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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. *incoherantly babbles something about Bloodborne*

    1. Zargerth


      Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm...

  2. Nadia "Failure to hit the mark... guess l'll have to use more swords, Perhaps, at different angles as well. The storm... good as there's darkness everywhere. Makes attacking much easier when it can be done from whenever l so desire. Not as good as the night... but close enough. " Nadia thought to herself. She had no idea what the group ahead was trying to pull but she was sure her blade hadn't connected. They'd be watching the direction she had thrown the first sword from now however. This was further confirmed by a stray bullet that whizzed by. lt wasn't close but it had certainly embedded itself in the buildings she was using for cover. "He's a good shot. But, l doubt he's the servant. That powder is definitely a mage's doing. Well, guess l just don't touch that stuff, shouldn't be difficult. Have no idea what it's purpose is butl'd rather not find out." /Saber, there's a mage here, uses bullets. Hardly a tradtional medium for magic. Probably a bit like me... mage hunters are the ones that use more...common weaponry. After all, most mages think they are above human technology they'll never plan for it's use. Leads me to believe he one of my kind as a result. Further a Servant, not sure who. Probably the woman. Whoever it is though doesn't exude a signature as of now. More than likely of Assassin Class designation. Rengaging in long range combat, unknown if they have a bead on my position they probably have an inkling but not an exact one. Luckily for me, l have a trump card./ Nadia focused and summoned a copy of Blank in her hand once more though, this time with a distinct difference. She attached to it a cord of darkness. She floated it out into the sky directly up. lf it the storm hadn't been hanging overhead it'd be clearly visible, but as it turned out... it was hard to make out darkness when it was surrounded by yet more darkness. She focused on the single copy, using it as a blueprint to ramshackle together more shadow copies of Blank. Blank's simple elegant design came in handy when mass producing. She angled the now nine blades in a sort of fan pattern to bombard the area she had last hit, sending a total of three at each figure. She did so by manipulating the cords to throw them this time, severing them at the last moment to send the blades flying, and make them harder to trace back.
  3. Cassidy heard Bea talking and in her typical fashion dind't really wait for her to finish to start her reply. Mostly due to the fact she was already doin' a hoot and a holler about her friend's awesome use of magic. "THAT... WAS... AWEEEESOME! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Ya should teach me dat sometime Bea! Apprently Readsie Wordsies are good for something after all." she said smiling in her direction, until realizing something was wrong. She ran up in her typical speed, as fast as greased lightning, "Bea, are ya okay? Ya don't seem like your doin' so hot. l'll protect ya until you recover, Come on ye brutes... l'll take ya all on!" she said shouting and beckonening towards the leftover soldiers. "Which of ya wants a buttkickin' first? YOU THERE!" she said throwing a knife immediately at the first person to look in her direction. Move to N7, and huck some knives at Marine E? Ye. E.
  4. Nadia and Saber /That sounds fine to... wait. Hold on a moment Saber./ Nadia thought she heard movement somewhere nearby the path, which could only mean someone else involved in the war. No bystander would want to be anyhere near this, whatever had made this was a power that most would have no business being in the vinicity of. So, it was clear that whatever the sound was it had to be another Master or a Servant. The dark provided by the storm was the perfect cover for her to hide her movements. The darknessfrom it would also aid her casting much like the night. She got closer trying to see if she could make out anything more without revealing herself. She could hear some voices... so masters at least, whether servants were present was another story. She couldn't make out the words entirely due to the storm, but she did hear "Berserker". She looked over the ensamble there, 3 figures. Nothing looked particulary like a Berserker, but perhaps that was assuming too much? Regardless, it seemed some sort of deal was being struck here. Between a Master and at least another Master. The fact it was 3 figures was really throwing her off. She didn't sense a servant's presence but there was no way this was 3 masters. lt was too outlandish of a conclusion. lt could've been a Master and some assistant of theirs talking to another, but that was still felt off. There's no way this conversation would be held with no servants present. So, one of these entities had to be Assassin. She noticed the one they were talking to seemed to be having some sort of issue. Were they injured? Nadia couldn't really tell from this distance but it afforded a possibility. lf she took them out now she'd have one less servant to deal with and stop them from teaming up. /Saber, l've found enemies along the path of destruction. They are south, somewhat west of the path, not in the direct wake. You should be able to close quickly. There's 3 targets, one seems injured. l'm going to try and kill them outright. l'm engaging. lf things go badly l'll call you by Seal, otherwise arrive on foot. / she then made due on that statement. She summoned a blade of darkness in the palmof her hand, one that was exactly the same as the blade she had used to perform the summoning. Blank was the easiest thing for her to make copies of. She was familiar with the weapon... to the point she considered it an extension of her own body. She turned it over in her hand, admiring her work for a second. "You'll do." she tossed it towards the injured figure, aiming directly at what she believed was their head. Berserker The Beast smirked as he began his assault, he blew into a flurry of blows that seemed to have no end. He beat down on the hapless Lancer that was now at his mercy. The man was hardy, lucky him. His defenses at least proved that that'd they'd defend him for a time, though not completely. Perhaps he had resigned to his fate, to just hold on as long as possible, trying to beat the inevitable clock. What a farce, if this had been his original body there'd be no time limit. He'd enjoy playing with this man'slife for as long as he wished. But, he didn't have the time to savor breaking him. He snarled, sending his hand towards the Lancer's gut like he had before. His claws aiming to tear into his abdomen, a move that'dprobably not kill this Lancer, but one that Ashnard wanted to perform anyway. lt'd been awhile since he felt blood on his fur... since he had felt another's beating heart in thier chest, and that beat die as he tore it out.
  5. Yeah... so it's definitely true and the "Clear Formatting" Button has definitely been removed which is going to be one heck of a nightmare. lt's not really even bias for the subs l tend to hang out in where the feature is pretty much an essiental of the toolkit cause it's also massively important in other areas of the forums. Using any formatting is probably ill-advised until it put back into place due to fact that editing a post with any formatting is going to be rather difficult until it is replaced. lt'll involve having to remove entireline until the formattign is just gone or deleting the whole post in case and rewriting it. As afurther note, don't do any formatting until you finish a postor at the very least make sure there is at least an extra line entered that is untext fromatted beneath it otherwise you'll be stuck with your settings for the entireity of the post afterwards.
  6. Berserker The Beast felt as it's momentum was being used against it, as the not-so-knightly figure ducked beneath him trying to send him for some sort of trap he had lain for him. However... The Beast smirked, cause he was right where he wanted to be right now. Humans... so predictable. Just because he was a Berserker didn't mean his mind was lost to madness. Hatred maybe, but not madness. As The Beast soared over the Lancer, he let go of the man's weapon and shouted out a single word. A word of immense power, one that ingnited his power. He truly unleashed the body magic he'd prepared. He shouted one word "Käfig!!!" Lightning sprung forth from multiple points on his body, screaming out from under the werewolf's fur and skin. The green bolts however didn't even remotely try to strike The Lancer instead they burned outward. Pale green barriers formed around the pair, directly centered on the two of them. Runes quickly etched themselves into them, intricate and ornate. They solidfied the cage and made the walls manifest for truth. While the Black Hole might've been pulling him, it only allowed him enough time to flip his orientation while tumbling through the air. The Beast touched down on the side of the cage, the Black Hole allowing him to stand on the sideways surface for a time. lt was clear it was sending lightning coursing through his veins, but it didn't phase him at all, at the least nothing showed on The Beast's face but a cruel smirk. The "trap" the Lancer had laid gave enough time for him to push off the wall and send his form rocketing back towards the Lancer at full speed. There was no way to dodge out of the way, there was no room to swing such weapon as a halbard. The Cage was made exactly for this purpose. To tie down any enemy that Ashanrd couldn't pin down with his own raw speed and power.
  7. Nadia Nadia had finally arrived at the mall that had been her target since her servant arrived there. She just wanted to be sure that Saber had left the area with her own eyes. Perhaps a strange sentiment but Nadia tended to be full of those. She checked the surronding area, it seemed pretty dead and abandoned. lt was storming after all,so it wasn't truly surprising but, it felt... wrong. She decided to make sure the area was clear before continuing. lt didn't take her toomuch time to notice soemthing very out of the ordinary. Cracks in the concrete...clearly damage from impacts. She sighed, this was definitely the work of a servant. A powerful one. Worse... this was just it's movement. /Saber, be careful. l'm not sure if you've seen the wake of destruction, but there's a servant travelling in a similar direction as you. They definitely went towards the district l told you to head to. Worse, they are immensely powerful. l can't say if that means Berserker or not but they aren't remotely trying to cover their tracks... it's likely that they are a Berserker... or worse than that someone who's so powerful they don't really care about covering their movements. Let's hope it's the former. Berserkers are known for being extremely predictable. Despite their level of power l'm sure your abilities would make fighting one much easier than you'd expect./ Berserker The orbs never reached the wolf in time, though they still landed, blowing the barely standing building away. Whoever had been inside was surely dead. A Green Spark was the Lancer's only warning something had happened, as suddenly The Beast was upon him. He had closed all of the distance between the two in an instant. The wicked maw of The Beast gravitated towards the man's throat, after all, it was any beast's favourite place to strike. The most vulnerable place on the body of any creature, let alone a man.
  8. Lyla swiftly ends the inferior swordsman, yet again an empty cloak hits the ground. Actors on the stage of Fate have yet to take flight, the player phase continues! Cheat Sheet:
  9. The Southern Cross? Well, this was quite the fucking shitstorm wasn't it? How the Resanti got a hold of, Vixen didn't know but it really didn't matter at the time being did it? They clearly had the thing, there was no point twiddling ones thumbs and wondering how it got there. Besides doubting the Resanti's capabilities is one of the biggest mistakes that the Llimian Military kept making during intial contact. She wasn't about to make the same one. This must have been the big ship that the Al kept referring to, the one she said she could help destroy. She said Father had brought it there... so clearly she has some connection to the Resanti... this wasn't an easy decision but Vixen couldn't see any possible gain for this entity to lie to her. "l'll take your word for it for now, lt seems my people are in trouble and l don't have time to debate the minutia of what you are exactly. However... do me a favor before l reestablish contact. Do you have a name? l hope so... otherwise l'm going to have to think of something to call you and l'm shit at names."
  10. "l mean l'm all fine with saving you but you'd have to be on my ship." which as far as Vixen knew no one entered but... she knew this wasn't a typical case at this point. She wasn't really entirely sure of the implications, but she was catching on well enough. "But... l have a feeling that you already have invited yourself over, what are you exactly? Pardon me if that's rude to ask, but more information would be useful here, and l'm sure that my crew is going to ask a lot of questions the second my communications come back online." Given the fact she'd lost contact with Rhees while dropping from hyperspace and was meant to reconnect after... she was definitely missed the deadline for contact. She would like to retouch with the Eclipse before they sent people ater here... if they could even afford that right now but they probably couldn't. So, having answers was probably more important, so they understand her situation.
  11. "l'll be honest l'm not sure that goal was what was in mind for this mission. We came out here mostly blind and without much information. We don't even know who you are just that there was a single lifesign on this ship for whatever reason. lt being in Resanti space and them just leaving a derelict out here with a single lifesign on it seems... strange at the least so we were just investigating." Vixen was going to try and be reasonable with whatever it was messing with her ship... cause clearly whatever this presence was quite talented and they had pierced quite far into her systems. They didn't seem to be hostile persay but it was a rather strange method to get her to stop. They could've just hailed her frenquecy or something rather than commeendeering her control. "Further you've more or less cut me off from my ship at the moment. l'm an advance unit, designation of long range combat specialist. Rescue Operations and Boarding Operations aren't much my strong suit... wait a second..." Then thought to herself back to what they had said at the beginning. "You said you disabled my ship cause you didn't want me to leave while you were only halfway onboard. So... you're on The Cleansing Rain right now then somehow?" Vixen started to look around her cockpit instinctively, as if she'd see something. She quickly caught herself though, and looked back at the moniter. This was strange. lf this was some kind of living being it was nothing she'd ever come across before.
  12. You know, feels a tad strange no longer being a mod etc... l'd been one longer than l haven't round these parts XD. But, l've left my mark and don't really regret retiring. l've been a lot happier since.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol tfw that being Rep 100 feels rather fitting.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I am glad I contributed to the cause.

    4. Candy


      I would give you rep but my pseudoOCD says don't destroy the lovely number 

  13. Vixen sighed loudly. Talking... wasn't her strong suit. This wasn't the action she was looking for at aaaaall. She should probably be concerned moreso about the fact she was cut off from the Eclipse but there wasn't really much she could do about that at the moment given the circumstance, her controls weren't responding and whatever was communicating with her... well it might not be the source but there was no way to tell. She was stuck here with little to no information, she'd have to hope the crew noticed and sent back-up if she couldn't figure some way to get her control back. But while she waited, she might as well try and chase the one avenue she did have. "A little more than a hello is needed in this situation pal. lf you're gonna cut off my controls and the ability to communicate you better have a really good reason for doin' so. And it better not be to kill me, or abduct me or some shit cause l swear to you if you come near my ship... l'll blow this little tugboat to kingdomcome. l don't need contols for that shit. Just so we're clear. We clear?"
  14. "Wot?! There's other folk fightin' these ruffians too!? Of course we 'elp 'em! A treasure 'unter can't nary standby when innocent folk are caught up in bad doin's. l'm right behind ya Bea!" Move to R7 and hold.
  15. Kaede lt didn't seem to have much effect in terms of her power however the ribbons could physically interact with Katja's body so it seemed at least. The embedment would probably help her try and hold down the woman at least enough to help the others land their strikes. Kaede figured Riley would have to do most of the lifting here but she was fine with that so long as Katja could be driven off. She tried to tie her down with the ribbons wrapping as much of the around Katja's limbs as she could manage and then tugging them taut.
  16. Lyle charges forth, bringing his lance to bear on the swordsman. lt connects, sending yet another empty robe clattering towards the ground, no body in sight. Lenny heals Lyle for 14! Yay! Coel moves to H9 and heals Renee for 18! The curtain is called on the stage of fate, for now their act comes to a close. The Enemy Phase begins. The looming figure lumbers forth, faster than one would expect for someone who seemed to be covered in stone. They walked with purpose, straight towards the great Castle Calmary. They set eyes upon one of the shades that was currently fleeing. Poor fool... running would only lead to more suffering. She decided to be merciful in this moment and lifted her massive tome, a horrid bolt of darkness stared to form above the pages. The Tower moves to N10, and attacks Scout 2 with lmhullu. The darkness washes over the scout... and as soon as it passes, nothing remains. The Figure then turns it attention to the crowd gathered in the distance. As their task done they hear shouting in the distance. "Where is Sir Roland? Where is he!" They slammed their tome shut, placing the ancient decrepit relic to the side for the time being. Out of their robes they fetched an ornate axe... and heldit aloft. Perhaps this belonged to the man he was looking for. The figure had no desire to to kill these people, just to see them gone. So, rather than give the lad no answers, they lifted the axe aloft so that he could see it. She shouted out to him "The Man you are looking for is gone. He insisted on stopping me from reaching Calmary. l offered him safe passage, that he may leave without a scratch on his head. However he declined, and fought despite knowing he would die. l doubt you'll believe me but that however is the truth. He's passed on from this world. l'm sure this was his." She said lifting Knight Errant as high above her head as she could. "lf this is not proof enough that at the very least he no longer is in this world with us, l don't know what is." They now turned to face Coel. "Flee Hierophant, and take your flock with you. l have no desire to see your lives end. However, l must take Calmary. lf you remain l will be forced to destroy you all the same." Pupil 3 attacks Sherwyn! lnitiate 7 attacks Renee! lnitiate 5 moves to l8 and attacks Morgan! Scout 3 holds, scared to death of the scene that just occured behind him. The curtains fly open once more, The Actors of Fate take flight once more! Player Phase begins! Cheat Sheet:
  17. Vixen didn't move much from her lounging position, she was used to such calls, couldn't say she wasn't happy to hear she'd get to be off ship for a time in a place no one could bother her. Well... at least they couldn't physically invade her space. She often had to keep contact of some sort over comms, but if it was Rhees she'd not mind. Anyone else bleeh, but the information offcier was usually the one to handle such things, so it'd probably always be Rhees. Not bleh. "Can do, don't mind being adrift for a bit. l'll be sure to let the rest know the skin wearin' toasters are on their tails if need be.Hopefully they remain scared enough of whatever this is to stay the hellaway, but at that point even if they are scared of it... they probably don't want us sticking our nose in it. So... l highly doubt they'll do nothing. Guess it means l'll get to shoot something. l'm down for that. See, brightside. Well, for me. Not so much you guys. You'd better hope l remain bored and lonely."
  18. Nadia and Saber. /Good good. l like that, l really do. After all, we'll get nowhere in this war if we don't remain proactive. Nothing happening is honestly more unnerving... lt's quiet at the start... like last time. Or perhaps l just am the lucky one and somehow avoid everyone at the beginning. Perhaps the advantage of being a denizen of the night?/ the last part was Nadia clearly talking to herself, almost as if she forgot that Saber could hear her. And yet... as if she wanted her to hear those musings. Nadia continued on her path, hoping to get to the mall quickly, she didn't like how open the commercial area of this city was... always made her uncomfortable. Most of her opponents probably cared little about murdering civilians, so she could really be attacked from any angle. She'd just have to blend into the crowds if there were any at this time of night. Even still, night was the last time they wanted to do battle with her, it was when she was at her strongest. Berserker The Beast stood smouldering in the distance. Emerald eyes full of hate glittered through the darkness and the rain. The wound on his shoulder where the halbard had once rended his flesh was fully gone, as if nothing had ever happened. He snarled and laughed. "You still flee? You don't even have that burden to carry anymore. Fight me like the hero you are... or are you scared? lf you're looking for my master they aren't here l'm afraid. lt's just you and me. So, how about you show me what you're made of or l'll hunt that little girl. Tracking her will be easy... the stench of your magic is all over her. Luckily for you, l don't care about some stupid war. l just want to hunt. She is boring prey, she'd put up no fight. l'm not interested. So, olibge me. Or she dies. l'm no hero... so trust me, l have no qualms gutting her. Your choice Hero." he stood there, preparing to jump, leap or anything reallyif need be. He was charging to release a ton of energy... pieces of him close to unraveling within an instant for great bursts of speed. But he stood there, waiting for the lancer's move. He felt the fear or... some feeling through the link of his master's origin, but he didn't really care. He was here to hunt not babysit.
  19. Hiyas Bibs~ <3

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I fell asleep OOPS

      didnt obsessively refresh this time

      ey huk :]

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hey sleep is good l can respect that.

  20. "Well, looks like their numbers are thinnin' out now innit? Good good, make right quick work of these hooligans we do we do." Cassidy said, chipper as ever. She ran up trying to stick close to Bea and Yuel. Move to T9
  21. Anemone lt was a rush of feelings, her soul bearing the full brunt of it this time around. No human flesh to soften the impact, to hide behind. Anemone only felt a pervasive chill that wracked the full of her senses. What it was, she had no idea.SHe'd never felt it before. This... wasn't supposed to be how this worked. At least as far as the theory went. But she'd never done it in practice. She must've failed to... do to something correctly. What was forgotten? She couldn't really remember. She was having trouble remembering anything at the moment... she felt like her grasp wsa slipping until suddenly... "I d-don't know who you are, b-but I know you're there!" The lost soul panicked at the sudden words. Everything rushed back in that instant as her survival instincts kicked in. She could feel the eyes on her right now. Straing at her. She had no idea how or why but that they were and that's all she knew. Her thoughts raced amile a minute. She tried to say something but no words materilized. She had no mouth with which to do so. She couldn't even scream i she wanted to. However... she supposed i'd be a good lesson in how to focus herself when she was panicking. Brightsides... ye, try and keep positive. Time had passed quite a few minutes but due to the utter horror and panic it seemed like mere moments to Anemone. The situation had now calmed and the girl explained the situation or at least, some of what could be happening. Look into other dimensions... is that what she was doing? She didn't remember that being the case. Regardless she was here now though and she needed the ability to communicate with this girl somehow. She tried to will herself towards the computer the girl had indicated, She wasn't sure how this work or how she could make it known she had done this but her first concern was entering the device if she was even able in the first place. lf she could, she'd try and will out a message of some sort. She settled on a "Hello?" in English, which seemed to be the language this girl knew.
  22. Vixen almost let out a chuckle at Rhees tone during the brief. For the time she'd known her, it'd certainly had been amusing. She supposed normally a cheery demeanor woul get on her nerves to some degree, however it was a different kind of it least to Vixen. Perhaps only a justifaction she made up to be able to accept it but not like she cared. She took in the rest asking their questions. She wondered when Willard woul... ah there it was. "Good to know the information officer round these parts has a sense of humour." she said playfully jabbing at Rhees. She had her feet up on the table leaning back, her black combat boots resting on the table. Most of her wasn't visible however due to that strange dusty tan cape that covered her whole body she semed to always be wearing. She sat up abruptly, and leaned forward during the rest of the questions "The hell could those Rust Buckets in human pajamas be so scared of? Guess we'll find out. Seems fishy avessel out here all by it's lonesome but no trap l'd ever seen in my days. Too random... too out of the way and only single lifesign. Nearly impossible to spoof those, or poof them l guess in this case. Likethey'd have to hope someone would randomly stumble into this it's just not feasible.... and at the least a logistics nightmare. lf the Resanti's hivemind is sanctioning this kinda shit... Well we'd not be their greatest enemy, that'd title belong to themselves." Vixen more or less thought to herself outloud.
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