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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Oh, the life of a hopeless romantic. Chasing after dreams and things just out of his reach. Most people would've learned by now that it's not even going to happen. But not he. Cause, if he doesn't chase dreams, who will? Who will show the world that anything is possible if you just try? How can you know something is impossible if you give up? So, is he really hopeless? Or is he just not afraid to leap into the unknown no matter the consequence? Who knows. But, better a fool that l...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lived for something, then someone who played it safe and never learned how to fly.

  2. I'm here. I've not really been the most proactive here either I'll admit. ((didn't help I had to sit on my laurels for like... a week and a half and wasn't able to do anything.)) but yea. Anyway, I'm sticking around. I'm going to at leeeeast try. I'm just a bit green to Ymora so excuse my hesitance at times lol. Even veterans can get cold feet and be a bit nervous at times in a new environment lol.
  3. I can't honestly vote on this poll... cause for one in my beliefs here and more because each option is a little too detailed. I'm not trying to be rude by the way... it's just... hear me out lol. For example, the last answer for the first question should be the first part with the second line omitted or placed as a different answer. There's a big difference between thinking that Either way is fine and good for a story and straight up bieng around to engage in different systems within the game. Something that is about the Mechanical side should be it's own poll option, not linked with the "It could be either or" one as well. Since it sends conflicting messages. Since I can be immersed either way personally. But, I'm hardly playing these games from something other than story. This leaves me with no answer that gives across what I really feel. Anyway, onto my other point as it's more important by far. It's that a game should be what that game needs to be. The game sounds dictate it's own design. One shouldn't do something because it's popular thing to do, or that they see it is widely appealing. It should be made solely for the game itself and trying to get across the message that particular game wants to send. Nothing more, nothing less. The game should be what is designed around and what it right for it. That enhances the experience immensely. The story being told etc etc... should fit together with the message the game sends, and through what lens it is told. Certain stories should be told through blank slates, while others should be told through fully fleshed out characters. Neither is the wrong or a bad approach. Heck, it totally okay to prefer one over the other. But, I feel a game should be what is meant to work there and not just preference. After all, the journey we are taking needs the current lens. If it would be heightened by being told from the viewpoint of an established character use that. DO you want the player to be more int he same boat as the protag, not knowing anything about the world around them and placing them in the shoes of a blank slate you is basically an extension of themselves projected into the world? it these things we must ask, and do. It' all a part of design. You must know what would work best with the tale you are spinning. That, is of the utmost importance. Same goes for the Fourth Wall breaking elements. DO they add, or subtract from the final product? I know that's all highly subjective in the end but that's what is important. Trying to take it from an angle where you can look at something's impact in the story and what it's purpose is. You as the writer, designer,... whatever needs to do what fits the game. Don't cripple yourself by picking the wrong type of style for it's story. Really, take a long good hard look at the narrative and figure out fro yourself "waht would be best here?" analyze the work and really understand it and give it the tools to succeed.
  4. Eeeeew.... more work... ((really though I'd go insane upkeeping that many sheets for people XD. Okay maybe I could live with it, but I probably wouldn't be happy about it. Cause I'm a butt, and prefer players be responsible for their sheets.)) I definitely get that mentality and it's kinda one I share. It's just hard to have people know you're being 100% impartial without something in place. Sadly, not much can be done with that really. It's just an inevitability of the system here. I just think we need to be clear about that fact that it's known and not hidden in there for players to suddenly realize later in a moment of fridge horror in that we could've been gaming them the whole time. Even if we weren't and it's was an unfounded revelation. If we are upfront about that, well people know how it will work and that it's a possibility. They are better informed and have that info to make the decision off of. Like honestly... this might let me finally make Recursive Stars a reality. A.k.a an RP that was Sci-fi-esque that I never got around to. Perhaps if people like it I might even adapt it to Heartless ((that depends though. I don't want to incentivize Combat too greatly over other things within Heartless. Attaching a explicit reward to it seems like it could be bad espcially since I want to foster non-combat characters as well XD.)) Really though if you need a playtester I'll gladly volunteer because I live to debug and break things. In coding it was my greatest strength ((and my fav part.)). So, poking around at stuff is my specialty XD.
  5. I mean... how would the rolling work and not be so easy to game that it wouldn't be funny? Like there's no function in this forum that allows a roll that one can easily say is legit that. I just have to as the host say the number and hope people trust me that I'm not fudging things on purpose or doing things to mess with them? ((I'm a DM that firmly believes in being open about rolls and rolling my dice where players see them.)) After all, people do and will recognize patterns even if they aren't really there and might think that I'm playing favorites etc... and what not ((especially if I have to roll for their characters in critical moments.)) The problem is, without a solid way to check for this or something that would exist within the the forums itself that can't ever lie putting the control of your character into the hosts hands and hoping they don't straight up cheat you is is a really tough thing. The problem is... they'll never be able to tell a host is doing it either. ((unless they are super obvious about it.)) Basically, it's just too easy exploit in the hosts favour and the players could never even know it's happening without some sort of function in the forum that Rolls. The other issue is yea it's more for grids and tactical based RPs. Which meeeeans... maps. I personally hate maps and espically am not fond of things like 4th edition DnD becuase well... I'd rather being palying a boardgame at that point since it's what it feels like. Now, I know I sound negative as hell... and that's cause for me it's not a system I ever see myself using. It's just too easy for players to think I'm pulling the wool over their eyes and killing of their characters or whatever cause "looool, It's fun!" without a proper system or function in the forum. It adds not only more work for me, but it adds more work for players too keep their sheets updated, which... adds more work for me yet again to badger players to keep their sheets updated. It's jsut not woth it to me as a host. Does that mean I think this is a bad idea? No. I like it honestly since it is a nice option for something else. But it's going to neeeeed heavy work and more importantly, Playtesting. THis is a system that needs to be used and palytested with to see if it's balanced... funnily enough like a real Tabletop RPG. SO, you'll need to set that up to get it running smoothly etc... If you go forward with this, trust me, there is a lot of work You will have to do to get this up and running. I'd be happy to lend a hand on developing it etc... whatever you want if you ask me ((despite my negative nancying up above XD.))becasue I would like to see it work. However, I just don't think it can since Host Bias even if it doesn't really exist will always be a lingering thought in everyone's mind. Just that big a what if... is just baaaad to be built into a system. It ruins it's integrity even if the person who is hosting it is being honest and fair doing exactly as the dice say, that doubt is always there... lingering.
  6. Sometimes, I wonder what it is like to be something else, something I'm not. but then... I realize I don't wanna be anything else. I just wnat to be me. Which in the time of my life currently is a bit scary since I don't entriely know what me is. But, that's what I wanna be. Nothing different, nothing special. Just me. In that I will find what is special and what is different about me that others don't have. So, there's no need to pretend to be something I'm not....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosesong


      Oh good, the mental recalibration via newspaper beating is working.

      Seriously though, I'm glad you're starting to talk like this. You deserve to

    3. Maelstrom


      I'm not sure I believe that coming from one of the main RP peoples. =P

    4. GotWala


      Once you've accepted the self, the process of individuation begins. Your destiny is only impeded by what you allow to do so, and this thought process lets you recognize those things that you once let stop you. Now move beyond that, and fly as high as you can, haha.

  7. Weeeee! More Undyne avvies! ((I tired making your's work by the way Zumi, but the size was jsut... I couldn't get it to work without butchering your beautiful work so I don't wanna do that to it. Hope ya understnad that XD>))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea I thought so, but meeeeh, I still feel bad about it XD.

    3. Skullkin
    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *hugs* Hiyas Skull XD.

  8. "Amnesia, Oh oh oh, You forgot your name, Don't let your spirit fade away. Amnesia, Oh oh oh , You've been through such pain, But your little heart is growing stronger every day."~

  9. Vixen Emotions running high... Vixen was really getting tired of today. This just too much for one day. Her head was screaming. Perhaps a headache starting. She didn't really care. But, she knew she had to do something here. If it was a fight she had to do to get her information, well she'd have to. Guns weren't really going to be useful, at least not her rifle. For now the man was much to close to her to draw her revolver and fire so she have to use her transformations. Her arm glowed a pale white as ice formed over it. It grew quickly and aggressively, even surprising Vixen. Her emotions were just that shot that she was more powerful than normal. After all, emotion fueled the Magi after all. In her palm formed a knife made of pure ice, it was wicked, and quite big for a knife. It was a large and perhaps could almost be called a small sword. It was of a rather popular pattern collectively referred to as Bowie Knives. It was made purely of cloudy white ice though one would be foolish to think that made it structurally weak. After all, this Ice was summoned from magic. It wasn't ordinary. But, not only was it summoned from magic, it was summoned during a fever pitch, when Vixen's magical power was probably at its highest point. She was going to be very tired after today. She circeled it around and then threw it to her other hand. A Mirror Image of the Knife she threw remained in her other as the original landed in her other hand. She now had two of the exact same blade. It was a trick that Vixen had learned awhile ago when manufacturing bullets. She could echo them with magic to make another to mass produce them more easily. However, for bullets it didn't really work very well. It ruined their potency pretty quickly and made them near useless. She could only really echo something once without it breaking down it's magical potency to a level where it ceased to be functional. So, mirroring this knife was about the limit she could do. However it would suffice as she only needed two. She was glad she put in the effort into those bullets despite it being a fruitless endeavor since she had learned to apply it to other things. She growled at the Ridiculous man now. "Fine, if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get." Vixen of course, saw the over head swing coming. It was almost always a mistake to strike in such a fashion. It left one wide open to an attack. Vixen side stepped the blade trying to get behind the Storm Knight. she didn't make a strike. She waited to see his reaction what he would do. She had no idea jsut how reckless he was and she wanted to confirm that before she struck herself. She made a mental note that his ability to control lightning could become much more meta-physical in nature as well. He could possibly speed up to a degree which most others couldn't account for. Vixen however being a well practice Mage killer, knew that it was a very real possibility. So she made sure to make just enough room in case of any unexpected surges of speed. She'd make note of them if they did happen. She would discover his style while trying to give off as little as she could about herself. After all, he probably didn't even expect her to be truly a gun wielder. Other than her rifle of course. Her using Knives first would give the impression this was her way to deal with close up foes. This left her revolver a trump card for when she needed it. She had fought so many Magi. She knew the ins and outs here and she wasn't about to get sloppy. Defense was the game until she knew just how to approach and dismantle his style.
  10. tfw you jsut go full fun mode when writing a scene jsut to see how a player will react to it... mostly for kicks and becuase I love doing jsut weird unexpected things.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Dancing minotuars... should've given him the title of "Lord of dance" XD

    2. Hiss13


      Hasslehoof...Just...Hasslehoof. I need not say more.

  11. Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello, Count Heinrich Contiello, Azegeor, Lord Cyllis, Redeemer Riika, Father Babble, Barbara, Iidrra, Look, a lot of people k? Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM Lotus could hear all kinds of side conversations and small mutterings here and there from the the array of people here. She noticed a scowl shoot at Azegeor from Cyllis quite a few times, though Cyllis remained quiet pretty much the entire time. He wasn't a man for words when they didn't need to spoken at least so many of the denizens of Castle Dour believed. It was really that he didn't care for a lot of the upper echelon of the Castle these days. He watched many of his old friends die and whether away. The trouble of age. The ones he still remembered... probably only the Contiello's were in power at the time he came to find himself in his position. They had been around long before him. He was a wink in the span of their existence. Cyllis wondered if their love was the only thing that kept them from getting endlessly bored in this lifetime. Either way for now Cyllis remained silent. Azegeor was talking to Cannonball Joe, probably one of few who would. They were discussing something along the lines of explosive ordinance still left in the storage room fro the Court Wizards. Joe laughed, as he began to describe where it all went. His voice was extremely deep, it even sounded nice to the ears. However, nothing else about him was easy on the eyes that was for sure. "Heh, Sorry Aze, we're a bit low of black powder. I was experimenting to see if If I could break out of the Waterways all last month. Turns out whoever built this place was really good at warding magic. There's no way in or out that I can find or make." "Warding magic? Did you get a good read on it?" Azegeor asked raising an eyebrow... ridge. It was a crazy feat considering her didn't have a face. "I'm pretty shite at Abjuration. What I do know is that it was pretty powerful. My magic detection was going off the scale for Abjuration magic. It was... higher power than 9. Which means it's not possible for just another to replicate whatever this spell was. Like my explosives didn't do freaking anything to it at all. And you know how powerful my good stuff is. After all, you remember what happened to one town." "Yea... let's remember that wasn't necessary Joe. Anyway... if it's that powerful. There's still secrets even I don't know about the magic of this place then it would seem." "Whatever, life isn't my concern. The furthering of the cause is. It's a lot more important. Anyway, I couldn't tell you much more other than it's ancient." Babble could be heard talking to Barbara like always. "Hey, Barb what's like... uh... is Riika okay? They aren't eating anything." Barbara looked over at Riika nervously before answering Babble. Riika shifted her head to indicate it was fine. However, they tried to do so without Babble noticing. After all, it was probably better Babble had no idea that Riika could hear him, so... that was the plan. The body language from Barbara still showed she was nervous about him noticing that. But she sighed loudly, more to relief herself of the stress then anything else and answered the big Slime. "Babble honey, Riika... is what we call a Soulbound. Think of it like Azegeor in a way. They aren't really biological beings anymore. They don't require food or a lot of what we do." "Oh, so... Riika is undead?" "Not... quite honey. A Soulbound is creation of attaching a soul of something once living to an object and anchoring that object to something that can act as a body. Armour is a pretty common choice as we can see with Riika. Though, they can have bodies much like Golems as well. Wood, clay, really anything that can be set into a humanoid form for their souls to take over the form. It has to be familiar enough to their living memories for them to be able to control it. If it's not... well it's not very pretty, let's leave it there." Babble put his hand up to his mouth. The emotion on his face was something hard to discern. "So... does... does Riika remember how, they died?" Barbara wasn't really sure what to say. She looked down and then back at Riika. Riika nodded in response yet again. They spoke up this time. "No, I do not. Luckily, it is a memory I have not retained. And yet, it is why I also do not know why I am here myself. So, a fortune and a misfortune." Babble looked shaken almost. It was clear he wasn't exactly expecting Riika to speak for them self all of a sudden. However what was clear was he didn't really know how to reply. He just, shut down. He looked around wildly trying to find something to do. His hand settled on another nearby pastry and he jammed it into his mouth, chewing loudly. He ate a few more before he returned an answer at all, and even still it was pretty hesitant from him. " I see." Those were really the only words he said before growing silent again for a time. It was about this time Sybil and her entourage arrived. Seated next to Riika would be Heinrich, with Sybil next to him obviously. On Sybil's other side was where Lotus was seated next to Lilith the demoness who tended to the Library. Perhaps it was better than being seated next to Iidrra. Iidrra was strangely silent most of the time and seemed to be silently steaming to himself as he flipped through what looked to be a ledger of some sort. Definitely good to not be seated next to him. Barbara saw her old master and her eyes lit up as she did. Sybil saw her as well, and well she knew she'd see her today. She walked over to the the woman and they hugged. They exchanged a few greetings and "how've you beens" before going back to their respective places. The scene... it was a strange one. Lotus could really speak with anyone present and they'd probably answer. Though it probably be best to avoid talking to some of them. Regent, and Hasslehoof. Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM The Minotaur was enjoying the sparring match he was having with Regent so much he suddenly stopped and took off his coat. He, now shirtless flexed his muscles like a bodybuilder showing off. "It seems you are a great warrior, a beast of wonderful and great power. So, I, Hasslehoof! Challenge you to Bandudakai!" he smiled while saying this. And Regent would surely know what this was. Minotaurs were well known for their favorite test of skills, Bandudakai, or Battle Dance. It was a warrior's greatest non-violent challenge and a favorite past-time of Minotaurs warriors. It was so well known that most of the Damned races knew what it was and even the etiquette and rules of the Battle Dance. Typically, Minotaur rarely challenged anything but other Minotaurs, and it was a great honor to be challenged by one to Bandudakai. The rules were simple, each side most continue dancing the entire match. If they ever stop moving for even a split second they lose. Secondly, each participant was challenged to land a blow on the other's forehead or other vital points on their body. They could only do this with primary limbs, so, hands or feet or their equivalent. Tails didn't count. A touch to the stomach was 1 point, a touch to the throat, 2 points. And the aforementioned touch to the forehead, 3 points. The first to reach 3 would win. As said, a simple game. "So what'll it be Drake? I want you to SHOW ME YOUR MOVES!!!!" he exclaimed loudly. A lot of the party goers were stopping to watch all of a sudden. Bandudakai's were typically very intense and were sorta the rage at large parties. Sometimes even tournaments were held. {{for a comparison of sorts, think of fencing in your world player... it's a little like that just... more movement as you must dance while doing it. It's really not like fencing at all, but kinda? Look It's not a good explanation, but it's pretty close I think. Hopefully that's understandable to you. Feel free to ask me if you are still confused.}}
  12. It one method yes, the that version. It only really works with soemthign that is infact reversible though typically. One can also have their character jsut figure out how to apply it to different things and figure it out more and more by experimenting and trying to learn that they can sue it for other things. ((jsut... don't asspull all the time to get out of stuff.... cause bleeeeeeeh, Doing it once? Okay maybe can let it slide if the moment is well written and cool. after the 19th time... gets reeeeeeal freaking old man....))
  13. Yeeeeep. They may or may not open at some point though. I'd just keep your eyes peeled. This RP is a bit experimental so... I find myself needing to change stuff every once and awhile lol.
  14. And oh have the Mighty have fallen. ((not really, but it's it's nice to see that Immortals can lose!! XD. Gods do bleed it seems lololololololololol.))

  15. Oh yea I explained that badly and probably will fix that up ((half way through I changed that up to make it more easily explained and changed how things worked a tad but forgot I left that part in cause I'm a deeeeeerplord.)) Basically... instead of doing that she more or less creates things from nothing. So she can create nothing and use it somehow. ((such as she can create bullets in the empty chambers of her Revolver and keep firing etc...)) the only time she can "delete" a place is more that she can remove distance between 2 objects ((it has to be two specific things though.)) Basically I was tired when I was writing it and changed it probably 50 times to make it not op as shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. ((well... if Null could possibly have infinite energy it would be OP as shit XD but she can't so... that's really good.)) It's still pretty powerful though there is always the chance that she fucks and up and literally just loses all of her memories forgetting who she ever was ((and how to use her power as a result.)) or other pretty baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad stuff. And yea, I wanted to make a "bad" character. Most of the ones I seen are cool, but they aren't necessarily easy to point as stuff like Magneto and his mutants in the X-Men, or stuff like that. People who flat out believe that Mutants ((or in this case, the Altered, or Alts.)) or just better than humanity and that their should be feared because they are just straight up better than humans. Basically, someone's gotta give them a bad name, it might as well be MEEEEEEE!!! ((besides. it seems fun being a bit hard to discern what I'll be doing. Null isn't someting you can be like "Oh she's on this side." it much more complicated than that.)) I just think it'd be fun to have one character at least that blurs those lines and really messes with the paradigm of the sides etc. Edit: edited the sheet then by removing the... messed up portion XD. Yea as I said forgot I left it behind. Should hopefully be fine noooow.
  16. I'll hopefully put up my post by then. Been meaning to get to it. Need to sleep currently though.
  17. ((Trust me Benedictions tend to go until like... the next day. The actual Benediction is at Midnight. and then they tend to party a lot more... though... Might be saying that... things might be a bit different after the Benediction this time XD. Basically... I'd do it earlier if I were you. Now, not saying you have to, but it would probably be a better idea. And uh... spoilers there is no way out. At least not currently XD.))
  18. Name: Null ((True Name, unknown.)) Age: 24 Gender: Female Generation: 3rd Power: "Nullcramancy" self named, the ability to control and manipulate the forces of... nothingness. It is a power that works by destroying preconceptions or eliminating rules within the universe as one knows them. For example, one could delete the rules of Gravity from working on them, or another target. One could attack by creating something of nothing. After all, something probably existed there, or memories of the user can be used to create something from nothingness. The user could say delete the distance between him and another person, or delete parts of their memory ((which is very hard on mass scale but can be reasonably done to a single target.)). The complexity of the deletion or event is how much power the user must use to achieve it. After all, making someone forget a single event is easy, but say making them forget their entirety is a lot harder. Also if one for example wanted to delete a person from existence it wouldn't be that simple. As they'd have to destroy not only all of their memories but the ones from others of them and every single thing they did in the world must also be undone. As a result it's pretty much impossible to do something of that magnitude. ((Null isn't a god, therefore she wouldn't have the energy required to do a complete erasure of someone)). Improper usage of this power or... trying to do something one doesn't have the power to can result in loss of pieces of themselves, conceptual or physical. Sub-powers: Deletion, or the ability to remove things from being true. Negative Energy((Void)) Manipulation, the "magic" of Nullcramancy is fueled by negative forces or the forces that do exist but... do exist. As a result they are pretty much one in the same. Construct Creation. Can create something of nothing ((literal, or figurative.)) Character summary: Null has no known origin as a result of she herself having deleted the memories from her own mind ((whether purposefully or accidentally is unknown.)) therefore she is mostly shrouded in mystery. If those that knew her from her past life saw her... they might not even recognize her anyway. What is known is that Null is a ruthless mercenary and assassin for hire. She doesn't really do it for the money or physical objects though. She mainly does it... for the chance to show the world her art. The Art of nothing. She considers herself firstly an artist, and faaar below that a killer. After all... he doesn't kill them, she just puts them in a state of nothingness. They just no longer exist. No blood or murder is involved. She doesn't really have any particular ties to any sides and will go with whoever pays the most or... lets her do things her way. Appearance: She stand at about 5'8" with a rather typical athletic build. Nothing overly stands out about her natural appearance however, The rest of her features are cloaked in a dark royal purple cloak of much too elaborate design. She wears an ivory mask in the shape of a smiling face. Her garb is complete with a large matching tophat of the same colour as the rest of his get up. Her raven black hair spills out over her shoulders in a rather haphazard fashion. She wields a Black Revolver by the name of "Void" that can fire what she calls "blanks"... or lapses in reality. It doesn't look like a normal revolver as parts of it seem to phase in and out of existence randomly. Looking at it is a strange experience and almost mesmerizing in a way. Extra: She did have a life before the beginning of Null, and those people may recognize her but due to the erasure of her own memories in places she won't really remember them. Or at least not completely. This experience could however... reverse the process if it's it's powerful enough. ((perhaps regaining her proper "humanity" in the process.)) Sidenotes are that no... this power will never allow just a 1 hit kill on someone. it's literally impossible as there's no way that much power is obtainable to a mortal. Same goes with things that are like... way to impossible. Duration and magnitude of the power really go to how possible it is to manipulate in that way. Anyways, I kept it pretty brief because Null is kinda a character I'd rather flesh out moreso in play than a background. She's sorta nebulous... almost more of a Force of Nature than a person ((or at least could easily go that way.)). Hopefully you don't mind the more... sparse sheet though. Null is just.... hard to explain in a character sheet fashion XD. Hopefully I did well enough that it's not like "wow this is bleeeh."
  19. Not sure why people are decided which versions to get before we see the exclusives.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I like moon more than sun.

    3. Felicity


      imma buy Pokemon Earth

    4. Vinny


      I'll buy the one with the Sneasel

  20. It's for me because I usually skim the post... it depends. I'm not going to see a singular line that's all on it's own when compared to you know... a large amount of text or a way to have it stick out a lot more. ((perhaps it being even just Bold would've helped since bold says "Hey!!! Reader person! This is important make sure you read!!!)) I'm just strange maybe. i tend to know more of the stuff towards the top because to me, the more important stuff is towards the top rather than the bottom. Anyway, point is oops? I missed the fact there was a deadline and me being busy kinda pushed it off not knowing. I'd sadly need some time to put something together for this since I can;t exactly asspull a character sheet out of my ass. ((well I probably could... it jsut wouldn't be up to my own quality of standards.))
  21. To be fair I had zero Idea there was a deadline... because it was a tiny single line of text at the bottom of the post. If it had been at the top I would've read it... and maybe known it existed.
  22. Well... I mostly have 0 idea how to write a power... since it seems it has to be abstract and I'm not sure how I can make that interesting... ((that and I was trying to get Heartless Souls stuff done when this came out so I was too busy to write a sheet. XD Guilty.))
  23. We get the names of 2 games... people already assuming Gen 7. You know they never said it was riiiight? Let's not get too far ahad of ourselves here folks. ((though it probably is... you never bloody know with Nintendo. They do really... really silly things all the time.))

    1. Hiss13


      Oh thank Niang-niang. Some sanity here.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean the accouncement was literally "This exists!" with no other information. We' can;t assume anything here yet everyone is already XD.

    3. Shing


      Agree hukuna sensei.

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