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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. oops... another Dunk. With love, Dunkmaster Kuna.
  2. Dunkmaster Hukuna in the house. My dribble knows no bounds... and I'm schooling all the kids you think they can count past a 7 and me not notice. Braaaaah... I make a game called Se7en. You think i don't know? Any 7's you get are because I'm a merciful man... and love to watch you squirm. Remember kids... The Dunkmaster is only waiting... for when your hope runs high is the time he striiiiiikes.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I read Dunkmaster as Drunkmaster and thought you were typing while drunk.

    2. Arkhi


      Who knows?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Considering I don't drink, deeeeeefinitely not.

  3. 2, seriously though... don't call me that. It's really something I actually hate. Just eeeh, I don't like the whole Senpai thing.
  4. And get double dunked. NO ONE CALLS ME SENPAI and LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!!!
  5. The glass actually contains urine... so... you don't want to drink it anyway. Optimist or pessimist. Just gotta be observant.

    1. Ironbound


      This has just made my day!

      To be frank I never thought this would spiral into this many associated statuses.

  6. 4 ((I'm now sad, 3 is my favourite number, I wanted to give a free one. I will now give you a four. The number that represents death. Take that metaphor as you will~)) I only do it because I Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuv you guys <3 After all, if I didn't stop you... this would be too easy and no fun~
  7. Unless you learn to face the seven head on, you'll never last a second against me! and get dunked on. With much Love, Hukuna Sensei.~
  8. You know... it be nice if for once... people would actually tell me that the food has arrived not drink and eat everything we ordered before I get any of it. But naaaaaaaa... I don't matter apparently.

    1. Lord Chespin
    2. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      But you've got the popcorn!

  9. That would require me to not be the piece of trash disgusting perfectionist that I am and get things done with a reasonable margin. But... I hate like everything I write ever and it means I take awhile. I'll try extra hard jsut for you though Ceph~
  10. Hmmm, true true. the Stars at max are... 650. so it's just outside and enough that your stars will stop hitting them to get in range.((ignite is 600 units.)) Turns out Exhaust is exactly 650 as well... huh... I swore it was the same as Ignite So that's better than I thought. But yea Ignite being jsut 50 units shy makes it... very awkward to use. My fav part though... Abyssal is pretty much overlapped with your star range... so It makes it easy to know where your abyssal matters range wise lol.
  11. It can work I just think it feels odd. Like it's definitely good in a hard assassin match-up but outside of that it's deadweight if your spacing correctly. Basically, if you got a Zed, Ekko, Fizz or a Talon against you definitely take it, otherwise getting something else is better imo. ((most other assassins don't actually give him... to much issue. Like Leblanc is actually not too ahrd to deal with. Not to mention it's funny as shit you kill both the Clone and her at exactly the same time with your stars of doom.)) That's really just imo though and my feelings from playing him quite a bit. I'll admit it's not shit ton yet, but it will be to be honest. After all... all of my friends are forcing me to main him now... against my will. ((which honestly I'm not that sad about.))
  12. 600 rep exactly. Noooo bad. Shortly after 6000 posts too. Fitting me thinks. ((get to to 6000 rep plox?))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm am the worst person to learn from... cause nobody likes me. I jsut get lucky.~

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Red, here is my recipe for success:

      1) Start a project.

      2) Hire incredibly talented people to do all the work for said project.

      3) Be the one to make the posts that show off their awesome work, and take all the praise.

      4) ???

      5) Profit!

    4. Red_Chaos


      Projects huh....

  13. I don't think it's necessary. Actually... with his passive speed from E and from getting Swifties ((my preferred booties.)) would make him almost... too fast. Like you want to be able to maintain good distance. It might be an okay option especially if going Distortion Enchant since you get to double dip with Flash. I might try it sometimes see how it is. Also, I kinda don't like Ignite on him, due to how his stars work, being in range to ignite ((or exhaust for that matter.)) is sub-optimal. SO Barrier or heal tend to be better. Heal also has more util in the department that it can be used to reposition quickly as it's a small burst of speed. I think even Cleanse is better than Ignite since getting CC'd as Sol is baaaaad news. Let's jsut say Ghost wouldn't be a disaster area of a Summ. It probably has more merit on him then a lot of CHamps. TP and Heal are probably the best options imo though. ((or... obviously Smite if Jungling.))
  14. By the way if you like... need music for the next few hours... ((probably.)) I've got you covered on Arky's playlist XD. I Went a little stir crazy and ended up posting 30 songs. Cause apparently i had nothing better to do then go nuts and just give a crap ton of music to our resident music man.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It a grabbag though and all over the palce in feels and genre... kinda. so be waaarned lol.

  15. Honestly, for those that don't know Notus is a REborn member that is from my time or about when I came to the server. He was a rather prevalent member of the RP Sub-forum. ((funnily enough the ways we met were very linked to how Rose met him and how I met Rose XD.)) He's a great dude and probably one of the first people I ever got close to here. I'd say I properly met him through Graterras, a very old school RP here at this point. He played a great PC in that of Marcus lol. I'd say he is one of my greatest friends and while he's someone that doesn't really have a lot of time to hang around Reborn these days. So, you guys might not now him fro awhile or have the chance to. But, He's a great dude as Rose has said. You really should give him the chance if you do get the opportunity to. He's one of my best friends form this place. XD. ((now I'mma go before i get waaaaaaay too freaking sappy. Spoiler: It probably already happened.))
  16. lol, I already said it to you once but... I'll send it to ya again. Happy birthday man and have a fantastic day~
  17. Yea I don't really play MF so I have no idea. I play stuff like Jhin... a.k.a hyper aggressive as all hell. A Lux would still be niiiiiiiice though since the Bind would really allow you to punish them for stepping up at the wrong place etc... ((as well as other harder CCs.)) which Jhin loves to do. I will say with my limited knowledge of MF... she's not really a util based ADC. She's... weird though. Her E definitely lays down a nice slow for pokes etc, but it's her only real ability with any utility. It's not like Ashe who has a vision ability and a Initiation Ult, and well... infinite slows. She's got a looooot of util packed in there. I guess MF is... kinda close in that she at least has something, but I feel like it's similar to Jhin in that her E is meant to punish getting out of position to really lay down some smack down on that person, like Jhin's snare is.
  18. Also... your mastery ranks is not based on your allies performance really. ((other than you'd have to assist them get kills etc...)) I'm honestly surprised you didn't manage to get an S there. Though it was probably game length that tanked that.
  19. Fun aside, and since I've done this a few times now I know it's certain and it wasn't an accident. But little Aurelion Sol tip I suppose. If you are running your W and an opponent is directly on top of you, if you flash back your star will instantly collide either doing the damage to kill them or proc'ing Rylai's to slow them and allow you to position better. It also gives you a better window to use your Q due to it's snap cast delay. ((I'm still not sure how long that is, but there is a delay on the reactivation that they don't tell you about. This delay makes it near impossible to use in melee range ((unless they have a large hitbox.)) which makes the stun unreliable at best that close. So, Flash is a pretty strong spell on Sol if you use it to give yourself space etc... and can save your life if your ult is down. It's a good summoner spell on all Champs, but with the tricks it's super strong on him.
  20. Excuse me while I write an essay for about... 5 to 6 characters. Honestly probably more than that. There's a lot of my OCs that there's little parts of them that I love a loooooooot. FUnnily enough a lot of mine will end up being female as well though. I... just identify with Female characters more than male ones and writing them is even easier for me. I'm... weird as shit that's for sure. But eh... It'll take me awhile to work up my own post for this. I'll probably get it up in due time though. For now, I'll leave this one here. Elaine Morningsglory(( Graterras: Dream on Another Shore)): A really odd character to be honest. She's not one I probably ever would've thought of writing. On a whim and because in Graterras most stories are about people that aren't traditional heros, I decided to make a Tale about a painter. Just,,, a normal person who paints. I don't think I've ever had quite as close a connection to a character. She struggles with a lot of what I do. She, like me, is an artist. We both paint pictures, albeit, she literally does I do it with words instead. But also in our other struggles. She struggles to find a way to fit into a hostile world around her, a way I've always felt in my life when trying to well, fit in. She, struggle with what it means to create art in a world where 1000's of other are doing the same thing you are but at a more rapid pace ((and possibly, a more soulless one, selling their morals and doing work just for money rather than the art of it or because they enjoy.)) But most of all her struggles with love and what it means. Love in all it's forms, friendship, relationships, familial. We see her struggles and her triumphs with them. Maybe in small flashes but we see them all the same. She's a character that while she certainly isn't me, she echos a lot of my sentiments in what that cosmic force love is, and what it means. And, she'll always have a special place in my heart for that reason. and here...we... go... Ivo and Astor((Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past)): These two are included together because they are intertwined. At least in my mind they are more complete together than they are apart. But it's meant to be that way. On their own they are probably a bit bland as characters but they are my favorite characters when they are together. Their dynamic is jsut... so catalyzing and interesting. To me anyway. I was a little less then subtle in this fact though. There's a reason Ivo is very heavily represented by the colour white and Astor the colour black. There's a few more things like this but they are not things I can talk about now as it would spoil stuff for Requiem. Either way, I love their interactions with each other. Probably cause it's influenced in part from one between me and a very close friend of mine. I hope that I make that very clear and that it makes them feel a lot more real as a result. ((I should stress that their relationship will probably never be romantic. It's not where I want to go with it. So, don't get your hopes up if your''re reading Requiem. It... could still happen... but I don't foresee it. However I enver know where I will wander at times.)) Snow Ashford ((Graterras in general)): Probably the pinnacle of the Ice Queen trope honestly... since she literally is one. I really need to write her full story, the one of her deeds to become an Avatar of a Goddess. She's a powerful character and one that's a great lesson in determination ((let jokes commence.)), and perseverance. Snow is one that on the forums I don't think i ever could make shine with her roles in the things she's been in. They've been mostly bit parts thus far so I never really got to show of fthe parts of her that make her awesome as hell. She is one of my fav characters though. Emberly "Drake" Everburn: ((ANKL and Ymora's Revival and that one Fire Emblem RP.)): Look... I love Emberly. She's honestly a character I'm proud of because she's 100% the opposite of things I play in RPs, or write really. She's a feisty airhead and I loooooooove her. She overlaps with a current character I'm writing in Tempest from the Heartless Souls RP, but she stands on her own a lot better. She's jsut a fun character for me because she feels so fresh and so new. Odin Thunderbrew((Graterras Original)): Good ol' Dad Dwarf. I loved this fella. He had such a feel good vibe to him. Honestly felt good tying him to the party and giving them a motivation. I'll be honest... ((since I'm not going to reuse the same start if I make another Graterras RP.)) that I was going to kill him off at some point to tug on some heartstrings and even more reinforce the desire for the players to get that bastard of a big bad. The Gentleman probably won't make this list since he's vastly still a mystery even to me, but yea. Odin was just such a fun Father figure. It made him... rather interesting to write. I can probably think of a few more I'd like to write about but... I think this is good for now.
  21. That's just how you play top, bait them into thinkin' they good... then destroy their soooooul. Maybe that's jsut me. My teamfight is jsut better than my laning so... I tend to do well outside of laning phase more so than in it. ((Which you won't believe me after seeing me mutilate all my lane opponents as Sol so much recenltly, but... honest~))
  22. Sol, you were groovy dude, buuuuuuuuut bac to Undyne I go. WEEEEEE!

    1. Shamitako


      TBH, it just didn't feel right

      Your avatar being male and all

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well, not saying it had to do with getting 5-6 S ranks on Sol in the span of two days play sessions... but maybe a little bit of it. Anyway, we're back to the normal fare XD>

  23. Most of them aren't really that bad... XD. But, just cause you want it, I'll add one that is a really bad score from you. Cause I can... Wasn't my greatest game of Sol as I didn't become the one dragon facemelting machine I usually do buuuut I still did rather well. Got an A+ so... almost an S XD. For reference... Edge is the Rammus. ((honestly though his score does not reflect his performance, he did very well for us and really did his job creating space for me to Star Dargon it up.)) It wasn't a game where one member of our team expressly carried, Also... can i jsut say that Flash kills with your W enhanced passive are so fucking fun on Sol? Like... it's wonderful. I got a double kill with it. and the quite brilliant response of "Stars are best viewed from a distance." I'm starting to think Sol is a Sass dragon... and only a star dragon as a hobby.
  24. tfw it's gotten to the point your friends just assume that when you as Sol fly into the enemy team that they will die. ((to be fair... I did do that like... 2 times in one game but still...))
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