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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. seriously, as someone who spells by sound and actually used to spell words the exact way this guy is saying this hits damn home man... and makes me laugh that much harder, because it's so true XD. English... is such a dumb language...says the writer. ((Warning: Harsh Language, and a lot of it, for those that don't care for that sorta thing.))
    1. Rosesong


      I'm gonna beat you with newspapers if you don't sleep >:c

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Shiiiiiiiiiiit, look I'm going okay? Hooooonest.

    3. Rosesong


      Sleep well! Talk to you in the morning~

  2. Well, I think I might post the spell lsit for 5th Edition D and D to give a basic idea but... I'm hesitant to do so because I don't want folks to think it's THE list. I want us to more or less make our own thing lol, but the guidance for relative power levels might be good to have. A lot of the skills I'm making that aren't explained yet are pretty typical ones... or at last they mirror things in D and D and other RPGs etc... I've just not gotten around to writing them up all nice like XD>
  3. Yep, I'll give it the final look over in a bit~ For now, have an NPC profile!!! Name: Mid-Summer Night's "Tempest". Race: Storm Elemental [Primal Spirit] Elemental Attunement: Wind, Lightning ((Primary: Air, Secondary: Fire)). Elemental Aversion: Earth, Acid ((Primary: Earth, Secondary: Water.)) Age: Unknown, too long to count. Appearance: Tempest is a swirling storm cloud with a vaguely humanoid shape. She has two long slender arms that end in what appears to be long serrated crystals. They are light pale blue in colour and this follows up into her body. Her body surging with electricity of the same colour every now and then especially when angry. Her body ends in two spindly legs that probably wouldn't hold up a normal creature but due to Primal Spirits.. and really just air in general not really weighing anything, they work somehow. As her form is largely incorpreal, Tempest doesn't really wear clothes like a creature with a body would, however, she wears a shockingly green scarf that matches the colour of her eyes. ((or what appear to be her eyes.)) Personality: Tempest... is strange, much like other Primal Beings. They aren't quite complete beings and as a result they have pretty inhuman personalities. Most monsters don't comprehend them all that well. She's incredibly flighty and always has her head in the clouds. Due to the primary element of her being the element that matches that of Mind, she is a thinker but doesn't really have a physical form to call her own and it's the greatest at storing information like a Water Spirit would be. Her secondary element however being Fire, gives her spirit and resolve. She endeavors to do mostly what she considers fun but is very reliable in a pinch. She remembers who her friends are, and those that treated her well and will do mostly whatever she can to do so. As a result she's very closely tied to Azegeor for unknown reasons that he has not ever disclosed. Her and Lord Cyllis don't get along. Tempest believes him too stuck in the past that he stagnates and never moves forward with his life. He holds on to outdated ideals such as honour and loyalty to a lord long dead. They constantly butt heads. Class: Stormrider [Thief] Lesser Abilities: Tier 1: Riposte, Camouflage, Thunderclap, Wild Wind, Silent Presence, Eye for Traps, 2 Unknown. Tier 2: Quick Step, Lightning Reflexes ((is a lot easier a technique for a Thief than a Warrior.)), Unforeseen Strike, 5 Unknown Tier 3: Storm, Vitals Mark, Bird's Eye, 5 Unknown. Tier 4: Improved Lightning Reflexes, Shadowstep, Wind Step, Torrid Air, Alter Air, Silent Steps, 2 Unknown Tier 5: Invisibility, Ball Lightning, Mark for Death, Hawk Eye, 4 Unknown. Tier 6: Tornado, Laguna Blade, Vacuum, 5 unknown. Tier 7: Blink, Improved Invisibility, Eagle Eye, Cutter Lightning. Tier 8: Into Ribbons, Vibration Blade Tier 9: Bullet Speed. Signature Abilities: Leaf on the Wind: Blade in the Wind: Storm Surge: Background: WIP By the way, I will be adding all the NPC abilities into the pool as they are used. If there's one you'd like to use from Tier 1 or 2 for any of them that aren't known just ask me and I'll give you the deats so you can use it. I just don't want to flood too much info at you at once which is why I've held off so far XD.
  4. That is true as well lol. It's just yea... Metal Burst I don't feel comfortable with doing that with now that I know just how powerful it is. ^^;
  5. @Exlink, bing bada boom bap pow... accepted! Thanks for fixing that up. @Shadow Mankey, Sorry didn't notice this first time, but Sanctuary in Shadows should still allow him to be seen by Detection Spells. Reason being, this skill is while conditional, still invisibility. It's very powerful and it locking out magical forms of detection is a biiiiit to powerful. Those should still work ((mostly since they sense for presences and he'd still be there, jsut in a different form. It wouldn't stop that magic from working. Even if it did work though it still be hard to locate you, which is why it should allow for detection. That way there is a way to play around it, even if it's not a perfect solution. ((besides it's no fun if an assassiny character can literally never be detected. He doesn't even have to try then.)) Otherwise I think I'm pretty good. With abilities I like to address them so you have time to change them and then hit background etc... and since demons have a load of them I don't want to possibly overload ya lol. I've glanced over them, but I'll look at background etc a little more in depth in a bit. kk? ((it looks pretty nice though, like that there's a character... who some how got trapped here totally by accident, comedy of errors huh?))
  6. I definitely get that, why I'm going to replace Metal Burst at the least because I realized it is a bit integral of a move so I should earn it, not jsut have it ((also it was more powerful then I thought and I only realized when Strat mentioned it was 1.5x reflected, not just a 1 for 1 reflection.)). I planned originally on having it moveset evolve more to suit the team over time and it's style of fighting evolve more than the moves persay, but I gotta let some room for that be in the kit. Like I purposely gave Drake's team a suuuuper ground weakness. She's going to have to learn to get around it at some point. It might not be an issue right away, but it could easily compound. I want her to sorta learn that as a character. but yea movewise the Aron will now be, Metal Claw, Mud Slap, Rock Tomb, Stomp with Screech and Automatize for support moves ((and I'll be honest, Automatize probably isn't going to be kept as an end game move. I don't see it filling out it's end game style, so I gave it that on purpose rather than the boosty move I think it would rather have if I go that route, or, a completely different support move like Roar etc...)) trust me, I know what I'm doing.
  7. Battered... but not broken.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      That's the spirit.

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      *does russian accent* "I must break you."

      Just kidding though, I hope you are doing well.

      The end of the year isn't a pretty time to be battered, it's time to be relaxed and happy :(

    3. Bearadactyl


      Even if you break the game's not over. A break can be mended, even if it takes time.

      Will it be the same? Nah, but that's not always a bad thing.

  8. Yes, but Instant kills on mooks and nameless dudes don't need an ability to be used, so I don't want you to have to use an entire ability on it cause that would be shitty and not fun for you that a bunch of latent power is stuck on only being useful in a particular scenario. I'll get to reading it and what not in a bit, see how it balances out and what not. Same, I'll get to it in a bit. Just woke up. You'll see a post in not to long hopefully.
  9. @Cronos... I'm just having so much trouble evaluating your abilities just, I dunno((Mostly the Demon ASpects.)). The way they are worded with checks and what not is just strange it makes it hard for me to give them a proper look over. There's no real way that a Check can be done other than through RPing stuff, so it'd be more about being convincing enough to make something happen than any real check. I'm trying to work through I'll be honest but a few minor fixes to that would do me wonders in jsut figuring this out... sorry I don't have a big old nice one for ya, but yes your app is jsut giving me so much trouble. I apologize. @Exlink, Orange Text is my comments. Since... you used my regular color for your headers lol. @KH, I shall put my text in Orange for sake of consistency. @Shadow Mankey, First, only 3 Tier 1 abilities at the start lol. The Only way one can have 4 is if your a Martial Only class and you take the free Weapon Specialization. Second, even if Instant Kill moves were allowed, they certainly wouldn't be anything lower than tier 8. Cutthroat is going to need major rework. If you want to keep it.
  10. Keep Moving Forward: Keep Moving Forward. Whether you must run, walk, crawl, or something else, Keep Moving Forward. We don't have time to dwell on the past, It's lessons important, but not to fixate on, Keep Moving Forward. Even in the darkest times, When you don't feel like you can, Like your paralyzed and know not what to do, Keep Moving Forward. If you stop, you'll never move again, Fear may stop you, nerves, pain, whatever, Don't let it stop you, don't give it the power, They are temporary, make them that way Keep Moving Forward. Because even when things are ugly, Because even when things are bleak, Because even when things are at their lowest, Because even when you're sure that things will never get better, They do. Keep Moving Forward. If we never come to the other side, if we let the temporary evils blind us, If we let them get the upper hand, If we let them rule out lives, If we let them consume us, They win. So Keep Moving Forward. Don't Dwell, Don't Stagnate, Don't Fester, Don't Rot, Don't Fixate, Don't Stop, Because you'll never know if you can reach the horizon if you stop moving. Keep Moving Forward.
  11. Only a few more days until a fresh new year. I ready to leave behind this god damn mess of a year. I hope that... well, maybe it's better. Even if only slightly better. It wouldn't take much, this has probably be one of my worst. It can only be up from here I suppose.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Aye, hopefully I get to see it with you man. Hopefully we get a break for once. But, it won't take much for it to be better in my eyes. So, to friendship, and to moving forward. Even if the next year isn't so grand, maybe the next is.

    2. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Do you guys want a hug?

  12. Not to be too much of a downer... but this year was more than awful. It was sorta an ordeal for me and my entire family. Between Financial issues, medical stuff... ugh. I Really don't know how I've not gone off the deep end. This has probably been one of the shittest years of my life. I say this having been through the throes of depression. This year reminded me of that... because I think I nearly slipped back into it. It did at least show me... just how far I've come as a person. So, without further ado... Best: It reminded me just how far I've come, how much I've grown and how wonderful the people around me are and can be. There's a lot of people I'd have to thank here for that, but most definitely there's one person I do. Pretty sure she knows exactly who she is. She's been around helping me out and just hanging out when I'm really just at my lowest. It's probably thanks to her I've not slipped straight back into where I was in my schooling years. I'm sure a lot of know her, but I think I'll avoid naming names. While she's done so much for me, it's not the recognition for that which is what matters. She knows how much she has, I don't need to put a name to it. But, it's that which really helped me get through this long long year. I always had someone to count on, someone to look forward to speaking to each and everyday, someone I could always unload my frustrations of the world on and she wouldn't mind. It was that which was the best for me this year. I've never really had someone I could rely on so clearly and so well. So, it was that feeling, that comfort of knowing I had someone I could very much rely on. So, thanks for that. It's taken such a pressure off of my heart, and my chest and m very soul. Thank you soooo much. I can never thank you enough. Worst: Well, a lot of things really. However, the worst... was all the surgeries my dad has been through of late. First, a Quintuple bypass. His heart was in terrible shape and we only really found out... when he had a heart attack while driving my brother to work. Well, technically... it had happened 2 weeks prior, but he only felt the effects then. As a result, the old codger drove himself to the hospital and got there just fine with my brother calling off for the day to stay with him. However, he's still not really healed properly from it. The hole in his chest keeps getting infected and we don't know really why at this point. Worse, after his surgery at one point he stubbed his toe. Normally... one wouldn't really be so worried. But his immune system was under so much strain and was so weak... it got infected rather quickly. It got so bad they had to amputate his toe to prevent it from spreading elsewhere and it was the only real option at that point. So, needless to say this has really been just... not helping with all the other issues I've been having mentally, socially etc... it's just the giant topper on a pile of shit that was this year for me. Resolutions aren't something I believe in. They are too short term and are meaningless. We are people and we grow over a long period of time. The things people pick for these, are always too overreaching. They are life goals, or at least goals that will take much longer than a year. As a result, they always fail. Instead, I choose to always look forward and just improve myself day to day. However, to not be a party pooper... Let's just say, I want to finish Dream on Another Shore. I want to wrap up that story and move onto something new, maybe something completely different. Perhaps something a bit more actiony, or something not even in Graterras. We'll see. We'll see.
  13. Yea, that's why I thought it just reflected damage 1 for 1 didn't know it added damage on top of that. ((so yea it's more pweorful then I remember.)) I knew it was able to reflect anything.
  14. Wait, it's 1.5 reflected? Hmmm... no wonder people thought it was a bit op. I thought it jsut reflected damage back 1 for 1. I'll save it for later than and just put Mud Slap then. It's a bit more util, but yea XD. I should read better.
  15. I'm going to keep with Metal Burst. And no worries... I won't wreck all the people with it lol. I'm a pretty confident I can make it not op.
  16. The problem is... Metal Burst if the only "attack" it gets that isn't filled entirely by the role of pretty much most of it's other attacks in battle. Like Stomp/Tackle and Headbutt... all might as well be the same move in an RP. They all do exactly the same thing really. Stomp is the only one with slight room to make into being utility but even then it has it's own issues. All Rocks moves are almost exactly the same as well... other than like Head Smash. It just has like 0 versatile attacks. Like they all boil down to "I hit somebody" or "I chuck a shit load of rocks at somebody." Metal Burst is the only thing I have access to that breaks that mold and isn't super broken... so without it... I sorta just have two moves that might as well be one move and that slot might as well be empty. I know it's learned at a pretty late level, but... I mean It's really one of the only options I have that isn't just "Hit something with my head in maybe a slightly different fashion." ((and to that I know stomp could be argued... but... it's super similar to metal claw, just less slashing and more of a downward motion)) Like... I kinda have to have it for this mon to even have something interesting it can do. Since with those moves it's literally just Hit something with my Body very hard, or throw rocks, which is going to get veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery fcking stale to write and read for people. It's basically just going to alternate between those two things. At least with Metal Burst I can actually break the Monotony cycle. I dunno that's why I'm hesitant to just axe Metal Burst... cause like... I don't want two moves that literally just do the same thing almost entirely in the moveset. And with how Aron's body is, Headbutt and Tackle = the same thing, Metal Claw and Stomp might as well be the same thing, and all the rock moves are pretty much the same. I mean if you think it's too good, I'll axe it, but I'm really hesitant to do so since so many of Aron's moves that I can actually reasonably use right now... parallel each other so much it's hard to really make them stand out and really matter. Basically... from a writing standpoint... they are redundant and I want Aron to not be basically... "The Mon that does 2 things a lot." later on I'll definitely be able to branch out a lot more I guess, but right now I kinda feel like I need it for the variety. Just like... straight up for the variety. Because nothing it even learns until then helps that problem. Until I can get Tutor moves... etc... I kinda need Metal Burst strictly off the fact I need more variety in moves.
  17. Don't shot put poor Treble! But in all seriousness... what would I even replace Reversal with? Like... I've got pretty much zero options that make any sense. Since no egg moves of Aron's are STAB other than Head Smash ((which definitely isn't okay XD.)) and Iron Head... which is over 75 and is just better than Metal Claw. I guess Headbutt? ((I didn't actually notice it got that at... like... level 7... wow what the hell that's early for 70 base even if it's not STAB XD>)) Guess I found my answer while asking the question... but... yea that's a thing.
  18. Oh that I can change that, I didn't know it got it when I was writing it up and thought it got Rock Throw which felt like ti's be sorta crappy considering it's bad acc and weaker than both. But Rock Tomb is fine ((and it can have alternate uses probably since the speed lowering thing can be interpreted into pinning etc..)) < Suddenly knows why you got so upset over that XD. I mean I can delay Treble until later if you think I should. Thing is... I'm not really sure what other mon I want to get as Drake's second if I do...
  19. Okay, I don't remember that being the case at all, but alright. THe other issue... is that Aron literally gets nothing else I could put there that isn't too powerful or redundant as all hell.
  20. Anyways, I'll probably be going with this Need to work up a post, but it's not going to be today most likely. I'm trying to relax and what not XD.
  21. Well Merry Christmas Folks. Now... I'm going to get to bed before Rose gets mad at me for saying I was going to then being a butt and not. Basically, I'm a butt head, but I don't want to be a dead butthead so... sleep is in my future. Toodles! Enjoy your holiday whatever it is you celebrate!

    1. TimTim


      Merry Christmas and night Hukuna

    2. Rosesong


      You better go to sleep >:c

  22. We have a thread for this! Here I'll chuck you the link so you can find it more easily. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16750 While there's a lot of suggestions etc in there already I know folks will be willing to help you ifnd more stuff that you like or stuff closer to the anime you tend to go for. So, just write up about your favourites and I know folks will try their best to help you out. Now, I'm going to lock this thread as a result. We just don't need a bunch of individual suggestion thread popping up when we got a big thread to house all of that stuff. Hope you understand where I'm coming from and I really hope you find some cool stuff to watch! On a quick aside, other than Free! which I've not watched, I've enjoyed those other series and I'd definitely at least give them a glance. Watch an episode or 2, you'll know if you like OPM like right away and the others more or less as well. Anyway, enjoy your time here in the Section and please feel free to pm me if you have any questions or need some clarification.
  23. Vixen "You obviously know nothing of this world. You know absolutely nothing if you naive enough to believe that. Do you really think all mediators give people their powers for free? DO YOU??? Have you seen them steal the very soul of the person you thought you know best and turn them into a puppet to destroy, kill and maim anything in their way? Do you really think they have no ability to use the lives of those they give powers as tools of evil? I've seen one of those evil mediators and devoted my life to removing him from this world because he KILLED people. He used mages to kill those that couldn't protect themselves. He ruined their minds, their souls, their very being and sucked it out of them, a mosquito of human emotion. Tell me things like the Black Skull are any better than beasts! TELL ME WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT A MEDIATOR CANNOT KILL PEOPLE!!! TELL ME THEY CANNOT RUIN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE BY DANGLING POWER IN FRONT OF THEM AND THEN FORCING THEM INTO SERVITUDE!!!. Tell me that they were given a choice... tell me they could choose to not kill the people they were meant to protect. Tell me that. You know nothing of this world if that's what you believe. I don't know who you are, but you know nothing of this world if you think Evil Mediators can do good. The Magi they create are nothing but empty shells tortured into husks of humans. Devoid of emotion, devoid of feeling. Tell me that the man I loved was even human anymore after being turned into one of those HUSKS!!! Tell me he didn't kill hundreds... THOUSANDS of men, women, children. Tell me that he remembered my face or even who I was. Tell me that my life didn't happen. Tell me, again that an Evil Mediator can do no harm to the humans they turn into monsters. Those Magi are more evil then the Beasts that roam this world. Because people think they are there to save them... not devour them whole. You tell me I haven't witnessed Magi eat the hearts of innocent humans because they were conditioned that was the only sustenance they could subside on." Anger, sorrow, and... many other emotions flowed out at once. Tears rolled down the woman's face. This idiot child playing hero. Ideals were the ghosts of happiness. Falsehoods that kept us wanting something we could never have. "If I'm so evil, shoot me. Kill me, right now. End my life." The clanking of metal all around as a cascade of guns and bullets hit the ground. She kicked her revolver and rifle away from herself, and they skidded across the ground. Well out of her reach, she'd not be able to reach them easily under threat of fire. "End my life, Watch as that beast tears apart this town and slaughters countless more than it's already has. If I'm more evil then them in your eyes kill me. I'm standing right here. End my life. And then watch the errors of your way. Watch this city burn to the ground. Learn the real world you live in. I've not lived as long as I have by believing the bullshit they tell you. I didn't get that choice. I didn't get to live in your worlds of ideals and fantasies. I got to see the ugliness day one. Magi aren't good people, and you know it. They spend more time murdering each other than actually helping people. Mediators only use them for their own ends. So, if you believe the world is a magical little place where Magi really are heros, that they really save people, and that mediators can do no wrong, End my life." Vixen tossed off her cloak, and she stood there in only a red tanktop. Her upper body, was covered in a horrid burn that ran from her shoulder down onto her back. Even far away, the woman could easily see it. "Kill me, if you can believe the words you've said, if you can tell me the horrors I've seen with my own eyes do not exist... I do not want to live in this world."
  24. Ah, I'm still working on my mon I want I'll try to get it up by tomorrow at the latest. Sorry I'm taking a spell here Dobbs.
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