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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. So throwing aside the whole issue that is "Series were never created to looked at this in-depth in the first place especially since this series is intended for children who won't look past the surface level" loop hole. Anyway, I can understand that thinking it be quite morally wrong would be an issue... but... that's from our perspective. We don't know how different this world is, LET ALONE do we know the implications of all of this in thier world. They live in an entirely different environment to us. How would we tell them what they are doing is wrong? They'd probably not even understand our logic. Becuase the World they know is very different from our own. These Pokemon are... well nearly a part of everything and they effect their daily lives etc. While to a lesser extent pets do this in the real world... it's nowhere near the level of what Pokemon effect the world they live within. I mean... after all, not only are they widespread but they have freaking magic powers etc. Our worlds are more or less apples and oranges. Quite a bit is similar that it's recognizable. But, so much is different I doubt that trainers in that world would see it quite like we, outsiders looking in, do. I mean, Breeders exist as just a normal thing within the Pokemon universe... In a quite different way than in irl. They openly practice. That in and of itself shows how different their world is from our own. It's not typically something to hide in their world, it's not soemthing that happens behind closed doors or away from where we can see it. It's everywhere and right out in the open. We can see it happening. Daycares even you know kinda allow their places to be used as breeding faclities for Breeders that don't have the means to set up their own location for a nominal fee. Of course... this facility has other uses int eh raising of Pokemon as well, but it can't be denied that it is also used for this second purpose. ((no matter how dumb the games pal with the "Oh I ahve no idea how this got here, wooooooooah!" shtick.)) So even if it would be considered inhumane in our world... it might not be in theirs.
  2. lol, of course. Love ya Rose. You've helped me more than you can ever know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also... Ow. You're a good person too. Even if I only just met ya, I know that. And it's not really all that hard if you're a person like me. Once I get talking it's hard for me to shut up, ever... XD. I honestly haven't talked to you too much man, but, you seem like a pretty swell dude. Same too you~ <3 you too Zeeeephy. Thanks for taking the time to post. I know you've been busy a lot recently and what not. XD Thanks! You're another newer member to me, but... I think you're alright~ Hope ya stick around Reborn it's a pretty swell place. When we you? Wot? I'm lost. Also, that'll be awhile. Sure you want to wait that long to talk to someone as awesome as me? ((except that I'm not awesome and am terrible.))
  3. tfw your family now buys the popcorn a day later then the rest of the groceries and doesn't tell you they did just to make it last a bit longer. Once again... you can;t hide it from me!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

  4. Aye, Indeed. I hope I'm around that along, and, you as well Red! Indeed. We couldn't be more different XD. Still though I'd consider ya a friend. And I will, I will. XD. Well, it's nice to know. I suppose I sorta am just a person that's been an installation here for awhile now. I think there's still a lot of potienal, just we lsot a lot of the great RPers from back then and a lot of folks have jsut been busy. But, I still love that palce no matter what, the RP forums are my favourite place here and still a home to me. lol, me too Flux. You're a really cool dude. And, you know me too well... > <; Eh, you don't have to on my account man, you do you lol. But, it'd be cool if ya were and what not. You're a cool dude. And thanks. Thanks Chubb. And... nice save...
  5. lol, you'll slay those exams friend! And then, then you can get back to things lol. I'll definitely have the best day that I can. If you stick around here, you will one day~ Thanks XD! It's mostly just me hanging around the RP forums too much. And being a know-it-all and ranting a lot cause when you get me talking I can't ever shut up lol. I have no idea. It'll probably happen at soemt point though XD. Thanks Taco Fren ;] You too Spine.~ Yea, cause you'll have to put up with me a lot more, WOOOOOOO!!! XD. But yea, you're a swell guy yourself, keep on, keepin' on lol. lol uh huuuuuuh. Love ya too Tomas. That you have honestly. I don't even remember when we first ended up meeting really, but a lot of our time was spent within a vicinity of each other XD. You were definitely a lot "younger", and very different. I don't remember it well, but I know I felt that feeling. You've grown a lot, as my student in some ways, and as my friend. ANd, definitely. To the future!!! ((I'd drink to that but I don't drink.)) I can only hope I have XD. If I inspired someone to anything, Well that would make all this I do, quite worth it. No problem Man. You're a swell dude and a great friend. You mean a loooot to me.~ It's fine, I like silly nicknames! ((clearly.)) Maybe, that little thing called Fate. As I said before in my little spiel to Rose, I don't really believe in fate, but, there's those times where I just can't help it XD. I'd chalk such a thing up to that. Like... you just decided for me that we were friends. It was pretty strange at first, but yea, I'm glaaaad you did lol.
  6. Well... that was a 6000th post and a half... XD But yea, thanks Reborn. THanks fro the good times you've given me. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20358#entry496720

  7. I kinda noticed a few other folks doing this when they hit milestone numbers, so... I figured well what the hell. Now... I'm not really the most sentimental of folks, but ... well maybe I am XD. But, I've been here oh what... 2 years going on three? Around that much. I'm still rather happy I found this place. While it was after my bout with a beast called depression. Well, it still was a place that allowed me to grow as a person. Here, I've met many great folks. Many Many good people that have really helped my to love who I am and what I am. I've always had trouble actually liking myself. I still do at times. But, I like more of me then I once did. ((though it's very easy to beat the very high record of nothing at all lol.)) Basically, I've met some wonderful folks over the time and... y'all mean a lot to me. I think I can easily say that some of the greatest people I've ever met and some of my closest friends come from this silly little place. XD. Now, I don't have the space to do one for every single person and, the order of which these are in is coincidental. It's just whoever comes to mind first. This will probably be overly detailed on some, and not so much on others, but it doesn't mean that I like ya any less. Some people are just easier to sum up then others I suppose. Anyway, without further ado... I shall get to them. And, finally to Reborn. You are my home, my haven. You and the people that make you up are one of the best things to happen to me. This place is like... no real other for me. All of you are special to me because in your own small part you all make up this community. You great something greater than the sum of it's parts. This wonderful community. Thank you for that. Thank you for giving me a place to call home. There's a nickname I have. Lupo Di Fulmine. It means wolf of lightning. It comes from another group, but the symbolism is still there. There is a reason I like wolves and dogs so much etc. Cuase for the longest time in my life, I was all alone. I was that love wolf, that had no family to call his own, no place to belong. He wandered the world with fur to keep himself warm... but nothing to keep his soul warm. He was all alone. For a long time he fought all alone. He battled beasts and shadowy demons. They have many names, and many of them still linger, forever affecting him. But, it's not sad. For he has finally found his home. This place is my home. It's is why I'm not alone anymore in this world. So... thanks for that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Reborn. And, have a wonderful day~
  8. It's more or less got it's use cases etc... playing is how we'll figure it out XD
  9. I dunno we'll see, but yea his... Ult looks so lacklustre. It's not going to stop an assassin from slaying your whole team, or from burst. However, that's probably the point so that it has a different use case than other invuln Ults or abilities. It's to be used for diving, or fight you know are happening around say Baron or Dragon. It allows him to really start up a fight by giving a window from his team to be Invuln and do things for the intervening time. Unlike Kindred ult it's not as reactive, as that Ult is a counterplay, This Ult is more in between a reactive defensive play and a soft initiation tool. As Taric can use this for incoming damage or CC he knows will be coming ahead of time ((with... really good timing required of course.)) Of, he can sue it to protect his initiator as they go in. Like he makes any Diver super happy as they are invuln in the backline for a few seconds. Taric can even wade back there with them and help to smash enemies and Heal the ever living hell out of that diver as well. ((especially depending on how the Q stacks work... think they are just over time but I have no bloody idea cause it's not clear at all. Anyway... while his ult has similarities to both Bard ult and Kindred Ult... it's more like Kayle's Ult but team wide. It can be used for both Defensive reactive plays, and to gain reach on an aggressive plays into the enemy backline. Basically, Taric's ult trades a lot of Overall power for a lot of versatility that he can hand to his team by making them have a few seconds they are invuln. Which considering how impactful Kayle ult is, if this manages to go off... it's possibly 5 times that. Well I'm bummed we are getting yet another "This ult makes you and possibly others or things invuln" ults, it's strategically quite different then the others so I'm not disappointed entirely by it. It'll have it's interesting niches I'm sure. Also DD that can be said about literally 100% of all Invuln abilities other than the delay. Well, kinda. But it's soemthing we've yet to see in a lot of action so it's hard to judge. I'm thinking it's better than it looks. I mean... making 5 people invuln in the middle of a Baron fight seems like a big deal imo XD. Also... we all know Riot wants him to be support... to the point they will probably rigidly force the role onto him. I dunno how I feel about the E in top though... just because my lord hitting that thing would be a fucking nightmare on anyone with mobility due to it's delay and how telegraphed it is. Like if you can't see that ability... you're blind XD> But, yea I can imagine him being a real Tahm Kench like character, super util top laner jsut since he gets a lot of his damage through his passive and his E alone((and probably not near as annoying as that catfish bastard...)). His W and Q still do "damage" as they proc his Passive for two more fast hits ((that scale separately of the skills.)) and his W gives him free armour in a lane dominated by Physical Champs. Oh he also scale off Armour... like... you can stack the shit out of it, be tanky and still get damage out of the deal. ((something tells me the nerf on Iceborn might have been 100% because of Taric since... I didn't think it was a problem item really and then suddenly... it got nerfed outta nowhere in the saaame PBE patch. Fiiiiishy if you ask me.)) I'd say Top looks like it can be a decently healthy place for him and I'll probably run it a few times. I mean... I gotta show off all my Taric skins I have for some freaking reason i can't discern. Like I got 4 different sexy Taric boys to beeeeeeeee. in short, I like his Kit mostly since his W is a little optional in the "I bond to this dude and do things" deparment. Like after figuring out what it does I'm not really too miffed by it. ((but my lord i ahve a feeling people that I whack my shield on are going to make my stun go the wrong way so many times...)) also can I jsut say how I love that his W is basically Kalista Passive take 2? Like it has a similar idea in making you stronger when near connected to someone, but it has the upside that you can CHANGE WHO IT'S ON THROUGH-OUT THE GAAAAAME. I just think it's bloody hilarious lol. Basically... "Oh, ADC wnats to do that? Naaaa, that choice should be permanent. But, Support, he should be allowed to change at will! ((as far as CD permits.))"
  10. Just a small reminder that I decided to put out a questionnaire that goes with Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past. I'd love for thsoe that have read it to go through it XD It'd be super helpful and really lemme see what's going on in regards to certain areas I'd really like to know about. Here, have a link to it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366&page=2#entry496358

  11. Can I just say I love how half of A. Sol's qoutes are all about being a snarky butt and then he jsut has this line as one of his movement lines. "Love is as real a force as gravity. Try it once in a while." It's juuuuuuuuuuuuuust, I love how out of the blue it feels on him considering the rest of what he says etc... but I think it's probably my favourite line in League XD. It's jsut a real nice line... and I didn't expect it out of a Giant Sassy Star Dragon, that's for sure.
  12. "Love is as real a force as gravity. Try it once in a while." -Aurelion Sol

    1. Ironbound


      I don't get the reference, but does it imply that we have a choice to not try gravity if we choose?

      Sign me up! I want to levitate right now!

  13. Noooope. Wait... what? SPine... I think I've gone crazy dude.
  14. lol, Just for you Zephy. Juuuuuust for you~. Where Micky hiding at now? Geeeet back here birthday booooy.
  15. maaaaaaaaan, I was going to do my special mooooove again. But She'll be back... I know it.
  16. Nooooooope it's me. But... I bet Spine will be next. Eeeeeeeeeeh? EHHHHH?
  17. Well,, when you do, be sure to tell me what you thought etc. I'd love to know what you thought. But, no worries and no rush. It's not like it's going to disappear anytime soon XD.
  18. No proooooblem~ get to it when you get to it.. Just really got that curious itch and wanna scratch it ya know lol? Nice to see somebody is going for it XD. Hope to see some more as well XD> It'd be really fun~
  19. Happy birthday good sir! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave a goodun'. Enjoy tht adulthood. ((honestly... I'm 21 and I still don't really feel any different even now sooooo....))
  20. So, I made a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ol' questionnaire form Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past. FOr those that have read it, or those that plan on reading it, Pleeeease. Fill it out! It'd be suuuuper helpful for me and really help me out a bunch. Thank you for your time if you do put anything into it~ Have a link: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366&page=2#entry496358

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Dude... I know from direct experience that lack of feedback is a tragedy for every writer, so I definitely sympathize with you on that... But aren't you going a little overboard?

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na. I'm honestly reeeeally curious on certain things XD. SO I wanted to ask some questions. Not really a feedback driven decision.

  21. Just cause I'm curious... and would like to see what people are thinking, I've been thinking of doing a questionnaire on Heartless, and... despite the fact no one will probably ever take the time to fill this out... eh.... I'm doing it anyway. I feel like picking your guys brains and seeing what you think of stuff. So, I'm going to write up a few question here ((and maybe add a poll for some of the more interesting things.)) Question 1: Which character is your favourite so far and why are they your favourite? Question 2: Who is your least favourite character so far and why? Question 3: Which Chapter ((of the current written ones)) is your favourite, and why? Question 4: Which Chapter is your least favourite and why? Question 5: What character would you like to see more of, and why? Question 6: What in this world would you like to learn more about, and why? Question 7: What do you think of the dynamic between Ivo and Astor? Does it feel interesting, real etc? Question 8: What do you think of my Writing style in general? What do you think it does well, not so well etc...? Question 9: What do you think I can improve on in coming chapters? Question 10: What would you like to see in the future? ((basically, where would you like to see the story head.)) Question 11: If a character were to die... who do you think it would be? Why? Question 12: Which character is the most interesting to you? ((doesn't need to be your favourite, though it very well could be.)) Question 13: Which character is the least interesting to you? Question 14: What do you like most about the setting? ((I know it's probably a bit sparse at the mooooment... but I'd still lvoe to know what you think.)) Question 15: What do you like least about the setting? Question 16: In Chapter 5, I shifted the perspective from Ivo and Astor to a different character, did this feel unwelcome, or was it a welcome change of pace? ((Please, if you do answer this one, explain thoroughly. No single words, or one liners lol.)) Question 17: What character do you consider to be the main protagonist? Why? ((acceptable answer is possibly one than character.)) Question 18: Do you think I'm rolling out updates to slowly, or do you feel they are decently paced, or somewhere in-between? Question 19: ((Moreso for funsies, feel free to skip.)), Have you read Dream on Another Shore? a.k.a, my other CW forum project. If so, briefly... what did you think of it?
  22. Okay... who got Star Dragon on my desktop?
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