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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. There was already signs of it present with the fact that multiplayer was shoehorned into DA:l the game you've mentioned with how that was functioning as it was similar to how theMass Effect ones were being handled except, now that ME3 and DA:l are out of the way it seems like they are putting in those systems but with more emphize on the microtranactions part of them. We didn't really see it play out in ME: Andromeda cause well... that games died off real fast due to it's largely negative reception by the community so we weren't able to see how far they'd go. Also further, nearly every gameget's"Game of the Year" somehow these days so it hardly means anything. lt's just a buzz thing rather than something of any meaning. Personally l still think Origins, or the first Dragon Age,is still the best of the series and always will be as they seem to no longer really care about making the kinds of RPGs that Origins was a loveletter too. The further this series goes the more it is pushed into being an action heavy RPG which we have a slewof these days. Origins, was a love letter or spritiual successors to the RPGs of yesteryear or Baldur's Gate and other lnfinity engie style games. So EA has already been infulencing the series from the start. Dragon Age 2 was a disaster area becuase EA forced Bioware to make a sequel to a full blown RPG in under a year and you can tell. lnquistion was clearly in some part a shift in philosphy as well though l can't fairly say that was solely EA's doing and that the company didn't want to make that style of game and were forced to, though... it's possible they were due to the poor overall sales of DA 2 and they had to go with a direction that was Popular and not a more niche type of game as Origins was ~~or apparently was.~~ and put into the Open World crae that's still going on to this day. The answer to this question... is they already have corrupted it. You should be asking "How far are they willing to corrupt it for the sake of corperate greed?" which we also sadly have the answer to with rhe fixation of "live services" that are made defunct after a few years to make a new versions you have to pay a 60$ premuim to get back into and the whole debacle with Battlefront 2. They are willing to sell all the soul of a game to make a quick buck,we already know this. Just have to hope they try to use DA4 to save their asses and buy back faith in consumers rather than try to pull yet another Battlefront 2 on us. But l have littlefait in EA to not do something ergreious and letting corperate greed sway their decision making, they already have on countless occasion and Dragon Age is a series they've already put their slimy fingers in. Trust me, they will do it again. To what extent? Well we'll have to find out.
  2. Nadia Nadia looked back at the assassin who had moved and stared at her for a good moment before waving again. /l know where Assassin is, and further what she looks like. Rather typically European, average hieght, athletic build. Seems to have a fondness for brown as that's the colour of all of her prominent articules of clothing. lt also happens to be the colour of her hair and her eyes./ Nadia squinted to be sure if she saw this next thing clearly before continuing. /She also seems to have some scarring on her hands. A few cuts, most on the back of her hands. Given the size and shape, most definitely from knives. Not self inflicted. Seem to be similar to draw cuts... Perhaps uses them herself? Might be too much of a leap but l know scars. They speak to me, these definitely look like something one would acquire in a fight using similar weaponry as their opponent./ /Her master seems to be magehunting another in the war and as a result had to join themselves to be able to take out a man who now has a servant at his beck and call. Says he'll leave after he gets his mark, wants nothing to do with the war. How certain on that... l'm not but if they try anything lf we've been with them well... l'm sure you can handle them at that point with all of your observations. lt seems they have an injured master with them as well... one l'm less than confident in. His injuries l believe are from overdraw of his mana. That likely means Berserker. Feel free to show yourself as well, after all, l know where Assassin is, you shouldn't feel the need to hide yourself. Besides, saves me the trouble of having to explain who my servant is. Notably, they've not even asked. Peculier if l say so myself./ "Ah, of course. information is paramount after all." she said turning back to face Karsten again. "l mostly worked off my own information, but l know the advantages of others, who perhaps ply the trade of intelligence, conduct that work. Regardless, if we are working together perhaps proper introductions are in order." she said curtsing for some reason. "Nadia Darke. Charmed~" the lilt to her voice seeming to imply that name should mean something. Berserker The movement however had left Visrii open, he wasn't quite as fast as he thought it would seem or underestimated the Beast's ability. Often a fatal mistake, however in this instance the Lancer would get a lighter sentence. Ashnard's other arm wheeled around with a speed unexpected as his other attack was knocked askew. As the motion was spur of the moment it wasn't as precisely aimed as the other, barely missing center of mass. Visrii flet as the Beast's arm punched through his midriff, and the beast's hand lodged itself into his gut. The newfound warmth caused the Beast to hum with a grim satifisaction. Blood once more soaked his fur. lt felt euphoric. But, something else pulled at the back of hismind,tht his time for now was up. lf he wished for more time he'd have to leave now. He could perhaps kill this not-so-knight if he had the infinite time, but the clock was about to strike midnight. His time had gone faster than he had thought. He laughed to himself as pulled his arm out, now wet with crimson. Hopping back, he spoke. "Rejoice! My time is up! You should run to that little master of yours. She faces more threats to her safety than l, perhaps greater ones. l want to fight servants, not small fry. So go, make sure she's safe. l want to be the one to kill you."he ran off without another word, much more silent this time, though... it was mostly due to the fact there wasn't many building left to crumble on the path he had already traveled.
  3. "Uh...uh..." Kaede seemed lost for words at the sudden gesture. She wasn't expecting Alva to give her a gift of all things after asking that question. She froe for a moment unsure of what to do. But, her arm seemed to move itself on instinct after a moment. She took the small toy from Alva and held it to her chest. She did it similar to how one would hold a book with their arms crossed up to their chest. The back of the dog's head was visible above her two hands and it's legs popped out a few places. "Thank you Alva. l, don't really have alot of friends. Arturia is m... was my only friend." she quickly corrected herself. She now had two after all. "l'll try and think of you, l do not know if that works for me. But, my books... make me feel closer to Arturia. Perhaps this can serve as such for you." she as she raised up from her bed. She wandered over to her bookshelf. One of the rows at the top was not quite full. There was place for an end cap. She placed the dog there, working to have them stand up straight and alert. The little white pup stood at attention, though it still had an adorable quality to it. "She will guard my most treasured possessons. She can protect my library. She shall be known as Heather."
  4. "l see. My parents... didn't let me have such things. Not that l wanted them but they'd not have allowed had l the desire. l... don't really understand what love is though. l don't now what it feels like or how l'd know. l know l don't have it for my parents however. They aren't people to be loved, or at the least they don't deserve mine if l'm capable of such a thing." Kaede just dropped this without thinking it through but she didn't worry about her words in Alva's presence. lt was similar to talking to Arturia in that regard. She just spoke rather than remain silent. Her parents were firm believers that children should be seen, not heard. She had it burned into her, literally at times, that she was only to speak when spoken to. But she forgot that in the presence of some. "l must be, because this books remind me of Arturia and our friendship. They are the only thing anyone's ever given me. l feel something for them even if l don't understand why. On my own... l rarely feel anything. Grey... all emotion a sea of grey waves. They are different and yet so similar that difference might as well not exist. An illusion of difference is not truly difference and yet... perhaps it is. But, l can't decipher one from the other myself. l rarely feel the colours strongly enough to understand what they are. Someof them are the same colour but they radiate different energy. lt makes it a confusing mess. l wish l could feel... like a human. Perhaps then l could feel on my own, feel something more than a passing indifference. l can only feel things strongly enough in response to another person. You made me feel things vividly for a time Alva. Many colours that l'dnever seen before. They were... pretty. Even if they were frightening and confusing." Kaede said all of this into her lap not bothering to lift her head out of her knees to speak, but she did now. "Alva..." she started, but hesitated for a moment. lt was clear to Alva that Kaede had to work herself up to say this,as if what she was saying was wrong or perhaps taboo in some way. Kaede was about to ask something she was expressly forbidden once. But, her parents weren't here now. "l...don't understand love. l don't, understand emotions. What are they for? They seem... Arbutrary, friovolous. l was told once that they'd only serve to hurt me, cause me undue pain. That they were unneeded for a doll like me. But, l want to understand them. l don't like grey. l like the colours in the stories l read, and the colours l feel. Would you... teach me?"
  5. "l don't really understand no." Kaede stated plainly. The issue perhaps twofold for Kaede. She was never allowed to keep such things, objects with no express purpose or value. She had no personal belongings growing up and she still didn't have ones besides her books. Her parents forbade such things. Further, home wasn't a place Kaede would want to remember, she'd not miss it. She was about as happy as she could be that she was far away from that place. "How can such objects invoke those feelings? l don't understand."
  6. Vixen was going to assist, as directed, in getting the corvette into position however she couldn't find a way to hail it that was remotely simple. Anything she could do would probably take way to much time to bypass all the jamming signals and what not it was spewing out.But then she thought of something. "Hey, Kella. You came from the corvette ye? l need to get in touch with your friend to help uh... orchestrate this mission. You have any way to patch me through all the jammers? You got into the Cleansing Rain somehow." Vixen said looking about her ship until focusing back the the screen Kella was on. lt was a bit strange conversing with Kella for Vixen as... it felt like she was everywhere and yet nowhere. Vixen, while she was sure others would chasitise her for this, still feltan overwhelming sense of curiosity about Kella, wondering just how she functioned how she could occupy her ships computers and so on.
  7. "Perhaps you're right." Was all Kaede really said in response to Alva wanting to tell Esyllt, and in honesty it probably was. She after all, maybe only being a party that was a bystander to the event, was there for it. Kaede just wanted to deal with as few people as possible. Riley was going to be perhaps difficult on her own she didn't really want more problems. The morepeople there were the less Kaede wanted to really be there. More chances... She had for the most part fallen silent again, now sitting in the center of her bed. She was holding her knees to her chest. She wistfully glanced over at Alva and just watched her unpack for the time being. The subtleties of her movements, and watching what she pulled from her luggage. At first it was just clearly clothes, things for school. But she eventually got into personal objects. Kaede was mystified by such things. She had none herself, other than her books, and was always fascinated by the idea of people keeping objects that had some sort of greater meaning to them. She perhaps, her books taught her how to feel that way about something... though she still wasn't really sure how to understand it. Books were practical in some sense. They could teach, they could pass time, but some objects people held sentiment for hadno such purpose. She wasn't sure why people or how people could grow such attachments for those things. "Alva..." she said, half unaware she had, until realizing she spoke. Too late to stop now but Kaede felt strange. She almost never started talking about something. She usually only spoke when spoken to. "Those toys... why do you keep them?"
  8. "l...l'd prefer the least people as possible." Kaede said. She finally sat on the corner of her bed instead of just hovering about her bookcase. Kaede was a bit apprehensive to believe Alva at face value in that sense. She wasn't sure that friendship was as strong a force as she had claimed. lt'd sounded but a temporary succor to her. Regardless, people weren't keen on being friends with her in the first place, so she doubted it was a power that she could really tap into all that much even if she did believe in that. Arturia was an expection, one she was... happy existed or as happy as she could feel anyway. She trusted Riley more than not at all now. She had proven herself in part now, but she wasn't sure she could give her all of her trust even now. "People aren't often willing to be around me. l'd rather not invite many into my space. Riley maybe...but no more please." there was little emotion ever present in Kaede's voice, however despite this Alva would know that she was adamant on this and wouldn't budge.
  9. Kaede wasn't really sure how to answer that question... friends were a bit of a new subject for her. Though, she had been friends with Arturia for awhile she still didn't truly understand the social contract. This was probably fair given her absolute lack of practice on the matter. Were they important enough that they could placate fate? Could they hold the weight of a curse, ease the burden? She wasn't really sure. She did now however that something drove her to protect Alva that day, to protect her from that fate. Perhaps fate wasn't as ordained as she thought. Alva lived, and further, she had helped at least in some part kept her from Katja's clutches. That other girl had been the one to truly save them but... she still felt as she did something despite being truly helpless in breaking that loop in time, whatever that hourglass was. "l suppose. However, that curse still exists. l doubt that she'll ever stop, those she works for ever will... l don't know if l can protect you forever. Whatever this power that l have is l barely understand it. All l know is it is a reflection of myself. Further l...don't understand "friends". ls, that really strong enough... is it truly something that can lighten that of a curse? l suppose, l feel better when Arturia is present but l don't know if that makes the burden any easier. Perhaps..."
  10. Kaede had been touching the spines of the books and tracing the titles with her finger. She was listlessly doing this without a real second thought. The books of course reminded her of Arturia and she was feeling a bit... lonely without her around. She had for but a moment forgotten Alva was present. She had picked a book from the shelf and was holding it in her hand when Alva asked her about what had happened. lt crashed to the floor with deafening crack, a thunderous roar. The question had caught her off-guard. She quickly moved to place it back on the shelf. She didn't make eye contact with Alva as she was speaking just conintuing to stare at the books. "l don't really know. l haven't thought about it much if at all. lt feels like... like..." she was clearly struggling to find the words. She frantically wracked her mind as she attempting to put it to word to make it understandable to another that wasn't her. "lt's black... pitch. Tar. Suffocating. As if it fills the lungs with an inky blackness. lt's hard to breathe when l think about it. l... you shouldn't have to share a curse. Not with a doll, not with someone inhuman. lt was fate for the doll, life as it was meant to be, as it was ordained by the infinite. Curses shatter wings, the feathers unable to bear the weight of hexes, cruel and malignant. You shouldn't have to bear one." she sighed deeply, unsure if she was spouting nonsense or not. lf Alva would understand any of that which she said. "But it would seem that the loom of fate has woven you a cruel destiny. l suppose all born under this sky are ordained to suffer. One way or another... Their wings to never truly allow flight."
  11. Kaede didn't seem to stir much if at all when Alva had asked about Arturia. As a result it remained quiet for a time silence creeping back into the room as the blue haired girl pondered. What was she like? What was an important to mention here? Kaede found herself wishing Arturia was here so that she could introduce herself rather than her having to figure this out, but she couldn't really just stand here and say nothing. Well she could she supposed but it'd only contribute to how strange things were going already. "She's... nice." was all that she said at first. "To me." Kaede indicated towards herself with her hands before folding her arms back together and placing them in her lap once more. She wasn't sure why she made this gesture. She continued "Not a lot of people are." She slowly drifted over towards the bookcase that stood towards the edge of the room close to her own bed. She walked without a thought as if instinct carried her. She floated as if through a dream, her bare feet landing softly on the floor not making a sound. "Many of these books she gave to me or were ones that she had shared with me once and l found a copy for myself. This is my library... lt's the only possession l care about."
  12. Kaede remained standing in the middle of the room for the time being as Alva made herself comfortable. She pondered the question for a moment. Only really Arturia ever asked her something of the sort. Most others didn't really care to ask her such things. She still really never understood how to answer this question though. She went with the typical answer like she usually did. "l've been fine." She just conintued standing in the middle of the room, lifelessly looking somewhere in the distance. She was a life sized doll, or would seem to be if one wasn't paying attention with how little she was moving. The only true signs of life were the minascule rise and fall of her chest from her breathing and her eyes blinking passively. She took her left hand in her right and placed them in her lap as she stood there silently.
  13. She finally snapped back to reality after that last statement as she caught up, this was a lot to handle for Kaede. She was prepared for the new roommate to want nothing to do with her, not... what was happening now. ln fact she was... rather not used to talking to people in general that weren't Arturia or her mentor. "No, that's okay. l'm not accustomed to answering the door. lt...has been a lot to process." Was this a common greeting? lt couldn't have been if past roommates were any indication. However they probably weren't typical for anyone but her. This never really seemed to happen when Arturia opened the door so... perhaps this was special? Kaede was more than a bit lost on this whole situation. "l'm sure Arturia will be fine with your arrival, but she isn't here right now. She had business to attend to in the city. Even if she didn't transferrals are absolute for a time so she'd have no more choice than l do." she threw out remembering that Alva had asked the question. She quickly realized though she probably made it sound like she was stuck with Alva espcially given her typical flat tone of voice. Perhaps all her talks with Arturia were helping her realie at least in part to pay more attention to how she was coming across. "l'm...happy to see you though. l hope you're here longer than the others that have come before." she still didn't really get what happiness was at least not truly. But, she had been surprised by her presence and she didn't feelany of the darker colours, the negative ones, rising to the surface. That left only light colours. Happiness was probably part of what she was feeling, so she wasn't lying.
  14. Kaede Kaede couldn't process hurricane Alva with how fast she was zipping about. This amount of energy was not something that Kaede herself possessed, and to her she wasn't sure how any human could. But here she was now. Suddenly that door was open Alva had definitely invited herself in, and was definitely...touching her. She wasn't really sure what this was, but it felt... warm. lt didn't feel like she was trying to harm her or cause her discomfort so Kaede just silently accepted it. Her arms sort of just hung at her sides however as she didn't really understand what was happening. Kaede wasn't really sure how to respond though, she hadn't really been expecting this possiblity so she was just standing there staring at Alva.
  15. Kaede Kaede sat on her bed all alone in a room. Not a sound, nothing. Silence was her only company for the time being. She didn't much mind that however. She prefered silence to most people and was glad her other roommate had finally transferred out. Since Arturia was gone if that girl was here things... probably wouldn't be pretty. There'd been trouble in the past before. Verbal... physical perhaps even when she was left alone without Arturia to stick up for her. Many a third roomate rotated out of this room. They never stayed long. lt was well known around the school as a bad omen to be the one transferred to this room. There was plenty of stories about it, many claiming her to be a witch, a demon... and many other unspeakable things. That to be stuck in there would cause madness, that she'd eat your soul trying to fix her own. That she'd drive people to suffer, to commit acts of sin for her own amusment. The rumors were quite varied and creative. They reminded her of some of the fantasy she read, the stories that she used to pass the time. But, they always cast her as the villian. She never got to be a hero in anyone's eyes. Kaede had tried on many occasion to change the narrative herself, but it never worked. Each and everytime something would scare them away. Her presence... or perhaps just the looming of the stories about her always drove that person away. Some would be outright hostile to her. Trying to cause her physical harm. Others, suffered more inwardly and caused harm to themselves, some permenant harm. At some point, she stopped really trying. She didn't really know when it was all a haze of grey. She couldn't help but think about all this as yet another cycle was to begin, yet another person that would leave this room stark raving mad to get out of here... or would choose some permenant method to get out. She decided to get her mind off of things by thinking about something else, but... what could she do to distract herself? She could read through one of the books in her library, but she wasn't interested in that at the moment. She didn't feel like moving fromher spot to grab one of the dusty books from the bookcase that stood against the wall. lnstead she retreated into a different place in her mind. There was a world in there that she could hide in. One that she had been piecing together ever since she was small. Though, she supposed perhaps given recent circumstance... maybe her small world wasn't all that different. She had a power now, an ability. Magic perhaps. Goddesses existed, they truly did if Eden was to be believed. Kaede really saw no reason not to. lt was during this musing that the knock at the door came. Kaede immediately jumped at the sound. She had dreaded it's coming. Though the inital feeling quickly passed whatever it had been. Whoever this was Kaede had to accepet fate that she was stuck with them for a time. Despite starting at the sound her mind didn't really process that she needed to go up and answer the door however. She usually let Arturia do this, and had to remind herself that Arturia wasn't currently present. She got up, brushing off her skirt, more out of reflex to waste time than for a real reason. She walkedover to the door and cracked it open slightly only really asmall protion of her becoming visible and one deep blue eye peering out into the hall. She wasn't going to say anything at all and just leave the door open... until she saw who was standing there. "Alva...?"
  16. Kaede Apparently breaking the hourglass wouldn't work either, as they once more stood here in the moment they had prior. The damned persistence in this one. Kaede was unsure what to do, to give in... but she supposed that Alva was unwilling and that while that was the case she'd not either. So long as she so chose to fight for her freedom and to retain control of her fate... so would she. Perhaps... perhapsit was wrong of her to fight only on someone else's behalf. But... Kaede couldn't help but feel some part of her desire to fight for this girl. Why, she didn't know. She was surprised she felt anything over this or... anything with such clarity. She couldn't decipher it, but she didn't really care. The feeling wasn't grey... lt was different from the grey and indifference she always felt. Perhaps she was meant to follow this up...
  17. With a final stroke from Renee,it quite clear this battlewill go nowhere. The figure makes it clear by their stride that they do not aim to kill them unless they remain in their way. Coel gives one last hardlook towards Castle Calmary. lt was a home he had built. So was Padstow. But, it seemed for now that this land away from the worldwas to fall. He clutched his staff close, the simple staff with only a small crux at the end. The Symbol of the Hierophant. "Come, we must make haste. There's somewhere l know we can go. lt will be a long trek but l'm sure we can make it." Chapter Complete. Victory... well at the least you still have your lives. Perhaps a victory in and of itself. Post-Prologue: The Meloncholy Night. After a time, the group is sure they have not been followed by any of shades that had attaked them prior. The remaining ones must have been ordered against such actions. Whoever that figure was, they were true to their word and did let them go. lt didn't relieve the sting of loss much however. Their home had fallen, it perhapswasn't gone but it now lay in the hands of some unknown forceclearly led by that figure. To what purpose, to what end? lt wasn't really truly known. The attack was sudden, brutal. lt seemingly had no meaning. lf something greater were at playit be unbeknowst to the men and woman gathered here. The night grew old now, they had been moving for quite some time. Coel stoppedfor a moment to catch his breath. He wondered what became of those that had run before, those that had evacuted prior to the assualt. He had hoped that Brinda knew of the safe place he did, that she had remembered what he had told her. She probably did knowing that one. Her mind was a keen one and she never forgot something no matter how small whispered within her presence. He knew that his people would be safe in her hands, but he couldn't help but worry. He had to put it aside for now though, he had his own flock to worry about. Those that were alongside him now. And, himself as well. He felt a burning in his lungs form all this hurried movement. lt wasn't good for his old bones. He decided to speak up, rather than push forward. They were safe for now in the deep forests of the mountains around Padstow. "l..." he started to speak,before losing his train of thought for a moment. He doubted his prior thought for amoment, before regaining his composure. lt was a strange thing to see of Coel. Something that was certainly a slip in his typical character. Haunting almost, if not for what had transpired thi night already it would have hit all the harder. But, anyone would crack in these times. Though, leaders were supposed to be above this. Though they were human, they were more than human. Coel's humanity could be seen. What that meant to those gathered here...well hard to say. "l believe for now, we should make camp. We must rest. Take... some time. My old bones won't last me much longer this night l'm afraid." he said trying to keep a smile on his face. He moved off to the side of the path and slumped against an old and mighty oak. He waited for the rest to take suit and follow his lead.
  18. "Of course yer strong Bea!" Cassidy flexed jokingly in Bea's direction as she said this. Then bounded like lightning to her side. As if to use that as a demonstration she immediately begin with "As strong as l am quicklike! lt's why we makes a good team you and me. Hehe~" she said unable to stifle a giggle at the end of her words. "Oh, and l guess Yuel helps too. She is very important to our team o' course she is." She quickly added something under her breath to Bea, "Though l cannae really reckon what she brings to the team other den weaponizing guilt and other things that moms are good at." Move to O9
  19. Meredith grits her teeth, this fight was going to be tough. She couldn't help but think about that battle she had so long ago... but that was certainly different. Those men fought for country, for their home to be free from tyranny. Their resolve meant something,it was important. These men as far as she could tell fought only for their own gain. She took a deep breath, centering herself. She nodded solemnly at the ghosts of the past, the men and women that once tried to take her life. "l'm not going to die here. l will bring the freedom you sought, the new age for our shared nation of Dragao. lwish l could've fought alongside you instead, but can't change the past now." She once more took the heavy armament in hand and swung all of it's weight at the foe she came across first. "Die!!!" Move to D13, attack Cavalry 5 with the mighty Glaive!!!
  20. "We don't really have any other options Rhees. Not if we're going to ever take this thing down, we have to now while we have the oppertunity. l shouldn't have to tell you that the toasters having The Southern Cross is not going to end well and people are definitely going to die, worlds will die if we let them get it fully operational." Vixen sighed she didn't think she'd have to really defend this to Rhees of all people. She looked down at the Al, Kella as she so choose to now be known. She supposed in any other situation she'd not be all that trusting... well. She honestly didn't know that. This was all a bit strange. Dealing with people was such a pain. Vixen rebroke the silence before anyone was able to speak again. "Look, l'm escorting this ship by myself if l have to. We might as well be dead if we let the Resanti have the Southern Cross. lt's damaged now, this is our best shot to take it out. As l've said before, this is our only real option. lf we retreat one of the strongest ships the galaxy has ever known will only befitted to be even more powerful. We cannot just let the Resanti have a weapon of this magnitude. You already know that."
  21. Nadia "That's all well and good..." Nadia seemed to trail off for a moment, carefully taking the time to consider her next words. After all, she wasn't yet sure of this individual's temperment yet. How'd they would react to her pressing. But, she supposed it was for the best to know now just how truthful this individual was. lf this was but a ruse, or if he were to tell truth about wanting nothing with this war. "But... once you get your man, are you out of this war? Are you finished? l can't help but notice the first help you were negociating with looks quite worse for wear. There was a reason l was trying to kill him first after all. Further... what do you know about this Min? Do you know what servant he has summoned? What he craft he peddles? There's important questionsin this business after all, and further l've a war to win. l'm fine with working with you, but understand that as soon as your man is in the dirt... well. lf you remain in it you'll once more be my enemy. Solving this problem amicably would be...ideal, no?"
  22. Nadia "Of course, of course. No more blades for now." Nadia began to wander out from her hiding spot, slowly, confidently. "So, a hunter of mages then. That was my line of work once, though can't say l was sanctioned to do so. Justice had to be done. But those specifics aren't important now." she had finally laid eyes on the man, at least fully. Rugged, looked like he was playing cowboy, though his shot earlier probably meant he wasn't faking all of that. She looked him up and down, sizing him up. She looked down her nose at him for the timebeing. But she soon released a deep breath and dropped that facade. She knew his assassin was bound to be somewhere nearby, she looked around for her spotting her trying to get behind her. She just smiled back at her and waved, indicating she was fully aware of her presence. Before turning back to the Master that had called this ceasefire. "So cowboy, what'cha have in mind? lf you're getting involved with a Grail War your quarry must also be involved. Yes?"
  23. "Kella huh... a good name." all Vixen had to say in response to the Al's somber conclusion. She looked at the corvette... who was this perso that they'd willingly give up their lifelike this? Was this Al that important to her? Regardless... Vixen knew this was a more than necessary sacrifice however. The Southren Crosswasa ship that could not be in the hands of the Resanti. lt was much too dangerous and they had to destroy it here and now while it was damaged. lt was the only shot they'd probably have, the only real one anyway. She took a deep breath centering herself. She opened the direct line to Rhees back up, she wasn't entirely sure if Rhees would pick up but she hoped she would, she usually always kept an eye on their line. "Rhees, if you read me this is Vixen. l've made contact with the corvette. We have a plan to destroy the Southern Cross utterly, here and now. The pilot of the corvette, Kella says that she can take it out but we must escort the corvette to the battleship. Do you read me?"
  24. Nadia "l dunno, can we?" Nadia a playful lilt to her voice. He closed fast... interesting. Nadia wasn't sure how but it was some mage trick for sure. Perhaps had to do with that cloud... though that was a reach and she still really had no idea of it's purpose. This was a war though, who'd negotiate? A trap perhaps? A weaker mage who couldn't huff it? That seemed rather unlikely. He was clearly practiced, too good for that to be an issue. His choice in using guns in conjuction with his magecraft was quite curious. Perhaps he was here for something other than the war. "Tell Assassin to stand down then. And don't point that gun at me while we're talking either, it'd be more than a little rude. We're adults after all. We can talk without holding our weapons at each other's throats yes?" Nadia had yet to move from her location, hidden as it was. She was well aware he had her number now so she wasn't about to try anything. She could get out of this well enough... but she couldn't say she wasn't intrigued by the offer. She wanted to see where this thread lead before fighting her way out of here. /Saber dear, there's been a developement. lt seems The Master wishes to talk. Perhaps don't cut into anyone once you get here darling? l'll tell you if the need arises once more./
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