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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I highly doubt they'd give a champ you jsut launched an ultimate skin but I mean... I'd be down for a SOl Skin that wasn't garbage... so...((I mean being a Sol pseudo main and all...))
  2. It'd be nice to not have the whole of your spine hurt... oooooy vey.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX
    2. Sutoratosu


      You're just making the pain worse..

    3. Ironbound


      Take care, Huk.

  3. I literally have Oblivious. Sooooooooo... unfair In seriousness, quite a few would be pretty cool to have if you ask me depends how you interpret them I suppose. Personally, Mold Breaker would be my choice though. The ability to break the expected.
  4. The problem here you phood, your question is too vague. All game are formulaic. literally everything is. There's a reason tropes etc exist. Becuase these thing crop up in media so often and all the time that they are recognizable. The thing is it's even worse with games. All game at this point derive some part of their system from elsewhere, literally they all do. Games as a media ((as many are.)) are all formulaic. It's especially in gaming's nature. Games are a genre that Iterates. Which each passing generation we improve upon the old by building onto it, etc etc... however we still have the tick boxes. Those things that make a game this genre of game. Modern Military shooters are twitch based, have fast reaction hit scan weapon, and FPS view etc... The second part is this question is more than a simple yes/no affair and it's been boiled down too two very narrow answers. The problem here is that this question ((at least especially for me.)) Is highly conditional and it changes a lot based on so many factors they are impossible to see, it's hard to say that I definitely don't or do not. ((and as part of my first point saying you don't with how vague this question is implies you don't really like gaming just due to how inherent this is within the medium.)) It's jsut it's not well worded If I'm fran and what you asking is jsut so vague a topic it's really not wise to whittle it down to "yes and no" they are jsut too simple of answers. I'm a firm believer of less is more... however... sometimes too little is more detrimental than being overly detailed..
  5. I don't even paly Fire Emblem.... neeeeeeerds <3

  6. Ah, how much a shame it was he couldn't see that day one last time A day to truly honor what he fought for all those years ago. Also, it's even if it's a selfish act, there's nothing shameful about using this forum in this way. Not a thing. This man, your grandfather meant a lot to you, you want people to know what he meant, the things he did, and for there to be folks that know of his sacrifice. That this man who was very important to you, was someone who fought for his people, and for their freedom. You're telling us about a man that did good in this world, and what this world is now missing from it. There's nothing shameful in telling us what your grandfather meant, what he had done in this world and what this world has lost now that he has passed. We're here in the trainer's journal. A sub-forum for telling us about your life and what's going on in it. Inherently, this entire sub-forum can be called selfish. But, you've lost someone close to you, you're here telling us about a day that is meant to remember him, the people like him that struggled for a cause struggle to make this world better, you're not misusing this forum. You're not at all. So, here's to a great man, and those that fought alongside him that a country may be as it is today. May they finally find some rest.
  7. He's not! Death Mark is Delayed damage not instant~ heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh
    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      This tide gets you down

      But swim up now, refuse to drown

  8. Silently Judging all of you right now.

    1. Ironbound


      I'm with you, but I'm volubly judging!

    2. Juniper


      Did not know that was a word

    3. Absol-lutelty awesome!

      Absol-lutelty awesome!

      "Get out of here stalker"

      - A man worth quoting when his quotes are needed

  9. I know I know, I just get touchy on that subject cause I actually believe in honour etc... ((despite people thinking I'm stupid for it.)). If I was using Stall I'd personally not think I'm being in anyway unfair to my opponent. There's ways to beat it ((Wallbreakers and Stallbreakers which are easy enough to fit into a team and still pull their weight in different match-ups do exist.)) so it's not like using a dominate thing that has 0 answers. There's ways to beat it, ways to get through it. Personally I find it more fun to paly against Stall then to be the stall because I like flexing my brain trying to figure out how I'm going to find that chink in their armour and then PRY IT WIDE OPEN! It's like a big puzzle and as soon as you get one of their key members down the walls start to crumble. Maybe it's jsut me. Also... I love puns but... alas... it hurts me so to hear this pun. My heart. It's happy and yet so sad.
  10. it looks... so Squirrel like to me XD. Like someone was like "Flying squirrels are a lie... they only glide. I'LL MAKE A REAL ONE!" Honestly though I really do like the line work etc... the texture on the body and wings really do look like feathers and yet... kinda like fur as well. It's weird how well it's working to be honest. But, I do really like this. The only issue I'd say is, that it definitely has lost really... any semblance of being a fairy imo. It definitely looks like it should be Flying/Normal again in this iteration due to the mammalian parts making it look more "mundane?" I don't really mean that it's boring by that, just that it's less... well whimsical in nature. It still holds a charm to it's design that I rather like. Also, Freud's been entirely disproven multiple times. ((mostly due to his obsession with certain... organ... far as I explain there.)) so your fine. and one more person says Stall is dishonorable... I'mma learn it and once I'm god at it consistently smash people into the ground with it. Mostly to see if anyone is willing to actually learn to beat me. Most probably won't be and than at that point I know that it's not because of stall, it's because of people's unwillingness to learn how to play against what is a perfectly legitimate strategy. ((that... and I'm also evil... and seeing how much it pisses people off and just literally tilts them just seeing it... hehehehehe.))
  11. It's like any other tier, all Pokemon below said tier are legal. Seeing as your match up is UU Phood, you can use things from UU or below ((including things in the BLs below it as well!)) It's always been that way. It's jsut mons in lower tiers can struggle against those in a higher tier. However, there's always been stuff that has kinda floated tiers. ((Cobalion used to be RU and floated between RU UU and OU pretty regularly because it brings a unique strength in being a great pivot for teams that can set SR while using Volt Switch to keep up momentum or threaten certain mons with a fast and solidly strong Close Combat. As a note it's UU now, but it's still used in OU for the same purpose.)) So, yes, you can use mons that are below a tier within a tier.
  12. Being on Mobile doesn't effect the understanding of a post. You either read it, or you didn't. Clearly, it's the latter.
  13. Yea as of this point we've not really decided to ban any of these moves. usually you'll get a somewhat marginal advantage from them since you either have to run bad gimmicky items to swap them onto your opponents or trick them something that is good item in some situations. Basically it's not really crazy powerful but... if the need arises we may reassess. Read the post, not only does it cover this, it also says to post questions in green. WHich is further proof you didn't read the whole of the post.
  14. Heyo! Hukuna Sensei here. In this thread, I will be taking the time to lay out the ground rules of this sub-forum. Many of these rules are common sense, but it's best to know what is expected of you than have it be unspoken rules that you could only guess at. So, rather than beat around the bush, I'm just going to lay them out so you know what's expected. So, how about we get started? Basic rules: Firstly, all forum rules apply. Some rules may be a bit more flexible in places, but they all still apply. Please keep this in mind. For example, Graphic depictions of violence, sex, etc... don't have a home here. This isn't a site for porn, lemons, torture... etc. There are plenty of places out there on the internet where you can partake in these things at your own leisure, as Reborn is not the place for this. If it's something more than PG 13, consider putting it elsewhere. Post your own, original work and not the work of others, even if you have their permission. This sub-forum is meant to serve as a platform for people to showcase their work and the works of those in the community. I also shouldn't have to mention that plagiarism is not okay.Don't post pieces that directly call out members of the community by depicting them in negative ways or insulting them. In general, Derogatory pieces won't be tolerated.Pieces will be tagged properly. While there's not going to be any excessive punishment to this, it's very important that for the sake of tidiness that all pieces be tagged in the proper manner. We've got many kinds of works trying to coexist here now, and it's important that they can be told apart at a glance. Commissions that are for real world currency MUST disclose this fact to users up front. It must be clearly marked within the threads for users to see.************* Anyway, I hope you've got a better idea of what is expected within these forums. If you have any questions or, think there is something that I should add to this thread, PM me! Anyway, that's been me, so until next time *points at the camera,* Create more works! Hukuna Sensei, out~
  15. Last call for tagging your threads in the Creative Works forum before I have to get super annoying about it. Anyway, to add a tag to your title, go to the first post in the topic > Click "Edit" > Then click "Use Full Editor". From this screen you will be able to access the title of your thread and add the tag to the front or end of your title. Please and thank you. It save me a lot of time having to pm people, so please do me a solid and tag your threads if you haven...

  16. Honestly... I'm really glad your making these topics about this genre of music. It's been very enlightening and showing me that perhaps yea... maybe I've even done some of these things in the past or, that I've not myself gone out of my way to maybe understand something as much as I could. However, this really makes me want to learn and want to understand now that I see it and now that you know, I'm seeing just how much there is too it. I'll admit... I definitely have the problem where I don't exactly understand the best and it has effected my personal enjoyment of the genre, however, I still respect the art form immensely as I do with any type of art. A lot of these topics and actually listening through the album that you used for the first week in your other thread, really made it clear to me that perhaps my lack of enjoyment for the genre, came from an unwillingness before to find ways to understand it. While as an artform I didn't dismiss it... I did dismiss trying to truly learn. I did dismiss trying to go out of my way to achieve some sort of understanding to maybe see if that was the reason i didn't care for the genre myself. It's been you know... made super clear to me just how much I don't know. How much of a gap that's just missing in my knowledge. And it makes it clear to me how much more I, would like to try and understand. I love all forms of art, and I definitely want to understand the reason people love the forms of art they do. There has been plenty of genres in music they I used to dislike, but... as I made myself listen to them more and more I realized it was because I truly disliked them... it was because I didn't understand. Not understanding something... is so easy to confuse for not liking something I feel. And I know I fallen to this trap before. ((Way too much. WAAAY TOO MUCH.)) and as a result I know that in some places I'm definitely ignorant. But, rather than be hostile about it, rather than devalue it... say it's not art, because it's not something I understand, I'd never do that. Because my opinion doesn't change how great something is, and what it stands for and what it means. My voice isn't more important then somebody else's on a matter, who am I to say what is art and what isn't? Rather than dismiss, I'd rather understand. I rather try and empathize with someone than just devalue them. I want to understand why they love a genre, why it means so much to them. So yea, I'm really glad that you are doing these threads Erick. It kinda has shown me just how little I know... and how even if it was in part unintentionally, I've definitely overlooked something almost strictly due to not understanding it. And, well, that's not something I want to do. ((it was as I was listening to "Illmatic" that it was made... so clear to me. Since I recognized that I was having issues understanding the songs etc. so, I went to find the lyrics to read along while I listened. I actually listened to the whole thing twice as a result, first without, the second time with them available for me to read. I still found it a bit tough to follow, but... in that, I found I want to understand this genre more than I ever have. I used to just look past it, saying I was uninterested. But... I think I only was because... I didn't understand. I can now see, that... I'm definitely missing out on what are some great works, that are jsut out of my grasp of understanding and it drives me to get that understanding.)) I definitely need to sleep so I'll have to peruse the sources and the articles you provided at a later time, but really, thanks for doing something to promote understanding this genre, Thanks for putting these thing out there. Cause well, I didn't know I'd be at a point where I'm want to really dive in and understand this genre as much as I do know. Hell, I already know it's going to be tough for me cause I'm starting from the bottom... or basically no understanding and working towards a working one. But... I think I'm willing to try it now. And however and whatever you decide to do to continue this, whatever threads etc you do... I'll be there.
  17. @Strat Things you did well: This piece hooked me pretty well, I really wanted to know more about was happening and to see more of this world or whatever it is that it's hinting at. It hints at things I want to see, to understand and maybe get to learn about. All and all it makes me want more. It's brief nature probably makes this more so, and I know it's rough but it defintiely succeded in making me interested in what this will be. Things you did terribly: I felt like I've literally been thrown into the middle of something with no context. For as interesting as the set-up is... it pretty quickly looses the magic for me as terms are thrown around left or right that it expects me to understand... but there's no way I can understand them since there's no context to be found at all. Like, I just don't know who these characters are... and I don't get enough of a feel for them or the world around them to grasp onto anything. I just really have nowhere to stand and get a point of reference that isn't woefully incomplete. Like, it doesn't do enough to set anything up. I don't really get imo... much of a sense of either of these characters. We get a couple of quick actions and a tiny bit of dialog. But, it's dialog that I feel could be easily a conversation between any two characters. Like it really just feels like they are barking exposition at me which... isn't good considering I have no idea what any of the things they are talking to me about are. I get very vague ideas but nothing concrete enough to make me know what these characters are about. While I liked what I read, I just felt lost in and like I was drowning in a bunch of things I barely get context on and at the same time lost and unable to find the direction the piece was headed... I just... literally had nothing to ground me enough that I didn't feel lost, dazed, and confused. Maybe it's just me, but it felt overwhelming to have so many concepts thrown at me all at once. Won't post a new piece yet since you can just give me some on the one that is in here now up in my first post.
  18. ((it's fine, I honestly agree with the assessment so don't worry about it.~)) @Acquie What you did best: I love the sense of motion and emotion we get form the way you describe things. The Story itself flows with the addition of sounds, motions, movements and feelings. It moves the story by ways of feeling than perhaps a normal progression. First we feel the confusion the panic as more sounds build as she realizes what is happening. They add, and build an swell, slowly painting a picture of creeping dread as the reader realizes along with Helen what's happening. We feel the motion of her mother's body falling, and th contrast of the cold, the terrible thing that had happened with the heat of the fire. The situation around. We feel as she does that she has no time to mourn, no time to feel the coldness of grief as the heat of danger still resides there. It this that I like, that it's emotion that moves the story... the feeling of that moment we get a second hand taste of as a reader. What was done the worst: I feel, in the fact that this piece never comes from Helen perspective, I have a hard time connecting with her, or understanding. I feel like, I never truly get to know her. While I get to feel alongside side her, I don't get to hear her thought her mind as these things happen around her. It's like watching it happen. It leave me... wanting. Wanting to know more about her, to under just how much she was effected by this, ot know how she is processing this, how she is coping. I feel like, as a result of this not being here, that I'm missing a piece with which to understand her. I feel like, she's out of reach of my ability to grasp becasue will I can feel with her, I don't get to know how she truly feels. I don't get to know her. I get to see her... but I don't get to know her. It's like, I'm a fly along for the ride sitting on the wall, and I get to watch these events, I get to feel them as they unfold in front of my eyes, but... I don't get to know how that person feels. To me, it leaves me wanting that, almost craving it. and my piece: The Bard of Flowers:
  19. Why do I have a feeling if I even bother asking in this thread I'll only get Undyne ones thrown at me lol? also some general fantasy stuff for those who like it.
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