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Zain Bloodbane

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zain Bloodbane

  1. If you haven't solved it yet, here's the solution. To do it without the help of YouTube or the above spoiler, just write out all the three number combinations that add up to 15 that have unique numbers in them (Example: 9+3+1, 5+7+3, etc.). Then rearrange the equations in a 3x3 grid so that all directions (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) add up to 15. To keep things simple, the middle space is always going to be 5 because its the number with the most unique combinations. For the second grid, just inverse the reflection of the first one (i.e. Top right corner of Grid A becomes bottom left corner of Grid B). Once you have what you want the solution to look like, its all a matter of Rubik's Cube logic, except that you're only solving 2 sides on a 2-D plane. ^_^
  2. I'm actually doing the same as you, but I'm only missing the Wave and Odd Incenses. The Rock Incense can be found in the cave above Beryl Cemetary. Unfortunately I read in another topic that the Odd Incense is found in a room within the locked orphanage up in Lapis Ward, meaning you can only access it during the quest. Really sucks for anyone that's already passed the point of no return for that. :/
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