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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Ayyyyyyy, new Chapter of Requiem finally out!!! ((I finally stopped slacking on it, weee!)) Anyway, CHapter 3 is out and I love if you'd stop by and read it. ANd please, leave your thoughts! I'd love to know what yu thought of it. Thank you so much for reading if you do. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366&page=2#entry477422

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh and do give a big hand for Rose. SHe really cracked down on the editing and came through for me in a big way. I Thank her from the bottom of my heart for that <3. So, know that she's a bi reason it got out this early.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
  2. ALright, now the 3rd Chapter has been released! It was a bit long coming so I hope I haven't lost you guys too much here. Anyway, please thank Miss Rose for doing wonderfully on the editing job on such short notice so I could really get this out nice and quick! I realy hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope you give it a read. Please, let me know your thoughts on it~
  3. I know I know, I'm just being a salt lord. You don't have to tell me about how a deck will worm it's way back somehow.... welcome to Face Hunter who's been repeatedly bashed into the ground only to rear it's ugly head once more.
  4. Look, I honestly don't want to see that deck at all I've seen too much of it over the time. Like... I've seen it enough that I never need to see it ever again and I'll be satisfied. Mostly because it's super braindead and there's not really much to it other than play on curve then play the Mysterious Challenger and automatically win the game. It's neither fun to play, or fun to play against so I'd be happy with a toxic deck not working anymore.
  5. The problem with Sneed's is it was a slow card in a meta that was domnatied by Aggro. It could never fit in because it was just muuuuuuch to slow. The worse part was that if it ever was good... it would be just as much of a swingy annoying card as the Piloted Shredder. I'm just glad over-centralizing bullshit will be gone. BECAUSE SECRET PALADIN IS DEEEEAD!!! It's so joyous. ((and don't tell me it's not, they are Losing Avenge, the sole good Secret that made the whole deck worth it. Not to metnion they are lsing Minibot, Muster for Battle etc... Secret Paladin will finally not be 95% of the ladder I'm so happy...))
  6. It'll take me awhile to write up a really good post for this, but I think it's good and is a very great change that will really make the game move forward. Formatted Play is SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER important. It allows them to just design without worrying about crazy combos happening in the main format. ((but still allowing them to in Wild.)). It also allows more creative in Deck creation. ((which people are about to probably rebuttle how is that possible when they are removing cards, but if I really need to explain it in my bigger post... I will.)) but this is seriously the best Hearthstone announcement thus far, HANDS DOWN.
  7. well... I love this song. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng XD.
  8. The thing is... it's already a beast and typically uses Tech Rock Tomb for that. Thunder Punch just overlaps to hard with Grass already hitting Water, and better options for hitting Flying Types so I honestly don't think it be that useful. ((not to mention it's more it's speed that makes it not really good at dealing with Flying types, not the lack of moves.)) I should note, it's still kinda really not that great a solution. It does exactly what Curse does in essence just without dropping speed. The Problem here is it's still more or less... well... it's lacks recovery. Honestly, if CM Swoobat can have Roost, I don't know why Bibs couldn't have Slack Off. I think that's more important then Priority honestly. It will really help it in the longevity department which it desperately needs.
  9. Yea like that stuff doesn't bother me tooo awful much... like I can get past it even though I don't care for. Like I'd be fine if they didn't do the whole matchmaker thing ((mostly cause to me it feels... super forced and I really hate super forced relationship things. I honestly hate this system less than the Crappy Bioware systems for them... eeeeeeew....)) And I still need to play Awakening but I've not got the cash to pick it up yet. Personally for me I just like the gameplay of the games disregarding all that stuff so I can get past it existing... mostly. Also, I felt the support convos in saaaaaay... the earlier games were very interesting and still even are nice views into the characters and what they are about. I do really love those just because they are very cool ways to expand on the characters in a way without taking out too much time of the normal gameplay and the narrative. ((no matter how silly some of those conversations are in the middle of a battle XD.)).
  10. Yea, then there's people like me who heard about the Petting thing and now pretty much really actually want nothing to do with the series. ~((I'm not actually serious here, but like... I really really don't care for that. I already find the whole "Shipping simulator" stuff to be a level of creepy I don't like. I find putting another level of that and making your character treat these characters they apparently care about like pets/animals eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeven weirder.))~
  11. Aurora, Lord Cyllis. Early Morning, The 1st day of the 1st month of the year of rebirth. "Hmmmm, I see." The old man said as he stroked his faux beard. His pensive look hardly changed at the confession. As if he wasn't phased by it at all. Almost as if he nearly expected the answer somehow. He remained seated, not having moved even an inch from where he was currently perched. He silently thought to himself, humming a small melody as he thought. It would feel like an eternity though it was merely a few seconds at most. What he was thinking was unknown to Aurora. "I'll say I could've expected an end such as this for this man earlier than now." He stood up, the crinkling of his armour broke the silence with a cascade of metallic sound. The tinkling of metal stars finally stopped as he managed to lift his old body off the improvised seat. He brushed himself off quickly and sheathed Old Man Summer. A satisfying click came as the blade was swallowed by the caricature of a man. He stood there, no real change in his demeanor. A quick movement! But, only to cover a cough. "The man you've killed was not one of strong character. He was a troublemaker at least... a nuisance at worst. No love lost on that passing. However, I'm sure you understand that as a military proceeding it's my duty to investigate. However, seeing as this confession is, as I feel, genuine... It may end here. I have matters to attend to. Mostly... getting ready for the festivities later in the day. So, I'd like to get to my quarters and take a lovely nap. Oh... and perhaps a spot of tea, that would do nicely for these old bones. Either way, I shall take my leave. May the day, and the night, smile favorably upon you, Aurora." With that statement, he began to leave. He plodded at a rather slow pace, much like before, fitting of an old man such as he. Isolda Grace, Lilith. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 1:32 PM The Demoness giggled nervously. She hadn't really been expecting such an occasion. However, her body language while showing a small twinge of uneasiness, didn't close out the prospect. Lilith put her hand to her head, perhaps a nervous tick of some sort? Either way it was a quick fluid motion that wouldn't really noticed by many that weren't paying too much attention. "Oh, I wouldn't know where to begin Miss Isolda." she said as she looked her up and down. It was the first time she really took in what Isolda looked like. She did look awfully young. Her pallor made her look nearly like a porcelain doll. To many it might be very unsettling a sight. However, after having to work with the horror that was Iidrra everyday, Lilith wasn't phased by too much. In fact, Isolda's aura, her being, was beautiful in it's own way. The beauty of youth forever captured, unaging. Of course, this more or less is why it'd be unsettling to folks. Though, Lilith didn't really understand it. Perhaps, it was because it was unnatural. However, many of the Monsters here were considered unnatural by the Free Races. Abominations, monsters, worse. Lilith then realized she was caught up in Isolda's appearance for quite a time before saying anything. Perhaps, it was an awkward silence but time was racing while she wasn't paying attention. She quickly racked her brain, but it was stuck on a particular topic. "Is it... Difficult looking that way? I've not really minded but I see the way some others stare at you... like you're different. I'm sorry for asking... I dunno why I asked that. I don't want to seem insensitive..." the woman said, instantly becoming flustered realizing she had. {{The Clock Chimes once. By the third chime... it begins.}}
  12. Current Mood: 404 error... Sorry, the Mood your looking for could not be found! It may have been removed or placed on another emotion server. Please check that your URL is correct.

  13. If I'd go with anything it'd most likely be the Mantine ((since I really need the flying immunity to Ground XD.)), but it's a quite possible choice for sure. Never really heavily considered it cause I think I had a different Water type in mind. ((I had planned out pretty much my entire team already at one point... which was probably a bad idea in hindsight since yeeeeeea...)) Dunno, it might be something to consider. Cradily I actually did a bit, but there was another Grass Type I wanted instead. It fit better imo... ((I've already been planning on having a FWG core for sure since it's just hands down one of the best cores and I kinda want Emberly to show that she is in fact, pretty serious a trainer. Kind why I want to finish it off with FSD or Fairy, Steel, and Dragon since that also has a similar flow and is one of my more favourite types of team to build myself.)) I could probably go with one of the more lesser used Dragons, perhaps going for Noivern or Kingdra. Something that can deal with Ground. ((since I'll need to cover that weakness.)) I will say I was planning on using as few OU mons as possible ((not including megas, since I didn't really plan on using one.)) so that's probably good. Probably lol. Uuuuuuugh there's just so many options... Basically we are now seeing that I'm just as in-decisive as Drake is... XD
  14. No biggie. Just I'm going to jump to the Festivities of the Night. More or less, there's a lot of fanfare that goes on during a Benediction night... perhaps... enough that make it the perfect time to murder an old king while no one is paying attention.
  15. I mean... of course I know that. But I don't want to have to do crazy amount of work for every Pokemon I pick up because to a certain extent there's not enough stuff to make all 6 of a team's members all mean something. ((not to mention that sometimes you just pick something cause, "Eh, why not?" not every person has a reason to do something. SOmetimes in life you just need to go on a whim and stuff happens. Not to mention the way I write I discover as I do. I hardly have any idea until later on.)) Look, I don't have an issue with the proposition of having the same mon as another person. On Principle it's not something I care about so I don't need the whole "Don't be a whiny baby speech." because that's not what I'm doing. My issue is that for me it makes me have to work doubly as hard to make my stuff stand out if I have a mon someone else does. Because I as a person jsut have to put in more work there. I don't exactly have the luxury of infinite time and I've already got a mon that overlaps with another. The more of those I have the more I need to wrok to make sure the stick out. And I was already going to do work for it yes, but I need to work doubly hard if there's an overlap. Just, that's what makes me hesitant towards it. I could care less that one is using the same mon as me. It's the Time I have and the fact I will flat out just need to do more work on a certain mon when there's an overlap. I've already got an Overlap... do I really want to have another mon that I will have to have an even higher standard of work on? Do I have the time to really flesh it out that much? The thing is... i dunno. That's what got me hesitant more than the overlap itself. That doesn't bug me. I'm just hesitant because I know for me that makes more work on my part. That's what's got me. ((also I feel like a whole musical type of deal might be fun to pursue.)) Basically, I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do personally. So you don't need to worry about my whole issue here. It's solely a thing for me to do. Because I know it makes more work for me so I don't know if I want that.
  16. There's is 0% chance of him being dead. They cut away from his ship as it went down. That to me 100% confirms he is fine because it didn't happen on camera. Then agian they could pull that trick of the ungraceful never witnessed death but I have a feeling they won't do that. If Ironwood was going to die or any character in RWBY for right now it'd happen in a scene. ((like you know... *coughs* Penny *Coughs* And honestly this is why I didn't like Episode 10 that much... because if this was a normal length show... we'd get these two episodes ((10 and 11)) at the same time which would feel a lot better in the flow of things. Because In this way... it felt like not really anything happened in Episode 10... like I know things did actually happen, but it felt like... not really much did but moving from scene to scene. Butif both parts were together the scenes would probably be more complete with them being able to dash the actions parts in while setting up others etc... this way the entire episode was all set up so the next epsiode will probably be all fighting. Which I guess is alright but it makes every other episode feel very slow and not memorable. It's sorta my issue with this season as a whole. It feels very stop, start. Like Good episode, slow episode. Fights, not fights... it jsut feels suuuuper bnary for some reason and it's thorwing me off... I still am enjoying it... it just feels like the pacing is really off. Look, I'm just glad Torchwick is back because he's freaking so wonderful XD.
  17. Aurora, Lord Cyllis. Early Morning, The 1st day of the 1st month of the year of rebirth. "Hmmm, so yes then. I see. Then perhaps this avenue is lost on me. But, let me tell you something. Is said loyalty worth more than the truth? Hmmm, I can't even say that. The thing is I don't even know the truth myself only a hunch. However, what I do know is very often a certain solider decided to take a sojourn down to this place. I've also found that in fact, that a certain man that he had differences with, the one who had disappeared, also commonly walked this path. Now, I know neither of their reasons for doing so... but I noticed one spent more time here on average. One passed through, the other stayed even shirking practices and marches as a result at times. Now, at first I figured that he had used this place to train, much like I once had. However, I find now that this place is a home. So... I find that in my mind. That means he is visiting you for whatever reason." He still looked at her still, not changing his expression. "So... are you covering for him out of your loyalty?" Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello Time: 1st of the Year of Rebirth. Nearing Afternoon. "Hmmm, no servant shall be mistreated so long as I can see it. None of the higher ups in the Castle do, trust me, they wouldn't have lasted long if they did." She said. A serious look over her face. It was certainly never something she would allow to be within this Castle. And if she ever saw it, well she wouldn't see it much longer. "Trust me, any lesser person in charge of servants that's mistreating them, you let me know. They won't be much longer." She said with an unsettling smile. "Anyway, we should be ready and then pick up Heinrich for when we get to it."
  18. Meeeeeh.... I still don't like having so many mons in common with folks even though I've been planning to take Swablu since the beginning... bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh... But that make me have 2 mons in common with people. I dunno it bugs me XD.
  19. Drake spent about 15 minutes fiddling with the form until she figured out how to actually enter the text. It was... She really needed to learn how to use this thing. She hated how bad she was at this whole thing. She just resolved to figure it out as she needed to and that she'd get it with time. She at least hoped this would happen. Whisper snickered a little, at the exchange. She loved Emberly, but... she really was hopeless sometimes. Treble was in his Pokeball so he didn't have to witness this sad affair. "Well, I know just who we are going to get for a new friend. A nice little Swablu. I've sure it will be a wonderful addition to our little family." Drake said. She always did like the little Pokemon. She was even more fond of the big fluffy bird it would evolve into. It was such a beautiful and graceful Pokemon. Drake wasn't too overly fond of Dragon times. They were huge big and frankly a little scary. People always felt she should have one due to the nickname, but she was never sure herself. She always heard they were temperamental and very hard to control. She wondered if her experience with Whisper would have made her a wonderful recipient as a result. While Whisper was more or less the opposite issue, she still couldn't help but feel maybe it would make it easier for her to understand them. She had to learn to understand how to deal with her issues with other people. Her shyness around people especially. She launched attacks at them she would get so scared at times. So, she figured keeping a small dog from lighting people on fire, that keeping a small dragon from lighting people on fire as well. Maybe a bit of translation there. It made her really want to reconsider her choice for the dragon she went with even if she wasn't that keen on getting one. She had the experience and could possibly be one of few students that could actually handle one of those creatures. It made her really feel like if she didn't she was wasting an opportunity. So, instead of just clicking the Dragon Option she listed a few that she might want to put on her team. She did it in order from the ones she most wanted, to the least. Swablu Dratini Noibat Deino Horsea Druddigon Goomy Trapinch Skrelp Tyrunt Axew Gible Bagon That was her order. Until she went to thinking. There was something she noticed while fighting Claude though not directly because of anything the lad himself had done. It was worrying about if he had a fighting move... and then, she noticed the shared weakness she had between her Pokemon. It was a wonderful moment of fridge horror as she realized it over the day she had taken her victory of how one Ground Move could've spelled her doom. So... suddenly she frantically panicked realizing even further that this would influence her list more. She had to go with ones that would quickly become Flying types, or had some way to mitigate her team's weakness to Ground type moves. So she racked her brain thinking of how to fix the list as a result. This was after taking about a few minutes to do it the first time. Ten minutes later she came to this version of the list. Swablu Noibat Trapinch Dratini Bagon Deino Horsea Goomy Axew Druddigon She removed both Skrelp and Tyrunt as both were also weak to Ground, so it wouldn't be good to include any of them. Thing was she wasn't entirely keen on her list thus far. But, she was tired of spending time on it so she just resolved it was close enough and she'd decide for sure later on the trip. She wondered how many others would choose like she had, the bombard everything strategy. She skipped the other two categories though so not a true bombard everything strategy she suppose. After all she wasn't interested in Tyranitar or Metagross as they added more Ground Weaknesses to her team. She also wanted to obtain her dragon now rather than later. So, she was done fretting... for now.
  20. Vixen "Did she give me an entire list of nutjobs? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh." The thought permeated her mind. So much so, that her eye involuntarily twitched. She really had about enough that she could take today. Multiple times reminded of a past she wanted to forget, and now yet another idiot she had to deal with. As if the first moron she had to fill full of needles wasn't bad enough... somehow... this one was worse. It was probably just due to the fact she was already at the end of her rope emotionally already, but Vixen was visibly not amused by the act. She took a deep breathe to center herself, but the irritable mood remained. This was probably worse for the stranger than her. Because if anything fueled Vixen power wise, Irritation was one of the more powerful ones. Not to mention, her strong emotional state from earlier would still be lingering. More power in all of it's forms. But for now she managed to keep her cool. How long she could was a totally different story, but for now it would hold. Somewhat... "Look, I'm here to find information on a beast trying to destroy this city. I'm not a warrior and I certainly don't have a sword on me. So, if you've seen a Beast like that of a dragon... Any information would be appreciated." she said. The look on her face was one that was trying to be polite was more a mask of twisted emotion. It was anything but friendly. Darkness sat just under the surface. All of her emotion seemed yet ready to burst forth once again.
  21. Considering that I was going to get one for my next mon 100% and this was back during when I was making my character, because it evolves into a dragon, it's considered a Dragon. Least that's what Chim and Dobbs told me and why Swablu wasn't my second Pokemon XD. That could've changed between then and now buuuuut that's what I was told at the time XD. Now... to actually get to a reply.
  22. It should though XD. SInce normally she'd agree. But she knows who Lancer is, which makes it different. She doesn't want to do her dirty is the thing, but she can't really say that she just doesn't want to do it XD.
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