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About Nan

  • Birthday 03/26/1995

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  • Interests
    Videogames, books, comics (both western and eastern), tv-series, movies, attractive people, dragons, mythology, psychology, drawing

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  1. Am I the only one not-native English speaker who really can't speak English automatically ? I mean I think things first in my native language and then I wonder how I'm going to say it in English. This causes me sometimes a headache tbh.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Etesian


      I've travelled and dealt with travellers a lot, they'll be too busy being happy someone actually understands them to wonder about you accent. Hell, check out that accent thread in the Wasteland, the majority of people os interested in unusual accents, intrigued by them. idk wtf my accent's like yet that's never been a problem for me.

    3. Meruem


      Not sure if this'll work, but this is what I did: eventually, every single thought projected on my mind would purposefully come out in english. I already know my native language well enough, so it wouldn't trouble it at all. And it helped me get used to it really quick :).

    4. FraRPetO


      English is my third language and I get happy when someone understands my unusual accent. :P

  2. If Pokemon has taught me anything.. You can literally get a giant sea serpent with a fishing rod. I wonder do they use 'mons like Caterpie and Wurmple as baits. EDIT: I meant a fishing rod like this.
  3. Hmm.. I have Cacnea and Spoink (+ Snivy) too so I can breed them for you.
  4. I'll move to my first apartment next month and I feel so nervous and stressed. It's an student apartment so I need to only pay the rent (electricity, water and internet belong to the rent) which is good since I don't need to care about other bills. But still I'm feeling really nervous haha.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I am so happy for you, you are finally making that one huge step! Best of luck and feel free to contact me privately should you need advice for anything ;)

    2. Nan


      @Tomas Elliot

      Thanks ! I'll contact you if I need some advice. But thanks anyway. :)

  5. I'm looking for Charmander, Torchic, Froakie, Larvesta or Axew. I can offer Togepi, Snivy, Bulbasaur, some Horseas with ok IVs + Aurora Beam (one of them is shiny), Trapinch, Riolu, Eevee. I don't care about what IVs they have I'll probably breed them later on. If you want IVs on your pokemon it will take a while since I'm really busy with my work + I'm going to move to a different city soon too.
  6. I can't believe that I got to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and I'm on the 8th backup place for Turku University of Applied Sciences. I hope I can get to Turku but Seinäjoki is fine too.

  7. I think Discharge is better than Recover imo.
  8. Amnesty Int. just made a new petition for Finland's government because they ignored it and now there's 33 organisations who also want the current law to change. I think now it's actually going to change or I'm just getting my hopes up.

    1. Nan


      I forgot to mention that Amnesty Int. wants to change Finland's current trans* laws since they break human rights if someone didn't know.

  9. Ahhhhh my FFXIV: Heavensward CE arrived... I fell in love with the art book... the concept art is so pretty and amazing.

  10. Man I really liked this feature. I really hope it comes back.
  11. I started with episode 8 or 9 and I joined the forums in Sep 26th 2013 but I was just lurking here but in 2014 I actually started talking to people haha.
  12. Man I love saunas so much. I feel so.... reborn.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      Forgot to include glasses and the YEAH.

  13. ...I think my Heavensward CE will be shipped on monday because today is Midsummer and post is apparently on holiday too... I just want it already.

  14. I explained Juhannus aka Midsummer festival to my Australian friend: "Yeah we Finns celebrate Midsummer by drinking, drowning and burning things." And I'm not even kidding that's basically every Juhannus expect now since it's raining the whole weekend.. well at least some people don't drown this year.

    1. Rezilia


      Don't bank on it.

    2. Nan
  15. Wow NieR got a sequel. I really need to hunt the first game for PS3 though.... why NieR 1 has to be so rare urgh.

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