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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Wouldn't normally Double Post, but just letting you know Strat that whenever you want you can leeeeead Drake to the group. I honestly didn't really feel like she should just find you guys super easy since... well she doesn't really know any of the people in the group lol. Bit hard to find folks you don't know randomly in a crowd of people lol. So, when ever that little Panda of yours happens to bump into her, well we'll get this show on the rooooooad.
  2. You know considering the amounts of statuses here and jsut the general internet reaction... I thought the Season 3 Ending of RWBY was going to be MUUUUUCH MUUUUCH worse. Like I thought it was going to be super dark. That was only... like mildly dark at best lol. ((Don't get me wrong still loved it and it was great and I love how the series is prgressing, but that was child's play levels of darkness lol. Then again... I love dark fantasy and jsut really dark stuff in general so I'...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm used to it. Maybe toooo used to it....))

    2. GotWala


      I get what you mean, man. Though for me, it's hoping for the hard work and effort of the cast to bring about the "good" ending, but after seeing and reading so much dark material, I'm expecting it to go badly, haha. So I'm usually pleasantly surprised when things do work out!

  3. I need to stop learning so many complicated games at once. It's insane XD.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Should mention the one CCg I'm learning is basically... Hearthstone... meets Fire Emblem. You play cards that create units on a board like a Tactics RPG. ((that part is not quite as crazy as FE or more in depth TRPGs, but it's still feels a loooot like a TRPG XD.))

    3. GotWala


      So long as you're being overwhelmed by fun, it can't be that bad, haha! Although two MoBAs sounds rough.

    4. Felicity


      league actually isn't that hard until you get to theorycrafting. Then you have to know stats and it's ehhhhh

  4. Mayanna’s Group((well pending... she'll be there sooner or later but isn't yet lol.)) "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!!!" Drake wondered how on earth this hadn't happened already yet. She wasn't quick to admit it, but she was a bit of an airhead at times. Especially when it came to keeping times in mind. She was just awful at it. It was just hard for her to remember, more so that she just didn't have a good handle on time. Time either flew or it crawled, but for Emberly either or was pretty bad since she would lose track of the actual time. She probably spent far more time fiddling with her Pokedex then anyone else when she received it. As a result she was one of the last to get her second partner. Things like that really put her in a pickle. This particular incident was her writing in her daily journal. She had been behind a bit on it and she wanted to to catch up the past few days. Mostly, on the training logs for Treble. She didn't really have him learn any new moves but more how to use his current moves in combination more effectively. She did the same for Whisper. She even trained the two together, making use of Whisper's Helping Hand. Whisper had always been great around other Pokemon. She enjoyed their company. Humans... jury was still out on that one. She seemed to be coming out of her shell more and more however. It really made Drake happy. Either way, she now found herself sprinting towards where she believed the groups were meeting. She honestly had no idea who she was really even looking for. So... a giant was suddenly trudging around the area looking for people who she didn't even know. Talk about searching for a needle in a haystack. She slowed down a bit now that she was in the area. Though she had run all the way here, one might not have really noticed. Part of Drake's training with her pokemon was to train her own body as well. She went for a short run every morning, and kept up her cardio in general. She made sure to do as much as she could to remain in shape. After all, it was important for the Pokemon's trainer to be in top physical peak as well. So, she hardly broke a sweat arriving here. Her breathing was pretty level though a teeny bit haggard if one was really looking. Otherwise she'd have looked like she had more or less casually strolled out here. That may not be a good thing depending. Either way she now needed to find this group somehow. She wasn't really sure how she was going to but... she'd probably manage it one way or another.
  5. Well since I'm busy later on you'll get that opportunity. ((I've got a lot of writing to catch up for with Se7en and Personal things. So, you'll get that in.))
  6. Why I changed to this avvie... that's what it feels like getting my laptop back. XD.

    1. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas


  7. I mean I wouldn't have been able to reply until like.. last hour anyway. I only got my laptop back then XD.
  8. Okay.... so... got my laptop back on line... how's we going to do this folks lol? After all, you guys in my group, I feel like we shuld at least a talk out how I'm going to pop myself back in without it being too weird. it's pretty easy for me to just say Drake airheaded it up and lost track of time and is late. ((she's done it before lol.)) but I'm am curious as to what y'all think.
  9. I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Simon


      Welcome back Hukuna :]]

    3. Sutoratosu


      *Lights the torches, sounds the trumpets, cues the drums*

      Well then... the king has finally returned.

    4. GotWala


      Welcome back, man! I'm glad to see you once again after such a long time, haha!

  10. Okay, probably the 7th time I've tried to type this out but this page keeps freezing on me. I am immensely sorry I couldn't reply earlier Wala. Just, the universe is conspiring against me lol. First my cord and now every way I can reach the forum being a pieeeeeece of garbage. Anyway, thank you for the post. It means the world to me. Seriously, I am working on that text wally thing. It's definitely an issue but I'm getting better at working on it. For my new project, Heartless Souls, I actually do have an editor. She really helps me with all the issues that arise. Especially cutting dead lines and the like cutting down on the uneeded repetitiveness and the bloat of certain passages. It happens lol. Dream could really do with a look over lol. However, it'd be a lot of work at this point seeing as more of it exists. It's entirely up to her if she would want to help me out lol. I'll remember to ask her. (or if I don't seeing as my memory is that of a potato... hopefully she sees this XD) But really thanks for the feedback. It really means so much to me. I'm really glad you enjoy Dream so much lol. It really does mean the world to me~
  11. Or laptops are dead which have killed their ability to do much. Mrgrgr...
  12. For those wondering, my hiatus applies to pretty much all RPs I'm a part of and my CW projects. I simply cannot post them at the quality That I normally do. I'll also be putting my playlist on hiatus as well as I can't copy links currently. I hope you understand.

  13. I have a feeling with the way you worded that Drake was supposed to lead the group huh lol? Just strikes me as such. Do keep in mind though guys... It will be awhile until I can properly reply in thread etc. So, I do apologize ahead of time if I slow you guys down. I should have a cord coming, so it's at least not an indefinite period of time anymore. I'll hopefully be back in due time. Luckily, Drake is flighty as hell so it's easy to say she was late etc lol.
  14. Now I will silently lament the fact that due to my laptop cord frying... I can't see my commission at all. So, funnily enough... I'll probably be the last to see it. Oy vey... XD. I hate my luck... and how shitty the 3DS browser is.
  15. I can't even view my team anymore... so that's lovely... XD.
  16. Since I cannot quote right now, in regards to the messages about the canon (and yes this is how you spell it. It's short form for canonical, or was at one point, though now it has it's own meaning. Like, there's no artillery pieces in this game, a.k.a. cannons lol. At least no literal ones lolololol.) There is no canon starter. Every choice is just as canon as the others. Because there's 0 point of that choice existing at all if there is a canon or "correct" choice. There for when I write the scenes with those characters I do not have a team in mind, I simply don't need that. So, picking Lifoam, or eufur, or Roober, is a valid choice 100% no matter which you choose. It's a disservice to the players to say "this is the canon starter." That roughly invalidates 2/3s of the player base's choice (assuming of course all 3 were picked evenly.). In my book, that is a huuuge no no. Therefore it won't be done. In that team preview... we just have to go with the fact that it had to be one of them, not all 3. It get crowded as all hell if we put all of her possible team members. So, just had to choose which we felt was the most solid. Easiest way to narrow it down. Also, do sincerely apologize if delays end up happening. I know it's not in my control what happened etc, but can't but feel I'll have let you guys down if it does happen. While my 3DS is still allowing me to keep in some form of contact... it's in a limited capacity in which I can't really do my work of writing properly. So, If worse comes to worse and things do get delayed, I really do apologize for that. I'm working on getting this silly mess fixed. Hopefully, it is soon. I really hope you guys understand.
  17. I'm sorry to announce that... well I'm going to have to go on indefinite hiatus. I'm sure some of you know that yesterday my laptop cord... basically fried. So, I'm unable to charge the thing that allows me easy access to the internet really as a whole. As a result, I'm going to have to postpone progress on this RP. I really don't do let you guys down like that and to leave you all hanging... but I left no choice. I sincerely apologize for this, but with my limited ability to access the internet I just can't really post at the quality and level I am known for. I rather not sully the experience with a lackluster post that I know isn't up to the standards this RP and you, my players, deserve. So, I've decided that I'll be putting this project on hold (( as well as pretty much all my activity on Reborn. )). I hope you guys understand and I am sorry that something like this had to happen. I don't know if this issue will be solved in a couple days... a week, or longer than that. So, it may be awhile until you guys see me around here again in any real fashion. So, until we meet again... farewell. Hukuna Sensei... out.
  18. Keep in mind, I'm going to be having issues... and might have to go into hiatus for awhile... my laptop cord is dead and doesn't work period. so... it might be awhile until I can get back... I', sorry abotu this, but there's not much I can do.
  19. ANnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd my powercord is fried fucking lovely. I'm sorry to admit but I'm probably goign to have to take a hiatus for awhile... I'm not sure I ahve the money to replace my cord.... I apolgozie but there's nto really anything I can do. I super upset right now... cause I don't want to have to do this but I cna;t really help it. I hope you all understand.

  20. tfw an RP post gets a Rep. Feels good since that rarely happens XD. ((I don't really care about upvotes, etc, but it definitely feels nice ya know lol? XD))

    1. Shamitako


      I definitely agree with this

      RP posts don't get rep much, and with all the effort that one might put into them, it feels really good when they do

      Also, grats ^^

    2. Hiss13


      Agreed wholeheartedly.

    3. Sutoratosu


      I'm glad you appreciate my Upvotes.

  21. By the way, I will reply at some point Hiss... but I need to leave some time for Pyon to reply. Because if I reply again it's goign to tick over the clock and I cna;t go back from that XD>
  22. The Heart of the Castle, Solomon, "Times", Various Night's Guards. Time: 3:00 pm, 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. "I feel them..." said an ancient ragged figure. The image of an old king sitting within his throne flashed into vision. The room, mostly filled with shadow and darkness. In it's center sat a grotesque carving of a heart. Form what manner of creature it belonged to was unknown, it mostly stood in solely for that of a Humanoid's heart structure. Hard to say which one exactly, but that didn't matter. The Eerie amount of detail in the stonework was unsettling enough. This was the Heart of the Castle. It was the Throne Room, the place that decrees were ordered from and the Lord of the Night State. The Stone Structure, the heart... eerily pulsed with a red light. It was the only source of light in the otherwise darkened room. It made it... all the more unsettling. It's tepid beat seemed to accelerate and then decelerate at random intervals. The Seat he was sat in was much more normal architecture. It was simply a throne. However, it was covered in many ancient runes and inscriptions. Each was the Benediction of a Lord or Lady of the Night that came before. There was a bare spot were the ragged figure kept rubbing with his skeletal hand. It was where his Benediction would be written when he finally released his mortal coil. He cackled madly to himself, as he looked around the chamber. He kept repeating to himself softly "I feel them...". At least it was quiet at first. It was very quiet at first. Then... it rose into mroe of a chant. He kept saying it over and over. It got louder and louder. "I feel them. I feel them! I feel them!!! I feel them. I feel them! I feel them!!! I FEEL THEM!!!" he rose from his seat shouting. Then quickly collapsed. It was as if he just exorcised a spirit from his body. He sat in his chair, and fidgeted wildly. "THEY ARE HERE!!! I FEEL THEM!!!" "Sire, who is here? Who do you feel?" came another voice. It was calm, leveled, professional. A Knight stepped forward into the dim light cast by the beating heart. His features outlined in a dim red. It flashed off his armour weakly, not allowing much to be seen. However, what could be was that he like the Man before him were both Skeletons. Both were Bone Fiends, Undead of the non-fleshy variety. The Second voice stood directly below the Throne looking up at the one who sat on it. Up, at the raving madman. the Madman suddenly snapped to a straight backed position. Suddenly his sunken maddened form went from writhing and clicking... To one of a proper kingly air. He straightened his back and looked on the one that spoke to him. A shadow of what once was a great ruler, that was what this Lich was. "If you must ask you are worthless. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!! Out of my throne room!!!" The expected results... when messing with a madman. Times, he should've known better than to ask the old loonie. The shadow that was once Solomon. There's was nothing in there but looming madness. Though it pretended to be The Lord of Night it once was, It was clear that it no longer deserved that title. That it could no longer comprehend what it was or why it was there. Solomon was no longer a man, not even a Lich. He was hardly anything anymore, but a raving lunatic. Either way, Times found that he was met with the gazes of all the other Guards. They all knew that he should scram. It wasn't good to go against the words of a Madman. One may ask, why all of them followed what was clearly an insane being. However, it was due to their oath. They were sworn to protect the Night Lord. A Night Lord was appointed until either their death, or... they resigned. It was tradition in Castle Dour. A tradition that had been carried out 11 times before this now fallen lord. It wasn't about to change overnight. The Night Guards hands were tied, they had to protect their charge. They had more than anyone else, to listen to him. It wasn't a wonderful feeling. Either way, Times quickly turned on his heels. To Question the Mad Being anymore would certainly be suicide. So, he decided to cut his loses. However, he couldn't stand the constant repeating of that phrase. What did he feel? The Free Race troops that left years ago... or... something else? Either way, he walked to the front of the room, past the Heart of the castle. He plodded with purpose, knowing that he should be out of there before too awful long. Past the Heart, he conversed with the Guard Commander. A Birdman, that of a Hawk, was stood there. He was Commander Gale. "Times... I don't know how many times we need to tell you that you should just leave him to his ravings. " he said in a hushed tone, It was probably to make sure the Mad Being didn't hear them. "It bothers me Gale." "Whoppitdy doo Times... Look, I'm just trying to not lose my head here or any of my men." he said placing a winged arm on his forehead. He took a deep breathe. "Anyway, luckily for you I was going to assign you to the Greater Hall for today. You won't be here anyway. What I want from you though is to keep an eye on the festivities of the common folk since they can get very rowdy on the Benediction Night." "I can do that, Sir." Times said standing up straight and saluting Gale. "Look bird brain... there's no need to be so formal. Now, get outta here... you've got a duty to do." he said smiling. TImes was the only one who ever really gave him respect. He kept a rather lax regiment. So, it was nice to see one solider of his refused to do anything sort of proper protocol. He moved up to the large door behind him with Times in tow. On either side of the door Two Guards stood. They saluted as they began to unwind the chains that kept the door tightly shut. They detached the giant chains on either side. They came clattering down with a loud clang that shook the room. They pressed a switch on the wall and it caused the Chains to snap back into a reservoir in the floor. Gale went towards the bar and threw it open. Then, he pushed open the Inner Door. Together, he and Times stepped into the chamber, better know as the Throat of the Castle. It was quite literally designed like the inside of a creature's throat. It was a strange experience. At the end of the long hall hung a chandelier that looked much like the uvula that hung in one's mouth. It dimly lit the passageway. "I really wish he'd let us light this place better. Gives me the hebie jebies. Uuuuck..." The Commander said as he shuffled through his pockets. He procured a keyring and he shuffled through them until he found one that had the shape of a skull at it's end. He then placed it in the outer door, and turned the knob. Light pierced into the dark hall. Though, it only did so much in the room itself. The Light wasn't strong enough to pierce more than a few inches. Either way, it was enticing to get out of the Dark and into the light. "I will do you proud Gale. I shall watch over the festivities with the eye of a haaa...rpy!" He said saluting the Commander once again. "Just... get out of here you joker. Go do your job. I'll see you later." Gale said as he turned and closed the door. It slammed shut leaving Times within the Halls of the Castle. He puffed up his chest, well as much as one without a real body could manage, and marched off towards the Greater Hall, and further, the Well of Nocturne. Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello, Count Heinrich Contiello Time: 1st Day, of the 1st Month, of the Year of Rebirth. 3:00 PM "Well, theeere you are my adorable little Heiny!!!" Sybil shouted from across the hall. He was in fact there, Heinrich her astute husband. He looked well trimmed his facial hair recently oiled and his beard shaven very close to his chin. He was wearing a matching crimson red vest with crimson blazer pants. Unlike many, Heinrich didn't really like wearing suit jackets. Instead he tended to go with solely a vest over a black dress shirt most times. While his style was relatively simple, they were still just as much a fashion statement as Sybil's dress was now. Her's over the top an almost excessive display of beauty. Heinrich's dress was an understated tone one that didn't jump out at you but if you looked you'd see it was just as elaborate and beautiful as that of his wife. It perfectly stated their relationship. While a lot gave Hienrich shit for basically... being the submissive one in the relationship it was because he loved Sybil so much he wanted the best for her. He did everything to make her shine and for her to be the beauty she was. "Hooooney... I told you not to call me that. People need to take me seriously." "But, Heiny... It's soooooooo cuuute!" "Fine.... anyway, who is this with you?" "I'll let her answer." Hienrich looked expectantly at Lotus to now speak up. {{The clock chimes 2, when it chimes for a third time, it is the beginning of the end.}}
  23. Since I released it rather late last night, I'm going to reaffirm that I have in fact released Chapter 3 for Requiem. It would mean a lot to me if you stopped by and left your thoughts on the series and it's most recent chapter. Have a wodnerful day~ http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

    1. Aurorix



      Will get onto reading that then! ^_^

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