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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I'm actually doing one on the First few books for the Dresden Files ((I got most of it worked up I jsut wanted to make sure about he category thing. lol. It's one of my favourite series I need to get onto reading more. Honestly though The D FIles should be under the category of Detective Novels, since... that's what it is XD. Like at it's core it is a Detective story that happens to have super natrual and Fantasy elements worked in. SO, it'd more be Mystery ((which, yes Detective Novels are mystery but really their own subset as it's got a lot of it's own genre tropes etc... so I'd almsot say the category should be changed to Mystery and Detective since... well I think Detective Novels are big enough a difference to at least warrent a mention in the category name, buuuut that's me XD>)) Either way, The Dresden Files are foremost a Mystery series, supernatural and fantasy second. The elements do add a lot to the sotry but they play more backseat to the overall all detective shenanigans and the cases. Also... how does recommending books within a series go? Does one do the whole series... or each individual book? Also, an entry for Historical Fiction. The Killer Angels - Mike Shaara This is a piece of well American literature that follows a dramatization of the Battle of Gettysburg what is widely considered the turning point of the war. While it does draw from a lot of Historical fact, a lot of it is romanticized or written in a way to give it a story arc etc... It flips between both the Confederate Sides and the Union giving us views into both sides of the conflict. We see the struggles they face from the common infantry up to the high ranking officers who all make their appearances throughout. It goes through all 4 grueling days of the battle and hits most of the major notes within it. It covers all the way up until the High Water Mark of the Confederacy and even a bit afterwards. It is a well detailed account of the events and even still hailed as one of the most realistic and believable Historical novels of all time. If you have any interest in American history it's worth the read. Some fun facts((can ignore these for the post... I just wanted to include them.)): The Firefly series Creator Joss Whedon strictly stated that this Book was an inspiration for the series. The final episode of the first and only season, Objects in Space" even pays homage to this fact. The Killer Angels was the source of the Screenplay for the 1993 film Gettysburg. In fact, a lot of the books dialog was used for the script and quite a lot of it remained intact.
  2. Also as an aside I forgot to mention in the above post I've played Sol 2 days now and he's... getting really close to being one of my highest mastery champs ((since my overall mastery levels are low since I stopped playing when the system launched lol.)) He just hit level 3, putting him as my 6th highest lol.
  3. One wonders perhaps, what is a dream? Is it merely a flashing of images, things within your mind that play themselves out in a random order, a phantom of memories. A puppet on a lonely string, dancing poorly in the pale moonlight. It's only a shadow of it's former self, an apparition of things long past, long dead. The husks of memories long laid to rest, risen again to haunt the mind. Perhaps, it is not that. Perhaps, it is the cycling of a mind to fit together the pieces of a day. To remember, to store. They say the mind goes into an overdrive when you're sleeping. Of course... this they is about as real as this dream. So... they could be credible... right? Either way, the cogs turn. The Puzzle pieces fall together. They snuggle against one another in a warm embrace locking arms. Of course, what's not important falls through the cracks, never to be seen again. To rot within the darker recesses of the mind, forgotten and alone. But, the lucky few that survive are made a part of something greater. A Collective mind, a whole being. Though... how whole is it really? Who's to say that bad memories don't get stuck in the works? A shoddy system it seems to be. Perhaps, it's an idle mind's form of entertainment. A pastime to waste away the hours of dark slumber. Something to occupy the mind as it rests in darkness. Stories of fantasy, bravery, whatever the mind dares wander to. After all, the mind can reasonably come up with anything it knew. Anything it had once idly heard in state of awareness to use to pass the time, now, in the blackness of sleep. Stars dance, a rapid fever pitch as they swing back and forth. A bold hero stands against evil. A single soul against wast evils. Elsewhere, a woman prepares a blade for another would-be hero. She decided to take her father's place since he had no living heir. Yet, within another town over, a Dragon razed ti to the ground. Not a hero was around from the battle. The Villagers fought tooth and nail, and eventually, they won. But, not without great loss. A single person sat amoungst a pile of the slain. Crimson stained the world, at least for them. They were merely a child... clinging to the hands of their parents, begging them not to go. A Beginning... A Misfortune that would one day, be paid back in the prevention of something like this. Perhaps a dream is none of that. Perhaps, it truly is the pursuit of a noble goal. The want to strive for greatness of some sort. To grab hold of destiny and tear it from the heavens. To take control of one's thread on the loom of that fickle thing called Fate. Her threads ever tangled in a web of chaos and darkness that was this world. But, for jsut a moment, one could grasp that thread on the loom an d change it's direction, push it into a new road. Perhaps that is a dream. Perhaps, a dream is all of these... or perhaps... none of them. It's impossible to know, hard to tell. For a dream, well... we have yet to answer the question and we never truly can. The question you ask? It's a simple one. Perhaps... the easiest one... and yet the hardest to answer. Because... what be a dream? If you asked me, I'd say much different then one who stood next to me. For each of us... our interpretation is not wrong and yet... it's not right either. For, what is a dream? It could be nothing, but it also, could be something. Often we describe dreams as fantasy, folly, the thoughts of a mad man only with given context no one will listen to. Maybe those dreams pushed one towards greatness; towards a discovery. However... when that happened... it ceased to be a dream. It became real. So... was it ever a dream in the first place, or just something we were too blind or too ignorant to see until then? Who knows? We may never know, we may never understand. Perhaps, somethings are meant to be just out of our grasp, for us to never be able to train a light on. Perhaps... a dream is what you make it.
  4. I think I'm jsut going to sleep the rest of today... that sounds... useful... *dies of meme poisoning*

    1. Despair Syndrome

      Despair Syndrome

      Every year, thousands of internet users submit to Meme Poisoning.

    2. Shamitako
    3. Anvilicious


      Oh dear. *googles the number for poison control and only finds pictures of John Cena*

  5. Is this.... MEMES?

    1. Ironbound


      Looks like someone used Dazzling Meme, and it was Super Effective...

  6. Well, I'm going to regret this.

  7. Yea, a lot of the crew isn't so fnd of the whole... April Fool's thing. ((and I don't blame them since... doing that for the people we want to play our game... and burning that trust... feels like a shitty thing to do. Personally, I don't mind April Fools stuff in if's in good fun etc... so I'm rather impartial, but I know what a lot of them and just folks in general don't really like the thing. It's really messes with perceptions of trust etc...)) So, call us lame... but we'd rather not kinda take the piss of the thing we're jsut starting to build. It's not the right move for us really. XD So, that's why.
  8. Soooooooo... Acquie I'm not sure if Rein is right or left handed so... I just went with right... if she is left-handed though just lemme know. I'll change my post to reflect that. Just wasn't sure and would like it to be accurate. ((Drake was definitely close enough to see which arm she punched with so... I'd like to make sure it's the correct one in my post lol.)) also... Emberly really is 6'3". ((I think that's her canon height anyway... I can never remember if it's 6'3" or 6'2:... either way she's freaking tall.)) she's about as big as her personality lololololol. ((also... what are earth are those symbols next to my name in the Accepted characters part? I'm jsut... curious lolol.))
  9. Rein, Emberly, and Lee - Office Area EMberly sprang up nearly instantly from where she was sitting, a crazy feat considering how tall she was. Nearly clanged her head on the ceiling as a result. "Oh, why yes... yes you can. Sorry, sorry, I didn't see you there." Emberly tried to not look totally incompetent but she was really regretting this whole decision. She thought it'd be good to get a teacher to help moderate the issue between these two since... she didn't seem able to really breakthrough to them herself. To be fair... she didn't really try much either. Neither one seemed to be the reasonable type to her so she wasn't sure there was a lot of headway she could've gained. However, she was one of the older students here she felt obligated to take some responsibility. Older, and taller. She nearly crashed her head into the doorway coming in, but luckily she caught it beforehand. Being 6'3" she was a giant compared to most people her age. So much so that... not really any doors were built in a way that she could easily access them. She always had to dip down to enter otherwise she'd whack her head against the door frame. She had enough bruises there to know she didn't want anymore. "But, yes. Miss uh... Lucille... Miss Katherine... Look I'm nooot sure if you're the same age as me it's... really coooonfusing... uuuuuh cause... I'm older than most of the other girls... well you're off to a great start Drake..." Emberly said to herself sighing. She was a bit flustered... she didn't even know why. It was probably because she was spacing out for a bit and didn't anticipate such a quick arrival. She thought she'd be waiting here a lot longer. "*AHEM*" she cleared her throat, really it was a way to reset her nerves. It nearly always worked for her. It worked once more dispelling most of her jitters, at least... for now. "Yes, you can help. I'm not really sure but these two here were having a bit of an argument when I found them, and by that I mean it waaas physical. I didn't really know what to do, soooooo I brought them here! However, I know nothing about either of them. I don't even know their names! Soooooo... yeeeeeeea. Needless to say... I am a biiiiiiit over my head here, which if I'm in over my head, it must be a big problem considering I'm the size of a small skyscraper." Drake joked to to kill some of the tension. It worked for her... probably not the others, but who knew? She hoped it did. "I just... would rather find some help to sort this out then mess up myself. Hopefully that's not... too much of an issue. I don't even know what this little spat was about... I only saw the aftermath. Which... I gotta say... you've got a KIIIIIILLER right hook. Teach me sometime?" Drake said to one of the two. Sadly, she had no idea what her name was... or the other girl's name either. "Uuuuuh... I mean... Let's get this solved. Yes? Yes."
  10. Yea that was a Mid lane game was against the Leblanc. Not... sure how she didn't destroy me in lane since her W gives her easy access to me ((inside my star loop.)) though I did just go mid to clear and then used my E to roam and get kills at objectives etc... so I suppose that's why she didn't wreck me... that and I was tanky so it was harder for her to shred me super easy. Oops? ((this time from Top... against a Nasus.... who built armoooour... for... some reason. Oh wait. I mean a Draaaaaaaaaaven that built armour. I was also... palying Draaaaaaaaaaaaaaven. So, was everyone else... cause... clearly we Draven mains up in here.))
  11. Not bad for my first Sol game I don't think. Just picked him up today since his price dropped ((and the amount of people playing him.)) and this was from Top Lane, not Mid jsut as a word of warning. It was... interesting at the least lol. Probably will pick him up and play him more since I really liked how he worked. ((should also mention that 1 of those deaths was me trying to fuck around and get a giant star into their fountian... but... firing it the wrong direction and getting really sad lololol))
  12. Sooooo... can someone explain to me what's... happening... in the scene Emberly is in? Cause reading it I got really lost and wsan't sure what was happening...
  13. Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello, Count Heinrich Contiello, Lord Cyllis, Redeemer Riika, Father Babble, Barbara, Iidrra, Look, a lot of people ok? Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM "It is not so much that. It is more,,, that unless I met another like me no one will truly understand what I am going through." Riika was fine with most of the ones here. Though, they wouldn't say that any of them here were fast friends. Riika sighed knowing that. "Furthermore, who here could understand not knowing who you once were? Having everything you once knew be lost? My memories are out there. I had a life that existed before this one, it's just beyond me. I know it was there and can still feel flashes of it. But, it's far away... drowned at the bottom of a vast and endless sea." Somewhere in the Waterways, Near the Lake of Miracles Argentum swam quickly down the channels. Being a dragon that was used to water he could see perfectly within it. His eyes had special membranes to keep the water from harming them in anyway, a second transparent eyelid. It made searching for the many treasures down here quite a bit easier as he could tell of their quality just by looking at them. Dues had a uncanny sense for treasure, for judging what they were. So, far he wasn't having any luck. He swam past countless baubles and trinkets lost within the Waterways, not really finding too much of interest. He saw a brilliant emerald sitting in the waterbed "Too green... disgusting." he kept swimming around spying other things that would be treasures to mere mortals, but to him were worthless doodads. Countless necklaces, rings, jewelry of all kinds. Lavish silverware. "Ooooooh... how frighteningly tacky these beings are." Argentum's mood was rapidly declining. He'd decided to do this to lift his spirits not dampen them. He wasn't sure if he was enjoying himself at all, he wanted to find something that wasn't part of the filth here but it's all he turned up for now. That was until a glint caught his eye. A Golden Gleam. His huge body came to an immediate stop at the sight. It could be, another disappointment, but... something told him otherwise. "Where are you hiding little treasure? Come, to Argentum Dues. He will treat you with the utmost of care." he said to it... almost lovingly. It was sweet, but...really creepy if you knew what he was saying it too. He dug around in the filth at the bottom of the Waterway until he felt his hand hit something. It was definitely a precious metal by the composition, probably gold, like the glint of light suggested. He felt around until he found a chain, and he promptly looped his finger into it. He saw it lethargically sail upwards, anchored to what would be his index finger. It was rather small, clearly meant for a mortal's neck. It was octagonal in shape. "Huh? An exceedingly rare shape amongst mortals for their trinkets. Though... it is a perfect number. Perhaps it's too... perfect for them." he said thinking out loud. Suddenly, he recognized a trace amount of magic coming from the Medallion in his hand. He spiked out of the water going directly up. If there was magic it'd be easier to discern out of the water and in the air. Air interfered much less. He inspected the Medallion much more closely now, turning it over and seeing the Ruby. He definitely knew the magical source was coming from here, but he wasn't sure of what it was. "Ruby... blood. Probably not... Wealth and prosperity. Humans like that... they'd probably have a charm for it. No... this magical signature is too complex for something that simple and frivolous." He tried to discern the magic by using the clues he had at his disposal. But, he honestly wasn't sure. This magic felt... odd. Not like Normal Magic... it was interesting. "Some say Rubies have a special tie to the heart... the energies that flow with it. It is often associated with Fire. But... none of these things feel correct. Hmmmmmm, what could be the meaning of this? I'm... intrigued. Twinkle, twinkle, little star... oh how I wonder what you are." Regent and Hasslehoof. Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. Approximately 3:05 PM Hasslehoof took the slow approach. He dodged out of the way and allowed his opponent to regain himself. Hasslehoof was one who won quite a few of his matches by endurance... waiting out his opponent through his superior stamina. However, he did take the offensive when he had sufficient information. For now he'd try reading how the Drake decided to combat him. He watched every movement carefully even while he danced like a madman. "Hmmm, nice try. Better luck next time." he taunted, seeing if it would get a response from his opponent. It was good to try and find their weaknesses what would get them emotional. So, he was pushing buttons wherever he could. He was bound to find something he could leverage.
  14. I think I still have it, but word of warning... I'd ahve 0 clue what I would be doing if I did XD>
  15. I mean when you Solo-kill the enemy Jungler since he accidentlky bumped into you transistioning Top... and jsut wreck his soul at like 6 minutes into the game... before you even have Ult.
  16. Don't ask me... XD. I don't know why they have Exhaust. I'm not going to question it either. All I know is My Malphite seems to be pretty effective.
  17. Well... I got an S rank on League finally. I can die happy.

    1. Shadow Sketches

      Shadow Sketches

      If you want S's just play support, I'm pretty sure they get them easier.

    2. Felicity


      I mean, I had two S's and two chests before the first couple of days of hextech craftin passed by and I main support.

    3. AeroWraith


      I've sadly gotten S's due to just one of the enemy team members gettin super salty >>''

  18. Not like anything crazy maybe but... it's my First S eveeeeeeeeeeer. FINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY!!! Also... i should probably play Malphite more... I been doing... well on him of late. Like... He honestly is a character I probably don't play enough XD.
  19. ...I'm judging all of you.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Not that anyone cares... cause I'm jsut some butt no one likes~

    2. Maelstrom


      Who doesn't like the Kingpin?

  20. Don't worry buddy, he forgot I existed too But yea this thing has given us... so much trouble trying to make it not completely terrible ((which is hard to do when you're workin' with so many mons etc...)) I think it'll fair a tad bit better than our Canon Rock/Ice as it's imo... a lot easier to support properly. Just as an aside,,, I once worked on a Custom ability called "Diamond Skin" that gave an immunity to Fighting Type moves, and did think about possibly giving to something I miiiiight... have put in the project at one point, but I ended up scrapping the idea entirely. I didn't really like it's concept and it felt like a lame excuse to just tack on an immunity to something etc... It didn't feel like a good mon and I wasn't very proud of it XD. So I just scrapped it. Another Rock Type eventually took it's place, one... that I'm immensely proud of and hope to reveal at some point cause I love the little thing. ((I don't think has been yet... but I've not been checking in here that much recently been diligently working on stuffs.))
  21. Is anything preventing things from going in more than one category?
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