Honestly... I'm really glad your making these topics about this genre of music. It's been very enlightening and showing me that perhaps yea... maybe I've even done some of these things in the past or, that I've not myself gone out of my way to maybe understand something as much as I could. However, this really makes me want to learn and want to understand now that I see it and now that you know, I'm seeing just how much there is too it. I'll admit... I definitely have the problem where I don't exactly understand the best and it has effected my personal enjoyment of the genre, however, I still respect the art form immensely as I do with any type of art.
A lot of these topics and actually listening through the album that you used for the first week in your other thread, really made it clear to me that perhaps my lack of enjoyment for the genre, came from an unwillingness before to find ways to understand it. While as an artform I didn't dismiss it... I did dismiss trying to truly learn. I did dismiss trying to go out of my way to achieve some sort of understanding to maybe see if that was the reason i didn't care for the genre myself. It's been you know... made super clear to me just how much I don't know. How much of a gap that's just missing in my knowledge. And it makes it clear to me how much more I, would like to try and understand. I love all forms of art, and I definitely want to understand the reason people love the forms of art they do. There has been plenty of genres in music they I used to dislike, but... as I made myself listen to them more and more I realized it was because I truly disliked them... it was because I didn't understand. Not understanding something... is so easy to confuse for not liking something I feel. And I know I fallen to this trap before. ((Way too much. WAAAY TOO MUCH.)) and as a result I know that in some places I'm definitely ignorant. But, rather than be hostile about it, rather than devalue it... say it's not art, because it's not something I understand, I'd never do that. Because my opinion doesn't change how great something is, and what it stands for and what it means. My voice isn't more important then somebody else's on a matter, who am I to say what is art and what isn't? Rather than dismiss, I'd rather understand. I rather try and empathize with someone than just devalue them. I want to understand why they love a genre, why it means so much to them.
So yea, I'm really glad that you are doing these threads Erick. It kinda has shown me just how little I know... and how even if it was in part unintentionally, I've definitely overlooked something almost strictly due to not understanding it. And, well, that's not something I want to do. ((it was as I was listening to "Illmatic" that it was made... so clear to me. Since I recognized that I was having issues understanding the songs etc. so, I went to find the lyrics to read along while I listened. I actually listened to the whole thing twice as a result, first without, the second time with them available for me to read. I still found it a bit tough to follow, but... in that, I found I want to understand this genre more than I ever have. I used to just look past it, saying I was uninterested. But... I think I only was because... I didn't understand. I can now see, that... I'm definitely missing out on what are some great works, that are jsut out of my grasp of understanding and it drives me to get that understanding.))
I definitely need to sleep so I'll have to peruse the sources and the articles you provided at a later time, but really, thanks for doing something to promote understanding this genre, Thanks for putting these thing out there. Cause well, I didn't know I'd be at a point where I'm want to really dive in and understand this genre as much as I do know. Hell, I already know it's going to be tough for me cause I'm starting from the bottom... or basically no understanding and working towards a working one. But... I think I'm willing to try it now. And however and whatever you decide to do to continue this, whatever threads etc you do... I'll be there.