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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Nastasia "Ohoho!~" Nastasia blasted into her signature laugh once more. "l never thought that aspect of the Holy Shroud of Retribution would be useful. However it seems l find myself incorrect." Nastasia mused, a amused look on her face. She honestly never thought such would come into play with Ninefold Archangel. After all, the Shroud was made when released early only to blast back opponents, however if they did try and resist it destruction was inevitable. The blast was still synthiesed by the systems responible for Divine Judgement... an attack meant to utterly destroy anything. lt was just channeled to reset the enemy position if a full charge couldn't be reached. However it was that same destructive force. lf tht enemy would not budge they'd take the full brunt of it regardless. "This however begs the question... how aware of Archangel is Aries? lt's rather important as if l don't have it as a trump card he doesn't know it'll be much more difficult to land this decisive blow. As much as it pains me to admit... l'm not the most well known in those terms. So it'd take perhaps an overly paranoid pilot to seek out wht Shackled Ninefold Archangel would be cpable of. However, Madame Argyle... Blink. You both are aware of this information. l'm sure it was Lain that filled you in... even if he neglected to do so for me. But, you've obtained this information. lt is not unreasonable that Aries also has these means at his disposal as well. Perhaps we can count on his impulsiveness... but, l do not like relying on the flaws of one's character to come into play unless l can invoke them purposefully." her last line was dripping with some sort of implied meaning, though it was hard to discern what. "l did not expect to be fighting one of the gods, but l suppose this is where l stand."
  2. Nadia "You got it cowboy." the only words that Nadia said as she turned to go. She was more than fine working on her own even if she was working with another. lt was easier to move about without a group clinging to her back. /Saber, we best get of dodge if that Berserker is coming back. Even if there's something of alliance here, well if he dies due to that beast can't say l'll be too sad... just means more work for us to off his target l suppose. But l don't feel like helping him fight whatever that Berserker is. So, let's make like the wind and get back to my humble abode. We can se up a better base of operations there./ she said over their mental link. She headed off in that direction sure that Saber would follow her. Berserker The Beast continuing running on all fours, he traveled in a manner that expnded less energy this time, not using his full might to fling himself about to and fro. After all, the ever fraying rope he was tied too couldn't take much more abuse. Tsk, such a frail master he was tied to... a shame. He wanted to act free, and not rely on a worm such as this to sate his hungers and carnel desire. However such was the cruelty. lt wasn't as quick as his chase with the Lancer, but The Beast made the distance still quicker than even most Servants could, his top speed was quite a nightmare even without using momentum to his advantage. When he approached the area where his master was... where he'd had left him as he so recalled, he sense a new presense. He smelled... Two new ones in fact. One was hard to pick out almost as if they were some sort of ghost that masked their own presence. As if they existed but did not at the same time. The scent reminded him of that clay girl he had once fought with... the one who had no true form. Her scent was always curious. There but also not. He choose to invetigate that scent. He couldn't see anything but... he knew they were there. He could smell them. He stared directly where they were "standing". All Liliya saw in the darkness was two burning emerald eyes, eyes filled with a inhuman hatred. They judged silently clearly aware of her presence despite her spirit form. She couldn't make out any specifics of the figure, they last remants of the storm cloaked it just enough to hide the details. However... she could make out it's hulking inhuman frame. lt was clear this creature whatever it was... it was what she was to be looking for.
  3. Vixen Vixen quickly listened to the Al and landed on the hull of the corvette, though... she could've just spun up her warp drive, she figured she'd not argue for the sake of staying in contact with the corvette if need be. "l've got a mighty itch to shoot these bastards l'll tell ya. l wasn't made for sitting back and waiting. We'll be there soon yes? l'll probably part ways earlier than you may expect. This lnterceptor is equipped for long range... perhaps an oddity in this type of combat but it's design is to rip apart anything that doesn't imploy shielding." she said just trying to fill the dead tvme with something. Vixen when she was alone would often think to herself to pass the time... however he Al being onboard made her feel some strange obligation to speak aloud instead. "Hmmm... l'mma have to explain this, well you, to my bosses later. That's gonna be a shitshow and a half. Maybe, l just won't. Whatever. l'll figure that out once we actually get out of this alive, and not a second sooner."
  4. Kaede Kaede wracked her mind trying to think of any possible information the Church could've wanted from her. There was probably plenty but how feasible was it that they knew? How much could've they have gleaned and known enough about to want to pry into... that was certainly the question. She didn't want to play out any hand she didn't have to. After all, she doubted that they knew the full extent of the events, after all, they wanted to speak to her. "l do not know what they could be possibly after Tys. l'm afraid that insight isn't one that l possess. l'm sure they are after something. Specific...more than likely. However, l cannot say what that is. Perhaps the incident at the field? That... hole that opened within the very ground... l wasn't present for that however and not really sure what could possibly be the cause of that pheomonon past the force of nature itself." Kaeda paused for moment such wsn't convincing enough so she decided to weave some more in without revealing her powers or that of the others. "Though... l'd hope they have other sources for something such as that. Perhaps my assistance of that young woman? l did relocate her shoulder. But that feels too mundane a matter for the Church to meddle in."
  5. Nastasia Nastasia did shake Future Seeker's hand, a gesture that was at the least, one of mutual respect. lt did not force her to lower herself to another so she wasn't as opposed. She said nothing more but nodding politely towards Seeker, as she waited to hear what she was here for. "Tsh." Nastasia released noise perhaps one of displeasure at such being the case. "That Lain, l suppose l should be flattered he thinks so highly of me." she wanted to insult Lain once more, however his mother was standing right there. lnstead she just defaulted to a more polite tone. lt was easy to do so since she always wanted to do so, and in this instance... no one would think anything of it more than she was just trying to remain civil around the young man's parent. "However, it's not the easiest thing for me to agree to." she didn't immediately explain her meaning at that, thinking if she should even say so. But she quickly decided that it was important she did so, it effected a lot more than her should the worst happen. "l will assist you, but let me make myself clear. This is a risk that could very well end up putting Gluttony into... economic collaspe. Or, at the least causing a lot of major trade agreements and trade routes disappearing. As l'm sure you're well aware my father has passed recently. l am the only heir to the Sinclair Congolmerate, and without me it vanishes. Now, as bad as is this for Gluttony itself it'll effect many other planes as well, causing major rifts in the network of food trade. l do not fear the worse will surely happen. However, if it does someone needs to take responiblity and continue what l have started. The planes, and more than just Gluttony depend on that." Nastasia paused for a moment after this to let it sink in, before she continued. "Ohoho! Now, with that out of the way... you said that Shackled Ninefold Angel is your trump card? How is this so? Of course, l know about the gorilla Aries, who doesn't exactly use his head, especially if this is any indicator... however l cannot say Lain would've informed me on any of the workings of his mech over the years. What is it about Archangel's signature that serves as a trump card for our side against Aries?"
  6. "Ohoho~" Nastasia covered her mouth with a small fan she had produced from somewhere in the flash of an eye. "A bit more of the game of politics is but a trifle. lt is a healthy part of any meal, no? Though, perhaps it shouldn't be a main course for most. lt takes a refined palatte to appreciate after all." Nastasia said in response. lt was unclear if she meant anything by the last line due to it's unpointed nature and that was more or less on purpose. After all, it was good to establish how... touchy a subject would get or to gauge just how full of themselves they were if they assumed something that was but a vague slight had to be about them. She assumed the relaxed atmosphere was just something that was common of Envy. After all, they didn't really have a power structure so it'd make sense if they didn't see as much a point for formality. She found it interesting. Nastasia was glad as well cause they probably wouldn't care that she'd not bow or curtsy. After all, Nastasia would not lower herself before anyone, no matter how disrespectful it was percieved. "The pleasure is mine, l am Madame Nastasia Susanna Sinclair. So, as quaint and nostalgic this place is for me... we should get down to brass tacks. l've precious little information and require informing. Lain... only requested my assistance but has not told me what that assistance would be needed for. All to common when he asks my help l'm afraid, hardly the first time he's neglected that. l'm sure it will not be the last."
  7. lt wasn't much of an answer for sure, just another lead to more meetings and with Blink of all people. What cruel irony... However Nastasia supposed it afford some benefit to her to meet this Blink. To perhaps better understand the plane of Envy, why it was the way it was, and to perhaps... better deal with the plane in the future. "Ohoho~" Nastasia place a hand over her mouth as she bellowed a prideful laugh for all those around to hear. "Problem? None at all, none at all. l'd much rather speak to the only person who matters on this plane. After all, she's the only one that has any power around whatever you'd call this... So, l'm sure she's the only with access to the information l so seek. So, lead away then. Get to it! clearly it's important business if it must fall across the desk of one such as Blink." she said, only gesuring towards the exit of the current establishment they were occupying.
  8. Rayne more or less absent mindedly threw her javelin like normal. Then remembered this was a non-lethal drill. "Beau! Stop that Javelin!!!" she yelled in despration. After all she might accidently kill a man. Beau snorted as he continued on his momentum from the flying charge he was already in. lt was if he were to say "Lassie... you make me work to the bone... you're lucky l like ye." Beau the expert he was make short work of the distance kicking the javelin from the sky. and then trying to land so that Rayne could retrieve the instrument and go for another throw. Rayne reached down to pick it up as planned. "Oh that was a close one. Good work Beau! You're so reliable. Now, let's do thi... where'd they go?" as Rayne went to give it another try and throw her javelin backwards this time... she realized her target wasn't there anymore? Where could they have gone!!? Beau looked down and snorted, sounding almostlike he was laughing in the process. He'd pulled his head down in efforts to get Rayne to look down as well. "What is it Beu... Oh." Turned out while they did stop the javelin from reaching the person... Beau had instead bowled them over. "l'M SORRY! Oh l'm so sorry. ElYAAAAAH!!!" Rayne screamed in embarrassment and spurred Beau to fly her the heck out of that situation.
  9. This place was a hellhole... Lain had better had a good reason for sending her here. lt was all Nastasia could think about as she waited at the meeting point. To think, asking her for a favor and then sending her to Envy... ENVY! of places. What a terrible plane this was. However, her brooding was quickly met with a new source of irritation. She assumed, this was the contact Lain had sent or was here to kill her something... but she'd take that over having to be in Envy any longer so she didn't really care either way. However, if this woman was trying to remain secret she was doing a poor job at it. Regardless, Nastasia had to correct her on one point. "*ahem* Madame Sinclair to the likes of you. Now, what is this all about? What has that brainless flea Lain gotten me into this time? l expect you to speak quickly, or if you're here to kill me just get it over with already. l don't wanna be stuck on Envy another moment then l have to be. Death would certainly be preferrable."
  10. "Well, it wasn't exactly a choice persay. Similar to the rest of you l'd imagine, they swept me up while l was minding my own business. l was alone, and caught off guard so there wasn't much hope at that point." she went quiet for a moment, enjoying the stroking of her hair. "Perhaps they figured a Maid was an easy enough target. Didn't really notice them in time cause they approached from the side my eye is missing. Pretty smart move on their part, though don't really want to compliment my captors cause that's kinda weird l think...? l'm not really into that kind of thing anyway." Chance realized she hadn't still really answered the question, jumping slightly at the revelation. lt was a small one but, due to how she was up against Doran at the given moment he was sure to have felt the movement. "As to why they needed a Maid... l'm unsure. l think that Lord was just a bit too spoilt to not have one. But, l was trained to do maid work and so l did. They didn't really pay me for my services at least... in money or somehing of the sort but they paid me in treating me somewhat more like a human being. That's where alot of the similarites to your plight end. l was never in any cages or... even restrained really. l was allowed to walk about the grounds and do as l saw fit so long as l didn't try and leave. Due to the service l was performing it wasn't possible from them to treat me like a tool an object to perform labor. l was cooking, cleaning and taking care of those sorts of tasks. l had to be in good health and there was only one of me so they couldn't afford my decline. So in a way l was blessed. Not that.. l wanted to be there or anything... clearly. l'm here and all. But l wasn't subjected to that which you were. l tried to sneak food to the prisoners sometimes, but l couldn't reveal myself to them. l think some of them came up with a story that an angel was watching over them... Though l don't think l'm much of an angel."
  11. Not really much l can contribute to this l don't think this time around. l'd probably just be repeating myself from years past, walking the same path already trodden. There's no need to repeat myself l'm sure those that have earned a piece from me already know and understand how l feel at this point ~~though l'm not the best at this kinda of stuff l do so and a lot of the time assume people get it. Been learning not always the best to do such.~~ So many people in here that l barely recognize. Must be getting old and irrelevant at this point XD Old man Hukuna never leaving the ol' RP Forums, and CW, even after he's retired to go live in the mountains. lt's interesting to see l suppose, though in some ways bittersweet. Feels like a whole different era at times, one l'm not really a part of. But this thread not really about regrets, sorrows. lt's to celebrate folks in the community at large, new, old... otherwise. Those hat play a part in this giant passion play, from the Leading Roles down to the last stage extra. Some of our parts may be small but even those small parts are important. So, for those that are oft forgotton, the people not memorable enough to get in a main post and are only included as a footnote; Those that aren't often named in posts or even any at all. Well, this post is dedicated to you. The people that stick to the quieter sides of things, and aren't the loudest in voice. For those that contribute with a whisper that ripples into a lion's roar, but by the cresendo no longer there. Perhaps l'm the definition of your patron saint. Though... probably a tad arrogant to say that of one's self l admit. So, in some kind of way l believe you deserve to be recognized here with all the others. l don't have names l'm afraid and perhaps, that is the way it's meant to be, perhaps that is how some prefer. So, for those that remain nameless for whatever the reason this post is for you. Cheers loves, and to another good year. Hukuna Sensei, out~ ~~oh yel guess my hearts are emojis now...~~
  12. "Oh but of course. After my watch of course. Sleep does a body good after all!" Chance mused chipper as ever. She was enjoying the headpats as she felt a strange sense that someone was cooking some vile abomnation that could barely be called food nearby. Her Maidy Senses were rarely wrong, so it probably was occuring but... headpats were more important. lt was nice they didn't just force her to do the cooking though. Chance figured she'd get roped into it... given the quite obviously a Maid thing. lt waspart of aMaid's duty to do the cooking and about everything elseimportant in a household. Maybe they assumed she wasn't good at cooking when she didn't have the proper equipment, or perahps they just kinda forgot she existed given most of them still hadn't even bothered to introduce themselves. However, Chance didn't really care. Headpats...they were all that mattered.
  13. Meredith bowed towards the source of her new found energy. She'd felt the feeling before in battle, the work of dancers and the like. She had always wondered how they managed such with just the movement of their bodies, but now was hardly the time for ponderance. "Thank you for the pick-me-up Tiny Dancer.~" She continued on her way with, the heavy glaive in hand. lt wasmuch heavier than the lance she was used to for sure. But it was nothing that could phase Meredith. Endurance waswhat she was built for if not expolsive strength. She carried the bloodied instrument slung over her shoulder positioning to take down another of the horseman galvanting around like they owned they place. Well... they kinda did this was their land... but Meredith wasn't about to let this lot do just as they pleased. Move to D10, and bring down the weight of the world Glaive on Cav 3
  14. Chance took the opportunity to cuddle up to Dorian. He was the only person she had the name of anyway besides he was nice enough. Chance stuck mostly to the fruit, she preferred sweeter things and she doubted that this meat really met the qualifaction. She also figured she should stick with lighter things for now as she'd not eaten well in quite some time. "Well, l can take second, since l'll probably be up most of the first anyway. l'm a bit of a night owl.~ " She nuzzled into Dorian's shoulder a little "So l guess l can keep you some company on the first then. Hope you don't mind~"
  15. Nadia Try as he might, Nadia noticied the tone in her new acquiantence's voice. Whether it was that obvious or Nadia was quite adept at this sort of thing... who knew? Nadia couldn't really blame him though, mages were quite stuck in their ways. Technology saved a lot of time and headache that's for sure... "No, l do. l'm not as antiquated as some of our peers. l have plenty of reasons to break tradition... though if you know who l am you already understand that." She said, looking wistfully at Blank's case. The Sword she took her family crest with... the one she used to wrest it from her father's clutches. lt was probably well known in the magic world... the tradegy of the Darke family.
  16. l'll be honest l have 0 idea what's so hype about release dates. *shrugs*

    1. Wolfox


      I get what you mean. I guess it's so you can note it on your calendar?

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Perhaps, l'm just not excited by trailers etc... doesn't give me any useful information about the game or if it'll be something l'm interested in or even good. Never got this season in "gaming" personally.

  17. l just got Disgaea 5 this week. l've played 109 hours already. l... have problems... lol
  18. Kaede Kaede was confused at the statement. The church had never before to her knowledge taken any interest in her existence. She was nobody in... well perhaps that wasn't true. Her mothers were of import probably enough that by extention she was important. She wasn't sure why an important official would want to speak to someone such as her. She felt something about Tys coming to at the least prepare her for this,relief prehaps? She wasn't sure how things would go if she was blindsided by such. "Apologies Alva. lt seems there's business l've to attend to." she said trying to as inconpicously as possible adjust the dog that was on the shelf behind that she'd not quite placed as she'd like. "l guess we should get to it then Tys. l shouldn't waste the time you've decided was best served helping me. l'd rather we not worry my friend with matters like this so it'd be prudent of us to go elsewhere for the timebeing, though l'm sure you had as much in mind in case Arturia was here. Lead the way please."
  19. Tfw the one tub of ice cream in your freezer smells strongly of Pepto Bismol/Toothpaste... and you're horrified as to why it's in there.

    1. Wolfox
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The curiosity might get to me and l'll regret that 100% most likely. Luckily there's other stuff in there... but it' just bizarre. Further worried cause it's pink... just like Pepto.

    3. Anime


      LMAO sorry Hukuna, your ice cream hates you 😛

  20. Kaede Kaede started the second she heard the knock on the door. She hadn't been expecting anyone else today as Arturia shouldn't have been back yet. She about knocked some of her books flying at the speed of which she withdrew her hand in surprise. Further, she heard the door opening. Further cauing her heart to leap up her throat. She took a deep breath and cnetered herself however... returning to her more neutral stance. She felt some sort of colour at the sight of who it was however. "Tys. l wasn't expecting you today. What's going on?"
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