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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. You know... once I was afraid of the Dark. However... I think now it's a part of me. Night... I've always liked it more than day time. The stars were always so pretty. I wish I could just... stare up at them... all day. Just get lost in them. Perhaps I can on a sleepless night...

  2. I'll have to try to write up some... However... you're going to make me wish I had the ability to pick up all of these... and I'm broke. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan....
  3. I don't think I need to say this out loud but.... eh I will ((and I'm typing it so I guess it kinda doesn't count.)) Look... I don't normally do this... to me... it feels a little strange. I like when I say these things, that they mean something... I usually save it for in-person but with a lot of you internet friends... I just can't do it. ((No matter how I wish I could.)) So, I guess here goes nothin'. I love you man lol. You're one of the greatest friends I could've ever asked for. You're a person I rely on, that I trust with all my heart. We've spent more than enough time in calls and what not XD. You've helped me to become a better person, to start to get over my social anxiety... to grow. You've listened to me on days were I've needed it, where i was feelin' down... lonely... like the World was ending. And, I've done the same for you. Or, at least... I hope I've done as much as I could... if I helped even a fraction of the amount you've done for me. You're a great person... one I respect with all of me that I got. Very few really deserve that respect from me ((not saying I'm special... jsut that I don't respect just anybody.)) I'm prund to say that I know you, proud to say that we are at least somewhat close... if not very lol. ((though I personally think at this point it's the latter.)). You are someone... that has helped me, be a better me. Helped me quell the demons and my own self-doubt. The things that really hold me back. And eh... I still struggle with it... but witohut you I'd not be as far on my path as I am today. I'd not love myself as I do now. Of course... many have helped me along my road. But, one one that's done a significant amount. Not just a nudge... you push me to be a better person. Of course... you don't force me to... least not in a bad way... but you help me to better myself. To love who I am, to be proud... of it. And that means so much to me. Soooo damn much. So, have a wonderful day...You vagabond, You Ne'er-do-well, You Insufferable bastard.~ My precious friend. Have a wonderful day.~ So... Happy Birthday fren,~ make it one to remember. Or don't! That's up to you lol.
  4. "I'll watch them writhe... after all... Mortals are my playthings. Paranoia is after all... so tasty... it's almost... intoxicating. Heh... hehheh... HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEH." - ???

    1. Hiss13


      I read Mortals as Moltres at first...

  5. ((by the way Murdoc... I am working on your post... I just forgot about it since I got busy as hell. I apologize and will be trying to get it up when I can. For now, PLOT ADVANCEMENT!!! FINALLY!!!)) Heart of the Castle. 1st Day, of the First Month of the Year of Rebirth, ?:?? P.M. Azegeor took a deep breath or... he would've if he had lungs. It was,,, the Beginning of the End. The End, of the Beginning. Fate... was the only thing that held the strings in it's hands now. The Weaver of Tangled Webs... would she be favourable to his cause? The World... knew not. "Tempest..." "Yeeeeeees, Aze-chan?" "Be as the wind." "Right~" She saluted before disappearing from sight, she changed the air in her body to resemble soemthing else, the still air. [skill: Alter Air] nothing was left but a faint shimmer. It was nearly invisible to the eye. Azegeor himself could only pin-point it because he had watched her from vanish. He knew as soon as he took his eyes of her, he'd lose sight. But... he didn't need to now where she was... His enemies did. But first, he had to break into the Heart. He'd try the "Innocent but came to check on the matter" approach. Hopefully, it'd work. He moved his hand to the giant knocker on the door. He grabbed it and slammed it three times.. indicating a Court Wizard. He cleared his throat... metaphorically... he couldn't actually do it, but he still made the sound as if he could. Old habits... still he acted as if he was still human at times. Even after all these years. This long brutal years. "Ahem. Is Commander Gale here what's going on? I came to check where he was an then I found my Alarm spell tripped and... well the Aftermath. What is happening?" On the other side of the door Gale heard this, as he picked splinters from his wounds and coughed up blood. Crimson pools all around him. "Azegeor, it's not safe there's an attacker! Flee, run!" "No, I must serve my Lord! You know this Gale! Open these doors." "You're... you're right. Men, let him in! The Wizard should be able to help. Besides the attacker seems to have fled." All, too easy. Azegeor had to stifle a laugh. Gale... was too naive. His heart too big, his sense of honor, his love of duty would be his undoing. The Bar on the door was lifted and the doors loudly clanked open. They creaked and moaned, a chorus of the damned. It would be the final call the guards would hear. It was the World's warning that something wasn't right and that they were handing their life threads away. But, they couldn't divine that simple a call. Fate... was too subtle that day. She had not giving them ample enough a warning, or at least, they weren't intelligent enough to notice it. They snipped their own threads in their ignorance. Azegeor strode in, the invisible Tempest beside him. He walked up to the bleeding Gale, who had barely manage to stand up. Gale noticed the look in his eyes too late, the hardened resolve of a man about to kill. The recognition noticeable in his words "Azegeor, what are you doing?" "Ending you're service to the Throne." With these words Azegeor shoved his hand through Gale's chest and grasped his heart. It phased through his rib-cage and past all his other organs, it was only solid against his heart. He felt the boney fingers grasping his aorta. They burned, with magic that only effected the heart, the concept of the Heart... The culmination of one's Soul. "Why? I thought... I thought you were my friend." Gale screamed. Confusion in his eyes. He couldn't fight back, his arm a pitiful mess, his legs both broken. Now, the adrenaline was gone... he could feel every inch of pain within his body. He could feel how broken he was. He couldn't kick, he couldn't punch... he couldn't even bite. He couldn't defend himself. He felt his very spirit being crushed under the weight of Azegeor's fingers. "Anyone who blindly follows a Madman, follows him willingly... is garbage. You may not even call yourself my equal, let alone my friend. Die!!! WINGED VERMIN!!! BE GONE FROM MY SIGHT!!! YOU DISGUST ME!!!" and with that, Gale's Heart... his very Soul collapsed as it was crushed in Azegeor's hand. { Activated: Heartstopper Grasp.((aside, this isn't an instant kill... remember Gale was already pretty horribly injured from the Explosion earlier.)) } A spectacular shower of blood stained Azegeor's own chest, and his hand. He was awash in crimson, the lifeblood of another. He felt disgusting. Having that pitiful vermin's blood on him. It was like being covered in filth... something less than filth. He'd spit if he could, vomit even. The two guards that opened the door gasped, but... couldn't move. They weakly clinged to their spears, but they both knew they were doomed. A man who did that to their Commander... they stood no chance. Azegeor didn't even look at them. They were disgusting. He wouldn't deal with another piece of living garbage. He barked "Tempest! End them..." as he trudged forward. "I'd be happy to Aze-chaaaan~" her reply as she quickly got to work. Azegeor didn't even watch. He walked forward... past the Heart. The ever beating Heart. It thrummed with energy, even the Castle was anticipating the Battle to come. "Heheheheh.... HEHEHEHEHEHEH, BWHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Azegeor stared at the mad man, who was cackling on his throne. He didn't even address the vile pitiful shadow of the once great Lord Solomon. He was... someone else now. Someone, he wouldn't use precious words on. "I knew you would come. Welcome... Usurper." Azegeor only stared at the Mad Man. "Whaaaaat? Cat got your tongue Usurper? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU DON"T EVEN HAVE ONE!!!! IT'S FUNNY!!! Not going to Laugh huh...? Well then... let's get to business shall we? if it's serious you want... Serious I'll be... Usurper..." The Shadow that was once Solomon stood up from his chair. He pulled from behind his throne a withered and old staff, made from Dogwood. "Shall we?" Twilight shined through the stained glass windows that sat in the alcove behind the throne. it bathed the room in a soft glow. Many different colours bathed the area in a radical display. "It's time... to end your Tyranny. To try you for your sins. You are not Solomon... you're only a hollow husk pretending to be a Lord." "You're right... Solomon is dead. My name... is Panic. Don't you remember me... Azegeor? Or... should I call you...Theodore? Maybe you remember that name... Heh... hehheh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!" *****************************
  6. Okay... so I jsut watched episode of 1 of Erased. THat shit escalated quickly... also... I can;t believe I only heard about this two DAYS AGO XD... well... at least I can binge watch it all at this point... or a lot of it anyway.

  7. Well I'm not, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT... once I get this out of Castle Dour I think I'm going to open it up again for a short window. I'd still make you're character so I can give it a gander ahead of time though even if I don't end up opening up the sign-ups. ((oh and by the way, events in the world can effect the sort of characters you can make. For instance... once Dour is open... you can play a creature who never was from Dour, or has no idea what it is XD.))
  8. I like who I am. The Idealist who hates Ideals, the Hopeless Romantic who hates romanticism. A hapless Hypocrite, the Jaded man who wears rose tinted glasses. The Knight in Sour Armour... Constantly in struggle with the fact that I hate everything I believe in... and yet I do anyway. It's just who I am. I probably only make it sound good cause I know a lot of words, and can put them together in nice pretty arrangements lol. But yea, I'm just a biiiiiiig ol' goof. But... I love tha...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *But... I love that about me I suppose. Makes me who I am... what I am.

    2. NickCrash


      I suppose you are being skeptical of your ideals and I'll guess it's around their implementation or how the world sees them that holds you back.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's more I jsut hate myself. I'll admit that XD.

  9. You know... I kinda want to release a questionaire type deal for Requiem... but I ahve that sinking feeling if I do, no one will take the time to fill it out. So, not sure it's worth my time to be honest XD>

  10. SInce I released the Chapter pretty late last night, I'm going to drop the Link again. This... well it's probably the happiest I've ever been with a Chapter XD. I enjoyed writing it and I really think for once I did a solid job. So... I'd be happy if people stopped by the thread for REquiem and gave it a small peek. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

    1. Noir


      I've actually checked this out in the past, so while I don't remember all that much form past chapters while reading your newest, it's looking to be great in its progress.

  11. 46. The True Dream Team strikes again. Get dunked on kids. ;P
  12. I'll say hello as well, but I'm not going to pretend like I didn't know these things etc from talking to you the times I have. And trust me, my demons maybe a lot different, but... if you're a Monster I'm easily one as well. However, I'd rather not make this a "I'm more horrible a person than you" contest since... well I'm trying to love myself and that's not really construtive when I'm trying to be a better person for my own sake XD. But, do know this, what a monster is etc... is by the definittion of one's own perspective. In my eyes, you're not one, I'm not one. A monster... is not something many people ever are. Because... even those of us that have done terrible things, that human side still exists. They still cared about something, someone... some ideal something, that would hold that spark of humanity within them. We cannot dehumanize a human.. it's actually impossible. Because deep down, we are always human. We may be flawed, we may be broken... but we're always human. There's no if, ands, or buts about that fact. We all are human. In myth, you'd be correct. Monsters really are the reflection of humanity's more disgusting sides, but... there are also good monsters, things that represent our goodness, our ideals as well. There are monsters that are pure and the epitome of humnaitie's ideals. It's not a one sided coin. Myth represents both our good sides and our bad. So, Monster, human... who cares? You're a Person. All that counts. At least, to me. Keep on keeping on. You do you. I'll do me. Walk the path you see fit. For, that's all we can do in this life. With love, Hukuna Sensei. P.S.: really, I mean the things I say. Keep that head up.
  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! new chapter! ANyway, it's pretty nice to have gotten the time to write this... thinking this is one of my favourties chapters of soemthing I've written in awhile. I just really like this one personally. It feels like I did a pretty good job on it. I honestly have no earthly idea, but eh... I feel like I did pretty well for a change. Anyway, feel free to discuss! ((and of course give me some criticism.)) Oh and for those that have been reading my stuff ((or playing in it for that matter.)) back since the Original Graterras days... well I got a little treat for you. I hope you enjoy it XD>
  14. I have now... finally released Chatper 5 of Requiem of Ages Past. Forgive me for... getting really behind on it. I kinda feel like I let down any of the readers pretty hard by doing so, hope you can forgive me for such. ANyway, I hope you enjoy the new chapter. Feel free to drop by the thread and talk to me or others about it in there as well. Thank you for your time. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

  15. I'm old... not sure about good though XD. But yea it'd be cool to have ya around Jory. Always a fun dude to RP with XD. ((least imo... probably biased cause Graterras Original.))
  16. Wasn't I waiting on Onyx anyhow? I think I was... I don't really remember but that's why I hadn't checked in awhile XD.
  17. Rule 1 of Hukuna, RP Sensei: I'll literally do whatever jsut cause I think it would be interesting. So... expect a bit of quite possibly deadly chaos lolololol. Or... just weird stuff. It's how I roll. XD.

    1. Commander


      Rule 2 is to not call him senpai if you're wondering.

  18. I meeeeeeeeeeeeean... what else hoards awesome treasure? Dragons, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. By the way, I've always planned on him being there, you just gave me a reason to make him pop out his beautiful silvery blue head. Just don't bore him, you'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~ ((good fucking luck with that though.))
  19. Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello, Count Heinrich Contiello, Lord Cyllis, Redeemer Riika, Father Babble, Barbara, Iidrra, Look, a lot of people ok? Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM "No, I am not a Cleric. At least not like any you would properly know. Unlike many of those who control the power of Faith I do not receive my powers from any entity I know. It's a mystery really how it works, but I am what is know as well, a Redeemer. They are those that draw the power of Holy magic through self-faith, believing in one's self, rather than a deity of some kind. Much about this is unknown. It's possible that in my actual life I held a deity as my patron, and that they still believe in my abilities and grant me powers. That is even despite the fact that I do not know of them or... if I ever had. The Gods work in strange ways. They are not well understood. Redeemers are understood even less than that. Our powers could come from within in actuality, or by the byproduct of some bored deity. Maybe even the product of a deity who believes in our strength to serve them even without presenting them self." Riika shifted in her seat putting their hand to their helmet. A pensive look as they considered their next words. Riika mulled them over for awhile, wondering if their explanation was good enough. They reckoned it was as good as they could do, and left it. "It's not a common thing. That much is certain. We are a rare sight in this world. Most do not have the strength of self to be a Redeemer. It is a long and lonely path, of self-reflection, self-neglect... hatred... wondering what you are, who you are. Knowing that you're an imperfect being, that must strive to be more than that. It is a razor edge, one that could easily see you falling off the side into endless despair. Not an easy path by any means." Riika somehow managed to give an air of sternness and solemnness as they said this. Without facial features, Riika only had the half the body language others did and still managed it. "But, don't weep for a Redeemer, they knew their path was a long one, a hard road. They'd have it no other way. You know, they say that one of the Nightlords was a Redeemer. The very first. The First Lady of the Night. Funny that them refer to them all as lords though a Majority have been woman. Sorry, getting sidetracked. However, despite being a Redeemer, she had the Well of Nocturne built. Maybe because she felt some sort of attachment to them, to Nocturne, but more because her people believed in Their power. Nocturne is still seen as the Patron of all monsters. The Mother of thought, the Father of Darkness. An entity that is everything, and yet nothing. Of course... Babble could probably tell you more on that. But, remember... a Redeemer... is something powerful and rare. More because of their meaning, than because of actually having more power than another. I am a Redeemer. Maybe because I have forgotten my old god's face... strayed from their light, But... I am proud to walk this path. It is not one most have the ability or the strength to. So, I walk it with my head held high." Somewhere in the Waterways, Near the Lake of Miracles The Waterways of the Castle where large and spanned quite far. After all, Castle Dour itself was massive. It was nearly a City within a building. As such it had to have an equally huge Waterway to take care of the... undesirable effects of having so many living entities under a single roof. This place was always rumoured to be haunted, and stalked by creatures more horrible than anything within the Castle. Monster that were endless cruel that had no intelligence to speak of. Nearly all of these accounts were false, though not many remembered that at this point in the Castle's lifespan. Nowadays most didn't even dare to pass further than the place that Aurora had taken for a home, the Old Training Grounds of Lord Cyllis. Even Cyllis himself never went past that point. Not out of fear, but of respect. If there was something down there... he'd rather give it's space rather than disturb it. After all, if it didn't want to be within the Castle around others, surely it wasn't something you wanted to meet. And so, there was long abandoned tunnels that snaked their ways into the earth's surface. They burrowed for miles twisting and turning every which way. Most would get lost down here... in fact pretty much anyone that dared go in recent time had never turned up again. It only added to how horrifying the place was to most. It's tunnels stank of waste and death. Not a lovely combo, believe me. One could easily get lost in the filth covered halls, succumbing to disease, starvation or... with the lack of clean drinking water, dehydration. Slow painful deaths as they got lost in the winding corridors that all looked the same. Without a map, it's be hard to navigate... hell even with one it would be. It was easy to see why people just avoided this place. However, that made it the perfect place for those that didn't like others to reside. One such being did that. A Full fledged Dragon in fact. A Serpent that swam the length of these tunnels in search of shiny trinkets and baubles that would please his eyes and adorn his lair with the shine of treasures recovered from the filth. His name... Argentum Deus. Perhaps one of the most vain creatures to live within the Castle, and one that not many knew of by name. He had lived in those halls since the Castle's beginnings, and... was around even longer than that. He was a creature that was perhaps older than known time itself. How and why he was here, unknown. But he was here. It happened to be a session of his sleep that was interrupted today. SOund carried like crazy down in the Waterways. It wasn't unknown for it to eventually drift it's way down to his Chamber, his lair, the Lake of Miracles. "WHAT IS THAT INCESSANT RACKET?" Argentum cried out as he had been trying to slumber. He had been sitting awake from about an hour now, and suddenly for the past 30 minutes some sort of clash was going on far away. His acute sense of hearing amplified the far away noise so much he couldn't get the rest he so desperately wanted. Eventually it passed, but now he couldn't sleep if he wanted to his was so riled up. "Pitiful mortals... do they not know I am a god? The nerve of them keeping me up. I should raze this pitiful rock to the ground. Luckily for them I can't do that. Besides, they don't deserve a death that grand. It is unfitting for them. They deserve to starve slowly... and go mad. How droll these mortals are. Their petty boring squabbles keeping me for the shut eye I deserve. Hush... quiet now good Argentum. Fret not. We can forget the mortals stupidity. We must search for more things within these passages. More treasures. The only good thing about Mortals, that they know how to make shiny things. Lovely shiny things. They have as little uses as mortals, but they look pretty... better than you can say for most of them. Ha... I do cut myself up sometimes." The Silvery Blue dragon talked to himself for several more minutes before he finally headed out to actually search for treasures and baubles. His long serpentine body surged into the water of his precious lake. The Water sparkled like the surface of a sapphire. Beautiful. It reflected the light of all the gold and shiny treasures that lined the walls within. The Lair of a Dragon. One wondered all the treasures that were hidden within. Either way, Argentum's body gracefully slipped into the pool of liquid sapphire and nearly disappeared in the water. He became hard to see, as he almsot blended in perfectly. He loved this felling, though he knew it leave as he got further from his layer and the water he had magically cleaned. He wasn't looking forward to getting the muck on his scales, gifts of his to this drab world, but he was more focused on getting out there to collect things. It was a form of anger management for him. Finding new bauble for his collection. So, to forgot his anger at being awoken by drab beings... he decided to go hunting. He hoped it would prove... fruitful.
  20. Forum Name: Hukuna ((this will always be in the name somewhere.)) Character Name: Emberly "Drake" Everburn Age: 18 ((June 3rd 1022)) Personality: An over the top, loud, and fiery young woman. Emberly is passionate about anything she cares about, though tends to not give a damn about other things. She is a free spirit and one that strives to be the best at things she likes. She will passionately fight to the end for the things she believes. However, she is a bit of an airhead at times. Her fiery personality and led many to likening her to a Dragon, due to how wild and strong her personality is. Physical Appearance: Emberly has Ember Orange Hair that flows all over the place. Her eyes are a deep sparkling green. She is around 6 feet tall, which is rather tall for a girl. However, the rest of her appearance highly varies. Emberly doesn't have much of a care for what she looks like, if she is presentable etc... So it is rather ramshackle at times. Line of Belief: Nonpracticing Kallistle Modifier: Elemental I think I'll also get some Emberly action back in play. Look... I like her way too much and have yet to have ample opportunity to really get her a lot of time to really mess around with her lol.
  21. Sometimes I wonder, do I actually help with the things that I say... or do I just sound like a pretentious pain in the bottom lol? I wonder if I'm too much of a hopeless romantic, and Idealist. I hate ideals, and I surely hate romance. I highly doubt I'm wise, but I dunno XD. I'm not a good judge of myself to be honest.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      As a guy who has to deal a lot with you, I can honestly say: a bit of both. For the sake of enjoying your helpful sides, I have to put up with the ones that are a pain. On the other hand, you too have to do the same with me, so in the grand scheme of things everything is balanced out :P

    2. zimvader42


      I was going to say a bit of both, like, EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET. No one's perfect Huk, you're gonna be lots of help most of the time and sometimes you're gonna annoy somebody. That's life.

      The guy above me said it first tho.

    3. Skullkin


      Ah liek yew.

  22. tfw the OP uses something you typed up as part of their OOC to describe the powers more accurately. FeelsGoodMan. Also I've gotta decide if I wanna stick with Emberly or reroll. I might reroll a character for funsies. Though I'd also like to stick with Emberly since she's not really a character in something anymore and I really love palying her. We'll see.
  23. Yea you can do whatever for now. Feeeeeel Free. It's going to be a little more obvious when shit is going down that will involve pretty much every PC. ((also, remember you're allowed to make up NPCs etc... just keeping in mind that other people can use them too.)) I'm actually going to probably write up a list of the ones that exist already and slap it somewhere for reference. Probably give a small idea of what they are like and their relations to characters already. and yea. I'm working on getting into the truly free section of the RP for you guys lol, it's jsut taking me longer than expected. I do apologize for that.
  24. Here have a 3 ((my fav number.)) the Dream Team strikes again. Oops?
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