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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Keep in mind there's a reason I didn't mention her XD. I knew she was a Lycan. To be fair though... Lycanthropes are basically... Beast People that have a human form when you get down to the nitty gritty of it. However that's grossly over simplifying. like GROSSLY oversimplifying XD. However they are in a similar category for a reason, they are decently close in idea.
  2. I'm just going to say that Sybil doesn't bite people to draw blood... you really don't want to know how it works for her. Let's jsut say it's really really painful experience and you'd probably have to watch your character die to learn how it worked. But it's up to the person who made that character how it works. After all, it's their character XD. ((and I'll be honest there a reason that was the case in some old vampire stories. The bite was more or less meant to be a censored version of... well... I'm sure you know, hence the reaction of ecstasy from it. It was sorta a weird way to get around actually writing that stuff into the story itself lol. Not to mention that Vampires have always been creatures that play off the theme of lust and desire... usually the dark carnal and animalistic sides of it. It why they often have truly beautiful human appearances, can easily manipulate others with magic especially natural charms-etc...however underneath they are really ugly beings close to demons if not outright demons rather than undead.))
  3. I just mean there's been that one, one Shadow mentioned I believe. Now there's one I mentioned ((though he deeeead.)). Just a common theme it seems XD. I don't see why not. Who are you to say a Slime can't be a maaaaaid?! Ruuuuuuuuuude.
  4. Lotus Contiello, Countess Sybil Contiello Time: 1st of the Year of Rebirth. Early Morning The clicking of heels sounded on the stone floors of the castle. It was... obvious to Lotus who this was arriving. If there was ever a more dreaded sound in the Halls of Castle Dour it had to be mostly forgotten by now. Nothing was more feared or loathed then the clicking of the Countess's heels. After all, they were a message. A Message that she was coming and the one best know it was her. Even this early in the morning she was sure to wear them because no sound was more associated with anyone than this to her. The Arrival of the the so called Queen of Blood. The bearer of the Bloody Rose, the Mistress of baying hounds, The Black Widow. Whatever title one choose to call her, it was feared all the same. Nothing was more horrifying the the sound of her approach. Her heels always giving her away. But this, was on purpose. After all, she wanted them to know her approach was about to come, that she would inevitably be upon them. A Horrifying woman was this Sybil Contiello. So, Lotus knew before long that her Mistress would be in the room. She knew it well. After all, having been a servant of hers the entire time during the closing of Castle Dour, one started to know the sound of her approach. Lotus had once seen a servant die of a heart attack at the impending doom. He was an old man of a beastman, a butler meant to ready her meal for that day. He hadn't yet succeeded in that task. Her approach was too much stress for the old man. So, it was well known to Lotus that the approach of Sybil alone could prove deadly. Her aura carried that much weight. Her presence was that strong a thing, or at least, so it seemed. The Rumors that spread about the ones that just vanished one day were worse then even that occurrence. So many dark rumors surrounded the Countess. She seemed to reveal in it. She even seemed to encourage them. She seemed to even add to them at times. After all, it was her that choose to wear heels all the time, everywhere and at every opportunity when she was out and about. To the point that she looked nearly ridiculous as she slinked into the room where Lotus was waiting. She stood tall at a decent 5'9", taller than your average woman for certain but not towering in height. Her posture was impeccable, and she carried herself with poise and grace. She looked magnificent. Almost like something out of a painting given life. She seemed to be a walking piece of art almost. It only added to her imposing nature. Her very form made one feel like she was leagues above them. It itself made them think they were unworthy to stand in her presence. It was the pinnacle of perfection. The Idealistic form of beauty personified. The only thing that ruined this was the fact she was still dressed in her night gown from the night before. She had to walk the hall from her bedroom to this place. Luckily for her, no one saw her, thought this was in part since her heels mostly sent any servant that knew better fleeing in the other direction. Only Lotus would see her in this state of dress. She definitely wasn't decent enough to be seen. However, it's why she was here. She meant to pick up her dress today and, that's is why she ordered it be finished. Now, she was here to see how it fit, and more importantly to wear it if it were to her standards. After all, this nightgown would be no good. She still managed to pull it off... somehow... Sybil didn't look horrible in anything. The thought maybe passed the mind of Lotus that... she'd never once seen Sybil not look stunning in something even in the morning. It was more than crazy. Either way the woman walked into the room. The area rug within the the room stopped the heels from clicking and as a result, Sybil quickly kicked them off mid-stride. She kept walking now barefoot to the sit on the couch that was provided in the Parlor. After all, this entire parlor belonged to her. It was her personal place for fitting, dressing and things of said nature. As result it was often a work space for her servants as Sybil was very meticulous in any area that was her appearance. It was seemingly... vitally important to her. Everything she did to further that air of an unapproachable attitude. She smiled at Lotus as she saw her. Her fangs evident in the grin. It was most definitely a genuine smile. She now sat, as she crossed her leg over her other before finally speaking. "So... my beautiful little Lotus, what do you have for me today?" she said a sensual tone in her voice. Her night gown barely covered the woman... it seemed a deliberate choice in a way. Now the one shoulder fell as she leaned back, though she seemed not to care too much that it had happened. She looked at Lotus expectantly, waiting to be shown her new dress, the one she had Lotus work on quite a while back.
  5. You'll get more practice, there's more scene writing for all of you for sure while I update the main event. This first day you'll mostly be on your own until the Call to Action. So... better get to writing foooooolks. XD Or at least getting a solid plan for it down. Also... apparently Beast People servants are super popular for some reason.... XD
  6. Aye, feel free to add me on Steam as Well for this Hukuna Fulmine!
  7. Okay so now that I have some of the scene planned out, I've gotten up the IC. now a few ground rules. 1. For character introduction you will be setting and writing your own scene. I will not set the pace for you, YOU will set it for you. I'm going to be making sure you get it out within reasonable time but I will not being helping with the scene unless you specifically want me to insert a more major NPC into it. 2. Don't interfere with the main theme going on. No "Oops, i ran into it happening" things. It's not to be known what is happening. As this is what historically happened, the PCs can;t see it go down. No one is supposed to know how it happened other than those involved directly. Characters shouldn't have any idea what went on. This is to sow possible distrust in the new lord etc... and just in general for the characters. It's meant to more or less be something no one saw coming. So, don't interfere in the scene. Trust me, if you do, it's not going to be pretty for your character. You'd be messing with powers you really don't want to at this point. 3. You may create minor NPCs for use in your scene. However, only basic citizens or lower ranking people please. I don't want people creating those that have any sway in the upper parts of Dour currently. After all your not really anybody in the place of the Castle you shouldn't know those people unless you are in direct contact with them as their servant etc... However for now I wish to have the control over the politics etc of Dour. It might be possible for your character to be able to influence things later etc... Minor NPCs will not be contained in the NPC archive but instead only by name in a Minor NPC Archive. These characters may be used by anyone who wants to. As more info is know little blurbs will be added to their spot in the Minor Archive. This will be basic thing slike a small idea of personlity, job etc... 4. At some point your character should eventually end up in the Throne Room somehow. After the Cue/Call to action they should make their way there. It will be clear what this call is. You'll know. I don't suggest being there before this call happens either. Trust me... you really. really don't want to be in that room at that point in time. 5. Make sure to document your time of when events happen. All PCs, and Major NPCs in a scene should be noted in a header. ((Example, current scene in IC. Keep the date of your event in mind and remember that everything will be occurring here on the First of the Year of Rebirth.)) This will help later, trust me... even if keeping track of date is weird. Currently it is Month 1, day 1, of year 1 for sake of ease. Remember this. Passing of days will be counted. You better keep them counted.
  8. ((This thread will be used for goings-on that happen within the Castle and the small area surrounding it, also know as Underdark. Any events that happen here must be written well... here! Training is an exception, but that will be handled later since there won't be any true training until that thread is unlocked and the story begins.)) Azegeor, Tempest, Henrick, and... The Figure of White. Time: 1st of the Year of Rebirth. Early Morn' "We all know he's gone mad... even the citizens are feeling it now. What are we waiting for?" "It's not so simple Heinrich... " "Psssssssssh, of course you'd say that bag o' bones. Everything is about the right time for you. We waitin' for the Planets to align? Huh? Huuuuuh?" The vampire lord leaned forward, towards the target of his hurled insult. He tried to look imposing scary, but his thin fragile looking frame betrayed him. Despite his demeanor and his words, he looked harmless, like there wasn't really anything he could do about it. He looked like a shady character, a mobster, but more so like the boss, the one who never got his own hands dirty. Without any of his muscle around he just looked like a skinny punk trying to throw his non existent weight around. He hair was obviously slicked back and held in place with something. A small curt mustache sat on his lip. It was well trimmed and maintained. It curled at it's end something put there by many hours of meticulous work. Clearly, this one cared a lot about his appearance. Now, the target of his words, was a Lich. The skeletal remains of a powerful wizard... or so they said. The Lich sat directly across from this Heinrich. It was hard to see really any of his frame as it was covered in a inky black cloak. It was strange to look at as it looked as if the night sky adorned his body. It really messed with the eyes and the mind. He pressed his boney hand to his temple. and sighed loudly. How this was possible without a windpipe... who knew? But it happened nonetheless. "No, Heinrich, you can't just remove a monarch and expect no recourse. Despite how bad we know he is for Dour right now he has supporters. We can't just waltz in and remove him." "He's right after all. Even if I don't really want to agree. I wish I could just flow with the wind and do what I wanted when I wanted, but the world is not as carefree as me." said another figure from out of frame. Both gentleman sat back in their seat as they turned to face the one who had just spoken. It was... some sort of being. One that really couldn't be seen, but yet could at the same time. A slight shimmering in the form of something humanoid stood at the other end of the table. Cracks of lightning jumped in the frame lighting the room with soft glows of blue light every now and then. Where a person's finger nails would be were five shards of light in the shape of sharp nails. They seemed to be rocks, but in reality were hardened Lightning. It was faint but they had the same blue glow that the surging bolts within it's frame. "Of course Tempest, the adults are talking though keep quiet." "Quiet Heinrich!" Azegeor probably would've been betrayed by his face revealing his emotion however, due to being a Lich... he didn't have facial features. Luckily for him this didn't portray his anger towards Heinrich. Instead it sounded as if he was a superior telling a subordinate to cease their prattling. "We have more important matters to attend to. Where are the others?" The Elemental girl spoke up, the Tempest that Heinrich was referring to earlier. "Well, Father Babble is attending the Night Benediction after all, you should now that is this night. However, will he prepare the Benediction of Solomon... or the benediction of Azegeor?" "My Sybil is attending to the servants as well My lord, though I've not really let her know too much of the plan." "That's not a concern Heinrich... despite what you think she knows she knows everything. She has her ways." In response to this statement... Heinrich's pale face seemingly turned red with embarrassment. O course, everyone in the castle but him seemed to know that Sybil, was in charge of his affairs whether he liked it or not. Though she had never once been to one of these meetings she knew their entire contents. Azegeor admired her tenacity and resourcefulness. It was really because of her he even let Heinrich in on it. Nothing she would follow suit with her husband's desires if she wanted them as well, he made sure that despite how much a bother it was having Heinrich know anything, he was a good affront for Sybil. He was the face, the body people got to see. But the Spider lurked behind. He was the baying hound, the bark. She was the Hiding spider... the bite. "However, what do you think, White?" The figure of White... a mysterious female figure that had been at Castle Dour longer than most could remember. It was in her hall they held this meeting... her dreaded hall. Most feared to go here. Despite the claims that the Figure of White could heal any wound no matter how grave, from any being... she was feared. She was mysterious. Her Mirror was rumored to see all within the Castle and that she knew the sins of anyone she met. And, as such... she'd collect on them if you came for healing. No one knew how true this was, but they could see why these rumors spread. The entire back wall of the chamber, a Mirror, however a cloudy one. Nothing could be seen in it. However, apparently White could see everything within it. The apparent whispers of the world. Or so she claimed. In front of it a giant wooden chair. In it sat the Figure of White, or White for short. Nothing could be seen of her other than her hands towards the end of the arms and her raven black hair that flowed down the back of the chair. "I think that all that needs to be is in place. You have an ally within the throne-room. A Solider by the name of "Times". For now he is not on your side, but the ripples will align him with you. He is a loyal man. His word lies with that who is the Lord of Night. Your numbers will be bolstered and control easily wrested. So... Azegeor... the throne is in your reach. What will you do once you obtain it?" "I'll lead Castle Dour to greatness. We will be the gem of the Damned we once were." "Is that true? Hmmm, well I'd like to say I believe that. We'll see your rule in time."
  9. Drake vs Claude There wasn't much time between when Treble finally managed to center himself and when he opened his eyes to see a fist flying towards him. He stared directly at it knowing it was an inevitability. The blow sent him back aways, though due to his weight it wasn't too far. His tough shell soaked a lot of the hit. After all, being both a Steel and Rock Type Double Hit wasn't a very powerful move to use on it. It was definitely a solid hit on anything that wasn't an Aron. However, this gave Drake a lot of information. Claude either had no better option or was trying to lull her into a sense of false confidence. However, seeing as how this battle progressed thus far she figured the first was more likely. If Claude had to rely on Teeter Dance he was clearly not in a position to do much else. So, Drake decided to gamble on him not having a fighting move. If he kept going for this combo there had to be a reason. So, instead she was going to go offensive. It was a gamble on whether or not this Buneary knew some sort of fighting move. "Alright, time to get physical! Treble! Autotomize." The Aron understood, metal plates dropped off it's body and they hit the floor with a clang.
  10. For the information of those who do pick it up. It runs on a system similar to League of Legends. 6 of the characters will be free any given week and you can play them through-out the week. You earn Legends of course, by gaining an in-game currency ((which as of typing can be earned even for friendly matches.))called gold. This lets you pick up Heros as you play and add them to your roster permanently. Alternatively i think there's a 20$ option that will unlock all the current Legends and I believe any Legends that come out later ((I'd have to read the wording on that.)) It's basically like... purchasing it as if it was a full game. SO you can either earn your characters or, just get them all in one chunk. As for now the Roster is pretty small, 6 Free Legends a Week is pretty generous and it does give you a nice spread every week of Legends that use a different mix of weapons. Basically... I picked it up yesterday but having a blast already. ((all of them still think I'm full of it when I say that I'm not good at Fighting games etc... and still don't believe it was the first time I played yesterday lol.))
  11. Okay so, I've got a 3DS now! Sweeeeet. Now I can stop being that guy! Thanks to Kaito, seriously thanks dude. FC: 5000 6063 2326 for thsoe that want to add me! I don't got much but do have Sm4sh I suppose lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Commander


      Took you long enough. Now you need to get either FE Awakening or Fates (when it comes out) along with a huge selection of great RPGs that aren't Pokemon.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Now if only I had cash...

    4. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Do you play Pokémon?

  12. Well we got some gems in our LCS.

  13. lol, we all start somewhere Loomy. But you've come a long way and I do enjoy reading your posts. You've improved a lot in the time you've been RPing, it's really awesome.
  14. "They don't call me Sensei for nothing. I'm the Narrative Ninja, the Story Shinobi. All fear my mighty pen. *flourishs.* I will write you out of the script of this world, cut you from the narrative it wishes to tell. Just like that, the whisper of a nightingale, the gentle caress of the night sky washing over the dying day. Like that! Gone in an Instant! For, I'm the Bard... and this world's tales are mine to write."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Will reaffirm, that Multiple point sof view are suuuuper helpful my man. I've got a very certain way of doing things, my methods are haphazard... and probably legitimately insane. Another perspective is always good looool.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      True I suppose. True XD. Anyway, I've got more things to write and stuff to do. Weeeeeee!!! SO probably should get working.

  15. Apparently today I learned I'm not complete trash at fighting games... only mostly trash lol.

    1. Avatar of Grima
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Soul Calibur is not a fighting game.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I think of the long, complex combos we make in 2D games like KoF or Blazblue, and I think of how long it would take for Huk to lose his patience trying to keep up. My bet is on 12 seconds :P

  16. Does it not have Ketchup((also known as the most vile substance on earth.))? Fine by me. Really though if it's a really classy burger((a.k.a not fast food is my definition for that.)), I prefer a niiiiiiice Medium Rare. Like I don't want it still kicking, but I'm not fond of it being leather either. Maybe a bit of onion, and the sort. I don't mind mushroom either, goes nicely with swiss cheese. It's really that so long as the things that go on it gel I'm not too picky. Sides? Look, not really picky there either. I kinda prefer Steak Fries though.
  17. Yea Appearance is barely actually needed. It's nice, but not required. Why do I put it in my sign-ups? Cause I personally, use appearance to help inform other things about my character and vice versa. I like to put their personality into their physicality, and to apply that to add to their over all feel as a character. However, Appearance is just surface stuff at the end of the day and not 100% required to be known. After all, we'll never actually see the character. However, it just makes them easier to visualize. It can easily be done in the RP, not written at character creation stage.
  18. I'm probably not going to be able to do this one with my other outstandings and with trying to open up the giant monster ((Hehehehehe)) that is the Experiment known as Heartless Souls, however, nice to see ya again Jory lol. Thought it was a bit of ashame losing a genuinely fun dude to RP with, so, I'm happy you're back lol. I hope this goes super well for ya! But an active player role would be pretty tough for me so that's not something I think I can do right now. Anyway, good luck, I think I'll read along with this bad boy.
  19. Well, that's a good day dashed on the sole fact my family gives about 0 shits about anyone but them self.

  20. So much this... soooooooooo much this... SOOO MUCH THIS!!! ((warning: Kinda long lol.))
    1. CURIE


      "Rougelike as a genre ceased to exist"

      Meanwhile they're still making Mystery Dungeon games, which he flat out said are rougelike in previous sentence.

      Seems legit.

  21. Alrighty, major proofreading of the first Two Chapters completed ((Thanks to Rose~ <3)) and some Flow and wording edits have been done for most of Chapters 1 and 2. There's a few pages that haven't been done yet for Chapter 2 I think it's the last 4 pages just since it was getting late and me and Rose had to get to sleep lol. But yea for the most part we got a bunch of work done and smoothed out a lot of the lines making them a lot less clunky. Hope that really improves the feel of this first two Chapters for the REaders. I'm going to get back to some more work on Chapter 3 and square away some more of it. Fun Fact: The pronunciation of the Town name Grownever can be either of the more common ones I'm sure people have thought of. Whether you say Grown Ever, or Grow Never ((personally, I say it Grow Never)), as either way the joke I'm going for works. Since "Has anything Grown ever?" or the idea that nothing ever grows there. ((Grow Never.)) Hence why they had a huge grasp on the FIshing, and hunting spots in the area. Because they cannot actually grow food ((it's a pretty shitty situation for them since they are trying to get it so that things will etc.)) since I'm not sure I'll revisit it to much thought it might be fun to explain that name since I kinda liked it XD. We'll see if we revisit it though, we'll see. I don't got 100% of this bad boy planned to I don't even know the future or path it will take. It's kinda fun for me though, since I could go anywhere! Weeeee!
  22. Chucked a PM your way not suuuuuuuuure if you saw it or not. Sorry about postin' here jsut really need that question answered lol.
  23. Nooooo problem. Here's hopin' I get the next chapter out pretty quick for ya then lol. I'm going to take a break for today while we get a bit of editing going and then I'll get back onto Chapter 3. Alright? Alriiiiiiight. Probably be a biiiiit more background since I plan to write the next Chapter more from Ivo's perspective. I kinda want to be able to flop between the two. We'll see if I end up keeping it that way or not though.
  24. tfw you and your brothers had like a 3 hour conversation on why Lore is cooler than the story a lot of the time. Aaaaaaaaah it was wonderful.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea of course, but we're were more going on how it can improve or be better than just a singular story. It's a mastery of both that can extremely enhance an experience. It's was mostly with Fallout that we were discussing that the lore to that world is more interesting than what is being told as a narrative. ((msotly because the type of game it is, is a much better platform for organic and area story telling or lore based stuff.))

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ((Fallout 4 was the main point of discussion. Hence our finding there.))

    4. Commander


      I never really play shooters so I know nothing about Fallout 4. It kind of reminds me of the discussion with my dad's friend's son in which he is like 7 years younger than me and play mostly M rated games and there's me who plays a lot of E and Teen games (RPGs mostly).

  25. Don't worry man, it's going to be awhile before I open any new submissions anyhow, so no pressure. It's not like I could accept the cahracter even if you finished it since I'm not accepting anymore at current. So, no issue there dude.
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