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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I'd like to once more put out there that my New CW work is out there for folks to reeeeeead. So, get on down there to the CW forum to read it ((or click the link later.)) It's a work of fantasy but... from a perspective not oft seen, that of the Monsters and creatures we normally see the heros slaughter by the number. It's an idea I've always wanted to play with. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      And seriously, leave some feedback or a comment! It doesn't got to be like Journalism level critique or it doesn't even have to try and review, jsut lemme know yo liked it! Hell, even ask me some questions or talk aobut things you liked or didn't like. I'd love to discuss those things with ones that have read it etc... so, yea it's would mean a lot to me. Thank you for reading this and thank you even more to those you go and read it through lol. I'd really enjo...

  2. I mean he was clearly doing it more to mess with Ruby and Yang imo than just shamelessly doing it ((also he's hardly that bad, like that's mild compared to characters in well... a lot of stuff. That one character from Log Horizon immediately springs to mind XD I forget his name but yea...)) But and yea, Torchwick could totally have done it on purpose ((I totally forget it was them that brought him in loooool.)) look we just need some more Torchwick in our lives.
  3. By the way if you see them in speech one can assume I'm probably doing it on purpose ((there'll be some that aren't though I think it'll be obvi when they are just flat wrong though XD.)), Also, feel free to pm me like a biiiiig old message of all the ones you happen to find in a Chapter if you want. Typos... sorta go everywhere for me...and I miss them a lot cause I'm just uuuugh bad at that stuff. so Yea Always feel free to point them out. I need the help I can get in that department. ((if I was an actual writer, whatever poor soul was my editor would hate me. Sadly that's still true cause I have to edit my own stuff and I hate me so, we covered I guess XD>))
  4. Weird, other than stuff I intentionally did, I've not really seen any. ((Like example a lot of Amelia's speech pattern is deblirate. Like Meself, she's supposed to say it that way. Like that is done that way to make it easier to tell it's her talking and not Ivo, but aslo since it's a more rural area so I din't want them to speak all proper-like)) EDIT: And yea, after running the spell checker and combing through it twice, I didn't find any but those I intentionally did but 1. ((which was I put an a rather than an s at the end of a sorts.))
  5. Yea I imagine it's something like that, after all, most magic systems are based around the Planet etc... they are in. So, it makes a lot of sense. I don't see that coming up too.... much in the near future though, but it's pretty safe to assume that's kinda where the powers originally came from. Also on Torchwick ((who is my second fav character as of now. Qrow topped him for me though)), that's exactly the reason I don't think he's in charge in charge. Like he's clearly was in the upper ranks and was pretty much their contact with the White Fang ((or was at least semi-running them at that point. As evidenced by the segments in the tunnels. However while he's definitely a looooot more capable then he looks he's still not full-on leader material, that is very clear. And I dunno he's pretty cliche, Honestly, if he wasn't a villain he'd easily be a Lovable Rogue type of character. ((Especially if he was the main character.)) However he's much better at bending tropes than say Cinder. Cinder fits the mold of Female Evil doers pretty much for for one right now, mostly since we've got a lot of missing things that might set her apart from others. Torchwick however is easily trope defying though you can still get a few to stick to him ((like all characters, they all fall victim to tropes.)) Torchwick just does a very good job of defying expectations at times. I really hope we do get to see more of the guy because he's a legitimately fun character to have hangin' around. Hell his weapon is probably the one i love the most just cause it's so freaking funny and jsut fits him to a T. It's beeeeeeuatiful. Basically if I looked hard enough I could find something to stick to Torchwick though, but he's harder to stick things too just because he bends expectations very well. From that stand point he's definitely one of the better written characters though most of them are written well, imo even Cinder is, she just gets to fill the shoes at least currently of the solid character we can sorta follow. She pretty tropey. Personally to me that's not bad thing it helps us to better understand the plan we don't know yet because it basically gives us an idea of what it may be, even though we've got no solid details yet. I have a feeling she'll feel a bit less so once we actually get a real chance to peer behind the curtain, behind the more or less forced exterior she has. In short, Yes Torchwick is capable. However he's got a thorough butt kicking every time Tema RWBY gets near him. And one time it was by Ruby herself pretty much only. ((Glenda helped towards the end I suppose, but stiiiiiiiill that was her more or less actually fighting Cinder.)) Basically on screen Torchwick's not really done anything noteworthy and has only failed so I can't blame people for not giving him credit, he doesn't really deserve any for the performances we've seen. Though maybe he'll trick us all and he got caught on purpose. ((though I doubt that XD>)) Also, I didn't really get that impression at all. I think at first they probably did despise each other. ((Emerald literally saying "We don't need him" in one of those time skippy segments.)) so I don't think that's entirely wrong. Trust me, it's hard to work with someone you despise that well like in the Coco/YasaaaFreakingHardToSpellName fight and other ones we've seen where they have to work together etc... So, that impress really hasn't changed imo... I'm still a believer of what you said.
  6. And Hukuna posted a new Music Playlsit today? Whaaaaaaaaaat? He's a MAAAAD MAN!!!! Seriously though, go visit my profile for the Music. And don't forget to check out my new work in the CW forum!!! Links: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366 http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showuser=42662

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and if reading is hard the first is for Heartless SOuls my new CW Work, and the second is for my profile.

  7. Yea we've gathered as much so far. A lot of people are saying it's Raven since the flame based powers were similar in look to Raven's portal, but... that makes literally zero sense and ties her to being another Maiden more than to Cinder ((since Cinder stole those powers. From Ember... her name is actually Ember? Huh... didn't know she had one. What a huge coincidence XD.)) People are also saying that Qrow should've identified those three from seeing them... however apparently didn't notice that Emerald messed with his mind and blurred their faces so he couldn't see them. ((least almost 100% certain that's what happened as it feels like that was super implied.)) And it's definitely not Torchwick that she works for... you saw how he treated him, more or less like a lap dog and an idiot, so I highly doubt he was in charge of anything. He's more like their catalyst and now that they no longer need the bumbling fool they don't really care that he's gone too much. It's a kink in the plan that he got captured, not a full stop. Also, in the Episode we hear Torchwick's voice in the black segment after She meets Mercury ((but before the fight with Ember... or the Fall Maiden.)) I forget what his line was, but it more or less implied he didn't know her and they approached him at this time. This is after Mercury's line of "My father said if you want to get to know a city, speak to the rats." Torchwick, kinda fits that description as he is one of the members of the seedy underbelly for sure and knowing him he probably knew the ins and out of things. While he was more or less sorta a goof up, you can't say he didn't have an eye for detail. ((I even recall one scene we could see a map where he drew on it in areas that had the most police activity etc...)) so it's clear he knows the lay of the land pretty well. So he was definitely probably their informant and the one that got them into the city and give the the lay of the land. But he's definitely not the mastermind. Also we kiiiiiiinda know how she stole them... but we don't really know what that thing is. We just can assume we know what it does since we saw the results. But further than that... how and why it was able to do that aren't know yet. I think those are more important. ((ESPECIALLY SINCE THE FALL MAIDEN SEEMED TO KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING. For emphasis not yelling. But she pleads for her not to do it, which in all honesty... could easily just be me reading into a line too much since she could just intuit that's it's probably the end of the line for her, but for me... it felt like she knew what that bug thingy was... I just get that feeling.)) All in all, we've left with more questions... a lot more questions. SOme things for sure were answered but now we got more to solve. Uuuuuuuuuuugh I want this next episode so bad now.
  8. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! New CW thingy!!! Basically I needed to take a break from Dream so i decided to write something else for a bit. And that will be in Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past. Come enjoy! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ((the one in the threeeeeeeeeead tht I was taaaaaaaaaaalking abooooooout.))

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Ooooooh will do

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
  9. I've decided to take a break from Dream for a bit since I'm not overly sure how to continue it at the moment. However, I also wanted to take a bit of a break from Graterras, a universe I've been writing in nearly 8 years now a world I've been created throughout my career in High School up until now. I realize I start a lot of these CW things cause I'm bored... that's.... interesting I suppose XD. Today I wanted to play around more with the idea of Heartless Souls, my more recent entry in the RP forums, of stories from the perspectives of the Monsters in Fantasy rather than the people. Because let's face it, a lot of the time we're stuck on that side of the fence. We get to see the monsters but we never really get to see them made well... uncomfortably human. To the point we realize that they have lives, families feeling emotions,maybe like those of our own. This Idea I really really want to play around with toss around and see where it goes. because it's interesting to me. Stories that cast these types of characters always intrigue me. Medievil and oooooold game about a Knight who was disgracefully killed in the first battle of a war redeeming himself, Undertale ((pretty sure I don't have to say what this is right now.)), and things like the Light Novel and it's anime adaption by Madhouse... Overlord. It's an idea that just really has a lot of room to be played with and I find it interesting enough to write about. For those that are particpating in the RP... don't worry this probably won't affect it a hell of a lot but might explain some things about how Castle DOur came to be and ideas in the Monster Culture that I may mention. However this tale takes place before Dour even existed so it's a looooooooooooooooong time ago. It could still possibly have a profound effect on the RP though if you guys would like. Shameless Self-Plug for the RP ((look... it's my thread and they are related so...deal with it.)) Link for the OOC of the RP: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18950 Plot Synopsis: Under construction, I''m waiting until it has a significant bulk to put this together. Story Link: -> Click here to reeeeeeeeead it!!! <- ((Chapters are in order. the full file is at the end.)) Current Chapter: 5, The Pause of Heartache, When the World Stops. Next Chapter: 6, Untitled Estimated Completion of Next Chapter: Honestly, after the last time I have no idea. I'm hoping that I can speed up my time between chapters though... so I'll be hopeful and say a week, but I dunno really. Feel free to leave your feedback I'd love to see it and it could really help me improve! Please post it in this thread. I will be handling it here. Also feel free to discuss the work here as well XD. I'm probably not going to give a lot of answers but I would be more than happy to answer questions as I see them ((but not give so concrete an answer you can't sorta figure things out your way and take away something unique form the Experience.)) Tell me what characters you like, who you don't like what you think may happen etc... ((and yea right now it's early so I get there's not a lot to go on right now XD.)). Just have some fun! ((Besides, it might gimme some sweet ideas/springboards for later use or to use in other things I write!)) For now, Hukuna Sensei... out~ Much Important!!!! Typo Rule: If you notice typos... TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE. Ahem... not yelling, just need to make sure that is clear. I don't remember every single line of this work by heart and I certainly can't easily fix them if you just say, "There's Typos!" and then precede to not give me any information. If you're going to bring them up tell me where they are etc... ((especially since I at times utilize false typos, Usually in dialogue text most commonly so it's a bit tough for me to discern if you mean those, or you mean actual ones.)) So, if you are going to bring up typos point out where they are somehow that I can easily discern where they are. If you want to pm me a big old list of stuff like that's filled with them do that as well, that way I can easily correct for errors and get them squared away if they are actually typos etc... But seriously, no more "eh, there's lot's of typos", cause that isn't helpful to me. It just tells me they are there. I'd rather not comb through the entire piece to find them ((especially since I'm pretty bad at noticing them at times.)) In Short, if you're going to comment on typos tell me where they are located. Thank you. Even a small amount of information would be more helpful then just mentioning they exist and sending me on a wild goose chase. If you help me box them quickly... well I can get back to writing more of this for you guys. ********************************************************************* So, I've got myself an Editor now, who's mostly, going to make sure my releases are less typo ridden messes of stuff. Weeeeeeeeeee! Anyway she so kindly offered to help me out on that front so, I hope that this will make future releases a loooooot less laden with errors etc. Please do remember that it's thanks to her that I'll be able to maintain a higher quality in my releases but also have more time for them as well making it much easier for me to get new updates out quicker. So, put your hands together for the editor on this project Rosesong~ The above typo rule still applies. Still PM me about it if you feel the need to do that rather than in the thread for whatever reason. Thanks you for your time and I hope you enjoy the story. Questionnaire: Below is housed a empty sheet for the purposes of well... picking your brains a bit. For those that do read Heartless, I'd ask you take a few minutes to answer this sheet for me. It'd be just divine lol. It will really help me out and help me to get a bearing on what people are feeling etc... I'm not going to ask that you update it every chapter ((that'd be a little crazy of me.)) but I'd certianly like folks to fill it out at leeeeast once. Seriously, it's means a bunch to me if you would take the time to quickly fill this out for me when you've just came off reading the story., or let it simmer a bit to think on it. Either way, I'd love if you guys did this for me. Thanks. Hukuna Sensei, Out~
  10. Her and Neo we need to know more about imo, we've gotten a enough tidbits on some of the more major characters imo ((and seen them come together on screen so we don't need to see that part.)) There's so much to them we need to see. Maybe it'll make me appricate Cinder more as a character as well since the only reason i don't like her is I don't care for the job her voice actress is doing ((and she did regain some ground with me on that front this episode since it didn't feel nearly as cringy. Like it didn't feel like her only emotional state was "MEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH I'M EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.")) so I'd love to see more and be giving a real reason to latch on and be interested in what she's doing and WHY ((more important.)) she is doing it. Right now the mystery of her plan is what's keepin' me interested but that's not going to last when they reveal it. So I hope they really give me a reason to care and more importantly to understand what she's all about. Because they do that... well I'll not be able to forget an episode cause I'll be hounding for more. ((to the point i might get the thing to be able to see it early just because I'd be crazy about it and know I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from spolirinos and all up and spoil myself XD.))
  11. That's actually pretty awesome I didn't know those were that close in when they started up ((cause no offense but I didn't really have the time to focus on Surge Story and it didn't seem like what I wanted out of a Pokemon Experience... that and I was probably supposed to be running Aftermath at that time... which... I sorta failed at and will probably apologize to Acquie forever even if she says I don't have to cause I feel like it's kinda my fault that one took a nose dive lol. Least it is how I perceive it. Graterras was just taking so much of my time and I jsut couldn't give it the attention it deserved and I still feel pretty shitty about it.)) But wow, Sigurd still impresses me by the way, he's super duper solid for a second character as well. Like, he's a strong and pretty well written character for some one who just started and he still pressed me to think around him at times. It was brilliant. Sigurd, probably one of few characters I've seen who'd be dumb enough to yell at a god ((but it was so in-character and that moment is still one of my favourites from my time is this forum. Just know Chim your one of few players who left me speechless and flabbergasted in a good way. I don't get to say that often. I've seen my fair share so that's pretty hard to do.)) And yea... time sure does fly huh? XD I can't even believe I'm still here at times.
  12. Surge Story was before Graterras Original? I don't remember them being that close in time though... maybe my memory is just garbage XD
  13. Just starting this off by saying... I totally called EM's semblance, it's a mind altering illusion type deal. I wouldn't say everyone hates him, but also keep in mind that... Villains... you kinda either want people to despise or, to love despite how despicable they are. So I think Merc is succeeding as a character if there's people that legit haaaaaaaaate him lol. It's his job in the narrative to be one of the main antagonists. Out of the three ((well 4 I guess but we've not seen nearly enough of Neo yet.)) H'es definitely the one I think I like and and am intrigued to actually learn more about. Em I definitely want to see more of and I'll say... I think Cinder is this episode really bought back a lot of ground with me. Her lines were a lot better delivered and it felt like they fit ((not "saturated with too much edgy evil hehehehe..." and I feel like as this Season has gone on her voice actress has been successfully toning it down but still keeping true to the character which I can respect.)) so eh, people will make comments like that, just ignore them and like who you like. There's nothing wrong with liking a character others may not seem to ((remember as well, there's a lot who never comment and they might think Merc is the boooooooooomb man XD.)) so you only really know that the person who made that comment probably doesn't like him and those that make them don't like him... but that's hardly a dent in the fanbase XD. Maybe Merc will have a moment that jsut turns how folks think about him etc etc... lots could happen XD. As for the person who wrote I mean, also don't like who you don't like XD. It's cool. Remember, people can dislike a character for the exact reasons you like them, but it doesn't mean anyone is wrong or right! It's jsut opinions! XD. If someone loves CInder I'm not going to be "Like maaaan that character is stupid and that's make you stupid." Nooooooo, cause that's just making it personal for no reason. But you can dislike a character and not dislike the people that like that character. ((I'm just putting this out there cause I know you typically watch on Youtube DBT, or at least you've read comments there, and YoutTube comments, at least in my experience tend to be ooooooooverly negative for a lot of the time, no reason. In fact I thought you meant another Youtube comment at first until I went to quote TRH's thing to respond to something.)) Hell the feeling could jsut refer to getting that scene out of the way. Cause anytime someone has Robotic limbs... trust me, you know there's the scene in almost literally everything where they take those limbs from them. A scene like that we might even see some pretty hard hitting humanity out of Merc too and it could be a moment we end up actually feeling sorry for him as a character. Basically, don't assume that a statement means "Gah! I don't liek that dude break his legs cause I hate him", unless it like explicitly says that XD. Cause trust me, my first thought after see that was... great they are going to do the whole " I lose my metal limbs and am left helpless yet again." trope that they really love to do in these things. But it used a lot since it can make a character with a rough and tumble exterior ((like Merc)) vulnerable, we get to see them at a weak point we might not otherwise. But yea one statement could mean many things, remember that! Perspective! XD. Basically don't see a few people say soemthing and assume everyone thinks that way, it's a pretty big logical leap that typically ends in folly. Like I like him, therefore everyone not liking him isn't true. You yourself do as well, that two excpetions. We could probably find more ((and I'm a terrible person to lecture on this because I do it all the time XD. That and I'm not lecturing either cause do as you will, jsut remember it's rarely actually the case.)) She made Merc's leg look like it was broken and bleeding to someone ((or hell maybe she did to to Merc directly to make him able to act more believable.)), since when the panned up to it in the stadium shot it looked that way even though we knew for a fact his legs are entirely metal. So to someone she made it so that his leg appeared to be a normal human leg. Who? Doesn't matter but it was somebody. ((Merc himself makes the most sense for me, since I imagine it be hard to fake pain when you can't feel it yourself. But it was also probably the Medical guy who looked at it since he'd have to confirm the injury is bad enough to warrant Them taking him to the hospital. I can;t really decide between the two, but it was probably one of the two.)) EDIT: I dun goofed. While a lot of what I said was kinda right... I forgot that Yang wasn't close enough to see Mercury's "injury" therefore Em probably dropped that illusion. She probably was using one on both the Medical personal to make it so they both assumed his leg was... for one an actual organic leg, and secondly he was injured badly enough that they needed to get him to the hospital, because they clearly show it bleeding when the Medics look at it. This is probably what Emerald means when she mentions 2 minds in the ambulance. I kinda rearranged that in my brain and figured that made more sense. Needless to say, Somehow I knew the White Fang weren't exactly truly in this because they wanted to be. They were more or less blackmailed into it, though I think they could've dooooooooooone a muuuuuuch better job highlighting that fact up until now, even if it was just little things. And remember the Maidens are the most powerful of Dust Users so far as we know since their powers are those that dust was created from. Perhaps, your theory isn't entirely wrong... perhaps each has a more primary element. Thing is, we still don't know a lot about the Maidens... so it could still be a lot of different things that are going on with them. The only thing we really learned here is they can use all 4 types of Dust that are currently known. ((without using Dust I might add.)). Ah, I can't wait for next episode XD.
  14. Thanks man, I'll be sure to live up to that XD. You too man, Now that I've really gotten to sit down and talk to you, you're a big awesome cuddly dude who's cool to hang with. Keep being awesome! *Shakes head* you lucky you didn't finish that word. But yea thanks Chubb, you're a pretty... perculiar pig ((loook... P is not one that has a lot of good adjectives okay? You makin' alteration hard Maaaaaaan.)) Anyway, you seem pretty awesome, so stay awesome! I don't really know ya the greatest Sini, but your always a riot when I see ya out and about. You make me laugh you little meme lord you XD. It's really fun seeing ya and what not. So keep it up, keep bieng a wonderful person in the way you know how XD. Thanks for the Birthday wishes maaaaan! That's really okay Azery, I got all the gift I need in watching you grow through all the time I've known you. I remember back in the days when I had to babysit your posts for the RP forum in the Old Ymora and approve them XD. You've matured so much from those days and really grown into a person I rather actually enjoy talking to at times. Now, you're still not perfect... but who the hell really is perfect in this world? The answer is really no one, we all got those things we can improve upon. So, seriously you've come far kid and I'll love if I get to see the places you go. Thanks for stopping by man. Aye, though I like to say every time I've not seen it from your perspective I always asked questions, I always tried to get a peek at your side of things, because to me, it mattered. I am a person who strives to see something from every angle, to see it from other's perspective. Because that piece of the puzzle is important to me, knowing WHY someone wants something, WHY they oppose what I'm saying. Because they are human and to understand them I gotta treat them like one. To truly argue a point with someone, you must treat with with the utmost of respect, because to understand you must try and wlak in their shoes. It may never be a perfect transition and it may not be 1 for 1, but you must try and you must strive to do so. You must strive to learn about them, strive to understand and really take that step to see from their eyes. Because even if the lens isn't perfect, it's cracked... out of focus, some of the details are fuzzy... well you still need to try and humanize them and realize that there is a reason that they say something other than you. And you must strive to understand them to understand why they say that. To me, that is important. It is important to know your enemy, not to tear them down or rip them apart and humiliate them, but so that you can extend a hand of kindness towards them and say "I understand" to tell them that their point of view is meaningful and that they themselves are as well. No matter how hard that is to say or how hard it is to see from their level, I strive to anyway. Because I must understand and I want to understand. It is through understanding that we can be empathetic, and it is through understanding that we can really understand the actions of another. Know, that I've never once hated you when you stood opposite me, never did I get annoyed by that act. I respect that in people. Their ability to stand up for themselves and the things they believe in. It is that which I truly truly respect. So never once did I think badly of you, I was happy to have someone as great stand in opposition, someone that was truly intriguing, and well, someone that easily obliged to my methods of discovery. You never once denied me a question, you always answered. I think you understand what I'm saying here and all of this message. Know that while my road was precarious and tough It's only something that in the end, made me stronger and who I am today. I stand before you on the other side of the Tempest a man battered, but not broken by his experiences. It is those experiences that bloodied my lip, but allow me to extend my hand in kindness towards others. I know first hand how painful the world can be and from these two hands of mine no pain shall be wrought. I shall put none of that into the world if I can help it. For there is enough out there without me adding to it. I shall only help to build others and help them walk their own path, but never hinder or waylay them. It was a pleasure working with you as well Hunter, even with our differences which imo weren't many. And while I may not talk to you a hell of a lot, I should sometime. I still read your posts now and then, you have a brutal honesty about you I can really appreciate not like many others I know. While you may lack eloquence or grace, that hardly matters. ((I don't even believe I really am that much myself XD.)) you make due and that's what really matters. Fancy Words can be just isolate you put you above folks, be wild gibberish that makes you not able to be understood. What matters is saying your point and making it 100% clear. That is what matters, that is what you do. That is what I respect. It was definitely a good birthday, and I'm glad you pooped by. I had been meaning to talk to you... I jsut never found the time really. I guess now I did. Keep being you Hunter, you're uniquely you. There's not much else for me to say here that I'm not sure you don't already know, so without further ado... Thanks everyone for the well wishes and whatever you had to offer. You're wonderful people and well, this place is like a home to me. It's nice to know my sorta... second family was around in some part for this day. Stay awesome~
  15. Yea no problem man, on both fronts. I get it sometimes one just gets stalled in the writing department. If you wanna talk out any details ahead of time hmu with a PM and we'll discuss some stuff. If you'd rather we jsut wing it I'm ine with that too, really it's up to you dude. So, when ever you good just start 'er up.
  16. Hmmm let's go with this one! ((not you didn't see me flip thorugh like... 15 different images of Undyne in the past like... 30 minutes that was an illusion.)) But I kinda like this one even though I typically avoid ones with text. It works pretty decent on small scale and really well in threads. Sadly, it's sorta garbage on my profile picture... for whatever reason.

  17. Drake & Claude ((It's no problem dude, no worries!)) "Well, I suppose I need to find a battle anyway it might as well be with a friend for now!" Drake said, she would've put her fist in the air, but she was busy holding her Pokemon. One of which was still really heavy. "Anyway, I'm sure it's nothing serious, perhaps he's jsut having a bad day. She's still pretty cute though, even if she's super mad for whatever reason." Drake giggled looking at the Buneary in Claude's arms. Even if it was glaring, it... looked really silly and cute rather than intimidating. This was probably the reason Treble didn't even notice, hell he was whistling in delight still. Sounds much more fitting of a bird Pokemon than an Aron for sure. "Anyway, after you Mister Coordinator, Lead me to the battlefield! I know it's not where you'd most likely want to be but it should be a spot of fun." Drake said with a bow. even with the two Pokemon in her arms. She nearly lost her balance due to the difference in weight, but she hid it very well probably well enough that if Claude wasn't a Coordinator who might have an eye for such a thing, he'd never notice. Whisper went along with it pretty well also bowing her head in an effort to do what Emberly was doing. Treble had a silly look on his face as if he didn't know what was happening. It look a little panicked like he thought he'd slip out of her hand. His warbling sopped for the moment he was that petrified.
  18. And for those wondering I'm prooooooooooooooobably going to take a hiatus on the posts for today lol, I'll catch up tomorrow most likely lol.

  19. Saber: I've only seen really enough to know about Arturia really since, well... she's the one in Zero and most of the Fate Routes I've seen. ((I know diddly about Heaven's feel since I've just never gotten around to the VN...)), if I do say though I do realy enjoy the ideas behind the others I know exist out there... just... baaaaaaaaaah I need to get around to more Fate Stuff I just got other stuff on my plate. Archer: Once again... the one I've seen most of is Gil... but screw that pompous bastard. ((I actually like the character, but not a way that I like him... if... that makes sense... probably doesn't.)) I kinda like EMIYA a lot though. ((and look... I don't care about spoilses since this is directly about Fate if you've not seen it by now It'shard for me to dance around this and talk about it so I'm not going to bother XD. If you're here you should know this might happen.)), but I really like the twist there even though I saw it coming from a mile away, like it was pretty obvious to me... then again I've always sorta been a master of figuring out a servants identity.before they mention it explicitly in the series. I just really like the parallels etc to Gil and just well a lot of what EMIYA does in the plot and how he drives both the more normal routes the first with his sacrifice, the second him actually doing so. I dunno he's just an interesting and breaks the mold in a way that he's memorable to me. Lancer: I'm guessing most will say Cu here, and I like him too, but not as much as I like Diarmund. Just something about how that arch went in Zero I just felt so bad for the dude... he got stuck with such a piece of excrement as a master. If any servant just got cheated, it was him. He might not be one of the craziest servants... hell... he's one of the more modest for sure he's nowhere near as broken ass op as a lot of the others, but it's the whole ordeal that happens in Zero that makes him the most interesting to me. The scene in Zero where he basically curses Kirisutugu well... really the world at that point. Because daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn... that was a powerful scene. Nothing sticks out to me more in Fate really, and I'm not sure why but that scene was... well crazy ((also...Diarmund didn't know how bloody cursed the Grail really was but holy hell... he got that one on the head XD.)). It sticks out to me more clearly than any other scene because it jsut got me like... man... XD. Rider: Alexander. No if ands or buts ((though... this is probably the case since I've not really seen the route that Medusa is just like... awesome as hell in a.k.a Heaven's Feel. Also... anyone else noticing a pattern? No? Just me?)) anyway, the probably next big standout scene to me was the battle between Alexander and Gil. And even though I knew he had to lose... man was I so rooting for Alexander to kick that shiny bastard's ass. I think I actually cried a little XD. Like such a well done scene, that final sprint down the bridge while he was just impaled by more and more weapons. That death was the most uuuugh... it definitely got me cause Iskander, is one of my more favourite servants for sure. ((maybe not my favorite of favorites but one of them for sure.)) Caster: Medea, she's just so well written and realized in the series I've seen at the moment Her part in the UBW is just well she has a very good character arc there imo, and she's just interesting to watch the whole time. She's a great character and probably one of the Casters I actually like since that class is typically my least favourite... actually... nvm Assassin: Sasaki Kojirou, not only because I really really like the character, but also because I really really don't care for any other Assassin. Seriously... my least favourite class just cause the ones I've really seen are boring as hell. Oh, I will shout out Phantom though... I don't play GO... otherwise I might pick him since that is just so intriguing to me XD. ((Phantom of the Opera is like... my favourite musical or at least one I like a lot.)) Berserker: I used to not like this class a lot... then I somehow ended up making 8 million of them for the Fate Related RPs around here. ((seriously, that was some fun. Made one for Macbeth holy hell that was so entertaining.)) So it's easily my favorite class now... which I'm imagining isn't super duper common. Easily my Fav is Lancelot though... mostly cause I knew 100% who he was right when I saw him XD. Just everything added up so quickly, with the strange way he treated Saber the thing that expelled all doubts ((that I didn't really have after knowing he could turn pretty much anything into his NP, but still.)) I'll be honest... it's really jsut that I knew exactly who the ehck he was the second I saw him that makes me like him so much... because I felt super smart XD. Even if it was probably easy lololoololol.
  20. Ayyyyyy, indeed indeed. XD, Not used to a big hallabaloo but sure lol. Yea man you too, You're pretty new, but seem pretty cool XD. Hopefully I get Heartless Souls started in decent time... XD. I'm working on it, trust. Yea, it was Midnight, you're right there good sir XD. You're also not that late, there's a whoooooooole day still. Anyway, thanks man. Been RPing with you who knows how long now. I still remember that first time you pm'd me with that first character of yours, certainly rough, but still well written for a first timer lol. Stay awesome Dobbs, you're a cool dude. ANd you have a nice day as well~ Thanks good siiiiiiir XD. Don't need to tell you that you're cool from my perspective. So, stay coooooooool man. Thanks Edge lol. We definitely don't talk enough. You're super cool and I've had a blast the times I have XD. Have a great day dude lol.
  21. Can't say I expected really any fanfare on my birthday, it's always been a more or less muted affair in my life jsut since it's after like 2 major holidays. But it's nice I suppose XD. I'm smiling like an idiot I think that's what counts.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Hey, I told you people love you :P

    2. Another Felix
  22. And of course, you know that your one of the best I have. You a wonderful person Rose, and one that's always been there for me, even when I'm at my worst. I was also pretty sure that I wasn't going to get one of these tread on my birthday, that was until I was messing around and joked that no one would remember my birthday, however, you did XD. Proved me dead wrong in a second. So, yea, thanks for all the things you do for me, your amazing, wonderful, beautiful person and one of if not the best friend I've made in a loooong long time. Thanks for all the good memories in the last year it's one I rather forget but, you really helped me through that whole thing. Can't thank you enough Milady. Yea we definitely don't XD. Just find it hard to get to ya at times. You're pretty awesome though, and don't forget it lol. Luckily the only one I really got is that it be better than last... that won't be all that hard. So, probably will. But thnaks man. I might not know you the best, but still nice to know your wishing me well. I hope the same for you as well. lol, I hope so Tacos. And thanks dude. Maybe not the closest to you but your a good friend man. I think it only of late that I've really ended up talking to you much but I've still enjoyed the times I have. Also, your screams of terror on League probably make me laugh more than I should XD. ((I enjoy your suffering in League what can I say?)) But yea, thanks dude, I hope to get to you know a bit better in this coming year for sure. You're cool and don't forget it. Yea, and under... probably the strangest of circumstances that would make most people hate each other. like to think that why we're pretty resilient people ((or at least that we just sorta clicked in a such a way because we kinda get where each other are coming from since while maybe not the same... we do struggle with some similar issues.)) Either way, that neither here nor there, your an awesome dude and the shortish time I've known ya your good in my books. You're one of few I can say I really do respect. Probably because I just know the struggles you face cause they are similar to mine at times. But yea, things have been really fun dude, and you've gotten me to come out of my shell mroe than people I've know my entire life, kudos for that dude XD. Thanks Jeri XD. While I don't talk to you all the time, you're still great fun. Thanks for all the laughs, you're definitely cool in my book. Yea, your definitely a new face on the block ((especially since you always ask about the ingrained jokes that some of us have it's easy to notice XD.)) but yea it's been a very positive experience around ya so far. I'm.... not the best when it comes to meeting new people I'll be honest. I'm typically pretty shy and just don't really feel comfortable to speak up a lot. Maybe part in due to Rose being around most of the times while I've been around you, I haven' really felt that. You're pretty awesome, and very fun to talk to ((which I don't say to a lot of people cause a lot of the time I don't 100% go out of my way to talk to them... mostly because I'm not the best at carrying conversation. I'm actually kinda awful at it ^^), but yea I hope so too, and I hope you have a great year as well. I dunno about that, but it's certainly been some work to get it to where it is and the form you see it in today. And yea I don't know a hell of a lot aobut you either mde, but the impressions are good. You got a great heart from what I've seen, don't lose it! Perhaps we will, who knows lol? But yea I don't know a huuuuuuuge amount about you either, but it'd be fun getting to. Thanks for poppin' in here XD. Oooooooooooooooo, awesome! XD, whatever it is I really hope you enjoy it. I'm never sad to see another person join in the fun down there or anywhere really. RPing is one of my great passions and it's very fun, if you ever need any pointers feel free to ask! I'm jsut a single pm away XD. You have a wonderful year as well. XD Well that's interesting to know. But yea I consider ya the same man. You've always been a pleasure to RP with, detailed and well thought out your stuff was. ((Least from my perspective when I'm the haphazard cobble together Wizard that I am.)), we definitely don't get as much chance to talk as we used to, but you're still a great friend and somebody I do enjoy talking to when I get the chance. I think you could use it for one even without, kinda sounds like one already XD. Anyway, heyo Cow. You're an interesting one... don't mean that in a bad way but I don't really get you at times. It's probably just I'm new to you so I don't really know what you're up to XD. It's pretty interesting though XD. So, stay interesting dude, maybe one day I'll be able to wrap my head around your shenanigans lol. lol Yea thanks Hiss. It won't take much for it to be better that's for sure, this last year... hooooooooo... it was just so bad for me. But, I'm still here, and still kicking, so I can keep moving forward unto better things. I hope you ahve a great year as well man, and I really look forward to seeing you around the RP section more as well. You're a pleasure to RP with good sir lol. Ah Bibs you beautiful bastard((I mean that in the best of ways XD.))! Seriosuly dude stay awesome, your really fun and such a riot to hang around. Wish I could talk to you more. ((and okay... maybe I'm a little awesome. Only a little bit though.)) Ayyyy, thanks Zumi. You keep up the great work with the music you do and the drawings you do. I love 'em and I really do like seeing your work. You've got an interesting style that looks pretty different from other stuff I've seen. You also did some really interesting stuff with the few remixes you posted that i listened to. Took those songs in directions I didn't think they could go. That's just brilliant XD. So keep it up, you're awesome! Gotta be faster. ((but also because Rose posted this at like... Midnight right after talking to me as I was about to go to bed and she knew it was 100% today, mostly because well... yea she did XD. So, Rose is just extraordinarily fast man, no worries XD.)) Ah, thanks Shing~ You another I don't talk to a whole hell of a lot, but probably should. You're cool in my book. I hope your day is awesome too!
  23. Let's not start DND Edition Wars up in here. Every Edition appeals to different people for different reasons. 4th does still feel more like a boardgame to me though. ((which is why I still want to run an experiment and play a Fire Emblem Inspired campaign in it, like using the battles for the story etc... and basically making a more or less infinite Fire Emblem based campaign that can just end when folks get bored of it XD. Seems like it could be interesting, and really still capture Fire Emblem's feel with a few tweaks.)) ((Also 5e a.k.a the Edition next Door. The Edition no one hates, but is rarely anybody's favourite because all the others do something better than it. 2nd Editon best edition <3)) I mean... yea let's not do the DND thing here. After all, it's only lightly based on DND. It's only a small part o the inspiration for this big monster of an idea XD. Which version ya like isn't too big a deal. Because no edition is really a big focus in the whole idea. ((really the only thing I even nicked was the Tier system... and that was more to match Overlord if I'm going to be honest lol.))
  24. I love how me and Strat nearly without fail... somehow manage to make our TL;DRs longer then the thing they were about. It's like... some kind of crazy skill or something XD.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Tis a mastery of the art of adding on things at the last moment, I do beleive.

      Just when ya think you're done and ready to wrap up, you recall that there's something you missed or come up with something you want to throw on, but your already existing massive text wall is too... well, massive, and you don't feel like goin back to find the most appropriate place to install the adendums... so out of laziness, or tiredness, whathave you, you simply say, "Eh, let me jus...

    2. Sutoratosu


      "Eh, let me just tack it on while I'm doing this wrap up, can't hurt..."

      And then, before you know it... you have typed out another entire text wall that doubles your post size.

    3. Shamitako


      When I do that I just remove the TL;DR tag and roll with it :P

  25. Yea, I think It be good mostly because it set a limit on me, I probably write it directly into the Ability Index since it most relevant there. It also gives me an idea of where to keep things and gives us a baseline to create abilities on. ((Racial abilities will throw a bit of a wrench into things but that's fine XD.))
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