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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Of course but with me, it's not that I'm lazy and don't want to do it, it's just legitimately hard for me to. Like I'm just very bad at spelling etc and I have trouble with it at times since I don't notice them. ((despite how stupid it'll sound it's hard for me to see a capital H and notice it's not supposed to be capital.)) I actually did a few proofread checks myself and boooooooooom still a lot of them. So... I jsut very awful at it. There's a reason I personally say that I value Substance/message over proper grammar etc. One being that I legitimately believe that, but 2 because it is pretty difficult for me to weed all that stuff out. It's always been an issue for me. Like always with typing. I actually only type them up cause it's convenient for sharing. I much prefer hand writing my stuff since I can't make those errors anywhere near as often. ((however, then I get a lot of spelling errors... since... I spell by ear and not remembrance. Like I sound out the word rather then commit it's spelling to mind and I've always been that way. Memorization is just really freaking hard for me, and there's a reason I always say my memory is bad... because it is legitimately bad lol.)) So for me I really really do actually need the help on it. Because I have a lot of trouble and struggle with it. I'm probably going to be the only writer on the planet who will eeeeeeeeeeeeeever admit that that, but it is true. There's a reason I hated that they always graded on correctness rather than substance in school, because I was constantly told "If this didn't have any mistakes it'd be more than A worthy." and to me that was saying, "You got your message across crystal clear and it was a good read, buuuuuuut because you made a single typo all of your work doesn't matter." That always pissed me off. Because I always hands down had the best work out of pretty much my entire class, and because I made a little mistake it would be invalidated almost entirely. I was sick of my papers being an example of work that people should do, and also told that at the same time it didn't deserve the highest grade. It was infuriating to me lol. Because it's legit an issue I've always had and struggled with. I was put on a pedestal but then told I didn't deserve to be there constantly. It was really, really annoying and was the epitome of mixed signals. But yea, I totally understand why you don't it's not hard feeling or anything it's just sooooomething I suuuuper struggle with so it's frustrating to me. I need the help at times. Since it's difficult for me lol. It's mostly why Rose offered to help me out in the first place since I was talking about it to her ((and a few other folks)), but it was of her own volition I didn't ask her too XD. She just wanted to help me out. I didn't, I was just commenting why I did it in case you didn't know. That and I like to explain why I did something. In that instance confusion was important to get across how the scene should feel, and to make that part where he slices of her arm even that much more confusing for the reader. Since it just happens and you've got no idea why. It make you think Astor might be a terrible terrible character and then it switches the perspective to him directly for a moment after it happens while he laments that decision. It makes a sorta emotional roller coaster, from confusion, to shock, to maybe a bit of symphony. All without needing to show how it escalated to that. It's a attempt to hook people in after all. They don't have the full of what's going on, they'll want to know. I can definitely see how people do it wrong as it's done wrong often, it's usually a mess and chaotic, but when you need to sow chaos it's perfect because the confusion makes real tension and it makes it easier to get a reaction to something. It's about using your tools in scene set-up correctly. That's what honestly makes them interesting to me. They are a lot like my other characters in ways and they aren't anything personality wise, off the wall. However, they are forced into dealing with each other and it's the tension and dynamic created between them that makes them very fun to write. It's impossible to be too nice to someone lol. Besides you really really helping me out, like immensely. Means the world to me, so thanks lol <3
  2. It'll be good practice for scene writing later, because you guys will be doing it in this RP. Quite a bit of this RP isn't 100% in my control but I'm expecting a loooooooot out of you guys. Framing a scene is one such thing. But a lot of other writing skills are going to be necessary. I'm not going to be going easy on anyone. This RP will demand a pretty high skill level and I've not hidden that I've tried to make it pretty clear. For it to work properly I can't be the only one doing everything you guys are going to have to have some of the workload. You've been warned. I'm going to be preeeetty hard on folks for this RP, not out of spite but that I demand the best out of your for it. This is going to be some tough stuff so stay on your toes. Scene setting is just one important aspect as well as keeping your sheets updated, and some others stuff that will certainly come into play later. So, best start getting ready.
  3. Uuuuuh I'll decide the power level character can come in at. Keep in mind not all characters will progress at the same rates in this RP. It isn't actually made to work that way. So, they will probably still be fresh character IF new characters are added. Power isn't entirely important. It's there for a reason but it's not entirely the focus of the RP. And as one can easily go out on their own and do some stuff it's not like you have to stick with the higher power leveled folk.
  4. Alright, so I realize that I've been taking awhile to get this big thing started and off the ground so... of course it's been a long time coming. Firstly, I'd like to thank Pyon and Shadow Mankey for throwing some sample abilities my way to flesh out the Lesser Ability index a tad more than it was, I've not got them all in the thread yet but I'm getting there. Anyway, it was a great help and I highly appreciate it. Secondly and probably the worst news for some, I've decided for now to cap the players at 8. The reason being I'm not sure how crazy this will be, so I want the player count to be modest enough that it's not overwhelming for me personally. 8 is my typical number of verging on too much to handle however we'll see. As I aim to make this RP a bit less dependent on Host to Player interaction later on it might be okay to have more players to allow more things to be going on etc... anyway, I'd rather air on the side of caution and keep the number tailored to something I'm used to for now as I learn my own systems with my players. I'd rather not overreach and a lot of this project is already bonkers off the wall silly and crazy and it's pretty experimental, as a result I don't want too many agents of Chaos in the mix and Players, are the biggest factor for Chaos because I can't control them. So, I'd rather not. So, what does this mean for those characters that weren't approved? Well, at current it doesn't mean that I didn't think they were worthwhile etc... it just means that I didn't really think they made the cut quite as well as the others. For those that were waiting awhile I realize... it's probably going to feel a biiiiiiit shitty, but I'm going to have to cut off the sign-ups at some point. ((at least for the time-being.)) I will say though thanks for putting up those characters there were certainly some interesting prospects in there and they were fun to read. If I do open up sign-ups again maybe we'll see XD> But for now, I'm cutting off the Player Count at 8. I am now in the process of writing the IC which will be partly me setting up the first scenario that will occur. But, more importantly that I will for the introduction of Player Characters be asking you to set up the scene that will introduce your character. Because, frankly you're going to need to know how to do it in this RP and what is a better crash course than having to do it right off the bat? This means if you need any major NPCs ((ones that are controlled by me)) you'll need to ask my permission to use them or include them in your scene somehow. Any other random nobody NPCs you can feel free to create and control for this scene etc ((but it's not like they are your character, they will just be static NPCs for the use of anyone in the castle etc... later on. They won't go in the archive however.)) Now,this was jsut my idea since I wanted players to do this as I set up the main story. How do you guys feel aobut this plan?
  5. Starting Chapter 3 of Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past today. Not sure if I'll finish this one in a day since I'm not entirely sure what I want to write for it at the moment. ((that and I have a few things I have to write etc... and RP I'm supposed to be getting started loooooool.))

  6. I personally did that to make it confusing for the person reading it, so that they were feeling what the humans were feeling to some degree. Because they were definitely confused startled etc... by Monsters showing up and then trying to talk to them, so for the reader it was meant to make the fact that he moved and cut off her arm take them a little more off guard. And yea I see your point there. ((and personally, I'd rather like if you just sent me a pm with all the typos so that I can fix them XD. I'm not really the best at noticing them at times.)) is a taaaad awkward of a line for suuuuure. probably will change that lol. EDIT: I did a little bit of line clean ups for Chapter 1. Mostly general flow stuff the idea hasn't changed at all. It's just to make it read better.
  7. And we got a new playlist for you today, it's msotly jsut a bunch of songs I lsiten to when I'm donw and need a pick me up. So, I hope you guys enjoy them and cna find yourself enjoyin' them. Maybe not relaxing to them becuase... well... pobably only me is relaxed by these songs. Anyway, do enjoy. Stop over at my Profile to have a listen!

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I will msotly jsut listen to them when I have the time :P

  8. Keep in mind they've been working together for a looooooong time. Like going on a few years at this point. It wasn't until now she really confronted him about what she believes is him throwing his life away to something he doesn't want to do. She knows that he left his tribe before in his life to get away from being what he was, and Ivo, feels guilty for what she believed to be her misunderstanding what he wanted. ((the funny thing is, Astor sees the reverse. He though she tricked him.)), After years of seeing that person every single day of your life ((because he's your bodyguard he's always around you.)) if you felt guilty about forcing him into something you thought he didn't want, and you could see how much pain he was in anytime he had to do something like that, ((there's a reason he instantly regretted doing what he did to Ironheart, he knew it was wrong.)), I'd think you'd get pretty emotional when after all the years the built up emotions came flowing out when you finally confronted that person about it. Keep in mind, it's also hard to flip between two characters minds in a conversation like that, so it'd be hard for me to get across just how Ivo was feeling without showing it. Because I wasn't writing the scene from her point of view. It was from Astor's. So, I have to show more outward things to get it across that Ivo is clearly upset because she thinks Astor is wasting his life doing things that she knows he doesn't enjoy and that she feels highly guilty about it because it's her fault he is stuck where he is. So, I think it's pretty logical she would, it was a release of emotion that had pent up for muuuuuuuch too long because she just couldn't talk to him about it until now. So, I had to make sure the reader knew this despite not seeing everything the two had been through. It was very very justified for that to happen. Trust me on that part.
  9. Cause we really should be for like the first day it comes out since people might not have gotten a chance yet. It's mostly just for being nice. Up until this point it was more or less between or catching up with the current episode.
  10. Spoilered just in case, something in there for Ika as well. If Rwby's good at anything it's making me want the next daaaaaang episode. Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive it noooooooooooooooooooooow. Also, YEEEEEEEEEEEEES PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!! I'm so glad somebody else noticed that it cracked me up sooooo much XD.
  11. So, need to think of a theme for my next playlist since don't want to be a lamer and do grab bag week twice in a row, any suggestions?

    1. Sutoratosu


      How about you do some old Dark Moor songs.

      Since, ya know, you say that you don't really much care for the newer band setup and you say you have no real idea for the next theme...

      so y not make the next list your top ten of dark moor or something?

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well I prefer to do a more, spread-out type of deal to give a bit of spotlight to mulitple bands lol. I sorta like to mxi it up. It's ceeeeetainly an idea though. And it's not that I don't like them at all now it's jsut I sorta miss the old singer, she had a really nice voice lol ((even if she was a tad hard to understand at times XD.))

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'll mark it down as a Maybe though!

  12. Yea I can probably multi-task it... I'm like never freakin' needed like... ever so it's not like I'm there other than for formality.
  13. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit yea I forgot it totally is. ((msotly since I thought Auth Meeting was next week. Fffffff......lapjacks.))
  14. tfw your only secondhand watching someone start a Genocide run and you feel physically sick lol. Yep I Definitely am never actually doing one. ((I wasn't going to period. But now I'm super not going to.))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I agree completely. I don't have the stomach to do it.

    3. Shamitako


      You people are weird...

    4. Synchronoise


      The worst part of doing a genocide is the fucking grind for monsters to kill, especially before Pap and Metta. For some reason the fina monster takes a good hour to find

  15. Drake vs Claude ((I will now silently lament Aron not being able to have Own Tempo and being able to do this whole scene making him sing the music that would go with the rhythm )) Treble felt... woozy from the watching the dance, very woozy. He even burped not being able to control himself for a second. Drake knew what was happening pretty quickly. The Dance the Buneary was doing was unsettling even to her as a human. Even she had trouble just staring at it and spacing out. It was... mesmerizing. She shook her head, now was no time to space out. This was battle! "Treble, Use Screech! Make a loud sound to snap yourself out of it. Focus on something!" Drake's logic was that him putting all his effort into making the sound would cause him to be able to get his mind straight. And if that didn't help too much, that the loud ungodly noise would. Treble didn't really notice at first. He groggily swayed back and forth, nearly falling flat on his face. Drake yelled her command again hoping to get through to the poor thing. Treble not being the most familiar with Drake still couldn't quite understand, but it was her third command that managed to get to him. "Play me your happy song Treble!" He knew it was her this time, and what he did was play that song. He whistled it to himself and focused inwardly. He stopped paying attention to the world around him in attempt to regain his awareness and break the confusion. He played the 12 notes it numbers now over and over trying to bring himself out of it. All the while he attempted to stay put and stop stumbling around. He couldn't focus on using a move right now, but he could do this.
  16. tfw you wish you weren't broke as hell so you could comission Zumi do do an awesome drawing of Undyne for you... but alas... are indeed much to broke. Whhhhhhhhhy!?!?!?! XD

    1. Shing


      Tfw you are too young to use money.

  17. You should set the limit at a dollar or two imo that way... you actually get a little something from it.
  18. Drake vs Claude Drake flashed a quick grin. Perhaps her opponent had no better option than this attack. If the Buneary did... it would probably have used it. It was no time to get cocky, but she knew that if this was the case and Claude kept attacking with these types of moves that surely she'd had this victory clinched. So, it was time to be defensive but how? After all, most of her Pokemon's moves would be too slow or Offensive in this situation, how would she pry off the Buneary without going in for an attack? Then it dawned on her. As the buneary came close she shouted to Treble, "Stomp! HARD!" Quickly the Aron noticed and smashed down it's foot quickly and decisively. Had it not been for it's weight it might not have worked but even despite it's small size Aron was strong, dense and heavy. This resulting it's it foot smashing into the ground and firing debris into the air. Small razors of rock fly everywhere with enough force that they'd certainly hurt if one got close. This attack would force a choice, for the buneary to keep going and attack but suffer harm, or to leap back in time to evade. Both choices were a victory for Drake most likely though. Because both ways the opponent would eventually give her information. If the Buneary kept going, this attack was probably important to land, meaning it was Claude's best shot. If they dodged back she could pry out more information by trying to force Claude into using more of his pokemon's moves. Best to play safe and not underestimate one's opponent. That was always a fatal mistake.
  19. I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish I had mooooooney so badly!!! Cause I love your artstyle a lot XD. Sadly I won't be able to commission anything right now but I'm going to see if I can once I actually have cash lol. Good luck with everything though!
  20. found this the other day... blood hell... this band makes me want to get so many Champions I've jsut not cared enough to pick up. ((also... this song is actually, light on LoL references and could probably stand up as a song on it's own almost why I actually really dig it lol.))
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing


      This is some real good music. Thanks for showing this one Hukuna!

    3. Ikaru


      I'm getting some Alesana vibes, kind of, from the first part(s)

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Never heard of them Ika. Maybe you should share a bit XD.

  21. I'll be honest, I don't listen to his stuff, however I persoanlly believe that he's someone who stand where he is because he earned the ability to do so. There's a lot of music artists these days that... I'm not so sure they do. There's plenty that can easily be pointed out and easily questioned as to how they got to where they were. But, I don't think you can question this man's dedication and hard work to get where he is. He earned the spot he holds in the music industry for damn sure, he worked to get there. Do I like his attitude? Well, there's times I think he messes up but we all have those. He does very much stand for the things he believes in even if he does them the wrong way sometimes. ((like the T. Swift Incident.)) but we're human, he's human. Sometimes when we want to be heard or have something be brought into the spotlight we make a bad call and do something rash. But, even though I don't agree with how that particular thing played out, I do not think he was wrong for doing it. He stood for what he believed in that moment. Maybe went about it in a way that wasn't respectful but, I can respect that he was willing to stand up for that which he believed. I don't think many would be willing to do what he did there for obvious reasons, I'm sure even he knew he'd catch a shit load of flak for doing that. But, he still did. While it might not have been the best moment or the most respectful to Taylor, I can still respect him for doing it even if I don't agree how he did it. It's just easy for the media and people to pick at him, because we started doing it. Ever notice how it's certain popular music groups/musicians we decide to hate on just because it's popular? Whether you like them or not, Nickleback, Bieber etc... we do this constantly sometimes with reason, that they really aren't good etc but mostly the reason is they can be seen and it's more fun to straight up disrespect on put someone everyone can see on blast, because of that reason, people will see it, and know you you're talking about. Because People are in a lot of ways social creatures and as sooooooon as something becomes popular to do we wanna do it. And with artists we see it easy for us to find every little thing wrong with them we can SEE that they've done. However, we don't really know these people, we don't see the whole of their lives. We see who they are on stage and the things they do at big fancy reward shows. ((that I'm not going to go on a tangent about how shoddily put together most of those are and how poorly certain talent gets treated at those, especially since at times we try to compare that which can't be to each other and that, make the arbitrary and contrived, but let's leave that for another day.)) We see him build himself a lot, we saw the incident with T.Swift etc... and the Media decides that's what we should focus on. That's what Society than latches onto and starts to do having the false opinion that because the Media says it and focuses on it that it's popular opinion. Therefore it becomes it. The Media too often becomes an arm to harass celebraties and only ever want to show the negative and the bad sides of them. Never do we get to see the good things they do, the powerful messages they try to send in their accmplishments and the good they do in this world. And as a result people assume too much about these people for a shoddy broken perspective driven by the negative terrible, and shitty media of this country. Too often does this happen. We lose focus on what actually important, the art people create. The art that shows it's worth in the eyes of people and the good they've done. We easily forget the struggle that they've gone through to get where they are. To stand where they are at. Instead it's more fun to rip on them be negative, because too often does our media protray it as a good thing. That it's good to rip on artists. Because our media never betrays them in positive lights a lot of the time, they change people into a character and tear away the fact that that's in fact a Person you rip on and might not really know anything about. And that's what pains me really. Too often does "I don't listen to that or I don't like that," become "that piece of music is garbage, it is worthless." That is so untrue, and even further it doesn't matter much the kind of the person who made a piece of art. There's plenty of popular things done by those we don't know, thousands of quotes, paintings etc... done by those that don't have it attributed to their name. So, that just goes to show that the person who creates just because their name is on it doesn't mean that's a reason to hate on it. To Think something is bad because you don't particularly care for the person who created it. It's folly. To say that I don't like this person, therefore the art they made has no merit. Why? That the most opinionated garbage I've ever heard and hear too often. Liking someone or not does not effect their merits the things they've accomplished. Those accomplishments still happened, it is those that you should think on. He's a good artist, a great one. His attitude and the way she acts withstanding. But even those I do not hate. So what if he shouts his praises from the rooftops? He's earned the ability to do that. He's put in so much work and time to get to where he is. He deserves to do that. Maybe one doesn't agree, but as others have pointed out... who else would? Everyone else out there ignores the things he accomplishes and only brings back the shortcomings and mistakes. That's i all the media has and all it will ever point out. It's all society care about. That's what disgusts me. That Popularity is more important in this world then the actual merit and accomplishments of an individual. That we let the smallest pettiest reasons be that which invalidates someone's work someone's life. That we can so easily dismiss at the smallest of missteps. It disgusts me that we focus so heavily on the negative instead of the positive things an individual does. I don't like Rap music, it's just not really for me ((or I've only heard the stuff that's on the bottom end and have a bad impression.)), however that gives me no reason to say that all rap music is bad. It's not. SO what if it doesn't entertain me, or speak to me? It does to others. It does to many others. And for that reason I can still appreciate what it does. I can still appreciate an artist I don't listen to because their work is important to many other people I can respect the accomplishes this man has made, and the things he has done in the music industry and the impacts he's made elsewhere. I'll be honest, as I've been already, I've not really listened to any of his music, thought it mostly since I don't know where to begin. But even then... I still know that he's earned to be where he is. and that he knows he doesn't need to be validated by anyone to know that he's accomplished so much. That is how you know someone is successful. When they know they don't have to please every single person out there and just do the work they choose to do. Perhaps I should give his stuff a try though, because it's just a genre of music I've never been into. As a result... I think I might've missed something great and obviously something that's had an impact on many.
  22. To be fair, I'm rather quiet about mine. It's not something I like to be a big hullabaloo. I'm used to it being a more subdued experience a day to myself more or less to just relax and kick back. So, it's not something I worry on too awful much. Thanks for the wish though even if it's still late the thought is what counts. It's fine lol. Even if it's late it is after all the thought that counts. And I'm glad I've had such an impact. If anything I love to teach and to instruct in such. Because seeing someone improve to understand, and most importantly just that click when they discover something, is beautiful. It's one of the best feelings in the world watching someone you you take under your wing in a sense just grow and learn, and unlock their potential. I honestly don't know how much I really did other than share the lessons I've learned myself, but perhaps that's enough and all I needed to do. On the second point when we are lost within thought when we are pushing against a wall, sometimes we just need a fresh pair of eyes to look at our works. We need some new eyes that aren't weary from staring at something for countless units of time. In being green well, it's those that have experienced that we should talk with. After all, it is those that have done and did that have the most information about something. We should always strive to ask, and to learn from those that have come before us. For they have experienced, they have felt what it's like to do. And that, is vitally important. You cannot learn just by seeing and watching. You can only truly learn by taking those hands or yours and applying them. However, that doesn't make information useless, it informs and lets us know the tricks we can try and see what happens when we apply them. It adds to our toolbox. It adds to the things we can apply and use to manipulate the things we mean to do. With our tools, we can do anything. Even in writing we have them. A painter has their brush, we have our metaphors, someone who draws has their pencil, we have our symbols. In all art we must identify the tools we have, and most importantly how to use them. It is the experiences of others that we can draw upon to see what their tried and true purpose is, and then to build from the fundamentals. Perhaps, even create our own new tools to use from twisting an old one to work a new way, or using a completely new one. Others have tread the path before us, each Writer that walks the path makes it that much smoother for those that come behind them, they blaze into the known so that they can one day find the unknown and make a new path one that others can follow at their wanting. But, as we begin down our path we each learn the same things, we each learn how to write, and what it means to write. This applies to the creation of anything. Art, is a process one that has been thoroughly explored in many many forms throughout history. The fundamentals are the beginning, but the sky is the limit. Our styles may vastly differ, I'm big into the school of simplicity, the art of saying what needs to be said nothing more, while you are more in the school of grandeur, making things seem awe-inspiring, huge, and vast. A mountain of depth and detail, describing the world and the things in it even if it comes at a bit of the expense of the moment. However, that is the beauty of writing, there's so many different styles so many types of writer. And we find our unique styles ourselves the things that really make us stand out the things that make us... us. I'm still not sure I'v found mine, for it's the one thing that can take a lifetime to find, something that a writer may only have attributed to them after they are long gone. But at the end of the day I might not be one who fundamentally agrees with your writing style, I still respect it and the merits that it does have. You have such an eye for detail and really leaving things for others to hook onto and discover in those details. It's a very interesting style to read and everything you write feels so much larger than life, so exaggerated in a way that doesn't feel fake. It feels genuine, like it could exist like it could be. And I respect that style because it has a very real impact, a very palpable effect on the narrative around it. So, I vastly respect that within your writing even though I probably would never write in such a style XD. I'm glad I could have such an effect on you though. I'm glad I changed something or at least put into action that change for you to become who you are. It's a lot of credit I'm getting and I'm not so sure I deserve it lol. I only did what I felt I should, the things I thought I was meant to do. I dunno, I don't feel like I've really done that much or really deserve much praise. I'm but a humble man who decided to share some of his knowledge. For what is knowledge good for if it's never shared? Not much. If I can help people with the things I know I will, because the act of helping them is much more important then the information itself. Anyway keep up the work, I'm sure one day, if you really want it, you'll be something. I think you have the dedication and the strive to become that and you should. So, if that path if the one you truly wish to walk... do it. Don't hesitate even slightly. You've got it in you, and I know you do. I've seen it since the first time I ever saw anything you had written. I saw it from the beginning. So, if it is the path you wish to walk, do it. I'd be proud even if I was only a small part in that, a small catalyst to a life's journey. And no matter what you end up doing, good luck man.
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