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Tomas Elliot

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Tomas Elliot last won the day on May 30 2016

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About Tomas Elliot

  • Birthday 02/24/1991

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  • Alias
    Tomas Elliot
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    University of Bologna
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, JRPG and fighting videogames

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  1. I was actually planning to make a farewell topic, but that would imply that I still care, which I don't. Thus, a status will suffice: farewell Reborn. You have fallen to lows I didm't even think possible.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      Wow, you will be missed, whether you believe it or not

    3. Sapphire


      Reborn fell to lows? I didn't think it was ever above the lows.

    4. Felicity



  2. By the way, I clicked on something by accident, and I found myself faced with some sort of test or poll (I only paid attention to the fact that "Red" was one of the option for the first question). I initially thought that I had entered the "obtainable Pokemon" page, but it obviously wasn't it, and now I cannot find that page again. What the hell did I click? o.O

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Oh wait, it was the "what type are you" quiz. Meh

  3. You know, I find it really annoying when people start being like "OMG YOU'RE SO OVERREACTING" or "LOL THE SALT" or "YOU'RE JUST MAD CUZ YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR WAY". Last time I checked, expressing one's opinion was a constitutional right. One that, in this forum, is used and abused when dealing with matters way more problematic than Pokemon, may I add.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alex



    3. zimvader42


      @Night fighter: few things are as garbage as youtube comments. That's like saying we punch babies in the face, but at least we are disciplined unlike those other people that eat babies instead.

    4. Hiss13


      What? You don't think I think that's overreacting too, Tomas. I am many things. Upbeat to a fault. Stubbornly prideful. But I am also internally consistent.

  4. Inb4 Lillie is a carbon copy of Catherine, personality-wise... And with Se7en on hold, we won't even be able to say, "we did it first" ;-;
  5. So, Psychic/Steel with Clear Body, Ghost/Psychic with Multiscale, and signature moves with built-in Mold Breaker (which, if said moves are STAB, is currently useless). Gen 7 legendaries officially suck?

  6. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-380951360 Allowing Volcarona to set up doesn't seem like a hot idea now, I guess.
    1. Ironbound


      It's always a hot idea. Burning hot.

    2. zimvader42


      I can't believe between a kecleon and a magcargo, none were running rock coverage.

      In magcargo's case it wouldn't have mattered after the quiver dances, but kecleon could have ended that right away.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      IKR. Instead, the guy wasted turn after turn doing nothing, and I set up for free. Although in fairness, he is only to blame for the stubborness, not for the bad sets: those are not his fault, this being random...

  7. DA's links do that, reupload your thing to Imgur before posting it here. We had that problem with literally every artwork for Pokemon Se7en before.

    1. Neo


      MAMA MIA!

    2. Maelstrom


      idek what you are talking about.

  9. When asking for advice, you might want to explicitly state this kind of stuff from the get go. It completely changes my understanding of the situation, you know. So, if she is Death, there are some questions that need answering: does she still do her job as Death, while busy with whatever the plot is about? If so, how does she get the two sides of her life to coexist? If not, why did she leave her job, and what kind of consequences were there because of her doing so? I think answering these questions will put you on the right track: maybe a cool twist might be to put the spotlight on the fact that she genuinely respects the value of life. After all, who can understand the value of something, better than the one in charge of ending it? She knows how much each and every one of us has to live. Thus, she knows the exact worth of each life: this cannot teach her compassion, as that would be against her job description, but it can very well teach her respect. Just an idea: other possible ones include the cold, detatched professional, the conflicted empath, or the perky goth executioner. Recommended read which would help you immensely: Mort by Terry Pratchett.
  10. Well Synthetic Rose does have a point in that a condition is never THAT specific. Instead of being incapable of feeling sad about a loss, the girl should have some kind of issue or condition that blocks off said feeling as a side-effect. Like Elektra of Daredevil fame, who is so hardened by her training she cannot shed a tear even when her dad is murdered in front of her, or Sapphire from Disgaea 3, who is physically unable to cry and beats herself up because of it. Basically, I am suggesting thay you depict this condition as a wide, complex set of causes and effects, and not as a convenient plot device.
  11. A formula is what makes a game franchise recognizable, and keeps the fans coming. Rejuvenating a formula is one thing (it's what we were trying to do with Se7en, before it went the way of the dodo), but getting rid of it entirely? Allow me to answer your question with a question: if they announced that the next Fire Emblem will have a Tron-like futuristic setting with a cyber vampire as protagonist, what would your reaction be?
  12. Thank you all guys! You have no idea how much this means to me
  13. I just wanted to indulge in a little personal thing, I know it's selfish to use the forum this way, but please forgive me. See, in just 2 days a very important national festivity will start. Exactly 70 years ago, on june the first, a referendum was held, calling the people of Italy, who had recently been freed from fascism, to decide on the future of the country. It was the first time everyone aged 18 or older could vote, without distinctions of gender and social class. The next day, on june the second, the results came in: as per popular decision, the king (who had made it possible for Mussolini to seize power to begin with) was ousted, and Italy became a full-fledged republic for the first time in its history. My grandpa, who died today, was among the people who made that fateful day possible. He was exactly my age back then: the retreating nazis and the fascists still loyal to Mussolini were fighting the advancing Allied Forces, who had invaded Sicily and were marching northwards, literally palm by palm, and they had built a fortified line to stop the advance of the Americans literally across my native valley which, given its position in the exact middle of the country, held strategic significance. My grandpa had seen his dad, a notorious socialist, beaten up by the fascists multiple times, so when the news came in, he knew it was time for action: he went up to the mountains and became part of a guerrilla brigade, which helped the Americans break through the nazi lines. This technically makes him a traitor and a diserter, but considering that the people he betrayed were nazis and fascists, and considering that his actions led directly to my country becoming a republic, I am as proud of him as I could be. While it is sad that he died just two days short of the national festivity held to remember and honor him and the thousands like him, I like to think that this celebration is for him. Goodbye grandpa, I can only wish I had a tenth of your courage.
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