm not allowed to play the games if I don't like Gardevoir. I really don't get why people have to like... hold people to their mons. I don't ever think someone has bad taste for liking a mon I don't. Yet if I dislike Charizard or another community favourite it's "Oh well he has bad taste." Like... I reeeeeeeeally don't get it. Now, I know the opposite an be lobbed at those that do like those mons "Oh you only like it cause ever one else does." etc etc... but jsut bugs me so much... XD. Any mon I don't like is my opinion... I don't think lesser of someone for liking soemthing I don't and I don't feel the need to insult them or belittle them over it. WHy people have to get this idea in their head that they will "correct" another's opinion I will never know.
  16. Life Lessons with Hukuna: Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. Philosophy is then wondering if that makes ketchup technically a fruit smoothie.

  17. *gets a bag of popcorn.* guess it time to watch the world end over people not getting thier way with Pokemon again. The Cycle continues.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    1. Hiss13


      Care to share the popcorn? I've got some of their salt right here~

    2. starkidcosmo


      You wanna share that popcorn?

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      The cycle of statuses on reborn

      1: rage statuses

      2: statuses defending pokemon

      3: all the trolls that love watching it all

  18. Oh hey they revealed the Legends types and abilities! I wonder what the..... and I'm even more uninterested in them than previous.

    1. Jan


      What types would even make them interesting, lol.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nothing probably... but defintiely not those ones LOL.

    3. Azeria


      Dissapointed myself. Was hoping Ghost/Fairy for Lunaala and Fire/Fairy for Solgaleo. Sigh...

  19. ANother day... more excruciating pain.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ironbound


      Get better soon, man.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      huk :[

      hope you feel better soon :[

    4. Red_Chaos


      activate team healing powers

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