((This thread will be used for goings-on that happen within the Castle and the small area surrounding it, also know as Underdark. Any events that happen here must be written well... here! Training is an exception, but that will be handled later since there won't be any true training until that thread is unlocked and the story begins.))
Azegeor, Tempest, Henrick, and... The Figure of White. Time: 1st of the Year of Rebirth. Early Morn'
"We all know he's gone mad... even the citizens are feeling it now. What are we waiting for?"
"It's not so simple Heinrich... "
"Psssssssssh, of course you'd say that bag o' bones. Everything is about the right time for you. We waitin' for the Planets to align? Huh? Huuuuuh?"
The vampire lord leaned forward, towards the target of his hurled insult. He tried to look imposing scary, but his thin fragile looking frame betrayed him. Despite his demeanor and his words, he looked harmless, like there wasn't really anything he could do about it. He looked like a shady character, a mobster, but more so like the boss, the one who never got his own hands dirty. Without any of his muscle around he just looked like a skinny punk trying to throw his non existent weight around. He hair was obviously slicked back and held in place with something. A small curt mustache sat on his lip. It was well trimmed and maintained. It curled at it's end something put there by many hours of meticulous work. Clearly, this one cared a lot about his appearance. Now, the target of his words, was a Lich. The skeletal remains of a powerful wizard... or so they said. The Lich sat directly across from this Heinrich. It was hard to see really any of his frame as it was covered in a inky black cloak. It was strange to look at as it looked as if the night sky adorned his body. It really messed with the eyes and the mind.
He pressed his boney hand to his temple. and sighed loudly. How this was possible without a windpipe... who knew? But it happened nonetheless. "No, Heinrich, you can't just remove a monarch and expect no recourse. Despite how bad we know he is for Dour right now he has supporters. We can't just waltz in and remove him."
"He's right after all. Even if I don't really want to agree. I wish I could just flow with the wind and do what I wanted when I wanted, but the world is not as carefree as me." said another figure from out of frame. Both gentleman sat back in their seat as they turned to face the one who had just spoken. It was... some sort of being. One that really couldn't be seen, but yet could at the same time. A slight shimmering in the form of something humanoid stood at the other end of the table. Cracks of lightning jumped in the frame lighting the room with soft glows of blue light every now and then. Where a person's finger nails would be were five shards of light in the shape of sharp nails. They seemed to be rocks, but in reality were hardened Lightning. It was faint but they had the same blue glow that the surging bolts within it's frame.
"Of course Tempest, the adults are talking though keep quiet."
"Quiet Heinrich!"
Azegeor probably would've been betrayed by his face revealing his emotion however, due to being a Lich... he didn't have facial features. Luckily for him this didn't portray his anger towards Heinrich. Instead it sounded as if he was a superior telling a subordinate to cease their prattling.
"We have more important matters to attend to. Where are the others?"
The Elemental girl spoke up, the Tempest that Heinrich was referring to earlier.
"Well, Father Babble is attending the Night Benediction after all, you should now that is this night. However, will he prepare the Benediction of Solomon... or the benediction of Azegeor?"
"My Sybil is attending to the servants as well My lord, though I've not really let her know too much of the plan."
"That's not a concern Heinrich... despite what you think she knows she knows everything. She has her ways." In response to this statement... Heinrich's pale face seemingly turned red with embarrassment. O course, everyone in the castle but him seemed to know that Sybil, was in charge of his affairs whether he liked it or not. Though she had never once been to one of these meetings she knew their entire contents. Azegeor admired her tenacity and resourcefulness. It was really because of her he even let Heinrich in on it. Nothing she would follow suit with her husband's desires if she wanted them as well, he made sure that despite how much a bother it was having Heinrich know anything, he was a good affront for Sybil. He was the face, the body people got to see. But the Spider lurked behind. He was the baying hound, the bark. She was the Hiding spider... the bite.
"However, what do you think, White?" The figure of White... a mysterious female figure that had been at Castle Dour longer than most could remember. It was in her hall they held this meeting... her dreaded hall. Most feared to go here. Despite the claims that the Figure of White could heal any wound no matter how grave, from any being... she was feared. She was mysterious. Her Mirror was rumored to see all within the Castle and that she knew the sins of anyone she met. And, as such... she'd collect on them if you came for healing. No one knew how true this was, but they could see why these rumors spread. The entire back wall of the chamber, a Mirror, however a cloudy one. Nothing could be seen in it. However, apparently White could see everything within it. The apparent whispers of the world. Or so she claimed. In front of it a giant wooden chair. In it sat the Figure of White, or White for short. Nothing could be seen of her other than her hands towards the end of the arms and her raven black hair that flowed down the back of the chair.
"I think that all that needs to be is in place. You have an ally within the throne-room. A Solider by the name of "Times". For now he is not on your side, but the ripples will align him with you. He is a loyal man. His word lies with that who is the Lord of Night. Your numbers will be bolstered and control easily wrested. So... Azegeor... the throne is in your reach. What will you do once you obtain it?"
"I'll lead Castle Dour to greatness. We will be the gem of the Damned we once were."
"Is that true? Hmmm, well I'd like to say I believe that. We'll see your rule in time."