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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Dude... this is old news to me. like really old. heheheeheheheheheh... after all I know Clarice best.~ ((also seriously... I appropriate your having fun and all... but... really, get enough at this point. These threads are for Nation use they don't need to be cluttered with tons of people just randomly posting stuff that aren't from this Nation. Like a little bit... eh I get it fine. Bit it's getting a bit much. So dial it back a bit.))
  2. With that team a Carry top would have probably been overreaching. You've got more than enough damage so having a an Inatiator Tank like Naut was MUUUUUUCH better imo. Also, most tanks give Dari trouble if you know what you're, heck a lot of things give Dari trouble. It's mostly jsut don't get hit by his Q and you goooood. ((I've fight Dari all the time and don't really consdier him a hard match-up... even when I'm playing AuSol top... then again I'm not really your avergae AuSol so... maybe that's jsut me but juking his hook is really easy.
  3. You know her ratios apply like... up to 5 times a spell pretty much? If they were high she'd do INSANE amounts of damage. Like as I pointed out above her E alone applies a 160% ratio if all of the damage hits. ((and it hinges on hitting them with the initial damage + something knocking them back through. That's... A LOOOOOT of damage. Her ratios are small, but it's because they apply on what are so many mini casts. Like her E alone is kinda like a bunch of mini casted spells. She also has plenty of tools for positioning ((her kit has movement speed inherently within as her passive and she gets a speed boost from standing on Worked ground and that's not even mentioning her ult.)) She has A LOT of tools for positioning and being in the right space at the right time. Her kit from me looking at it, like makes perfect sense. Everything on it is pretty dang amazing. It's more a kit that needs to be seen in motion the jsut the numbers imo because it's a CRAZY good kit even outside the ult. We'll jsut have to see how much Q messes with her Lane phase since if you cover your lane it may be hard to CS/Poke properly. Hell... I'm not even sure what you'd max first... Q or E. ((it's definitely not W, that's your one point wonder.)) I wrote a whole text wall here about Azir and it vanished... so... I'mma quick summarize. Azir is an AA dependant mage so normally he should be able to take towers faster, however unlike say... Kayle, he auto-attacked through a non-tradtional source, his Sand Soldiers. The Problem is these are much too safe and PBE Azir before he was released was doing shit like destroying towers from the other side of the Jungle walls etc... so they clearly couldn't keep this. They gave him the ability to jam his Sand Soldiers into the towers for damage as a result since then the calculations for damaging towers were very much AD based and Azir's AD never really got higher than his base, making buffs to his atk speed not really help take down towers well. Now, since Season 6 Mages AP goes towards dealing damage to towers. So, now having two sources that up his damage to towers... Azir takes them faster than ever. So, as a result Riot is probably removing this ability since Azir no longer needs it to have the pressure against towers that he should rightly have so it's just old design and needs to be plucked out of his kit as it's latent power that he has. More or less, I believe a lot of the nerfs here ((other than the wall duration.)) are more or less along the lines of getting rid of invisible or more hard to feel power from his kit rather than nerfing his base damages etc to keep these more invisible types of power. The Movespeed from passing through the wall was never that big a deal, and the he has now a way to deal with towers so he doesn't need to have that on his W anymore. ((and it cleans up design space removing a case where an ability breaks the rules that abilities can't be used on Turrets.)) all in all, Azir won't be hurting too badly from those changes. Zed's changes are probably good, making it so that if he wants to land damage, you MUST land mor of your Q's to be as effective as you used to be. It's a good way to nerf his base damage without actually nerfing it. I like this change as it promote's more skillful play of the champion then before.
  4. How is Ghostblade on Jhin? It's never personally seemed worth to me so I've never gotten it. Just it seems better get something that gets your crit to 100% quicker than it does to have something that only does it on active. ((though it's probably better right away then trying to get max crit I suppose.)) Like I tend to go IE, into Zeal Item ((I prefer Shiv in most cases since the waveclear and the proc can crit which ups your damage even more. RFC is good in games where you need to be able to fish for a proc for your W for sure though and makes you more self reliant in that regard.)), and then I get Essence Reaver. I tend to get it for the damage and becuase at that point nearly every AA crits giving me mana back and basically... I jsut have infinite at that point. I do soemtimes get BF first though if I need the surviviblity. Just thought I'd ask since I've never picked up Ghostblade. ((I have a weird dislike of the item... so I tend to ask why people use it to better understand why it's good etc... since it never feel quuuuite worth to me. I can take this to General if it gets too long but I'm jsut looking for like... a short sweet answer XD.))
  5. People should know to NEVER leave a Trynd unattended if possible. That guy mows through towers and minion waves like nobody's business. Like... really XD. Somebody definitely should've backed to help ya out.
  6. I'd like one day I'm not drowning in my own snot and my eyes are watering so heavily that I can't see. Is that too much to ask? Oy vey...

    1. Ironbound


      I hope you get better soon...

  7. I dunno, imo a review of a book is a recommendation of a book. These threads for the most part serve the same purpose or at least over lap so much that this one just isn't necessary. I'ts like overly redunudant. ((espically if you actually looked in mde's thread since the reviews are thus without spoiling etc.. of the story so these threads are EXACTLY the same.))
  8. That's only taking Laning into account. There's typically a lot more moving in something like a teamfight so it'd be easier to not be stuck with a lot of worked ground around. ((trust me I know how that works. lol.)) Is she a 100% poke champ? No and I never said she was, but she definitely has some within her kit. She's more of a combo mage, but she's definitely got poking principles within her kit.
  9. Q MAGIC DAMAGE: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 40% AP) MAXIMUM MAGIC DAMAGE:180 / 240 / 300 / 360 / 420(+ 120% AP) For reference every stone after the first hit on THE SAME target deals 50% damage. THis ability is easily a poke skill AND burst in the same skill. Since you can move while casting it it can be spread out amoungst enemies but it can also be used to you know double down on one guy. W MAGIC DAMAGE: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 (+ 40% AP) More of a util skill but it's combo with E is how it does damage. E INITIAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+ 40% AP) TOTAL MAGIC DAMAGE: 160 / 210 / 260 / 310 / 360 (+ 80% AP) TRIGGER MAGIC DAMAGE: 40 / 52.5 / 65 / 77.5 / 90 (+ 20% AP) MAXIMUM TRIGGER DAMAGE:160 / 210 / 260 / 310 / 360(+ 80% AP) so, the initial use does damage and slows, then you hit them with W ((does the damage above.)) and that throws them back through the e doing up to the max damage and THEN at the end they all explode dealing the initial damage twice. So, if you somehow get all of the damage to hit at max rank it will deal 720 damage ( +160% AP) + the 140 (+40% AP) from the W. So that combo all in all does... 860 (+200%) AP... which is... damage I think. Her clear speed I have no idea about but it would take until she gets to at least like... two skills to get it rolling etc... and with Q doing a total of... 420 (+120%) if you hit all five on one target... Look she more than makes up for not having a damage ult if you can land your shit.
  10. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... DUnked. With Love, Hukuna Sensei~
  11. Why do like... all the songs I like ahve to become memes and therefore end up making me hate them?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Komodojoe


      ... I meant the first comment... godammit, internet!

    3. Flux


      All Star

    4. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Maybe you shouldn't let memes get to you like that and then you wouldn't hate the songs tho

  12. Ever wake up in the morning but feel so depressed and thoroughly lonely that you'd rather just sleep then person?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Considering that I live by myself and have made very few acquaintances in Bologna, only every day. But hey, as long as you have a gol, you can overcome it, right?

    3. KingRyan
    4. Ironbound


      Why must I sleep as you awaken?

      *curses timezones*

  13. They got to 100. Oh this is also a reset I suppose.... XD
  14. You guys hear that... it sounds like... a Heroine arriving to tell you important shit. Hiyas! Hukuna Sensei here to tell you that it is in fact...important shit, and more improtantly, IT'S TIME FOR WAR! The Wind of Destiny is Howling, and it is our goal to fight and stand on top VICTORIOUS!!! We shall stand against our foes in glorious combat! We shall be those that conquer our own destinies! For they are within our grasp! And we will rip them bloody from the sky. The Sky's Heart, the Moon, shall be ours! For anything is possible. These shall be the warriors that stand with me! We will fight for glory together! Our Peerless and Fearless Leader: Kaito, a.k.a Kai Guy, a.k.a... other clever names I can't think of right now. And, our great and wonderful awesomely awesome Member People~: AuthorReborn Captain Breakfast Cool Girl Hank Nghiem Hukuna Ikaru IntSys Jacobliterator Juuzou Kaito Kamina Mikzal Odybld Red Chaos Sumaru Tacos trevore VoydVoyd WARNING TECHNICAL BULLSHIT AHEAD!!! PLEASE BE WARNED!!! IT HAS BEEN KNOWN TO CAUSE SEVERE CASES OF BOREDOM((and hives))!!! Really though... it's important so read it. I can't stress that enough. We must pick a leader type person by the 20th by 5pm EST. ((and no it can't be me so you'll have to pick someone else.)) at some point... when I stop beg dumb I'll send you the Details to find our super secret temporary hideout for all things Nation EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! So sit tight until I chuck that your way via PM. ((on here, Reborn!)) anyway, ((if you've read this, please post the above Nation e many caps and all, at the end of your message.)) without further ado... Hukuna Sensei, out~
  15. Eh, I still feel weird about doing this here, since I prefer to in as personable a way as possible (9but given how stupid your skype has been being... I'm not chancing it.)) anyway, you're a cool dude Mik.~ I'd like to think even though we aren't crazy close that we are still pretty good friends. Keep on Keeping on my dude.~ And, have a wonderful day.
  16. So I should try to sleep, or... start partaking in the caffeine gospel. I don't really like coffee that much so... probably will take the first option...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ironbound



      Imbibe now the Elixir else ye shall succumb to thine baser instincts, and fall into the mortal abyss knows as sleep.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      News update, one of the fellow followers of the Caffeine Gospel is a filthy brigand and filched my allotted portion of bean juicy goodness, the greedy rapscallion.

    4. Ironbound


      The scoundrel! The knave! How dare he/she/personofambiguousgender perpetrate such a vile deed! This calls for supreme retaliation; methinks it be just to pilfer their hoard in turn, and serve the reprobate a dose of their own medication!

  17. They don't, they have the same spread but not the same stats. Even regular Venu's stats are better. Venu has 80 HP, 82 Atk, 83 Def, 100 SpAtk, 100 SpDef, and 80 Speed. Meganuim has the same stats just with Defense and Spatk switched. However, this basically destroys it's usefulness anyway as A/ It's got a shallow Special Movepool and neither the Attack of Special Attack to really be threatening even with investment. B. it's got defensive stats as a PURE Grass type. I don't think I need to explain that one. Basically... Meganuim is just worse then Venu... especially when Venu has a mega. Hell, Meganuim didn't even get a good Hidden ability... it's an even more situational one then Regular Venu's is. ((Leaf Guard as opposed to Chlorophyll.)) anyway, all that said, every fire type starter. I don't like any of them.
  18. Yes, this would be the appropriate place for any idle chat and discussion. We really need the thread to be cleeeean and concise so that we can see who's signing up etc... it'll help us make sure not to miss people's sign-ups etc... so yes, please talk here, rather than within the Sign-Ups thread.
  19. I of course, I realize that just don't want to seem like I'm advertising or anything etc... ((since I'm not it's just a lot of how I discuss things personally, and I'f I've written it, I dunno why I'd write it again XD. I do realize it would be for discussing the philosophy or the topic said piece presents, moreso then the piece itself.)) Thanks for answering so quickly~
  20. This is more for... my knowledge later down the line as I don't have anything philosophical to posture now, but... a lot of my short pieces that I write in the Creative Writing are big question or I suppose my own philosophical musing on a topic through a creative medium. I'm wondering if It's alright of me to you know use those as fuel to a Philosophical discussion I suppose. I ask moreso because of a lot of my postulation and thinking comes in the form of writing. As I've said before writing to me is like second nature, it is as breathing is to me. So, a lot of my thinking is done in the form of displacing it from my head onto paper or some form of text. I just want to know if that's cool before I randomly link something to talk about at some point etc... and I'd be thinking it's best whirl this thread is young to ask as to not disturb those using it for it's intended purpose.
  21. RoA is basically good if you want raw stats and trading ability so it's more a playstyle thing now... like I kinda liek that the time was given more of a niche then "Big Stat stick" and it's more of a trading item due to the how the passive functions. It's probably since most of the mages I paly love it even more now... so maybe I'm jsut biased as hell. XD
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