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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I forgot this was an all female line... mostly because we had a few that started that way, but we realized that it made a lot of breeding paths pretty much inaccessible so we had to change them around a bit. SO, I just don't remember which we have and which we haven't anymore lol.
  2. Oh lord... 250 XD. Thing is my one friend plays at that consistently in NA. ((since he's from the UK but plays on NA instead.)) so... it's doable I guess. I jsut wouldn't cause like... just eeeew.
  3. Both Solo Lanes for her are really powerful because her Ult makes roaming from mid super easy and easily affordable. In top it allows her to split push super hard since she can just show up on the map on their tower out of nowhere and get out pretty easy so long as you're watching to see if they are coming for you ((also, being Ranged Top is a huuuuge deal. SInce it gives you a lot of favorable match-ups if you know what you're doing. ALso Quinn can afford to build somewhat Brusier like items and not dip effectiveness too awful much. Keep in mind pre-rework she was mostly a Top Lane pick, so, with how little her play pattern changed it didn't really change that too much.)). She's also strong Jungle since her gank presence is super scary when she's got ult up. However I wouldn't say she bad in a traditional marksman role. Her Q is a wonderful bullying and harass tool and it creates a lot of space for her to trade effectively since she can basically shut down thier damage for a few seconds. It's a super powerful tool in her kit. Her ult is harder to utilize from here in lane, but I wouldn't say she's bad down there though. Like she's pretty solid in like... every role but Support.
  4. I do recall that being the case however... I believe you'll need to make a new account unless you'd transfer the current one ((which is... probably not the best idea.)) But that's as I recall and my memory is faulty garbage ((which you can probably tell from playing those game with me by now XD.)) But yea from playing on EUW a smidgen, you just click the dropdown select that as Region annnnnnd you're good. Personally I'll not be and I'm not really going to bother with the Japanese VO ((since I think eople figured out a way to put them into the client for other regions already, I remember someone posting a Reddit link to do it.)), cause... I kinda like being able to understand what the shit my character is saying and I don't know Japanese... hell it'll be distracting for me if it is. So, eh.
  5. Yea if you're willing to put in the effort for it I'd certainly do it. It allows this thread to start as a launching point for people to find some good music and if they want to find the rest of the OST they can! ((if you do all that.)) that way it also doesn't leave out the rest of the songs as well and there's at least a link to them. It'd be pretty nice but I imagine a bit of work to compile all of it up.
  6. I'm just going to reaffirm that I have released the 2nd Chapter of Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past. I kinda relased it suuuuper late EST so... not sure everyone really saw it lol. So, I'm going to just leave a reminder. If you like the story please tell me what you thought in the thread! Just lemme know what you think Everything helps! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

  7. Hello Wall, this is my head. Head this is my wall. *smashes head into wall repeatedly.*

  8. Yep, I tooooootally actually got the Chapter done today, and I'm actually pretty proud of the way this one turned out. it felt really good o write and I really hope you guys drop by and give it a read. And if you do please tell me what you thought! Even if it's jsut to tell me you liked it XD! I'm not looking for crazy in-depth reviews or anything ((you can if you want though lol.)) so here's the link, thanks for taking the time to read this and if you read the 2nd cha...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea... wrote 18 pages in the span of 2 days... that's pretty nuts for me. So yea I'm really just liking this story a lot. Don't know if you're reading it Shia, but if you've got nothing better to do give it a shot XD. I really do like it thus far though. It's been pretty fun.

  9. So, I have completed the 2nd chapter. ((Yea that was fast for once.)) But its because I legitimately am enjoying writing this little series. It's a very fun series for me to write for certain. It's a bit low energy for me as well since the characters are of a type I like to right. Maybe they aren't super duper original on my part, but they are still pretty fun and enjoyable for me to write as of now. So, anyway without further ado, I hope you enjoy the next Chapter. All you need to do is go to the link it's been updated already! You can just scroll done past Chapter one it starts at page 9! I'd love to know what you thought of it, maybe how you thought the character felt etc... I'll warn ya this is a pretty Conversation based chapter in fact it's entirely just conversation. So, I hope you are okay with that sort of stuff XD. Anyway, do enjoy and tell me what you think. Hukuna-Sensei out~
  10. Sunday is fine for me, really any day is so as long as I know the time we are doing it I should be there. Just make sure I know. ((to the point that if I don't comment here someone make sure to message me, yea I know you'll have to go out of your way to do that but it'd be helpful for when we 100% decide on a time that I know exactly when it is lol.)) Anyway, anytime is fine for me so long as I know it. So, it's up to when it's best for you guys. Okay? Okay! XD
  11. This is probably the festest I've written another chapter for something... or gotten to writing another part of soemthing I've started in ever. ANd this is after I was saying I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue... I dunno. I jsut enjoy writing it. Will probably be up in... sometime soon.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *fastest. not festest... whatever that means.))

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's jsut something I'm am really liking and enjoying so, I'm going to keep up with it. I kinda don't like the lack of feedback but eh... let it be damned. I want to write it ((be nice to see what people thought though XD>))

  12. Well that's good. It it might be based in the same World doesn't mean you have to really play in the RP to enjoy it, at least imo XD. I'm not entirely sure on Ironheart, I've not really planned that far ahead. The way I write tends to be more free form and I plan as I go. It feels more organic to me moreso then other types of writing. So I don't plan out a lot ahead of time. I like to flow around and do as I like and really take the story somewhere interesting and what not while I go. I plan out some things in my head for sure, but typically I end up going with my gut and if something feels go in the moment I write that! I wouldn't say Amelia has 0 chances of seeing more use for this reason. I could have her show up again. But honestly right now I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to if she'd pop back up. Mostly for the reason that well, I've not planned that out yet. SO I'm just as in the dark as you are in that regard XD. Which for me unlike a lot of other writers, is that's fun as hell to me. I love not knowing and figuring it out. It's like a puzzle to me, so it's really great and I enjoy that mystery.
  13. Pssssssssh... not really sure if I should continue Requiem of Ages Past... it didn't really get that much feedback... feel like it's not going to be worth the efoort. I guess i should release a second chapter before I throw in the towel but eh...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      anything. Which makes me think people kinda jsut don't really care. And I guess I can keep writing it for myself, but I dunno. Even if I do the thread still feel really empty and what not. Like other threads in there get it all the time jsut little blurbs of "Yea that chapter was cool etc.." mine never do. I dunno... it's jsut feels weird to me.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I dunno if people are jsut scared to comment on my stuff cause I'm the mod or soemthin' I really hope it's not the case to be honest... I dunno Maybe I'm jsut an idiot who bugged by silly things.

    4. Commander


      Ah Huk I can tell you from experience from a couple writing communities that getting feedback is a bit of a hurdle, especially when you consider how this community's writing section still has yet to bloom. Yeah, it can be demotivating, but just give it time and comments will come.

  14. Yea seriously... Watchog is like the most worthless thing in existence. Like... I don't think anything comes close to that thing in terms of the fact it just can't do anything. About it's only good decent stat is Speed... kinda and I guess attack is... but like... everything else is super garbage. It's best attacking option is typically Super Fang... and it get like... Hypnosis. But like any other sleep inducer is better. Hell I'd use Parasect way faster than this thing XD. It at least has kinda bulk to survive something... kinda, unlike Watchog... who does not. On subject though I personally think Stoutland is a somewhat strong mon. It's certainly not what it used to be that's for sure, but I think it can still put in some work if you know what you're doing with it. Purugly is definitely worth considering in PU just becuase of Defiant. However does face a bit of competition from Pawniard. I think it's still a pretty solid pick though since it does have advantages too Pawn ((mostly it's not knock off weak and Fake Out for some good Chip.))
  15. Yea, there's a reason I'm making sure folks do their own Character sheet stuff in Heartless, cause I'm not dealing with it XD. You mess up it's on you, not me. ((but yea XD, I don't blame you dude. It's fine by me.))
  16. Drake vs Claude "It would be my pleasure." Drake said, with a bow. Treble was however, not ready quite yet, as evidenced by the fact he was laying on his back staring at the ceiling. Drake was bowing deeply towards Claude as she noted this looking down at the silly Aron that was waggling his legs in the air and whistling. She whispered to him as she did it. "Pssst, hey, Treble, we're supposed to be battling this isn't a time to be messing around buddy." Treble noticed, and even jumped a little bit at hearing his name. He was spacing out, common of the happy go-lucky Aron. Drake would come to learn this about him in time. He rolled over onto his side and quickly scrambled to get up now that he knew he was supposed to be doing something. He looked... mighty silly. Either way he was on his feet and Drake was ready to start the battle. "Alright, let's start with something to weaken our opponent. Treble, use Screech!" Treble about feel asleep again, a snot bubble forming in his nose. However it Immediately popped when he heard the order. He jumped quickly into action and suddenly the typical happy song he played turned into a horrifying cacophony of noise. It sounded like something sharp being ground against metal, a horrid screech that pierced the air and made it feel like even it was vibrating. Drake, knowing this was probably going to be loud preemptively covered her ears, but even she could somewhat hear the noise. It was extremely unnerving and the whole room seemed to feel with the awful blast of sound.
  17. Na I meant add the information directly to the one on the OP so that Dobbs didn't like have to take it from my sign-up one and then update the OP list etc... since I can technically just do it so that he doesn't have to, but I probably shouldn't do it that way. ((hell I'm not even sure if he's going to be updating those over time Anyway.))
  18. Did I not add it to my Character sheet? I might've forgot... then again I probably shouldn't do that since it's a bit unfair since I can edit others posts and other people can;t do that XD.
  19. The updated list is in IC, didn't know I had to go back and change the one in the previous pages.
  20. Well there you go, but yea you'll have to make an NA account to participate. If you don't know how somebody can help you out. I'm pretty sure you just change regions... or select a different region while making one? I forget it's been awhile since I made an account ((and I have an EUW one I just never use it cause I've got barely any champs.))
  21. Psssssssssst Dobbs, those are the wrong moves for Treble. Treble has Rock Tomb and Stomp, not Reversal and Rock Slide.
  22. It's not going to work no, as I'm assuming we're doing this on NA you'll have to have an NA account. I remember last year when me and my friends tried setting one up we all had to have accounts form the same region to play in the same League. So, I'm going to reckon it will require you to have a NA account to participate. It's kinda annoying that it works that way and until Riot changes it well... not mcuh that can be done. I'll look into it... but I'm pretty sure it's going to continue to work that way.
  23. Hey I just gotta make sure. Cause I'm sure as hell not going to be up that early XD. I'm a lazy ass XD.
  24. To be fair I saw it, mine I wasn't actually signing up. But having the time... I think I can do it. If something comes up I'll let ya know. ((8 am, or PM by the by?)) Reborn Name: Hukuna Fulmine Team Name: Thunderlord'sOnly Favourite Champion: Shyvana
  25. We know exactly when the Draft will be? That'd be helpful for me. SInce I don't want to commit and then be that guy.... XD. ((because holy hell that's annoying because we got 2 of those dudes in our last one that at least got justiced and got the bottom of the barrel, while I took first like a boss.))
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