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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I highly doubt she'll be a Marksman and I really don't want to see another like that so soon. It would over shadow Kindred or, be overshadowed by Kindred. One would trump the other especially in release next to each other. Also... keep in mind what update is coming... I know they just released a Mage in Sol, but... he's not what I'd classify as an immobile mage. In combat, yes but he's a hyper roamer and has so much out of battle mobility it's insane. He's also not a traditional mage, but a DoT mage. ((that yes doesn't apply actual DoTs, but he's still that.)) Either way, I believe that we'll be seeing another mage to go with the Mid-Year update. Also, can I jsut say I really hope they don't release anymore resourceless champs? They've constantly been an issue and they introduce more problems than they solve. They either have to be really undertuned or they are crazy powerful. Typically they don't make a legit trade-off to get the power they are given and CDR basically refunds any downtime they should have. ((this is a problem with League just at current as even Mana based champs rarely run out of mana. There's not really any downtime to capitalize on. Because either they have so much CDR that they don't have a meaningful downtime in Spell rotation and so much mana that they can keep casting rotations. It's too easy to get both really right now... )) Resourceless champs ((other than perhaps health based ones.)) make this problem eeeeven worse since they don't even have to worry about that stat called mana. I think things like Gnar make a decent trade-off in that you have to tangle with your passive to stay in the form you want, or to get to rage mode at the right time in a fight. Similar to Rumble, you gotta play the Heat game to do optimal damage but not shut off your abilities for 6 seconds. I dunno, I just feel things like even energy champs get away with so many mechanics that give them no proper downtimes and make them nightmares to play against and balance. I jsut don' really want more of them in the game because a lot of the time they aren't compelling, and they just occupy this design space I hate. ((this is funny since one of my favourite, actually my favourite Champion, is Shyvana who's definitely a part of this big issue. She at least has the "Get my Ult" mini-game so that's something lol.)) I mean of course this is IMO, so take it with a grain of salt lol. I'm jsut a jaded pain in the bottom XD.
  2. Hmmm, that was a really nice read. Helped us get a bit of insight into Yasuo... though that was mostly stuff we could've figured of his character already. Even still, I think it was good to see that interaction between him and another person. He can still form some sort of meaningful relationship despite being that "On the run ronin" type character. I liked the progression of the whole thing, But it's cool cause we are getting a new Shuriman champ that's not an animal person. ((not that I don't like them, just got got quite a few of them already and few more normalized people from that region, therefore making the view we've seen of Shurima through a lens of basically just Demigod like beings.)) Either way I'm definitely interested to see more and especially since she is most likely some kind of mage. ((it'd be cool if she AA'd with the sling she had in the story. We've not had a champion that uses a sling as a weapon before so that be cooooooool. I always like seeing new weapons being used by champs lol.))
  3. Hukuna uses oversleep. It's Suuuuuuper effective.

    1. Exalted


      NOVAKNIGHT USED ENTERTAINMENT. hakuna gained ability insomnia

    2. laggless01


      Could also be "Hukuna is traumatized! He may be unable to move!"

      Hax can be fun sometimes.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      *uses Worry Seed*

  4. Yep, one reason I like Malphite his ult is so strong it can win teamfights even when you're down people ((whether they are dead or AFK'd etc..)) Like it's jsut so damn strong XD>
  5. Sightstone is usually a decent choice especially since it can lump into your gold gen item... however I'll be honest I don't play support much XD. I do think that it might not be 100% necessary every game jsut because of how the vision game has changed. ((honestly you shouldn't listen to me too much, I'm the guy who almost always has the least amount of wards placed in the game. My warding habits are awful.)) But yea at times with Tahm definitely I can understand wanting a higher ticket health item since in having health on him is very nice. He scales much better with it then some other champions just because of his Grey Health mechanic. While defenses also tend to help he does scale well off items with more health on them. Summs are like usually pref based. Exhaust is definitely the strongest imo ((as it would pretty much make Akali unable to do anything for a few seconds, she wouldn't have been able to pop your adc in a fight and probably would throw her life away just trying to have gotten to them.)) though the Move Speed on Heal + the HP could really help. Stacking it isn't the most effective for given reasons but it still works to some degree ((that team though you definitely should've... 'm still trying to figure out what that Mao is thinking... he has Heal istead of Flash... and it looks like he rushed Morello's... which is... a very in-optimal item on Mao XD.)) Still good job with the game~ Clearly worked with the tools you brought into the game effectively and that's what matters XD>
  6. Hmmm, I dunno Druid is defintiely a strong contender but I don't know if ramping into C'thun. Besides quite a few classes bring stuff to C'thun decks. I still don't know about a lot of them cause we need to see the very explosive meta settle. I'll note though, that Mid-Range decks feels VERY strong. Especially against C'thun based decks. Because while their minions are on curve, until they hit either Twin Emp((probably going to put in a Black Knight to soften that blow and besides... he's a good Evolve target since he goes up to a 7 mana minion which are pretty good most of the time.)), or C'thun... honestly... C'thun decks are just solidly meh. It's easy at least so far for me playing my Shammy to out-value you them with my creature effects ((or evolving my super cheap Things from Below and Nerubian Prophets with either Evolve or Master of Evolution since they still count as 6 mana cost for the effect..)) and just get ahead of them. Then since most of them don't have room to run good board-clears I can just smack the hell out of their face or evolve a board of totems into a board of 2 mana minions. ((of course there's a chance to pull Doomsayers... uuuugh.)) but still XD. I feel like Mid-range decks are going to be super strong in this meta.
  7. Shaman's Legend is kinda awful ((strong word but he's very meh... like a solid meh.)) outside of Control Decks or this hybrid Evolve Deck I'm running/ Though, I'm seriously considering dropping him though since he never does anything but be a body and there's better ones than him. I'm playing a Mid-Range style Shammy that uses Evolve ((which isn't a Dr.1 try playing on turn one... see what happens. it's not even one throught the game. It's a pretty good card but it's not as good as people think it is... saying the guy who is playing the deck.)) Looooook... I'm jsut glad Shaman is feeling viable again. It's great.
  8. *smashes head into wall repeatedly.*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      *innocent whistle*

    3. AeroWraith


      well, you know what they say, "better late than never"

    4. starkidcosmo
  9. Well I don't have a Wii U sadly... XD. Though I have a feeling I'd probably prefer that... I jsut want an actual controller in my hand. The controls on 3DS feel wonky at best most of the time. If I did have a Wii U, I ahve a feeling with a normal style of controller... I'd have a lot easier time actually learnign the game and getting used to it...
  10. That you did XD. That Darius play was bloody amazing by the way. I thin you did the most damage like you even out damaged me by quite a bit lol.
  11. also if you use the and it's ending tag [./img ((remove the .)) it will just appear straight up in your past as well. Oh and one more Sol S rank for my pile.
  12. I'll be honest I didn't really care about the honorifics other than that it typically sounds very tacky when the entire game is in English and NO ONE ELSE uses them. ((that and I'd rather we not have to make two versions of every single scene of her refferring to the player by the more correct honorific...)) I mean I'm hardly to do with that idea being scrapped honestly XD. Just cause i'm the main big head writer guy, doesn't mean that I'm in charge of eeeeeeevery writing based decision, gooooooooooooooooooooosh... XD ((I mean... I have have people refer to me with Honorifics all the damn time so it's not like I'm opposed to the idea. I think I've had every single commonly known one used for me by now. The highest usage being -chan funnily enough. Not that I mind. I mean... people have called used -sama to refer to me before and not been joking, I think... which that one was kinda weird...))
  13. Or don't. It's up to you.~

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      With Love, Salty Sea Slug.~

    2. Ironbound


      All these snail statuses are starting to slowly creep me out...

  14. As I said before, Happy Birthday and have a great day. You really do deserve it. Keep being an awesome person, and keep on keepin' on. With Love, Hukuna Sensei.
  15. Okay... so who are all the NA based folks that are wanting to join up? I wanna send out a PM buuuuuut I'm not sure who I'm sending it to in all.
  16. Hell, I might even as a player since I'd like to play in one... we'll see XD. I guess it depends on what time y'all in the EU game decide on if I can hop in there lol. ((I'd still love to give it a shot though lol.)) But, I'll be thinking of settin' up the NA centric piece as well. ((as word of warning... I prefer running groups of 4 or 5... so... I think I might as well say that for my DM'ing guidelines. So, I'll probably work on getting that out once I got the time and what not.
  17. (Mirror Edge, Argentum) Somewhere in the Waterways, Near the Lake of Miracles "A Guardian. Hmmm... Intriguing." The dragon clasped his free hand to his chin. He scratched at it deep in thought as he pondered to himself. He stroked the strange whiskers that protruded out and around his nose. It was rather funny really, it looked as if he was curling a tiny mustache with his index finger. It was quite the sight to behold. "So, I was correct in some of my assumptions it would seem. Hmmm... But guardian of what? What kind of spirit are you? A spirit of fire? It would befit your housing seeing as it is a gem of the fire class. Though it is also more closely tied with the meaning of blood. However, I've never heard of a blood elemental... or a blood spirit. That'd be a strange sight I imagine. Certainly one I wouldn't mind seeing though as it be a new experience for these weary old eyes." Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello, Count Heinrich Contiello, Lord Cyllis, Redeemer Riika, Father Babble, Barbara, Iidrra, Look, a lot of people ok? Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM "Hmmm, you'd be correct, I don't wear clothes. It be a tad strange pulling trousers up over top a suit of armour after all." Riika laughed at this, the image in their head was quite the image after all. Sybil smiled, she was happy to see Lotus so happy and making something of a friend in Riika. Though, how much of one was yet to be seen. Riika was the loner type, and mostly kept to themself. They didn't go out of their way to make acquaintances and usually kept at an icy distance. Most of the upper echelon knew very little of the Soulbound other than that Azegeor trusted them. How good Azegeor's word was... well it depended on who you where. Sybil honestly wasn't sure how trustworthy he was, especially due to the way he conducted his business out of the way... and far from the spotlight. However, her husband trusted him so, he couldn't be all that bad. It left Riika mostly a mystery still however other than Azegeor's trust in them. He had to trust Riika for some reason. She decided to speak up rather than remain quiet however. "You'll find that my Lotus is quite the seamstress, Redeemer. After all, the beautiful gown I am wearing is one of her fine creations. She is quite the skilled artist. And of course, you're always welcome in my halls." "Hmmm, I see Sybil." "Oh, we're on a first name basis then?" "I don't see why not." "Hmmm, forward, matter of fact, straight to the point. I admire that in a person." Sybil gave Riika a rather lust filled look. How playful it was in meaning was only really known to Sybil. She sat back in her chair now having had addressed Riika on the matter. She basically gave her permission in the most subtle of ways possible without straight up saying it. After all, many were very touchy around the Countess. Many knew not to tread on her ground so they typically wouldn't unless given the express permission. Though from that exchange... Sybil got the feeling Riika would've done it without knowing that if they wanted to. She actually was... rather pleased knowing that. Very pleased. She licked her lips in a rather sensual way. Most weren't willing to fight her on a lot of things. Hell, she didn't know anyone that wasn't nearly frightened to death if she just walked past. It was nice to see someone who wasn't flat out scared of her for once. Well, Azegeor usually wasn't either... as far as she could tell. It was hard to tell with those that couldn't use facial expressions. She could only tell with Riika due to how lax her language was and the complete lack of any type of surprised or frightened emotion that she had addressed them. It was rather fascinating. Heinrich even stared at Riika for a second after the exchange. Even he wasn't that brazen. He was more surprised that Sybil didn't do anything about it. However he jsut went back to eating rather quickly. He didn't really say much this entire meal. "I think I'll take ya up on that. After all, why look drab? JUst cause I don't normally got a use for clothers doesn't mean you can't do something for me." Riika said to Lotus.
  18. Considering I'm the only DM ((other than Pyon's proposal.)) it's mostly likely going to have to revolve around my schedule, though I'm noticing this seems to be garnering quite the attention of things so we could probably get an NA and an EU group running honestly... of course I'd need to do a more accurate head-count but... hmmm, who knows lol? I do like that there is seemingly quite a bit of interest. Makes me happy to know some folks are lookin' to try the game out and give it a wack. I'm hoping we can iron out some details etc.
  19. Happy birthday DD... I don't really talk to you that much now that I think about it... maybe I should change that sometime. Anyway... have a wonderful day~
  20. Emberly Drake mostly just stared at the ceiling. She wasn't still wasn't really sure how to take all this in. It was strange that she even ended up in this situation. It wasn't usually in her character. Or, so she thought. Always she was one who went out of the way to avoid others or at least a great majority of them. She was a free spirit. Being tied to others only made it hard to be more free. So, she wasn't fond of the getting tangled in the affairs of others. Though there was times she knew she had to, or at least that she needed to. Perhaps this was a time she felt that. A gut feeling that she should do something. It was strange. She didn't now either of these girls. Not before this encounter. So... why did she have that gut feeling, that reaction... Drake really couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't really know. Intuition was a horrible beast. It didn't really offer many answers or explanations. Intuitive Leaps, her curse. It always left her in a place she wasn't sure where the hell she was or how she got here. But, she was here now. It took everything she had to not just run out the door. She really didn't want to be here still. She wanted to drop them off more or less and leave them here with a teacher not be stuck here while the two worked out their issues. Drake wanted to get back to what she was doing... what was she even doing? She had forgotten in the rush of emotions that this whole process was. She looked back into her journal for today for any clues. None. She had only written about this encounter. Apparently... whatever it was was very unremarkable. Drake was actually happy she was here now. At least this wasn't boring. She still didn't want to be here really, but it beat whatever she was supposed to be doing. "Miss Katherine... are you sure ten minutes is enough? I dunno really know what the whole fight they had was about but it was probably something decently big seeing as it ended in a gut punch." she asked trying to keep her voice low enough that the two girls didn't overhear her. "Or, are you planning on that and stalling for time? Sounds like what I'd do... cause I'm not good at thinking on the fly all really... Well. that depends on one's definition of good I suppose. Cause I can improvise well but I don't think things through all that much so, in the long run it can go badly. Sometimes I just need that extra time to thiiiink, to prevent that as much, you know?"
  21. Ahhhh, just what I wanted to do send my SUnday troubleshooting 8 million things. Kill me... UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH...

  22. tfw people think that the Host is making mistakes... HEHEH HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE oh it's so cute~ ((also, the fun part is totally not saying either way Lexi and tormenting the heeeeell out of them until a super hard reveal, it's like my favoruite thing to do in the world since it makes the players doubt things they think may be true and are, but it totally throws them off. It's great.... that or I'm jsut evil. Or both. Probably both.))
  23. Hmmm I'll probably post a little soemthing but yea. But there's no way I can move the scene wasn't sure there was a huuuge point of me doing so etc...
  24. Shooooould... I post? I mean I can't really drive the scene forward though in my position. I can only really add fluff.
  25. Yea as Pyon said Roll20 is a free pretty much open source program for playing Tabletops. It's got most stuff built in to use and if I was savvier I could add macros and shit to make it even easier to use ((think there's some macro sets for things in there that are predone but I'd have to look been a goooood while since I've messed with the whole thing lol.)) also yea, it has integrated Voice/Video... however it's pretty poor quality so I suggest Skype or Discord for voice purposes. ((hell, if we do it on the Discord enough might warrnet slapping together a room for it. I wouldn't get to hasty on that though.)) But yea... I suggest we use an external voice program of some sort, it tends to go muuuuch better XD.
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