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About Kaze

  • Birthday 06/28/1989

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  1. ....wow, I am an IDIOT for not seeing that. Thank you!
  2. Alright, i am lost even though i followed the walkthrough. can't progress in the scrap yard even though i moved all the trains and the only good one is blocked by a boulder. Any help would be appreciated
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 🙂🍰

  6. Kaze

    Need some mons

    thank you my friend
  7. Kaze

    Need some mons

    ok thank you. Also....can feebas have the prism scale....i know i am needy
  8. For my new playthrough, i was going to try and use a couple of water types in Popplio and Feebas, but, i am building my team with shinies because Reborn Shinies are the best. Can someone help me get shiny and female versions of these?
  9. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    thank you my friend
  10. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    Ok then, i am in the waiting room now
  11. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    Well, i don't have a lot of low level pokemon but will a lvl 32 burmy work? No particular level, i will train it to the level i am at right now. My ID is Josh29
  12. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    works for me! Can it also be shiny please? if not, that is cool too
  13. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    That is fine. you just need my game file, correct?
  14. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    I guess that is fine, i don't do much online battling. I heard its evolution was good and since i never used it for any playthrough yet, i wanted to try it. Um, what do you want for it?
  15. Kaze

    Need Scyther

    Well, crap. Thanks anyway
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